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The Raise and Fall of Richard Nixon

Alyssa Wright

Junior Division
Process Paper

This year theme inspired me to look at a topic similar to leader with a dramatic
impact. When choosing my topic for national history day I looked for something that
would keep me interested. First I looked into World War II but that category was too
broad. I could not decide n what part of the war I wanted to do. So I looked into topics
that are very diplomatic and were a debate in history. I came across the topic of Richard
Nixon. It started to interest me when I read that he was the only president to almost be

My history day project plans began by looking into Richard Nixon’s impact on
America. I did so at the county library. After looking into what happened to President
Nixon I read about his family history and where he came from. Then I read about why
he is so infamous. He is thought to be the lead mastermind in the Watergate scandal
break in. and his resignation speech is what I listened to the most. I listed to
many of his speeches to gather information on how the world was taking this shocking
news because there was a lot of debate of weather to keep Nixon the president or not. I
went to the library two times to read about the Vietnam War and Nixon’s effect on it.

  When I was selecting a category it was very easy. I knew going into the project I
wanted to do something with technology. I'm not good at acting so I chose to make a
website. Also I wanted to be able to insert speeches. The best way to do that was a
website. My project involves many speeches. It was easy choosing which type
of entry to make. After I choose I submitted a paper to my teacher telling her what type
of entry I was making.

   This year National History Day theme is Debate and Diplomacy: successes,

failures, and consequences. My project is on the rise and fall of President Nixon. The
debate was if America could trust Nixon as its president. He was involved
in Vietnam War. He pulled troops out of Vietnam and felling between the countries got
stronger. He achieved pulling America out of a war but he lied as America's president.
America's foundation is on life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Another foundation
is faith. Without faith the world would be untrustworthy. Nixon had citizens trusting in
him and he turned his back on the United States. He failed his duties as a president.

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