EMR-Updates: The Newsletter of The

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January 10th – January 16th, 2011

The Newsletter of the

International Coalition for an Electromagnetic Safe Planet


Education! Awareness! Support! Action!

(From denial to acceptance, from ignorance to awareness, from apathy to action, from selfishness to

1. Schools embrace iPads (The New York Times)

2. People power must take on cell phone antennas. (Cyprus Mail)
3. Magda Havas, Taming the Microwave Dragon. (Magda Havas)
4. Declaration of Cynthia Sage. Sage Associates
5. Health Concerns Over ‘Smart’ Electric Meters Gain Traction in Calif. (The
New York Times)
6. Calif. County Criminalizes ‘Smart’ Electric Meters Gain Traction i Calif (The
New York Times)
7. Letter to The San Francisco Chronicle (Sage Associates)
8. Grandmothers Arrested Blocking Smart Meter Warehouse in Rhonert Park
(Stop Smart Meters)
9. Complaint sent to BBC misguided reporting on Tom Watson’s Adjournment
Debate and the response from BBC. (Eileen O’Connor)
10. Glowing Gadgets Fool your Brain and Disrupts Your Circadian rythm. (Dr
11. US Government to Europe: Give This to Your People Or There Will be
"Some Pain". (Dr Mercola)
12. Report on celltower radiation submitted to Secretary, DOT, Dheli.
Prepared By Prof. Girish Kumar, Electrical Engineering Department IIT
13. Is Wi-Fi frying our brains? Fears that cloud of 'electrosmog' could be
harming humans (MailOnline Science and tech)
14. Jumping off the Wireless Bandwagon – WiFi and You (Watershed sentinel)
15. iBurst takes down controversial Fourways tower (Tech Central)
16. Report finds no health threat from PG&E SmartMeter. (San Francisco
17. EMF Remediation interviews with Camilla Rees, MBA. (Electromagnetic
Health.org) Link only
18. Are Wireless Schools Safe for Kids? (Green Street Radio)
19. Cordless Phone EMFs Trigger Heart Rhythm Abnormalities (Dr Mercola)
20. EPSB hears concerns over Wi-Fi (Global News)
21. Council approves controversial WiMAX tower atop church (Mountain View

22. Nasa warns solar flares from 'huge space storm' will cause devastation
(The telegraph)
23. Stock up on older light bulbs (bclocalnews.com)
24. Letter to the Minister of Health
25. NASA Discovers Antimatter-Producing Thunderstorm (The Epoch Times)
26. Wi-Fi issue aside, Internet access is bad for education (The Peterborough
27. Cell tower still a topic of debate (Maple Ridge News)
28. Cell Towers Likely Sources of Radiation, Disease (The Times of India)
29. Is there a relationship between electromagnetic waves and health? 50
Citizens in Kamakura, Japan hold information-exchange meeting
(Kanaloco News)
30. How to Fight a Cell Tower (Una St Clair-Moniz)
31. Your Cell Phone Can Prevent Conception (ButtMakeOver4ElegantWomen)
32. Moratorium Hearing Draws Out Cell Tower Opponents (Times Beacon
33. Smart Meter Alert: Mold Vs. Radiation (Center for School Mold Help)
34. Dr. Carpenter`s Comments on CCST Report
35. Non-Thermal Effects
36. EMF Omega News

1. Schools embrace iPad

The New York times: By WINNIE HU. Published: January 4, 2011

ROSLYN HEIGHTS, N.Y. — As students returned to class this week, some were carrying
brand-new Apple iPads in their backpacks, given not by their parents but by their
schools.A growing number of schools across the nation are embracing the iPad as the
latest tool to teach Kafka in multimedia, history through “Jeopardy”-like games and math
with step-by-step animation of complex problems. As part of a pilot program, Roslyn High
School on Long Island handed out 47 iPads on Dec. 20 to the students and teachers in two
humanities classes. The school district hopes to provide iPads eventually to all 1,100 of its
students. The iPads cost $750 apiece, and they are to be used in class and at home during
the school year to replace textbooks, allow students to correspond with teachers and turn
in papers and homework assignments, and preserve a record of student work in digital

“It allows us to extend the classroom beyond these four walls,” said Larry Reiff, an English
teacher at Roslyn who now posts all his course materials online.

Technological fads have come and gone in schools, and other experiments meant to rev up
the educational experience for children raised on video games and YouTube have had
mixed results. Educators, for instance, are still divided over whether initiatives to give
every student a laptop have made a difference academically. At a time when school
districts are trying to get their budgets approved so they do not have to lay off teachers or
cut programs, spending money on tablet computers may seem like an extravagance. And
some parents and scholars have raised concerns that schools are rushing to invest in them
before their educational value has been proved by research.

“There is very little evidence that kids learn more, faster or better by using these
machines,” said Larry Cuban, a professor emeritus of education at Stanford University,
who believes that the money would be better spent to recruit, train and retain teachers.
“IPads are marvelous tools to engage kids, but then the novelty wears off and you get into
hard-core issues of teaching and learning.”

But school leaders say the iPad is not just a cool new toy but rather a powerful and
versatile tool with a multitude of applications, including thousands with educational uses.

“If there isn’t an app that does something I need, there will be sooner or later,” said Mr.
Reiff, who said he now used an application that includes all of Shakespeare’s plays.

Educators also laud the iPad’s physical attributes, including its large touch screen (about
9.7 inches) and flat design, which allows students to maintain eye contact with their
teachers. And students like its light weight, which offers a relief from the heavy books that
weigh down their backpacks. Roslyn administrators also said their adoption of the iPad, for
which the district paid $56,250 for the initial 75 (32-gigabyte, with case and stylus), was
advancing its effort to go paperless and cut spending. In Millburn, N.J., students at South
Mountain Elementary School have used two iPads purchased by the parent-teacher
organization to play math games, study world maps and read “Winnie the Pooh.” Scott
Wolfe, the principal, said he hoped to secure 20 more iPads next school year to run apps
that, for instance, simulate a piano keyboard on the screen or display constellations based
on a viewer’s location.

“I think this could very well be the biggest thing to hit school technology since the
overhead projector,” Mr. Wolfe said.

The New York City public schools have ordered more than 2,000 iPads, for $1.3 million;
300 went to Kingsbridge International High School in the Bronx, or enough for all 23
teachers and half of the students to use at the same time. More than 200 Chicago public
schools applied for 23 district-financed iPad grants totaling $450,000. The Virginia
Department of Education is overseeing a $150,000 iPad initiative that has replaced history
and Advanced Placement biology textbooks at 11 schools. And six middle schools in four
California cities (San Francisco, Long Beach, Fresno and Riverside) are teaching the first
iPad-only algebra course, developed by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Even kindergartners are
getting their hands on iPads. Pinnacle Peak School in Scottsdale, Ariz., converted an empty
classroom into a lab with 36 iPads — named the iMaginarium — that has become the
centerpiece of the school because, as the principal put it, “of all the devices out there, the
iPad has the most star power with kids.”

But technology advocates like Elliot Soloway, an engineering professor at the University of
Michigan, and Cathie Norris, a technology professor at the University of North Texas,
question whether school officials have become so enamored with iPads that they have
overlooked less costly options, like smartphones that offer similar benefits at a fraction of
the iPad’s base cost of about $500. Indeed, many of the districts are paying for their iPads
through federal and other grants, including money from the federal Race to the
Topcompetitive grant program, which administrators in Durham, N.C., are using to provide
an iPad to every teacher and student at two low-performing schools.

“You can do everything that the iPad can with existing off-the-shelf technology and
hardware for probably $300 to $400 less per device,” Professor Soloway said.

Apple has sold more than 7.5 million iPads since April, the company reported, but it is not
known how many went to schools. The company has been developing a school market for
the iPad by working with textbook publishers on instructional programs and sponsoring
iPad workshops for administrators and teachers. It does not, however, appear to have
marketed the tablet as aggressively to schools as it did its early desktop computers, some
of which were heavily discounted for schools and helped establish a generation of Apple
users. School officials say that Apple has been offering only a standard educational
discount of about 10 percent on the iPad. About 5,400 educational applications are
available specifically for the iPad, of which nearly 1,000 can be downloaded free.

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, which developed the iPad algebra program in California, said it
planned to compare the test scores of students using a textbook in digital and traditional
book formats. The iPad version offers video of the author solving equations, and
individualized assessments and practice problems. Many school officials say they have
been waiting for technology like the iPad.

“It has brought individual technology into the classroom without changing the classroom
atmosphere,” said Alex Curtis, headmaster of the private Morristown-Beard School in New
Jersey, which bought 60 iPads for $36,000 and is considering providing iPads to all
students next fall.

Dr. Curtis recently used a $1.99 application, ColorSplash, which removes or adds color to
pictures, to demonstrate the importance of color in a Caravaggio painting in his seminar
on Baroque art. “Traditionally, so much of art history is slides on a screen,” he said. “When
they were able to manipulate the image themselves, it came alive.”

Daniel Brenner, the Roslyn superintendent, said the iPads would also save money in the
long run by reducing printing and textbook costs; the estimated savings in the two iPad
classes are $7,200 a year.

“It’s not about a cool application,” Dr. Brenner said. “We are talking about changing the
way we do business in the classroom.”


2. People power must take on cell phone antennas

Cyprus mail: By Linda Leblanc. Published on January 9, 2011

OVER five billion people use cell phones today. We are immersed in a sea of
electromagnetic fields (EMFs) generated by electrical and wireless devices in our homes,
offices, schools, cars, restaurants - just about everywhere.

In Pegeia, as elsewhere in Cyprus, more and more cell phone antennas are popping up in
neighbourhoods. Along with this mushrooming of antennas, public reaction is starting to
grow too. The recent furore over the new antennas installed in the occupied north, near
the British Bases in Dhekelia, has missed the point. Aside from flexing its muscles as an
occupying power, Turkey is doing what happens in every community, as industry and
government dismiss concerns about a lack of research on long-term exposure and the
laxity of regulations.

There are dangers over possible health effects of this massive human experiment, without
due care for the precautionary principle, which has been adopted in Europe. This principle
calls for care when there is insufficient scientific evidence to prove public safety. The

example of inadequate regulation of cell phones is not the first time the public has been
subjected to a biological experiment without informed consent.

To understand how “electrosmog” has developed, there is a revealing study, published by

the Canadian Government’s National Research Council last November*. This 26-page,
peer-reviewed scientific report details concerns for public safety and suggests that we
don't know how much exposure people experience and that current regulations are
inadequate. The “gold standards” of scientific research, replication and control groups,
have been conveniently ignored. Background levels of electropollution have increased by
many thousands of times in the last decade, making exposure to long-term, low-level
radiofrequency radiation (RFR) difficult to quantify. Basically, as we’re all immersed in
constant EMF pollution, there is no longer a control group to study!

Moreover, original studies from the 1950s, on which current legislation is based, were
never replicated and industrial/military interests dominated that research. These
standards, incredibly, are based on the “thermal effect”, i.e., RFR’s ability to heat tissue.
This ignores non-thermal effects and long-term exposure from multiple sources. The
current standards for Europe -International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation
Protection or ICNIRP - date back to 1998 and are based on whole-body exposure over very
short durations (minutes) and not on long-term, low-level exposures such as affect people
on a daily basis. These standards do not take into account that children are more
susceptible to damage from cell phone radiation as it penetrates deeper into their skulls
and their brains absorb far more energy than those of an adult.

A new industry has developed over the last few decades that provides protection to
sensitive people who have figured out that electrosmog is a factor in their ill health. An
EMF consultant in the USA told me that he now has a different sort of client - wives of
lawyers. It seems that hushed-up industry settlements are having an effect: lawyers’
families are scrambling to protect themselves from what they now know is a public health
hazard. There are even a few towns in the USA that advertise “wi-fi free” and people are
flocking to live there.

A few months ago in Pegeia, a Residents’ Initiative Group formed to protest the growing
number of antennas. There is disquiet amongst Cypriots who report an increase in
headaches and what appears to be a high number of cancer cases, especially among
children. These are typical symptoms of EMF radiation, although it is too early yet to be
certain of the cause of the illnesses.

A decade ago there were only a handful of studies that reported low-intensity biological
effects. Currently, there are about 60 papers showing such effects from exposures at
levels below existing guidelines. A 2004 Israeli study indicates an association between
increased incidence of cancer and living in proximity to a cell phone base station (within a
350 metre half circle of the antennas). The Canadian NRC report states: “The measured
level of RFR, between 0.3 to 0.5 ?W/cm2,was far below the thermal guidelines.” The Full
Signal**, a 2010 DVD documentary, details this Israeli study and covers related issues in
interviews with scientists in several countries.

As a Pegeia Councillor, I am anxious to see this situation handled properly. Pegeia Council
agreed to investigate the residents’ complaints, presented at a Council meeting in October
2010. Research revealed that town planning and building permits are required for
antennas. In Pegeia, seven of eight installed antennas are without building permits and

several lack planning permission. Pegeia Council hired two consultants to measure EMF
emissions in 10 locations in Pegeia, one from a private company and one from the
University of Cyprus. A public meeting was held in December to present their findings.
Predictably, all measurements were well within the current limits of the existing
dangerously outdated legislation, often tens of thousands times below the standards.
Several times during the meeting, the Mayor called for quiet from the audience, many of
whom clearly were not satisfied with the lectures, which included slick Powerpoint
presentations from the two representatives who carried out the measurements and from a
Ministry of Communications official. In contrast to what was presented at the Pegeia
meeting, the Canadian National Research Council report suggests that, “as a general
guideline, cell base stations should not be located less than about 500 metres from the
population and at a height of about 50 metres.”

In Pegeia some antennas are at ground level in residential areas. More unsettling is that
weeks have passed since the public meeting and no action about removing illegal antennas
has been taken, despite declarations by the Mayor that he would be first to act if antennas
were illegal. When I spoke of this to the Mayor or Municipal Engineer, the replies are the
usual, “Ma, ti na kanoume?” (“What can we do?”), accompanied by the characteristic shrug
of the shoulders. They also say that they are under pressure from Nicosia to grant the
building permits. Let’s hope that the grassroots revolt in Pegeia continues to gain strength.
Inspired by the parents of Pegeia concerned for the health of their children, they have so
far collected over 400 signatures calling for the removal of illegal antennas and demanding
that cell phone bases not be placed in residential areas.

I believe that probably the only way that the issue will be resolved is through grassroots
activists calling for improvement in legislation. There are important gaps in RFR research
and there is a need to create safer infrastructure and better antenna tower siting. It is
possible to develop safer technology which reduces RFR exposure but this will cost money.
Industry is about private profit and global financial interests have their own agendas. As
we start the year 2011, I’m hoping, yet again, that maybe this is the year of people power
– not just on this issue but on many fronts waiting to be tackled at the level of vested
public interest vs vested private interest. It is way past time to wake up!

Linda Leblanc is a Councillor for Pegeia Municipal Council for the Coalition of Independents
and Cyprus Green Party

* “Biological effects from exposure to electromagnetic radiation emitted by cell tower base stations and other antenna arrays”, by B.
Blake Levitt and Henry Lai 5 November 2010 (published by the National Research Council of Canada Research Press, the foremost
scientific publisher in Canada)


3. Taming the Microwave Dragon. December 26, 2010.

By Magda Havas

As a scientist, who has been studying the biological and health effects of environmental
contaminants since 1975, I am deeply disturbed with what I read in the scientific literature
and what my own studies are showing about the harmful effects of electrosmog-a form of
electromagnetic pollution generated by both wired and wireless devices. My concern is for
the health of future generations and for the quality of life of the current generation. My
passion is to help those who have become ill and to protect those who are still healthy.

This is a monumental task that relies on many like-minded, committed, truth-seeking
individuals who are not willing to accept lies and are not willing to be victims of bullying
tactics no matter who perpetrates them.

Do I believe that world governments are trying to destroy the human race? No. I think
people in positions of authority are simply ignorant of the facts or are aware of the facts
but have no idea what to do about them orhave been advised to do nothing for fear of
legal repercussions. They are-at the very least-fools or cowards and-at the worst-
criminals perpetrating crimes against humanity.

One fact is that microwave radiation is killing people! In the long run-if we don’t
change our ways-microwave radiation is likely to kill many more people than both
cigarettes and asbestos combined. Is this fear-mongering or is it the truth? Time will tell.

We have evolved into a culture that worships money. We have industrial giants who do
not care about the health and well-being of their customers or their workers and care only
about making profit quickly. These industries are profit-junkies that give no thought to
their destructive tendencies.

Scientists who speak out about the harmful effects of electrosmog are ridiculed and
attempts are made to discredit them by self-appointed skeptics who are NOT experts in
the field. Industry meddling causes some scientists to lose their research funding or their

Industry scientists infiltrate health organizations and ensure that decisions are made to
protect the health and profit of their industry.

Physicists and engineers are making pronouncements about the safety of microwave
technology as though they were medical doctors or experts in life sciences.

Teachers who speak out about having WiFi in schools are reprimanded and ostracized.
Those on limited-term appointments find their teaching contracts are not renewed.

School boards threaten to expel students and to fine parents who want to protect their
children against microwave radiation in the classroom. Is this anyway for a school board
to act?

People who are sick have few places to turn. They need to figure out how to regain
their health. Ill informed doctors recommend psychiatric treatment and ply their patients
with painkillers, antidepressants, sleeping pills and anti-anxiety medication rather than
getting to the route of their problems, which is often related to some source of
electrosmog exposure at home or at work.

Trial lawyers seldom have a background in science and their attempts to understand
complexities that only a few scientists understand is challenging. Industries hire the best
lawyers money can buy who become experts in certain areas. They often out number and
out wit the single lawyer and the law student who are trying to help someone living near a
cell tower or near a power line, someone who can no longer work and cannot afford to pay
legal fees.

Corporate lawyers are concerned about the long-term financial health of their
corporations and may advise against producing products that generate lower emissions for
fear of legal action against the earlier higher emitting devices.

Journalists are trained to give balanced reporting. They seldom have the time to
investigate a story in detail and what appears on TV or in newspapers are sound bites that
pit experts against each other claiming opposite effects and leaving the public baffled.

Investigative journalists who begin to understand the scale of what is happening may
be moved to a different assignment if they become too passionate about uncovering the
truth especially if the wireless industry is paying for advertising.

Workers who become concerned about their exposure in the work place find their union
bosses are more interested in their own careers and keeping well in with management.
These union bosses won’t rock the boat. If monitoring of the workplace is permitted, a
“specially selected” industry expert is hired to support the company line.

So who is left? Who will speak out and do the right thing? Where are the heroes and
heroines to tame the microwave dragon threatening the global village?

Whether you use wireless technology or not; whether you protest or not; whether you care
or not . . . you are being exposed to radio frequency radiation and your exposure levels
are increasing. You can move to the country and live with like-minded souls but antennas
and smart meters are likely to follow you.

Whether you become ill or not will depend on many things but once you become ill your
quality of life will deteriorate and, if you live with others, their quality of life will be
adversely affected as well.

Leaving the sanctuary of your home, if indeed you can make your home into a sanctuary,
will be painful. Shopping, dining at restaurants, vacationing with family and friends will
become a distant memory. No matter how much you enjoyed using your smart phone and
your ipad, no matter how much you enjoyed surfing on the web, and no matter how much
you enjoyed communicating with friends on facebook or skype these will no longer be
possible . . . the pain, the confusion, the fatigue, the skin rashes, the dizziness and
nausea, the ringing in the ears will become unbearable. You will find yourself in self-
imposed exile with an ever-diminishing connection to the world.

Is the above a fairy tale? Not at all!

I know of politicians who are asking that warnings be placed on cell phones and that a
moratorium be placed on deployment of smart meters until we learn more about the
safety of this technology. They do this despite strong political pressure and industry

I know of scientists who have lost their funding and their jobs. Many of them continue to
do excellent work despite the threats and penalties.

I know of teachers who have been told not to publically oppose school policy about WiFi.
Many continue their fight to remove WiFi from schools and some continue to speak out in
public ignoring the threats.

I know of principals who have removed WiFi or won’t allow it in their school because their
top priority is the health and safety of their students and staff.

I know of parents whose concerns for their child’s safety have been ignored. So they are
now organizing other like-minded parents to make certain that their concerns are heard.

I know of many, many people who are sick because of their exposure to electrosmog,
who feel better when they are not exposed and are trying to design safer sanctuaries for
themselves at home and at work. Many of those who are beginning to recover are
devoting time and using their experience to helping others.

I know of doctors who are successfully treating their electrically sensitive patients.
Instead of prescribing pharmaceuticals, they advise their patients on how to reduce their
exposure and build up the immune system and detoxify their bodies. Some keep a low
profile because neither the medical association nor big Pharma support non-
pharmaceutical interventions that interfere with profit. A few of these doctors are
beginning to speak out publicly.

I know of a few exceptional lawyers who are now specializing in this field and are
dedicated to helping the under privileged.

I know of a growing number of journalists who are doing excellent reporting on issues
dealing with compact fluorescent light bulbs, WiFi, mobile phones, smart meters, ground
current, antennas and power lines.

I know of union representatives who, despite a tough management, are responding to
concerns about electrosmog exposure in the workplace.

I know of firefighters, brave men and women who rush into burning buildings to save
strangers, who voted to prevent antennas on fire halls until they are shown to be safe.

The tide is turning but it will take time before we have changes in policy and
manufacturing guidelines . . . in the meantime individuals can make changes in their own
environment. They can reduce their exposure before they become ill and they can learn
and share information with others.

The microwave dragon will be tamed and the village will become safe once more or, at
least, safer than it is right now. How quickly that will happen depends on the heroes and
heroines, on those who place health and the quality of life above profit and greed.

If we are lucky, captains of industry, government scientists and policy makers, as well as
the engineers who design these devices will recognize that optimizing profit and health
(of the workforce, of the public and of the environment) makes more sense than
maximize profit alone.

When that day comes we will have earned the name Homo sapiens sapiens.

Note this is about “taming” not “slaying” the microwave dragon. Microwave technology can be used wisely and the sooner we use it
wisely the less it will damage the global village.
Click here for a pdf of the above essay and click here if you want to watch a youtube video of an abbreviated
version of the above text.


4. Declaration of Cynthia Sage, Sage Associates

January 4, 2011

My name is Cynthia Sage. I am the owner of Sage Associates, an

environmental consulting firm. My business address is 1396 Danielson
Road, Montecito, California, 93108. I am providing a declaration in
support of A.10-04-018.

I have been a professional environmental consultant since 1972. I

hold an M.A. degree in Geology, and a B.A. in Biology (Zoology) from
the University of California, Santa Barbara. I am a Senior Fellow,
Department of Oncology, School of Health and Medical Sciences, Orebro
University, Orebro, Sweden (2008-2011).

I served as a member of the California Public Utilities Commission EMF

Consensus Group (1990-1991), the Keystone Center Dialogue for
Transmission Line Siting (a national group developing EMF Policy
1991-1992), and of the International Electric Transmission Perception
Project. Between 1977 and 1981, I served as a member of the
California Board of Registration for Professional Engineers
(Department of Consumer Affairs). I am a full member of the
Bioelectromagnetics Society. I am the co-editor of the BioInitiative
Report, and a founding member of the BioInitiative Working Group, an
international scientific and public health research collaboration. I
was a Lecturer in the Environmental Studies Program, University of
California, Santa Barbara and a founding member of that program, and
developed and taught classes in environmental impact assessment from
1972 – 1981. My publications are attached.

My professional involvement in this area includes constraint analysis,

environmental planning, and impact assessment on EMF and
radiofrequency radiation siting issues for more than 30 years. My
company has provided professional consulting services to city and
county planners, private developers, state and federal agencies and
schools with respect to measurement and assessment of EMF as a part of
land planning and environmental constraints analysis since 1972. I
have been an expert witness who testifies on EMF computer modeling,
impacts on people and property, EMF policy, public perception, visual
impairment and land use issues, and have qualified both in state and
in federal court proceedings as an expert witness in this area.

1. Sage Associates has prepared the Assessment of Radiofrequency

Microwave Radiation Emissions from Smart Meters to document
radiofrequency radiation (RF) levels associated with wireless smart
meters in various scenarios depicting common ways in which they are
installed and operated.

2. The Report includes computer modeling of the range of possible

smart meter RF levels that are occurring in the typical installation
and operation of a single smart meter, and also multiple meters in

3. FCC compliance violations are likely to occur under normal

conditions of installation and operation of smart meters and collector
meters in California, because the public has access to smart meters
installed on their homes.

4. In addition to exceeding FCC public safety limits under some

conditions of installation and operation, smart meters can produce
excessively elevated RF exposures, depending on where they are
installed. RF levels are predicted to be substantially elevated
within a few feet to within a few tens of feet from the meter(s).

5. RF levels associated with smart meters under some conditions of
installation and operation will produce RF power density levels that
exceed those reported in some scientific studies to result in adverse
health impacts, including headache, sleep disruption, restlessness,
tremor, cognitive impairment, tinnitus, increased cancer risk, and
cardiac problems at distances less than 500 meters from cell antennas,
or at levels over 0.1 microwatts per centimeter squared.

6. Consumers may also have already increased their exposures to

radiofrequency radiation in the home through the voluntary use of
wireless devices (cell and cordless phones), PDAs like BlackBerry and
iPhones, wireless routers for wireless internet access, wireless home
security systems, wireless baby surveillance (baby monitors), and
other emerging wireless applications.

7. People who are afforded special protection under the federal

Americans with Disabilities Act are not sufficiently acknowledged nor
protected. People who have medical and/or metal implants or other
conditions rendering them vulnerable to health risks at lower levels
than FCC RF limits may be particularly at risk.

8. Neither the FCC, the CPUC, the utility nor the consumer know what
portion of the allowable public safety limit is already being used up
or pre-empted by RF from other sources already present in the
particular location a smart meter may be installed and operated.

9. Consumers, for whatever personal reason, choice or necessity who

have already eliminated all possible wireless exposures from their
property and lives, may now face excessively high RF exposures in
their homes from smart meters on a 24-hour basis. This may force
limitations on use of their otherwise occupied space, depending on how
the meter is located, building materials in the structure, and how it
is furnished.

10. In summary, no positive assertion of safety can be made by the

FCC, nor relied upon by the CPUC, with respect to pulsed RF when
exposures are chronic and occur in the general population. 3.5.6
Indiscriminate exposure to environmentally ubiquitous pulsed RF from
the rollout of millions of new RF sources (smart meters) will mean far
greater general population exposures, and potential health
consequences. Uncertainties about the existing RF environment (how
much RF exposure already exists), what kind of interior reflective
environments exist (reflection factor), how interior space is utilized
near walls), and other characteristics of residents (age, medical
condition, medical implants, relative health, reliance on critical
care equipment that may be subject to electronic interference, etc)
and unrestrained access to areas of property where meter is located
all argue for caution.

1. Khurana VG Hardell L Everaert J Bortkiewicz A Carlberg M Ahonen M,
2010. Epidemiological Evidence for a Health Risk from Mobile Phone
Base Stations. Int Journal of Occupational Environmental Health

2. Kundi M Hutter HP Mobile phone base stations—Effects on

wellbeing and health. Pathophysiology 16 (2009) 123–135

3. Sage C. Carpenter DO. 2009. Public Health Implications of Wireless

Technologies. Pathophysiology 16 (2009) 233–246

4. Hardell L Sage C. Biological effect from electromagnetic field

exposure and public exposure standards. Biomedicine Pharmacotherapy
2008;62:104-109. doi:10.1016/j.bipha.2007.12.004.

5. BioInitiative Working Group, Cindy Sage and David O. Carpenter,

Editors. BioInitiative Report: A Rationale for a Biologically-based
Public Exposure Standard for Electromagnetic Fields (ELF and RF) at
www.bioinitiative.org, August 31, 2007.

6. Carpenter DO Sage CL. 2008. Setting Prudent Public Health Policy

for Electromagnetic Field Exposures. Reviews on Environmental Health
23(2) 91-117.

Under penalty of perjury, I declare that the facts set forth above are
true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
Dated January 4, 2011, at Santa Barbara, California.
Cynthia Sage



5. Health Concerns Over 'Smart' Electric Meters Gain

Traction in Calif
The New York times: By DEBRA KAHN. Published: January 10, 2011

The newest opposition to "smart" electric meters is gaining traction -- even if its validity is

Amid claims of malfunctioning meters, privacy issues and dubious economic value, health
issues stemming from electromagnetic waves are the latest objection that smart meter
opponents have seized upon to block California's multibillion-dollar rollout.

Northern California residents and lawmakers have been sounding the alarm for the past
year, saying that the meters, when layered on top of microwaves, cell phones, wireless
routers and other emitters, are the final straw.

Things came to a head last week when the Marin County Board of Supervisors passed an
ordinance (pdf) that deems the installation of smart meters a misdemeanor in some
areas of the county (Greenwire, Jan. 5).

"What we're trying to say is, it's not just endangered species we need to watch out for,"
said Katharina Sandizell, a co-director of the nonprofit West Marin Community Coalition for
Public Health who was arrested last month for blocking smart meter installers' trucks.
"Humans are also the canaries in the closet."

Sandizell believes that her two children could suffer developmental problems, brain tumors
or other disorders as a result of electromagnetic radiation.

State Rep. Jared Huffman (D), who represents Marin, introduced a bill last month that
would require the California Public Utilities Commission to suspend smart meter installation
until there is a provision to allow residents to opt out of the program with a wired meter.
He has also requested a report on the potential health effects of smart meters from the
state Council on Science and Technology, an advisory group established by the state
Legislature, that is due out this month.

"This bill is about giving consumers reasonable choices," Huffman said. "Whether or not
you believe RF [radio frequency] exposures from smart meters are harmful, it's only fair
that consumers who are concerned about health effects be given complete technical
information and the choice of another technology for devices that are installed at their

But are they actually dangerous? A study released last week by environmental consulting
firm Sage Associates contends that they are. The report claims violations of federal
emissions standards at a variety of distances from the meters and argues that the devices
are more dangerous when grouped together and when coupled with other wireless

"Indiscriminate exposure to environmentally ubiquitous pulsed RF from the rollout of

millions of new RF sources (smart meters) will mean far greater general population
exposures, and potential health consequences," the study says.

The Federal Communications Commission has classified the meters as devices that will be
used more than 20 centimeters away from the body and thus can meet an emissions
standard that is averaged over time, taking into account the maximum emissions during
each transmission. Determining the specific absorption rate (SAR) by the body is not
necessary, as it is for cell phones, FCC says.

Additionally, the dangers of several smart meters clustered together is a nonissue because
they all use the same transmitter. "The general issue of cumulative exposure from an
arbitrary group of transmitter installations or from all transmitters distributed in the
environment can appear to be complex, but as discussed, the need for orderly
communications requires that a few sources normally dominate," Julius Knapp, FCC's head
of engineering and technology, wrote in an August 2010 letter to Sage.

Utility Consumers' Action Network, a watchdog group in San Diego, cites a November 2010
study by the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention that found no dangers
associated with smart meters. "Smart meters appear to be similar to having a wireless
router on the side of a house that operates only 10 percent of the time," UCAN says.

The World Health Organization is concerned about cell phones, but not smart meters. "It
sort of sounds, I wouldn't say specious, but far-fetched, really," said Daniel Epstein,
spokesman for the WHO's Americas region. "If the U.S. or some other country wanted help

with that, we'd provide some expertise, but this is not really an issue on our radar at all,
with all the major public health problems that we have."

A review of the literature on cell phone use is due out sometime this year, he said, and a
2007 WHO review found that low-frequency electromagnetic fields in general are not
associated with cancer, depression, suicide, cardiovascular disorders, reproductive
dysfunction, developmental disorders, immunological modifications, neurobehavioral
effects or neurodegenerative disease. In the case of childhood leukemia, which has been
found to have a positive association with low-frequency fields, WHO did not find a causal

The CPUC itself has been reluctant to enter the debate, but its consumer watchdog arm,
the Division of Ratepayer Advocates, has been an avid observer. The sheer amount of
concern compels the agency to act, said Joe Como, DRA's acting director and general

"We're not saying there is a health-related problem from exposure to smart meters, but
we're saying there is enough public concern and enough studies out there that indicate
there may be a health threat in terms of EMF exposure generally that the commission
needs to take it seriously and be aboveboard -- having the right kind of experts addressing
the problem, making reports available -- so there's an open dialogue about what should be
done," Como said.

But Sandizell said she did not have much faith in the CPUC.

"The CPUC is neutered, really; it's regulated by [Pacific Gas & Electric Co.], so if you're
saying CPUC has jurisdiction, it's like saying PG&E is the law," she said. Her group is
planning on sending a letter airing its concerns to Gov. Jerry Brown (D).

Copyright 2011 E&E Publishing. All Rights Reserved.

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6. Calif. County Criminalizes Smart-Meter Installations

The New York Times: By Debra Kahn. Published: January 5, 2011

Citing alleged health effects from electromagnetic waves, a county in the North San
Francisco Bay Area has criminalized the installation of "smart" electric meters.
The Marin County Board of Supervisors unanimously passed anordinance (pdf) yesterday
that deems the installation of smart meters a public nuisance in some areas.

The law applies to unincorporated Marin, home to about 70,000 of the county's 260,000
residents. In addition to electromagnetic health risks, the board cited concerns about
meters being used to collect information about residents' activities, impacts on aesthetics
and potential damage to amateur radio networks.

The board has asked the California Public Utilities Commission before to declare a
moratorium on the meters, following the lead of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors.

A spokesman for Pacific Gas & Electric Co., which dismissed an executive last November
after he admitted to monitoring smart-meter opponents online, said the company planed
to continue smart-meter installation despite the ordinance (Greenwire, Nov. 11, 2010).

PG&E's meter installation is being done by a contractor, Wellington Energy, and is

supposed to be finished by the end of next year to comply with a state mandate. The
towns of Fairfax and Watsonville, as well as Santa Cruz County, have also passed laws
against the meters.

"We continue to be committed to engaging fully with our customers as well as in

communities where smart meters are being installed or are about to be installed," utility
spokesman Jeff Smith said. "Ultimately, continuing the program will allow all our
customers to enjoy the benefits of them."

Among the benefits, Smith said, are faster power-outage detection, daily and hourly
summaries of energy use for residents and alerts when a home is about to use enough
energy to enter into a higher pricing tier.

Katharina Sandizell, a mother of two who was arrested last week for blocking Wellington
trucks on a public road in Inverness Park, noted that San Francisco passed a law last year
requiring cell phone retailers to post information on the radiation produced by each type of
phone. Smart meters emit more radiation than phones, she said.
"With cell phones, you can choose not to have them, or to turn it off when you're not using
it or you can use a headset," she said. "With the smart meter, it's just constantly on and
you can't turn it off."
Copyright 2011 E&E Publishing. All Rights Reserved.


7. Letter to The San Francisco Chronicle

This was submitted to David Baker at the San Francisco Chronicle tonight.

"The conclusions are indistinguishable from the industry mantra that says
proof beyond any doubt is required about wireless health risks before taking

It is reckless to require 'clear evidence' of harm as a precondition for taking

reasonable actions for prevention. Installing millions of RF transmitters in peoples' homes
when we already have substantial scientific evidence about the risks of chronic, low-level
RF is a risk not worth taking. Especially without any discussion, or disclosure to the public
about trade-offs made without their knowledge or consent.

What CCST should have done was to advise the Legislature to press industry and the CPUC
for very detailed computer modeling to prove RF levels comply (or do not comply)
with FCC standards in the manner they are being installed and operated. And to look at
what low-level RF exposures might pose as a health risk, given the millions of people who
care deeply about this because 'they are the experiment'.

It is better for the CPUC and government agencies to make mid-course corrections
now, than to go forward with inadequate information.

Our report identified possible FCC violations in the manner that many meters
are installed and operated. CCST had no new data from industry or any
other independent expert groups to evaluate, so why issue an "all-clear"?

Comparing wireless meters to other wireless devices that are voluntary, and which many
people choose not to use is not a fair comparison to government-mandated meters that
expose people in their homes 24 hours a day. Particularly when these devices are already
reported to double the risk of malignant brain cancers in half the time it takes for low-dose
ionizing radiation to do so in humans.

The costs for having guessed wrong is likely to have enormous economic and
public health consequences for Californians for decades to come."

Cindy Sage, MA
Sage Associates
Co-Editor, BioInitiative Report
Research Fellow, Department of Oncology, Orebro University Hospital, Sweden
(805) 969-0557


8. Grandmothers Arrested Blocking Smart Meter Warehouse

in Rohnert Park
Stop Smart Meters



"This Time it's Grandmothers Who Don't Want Their Grandchildren Exposed to Constant
RF from Smart Meters"

This morning in Rohnert Park, Wellington Energy, PG&E's subcontractor who installs
Smart Meters all over the Bay Area, was blocked from leaving their deployment yard by
about two dozen angry grandmothers, dads, and just ordinary citizens who are outraged
by PG&E's stonewalling their legitimate health and safety concerns about Smart Meter RF.

The Rohnert Park police arrested Deborah Tavares of Sebastopol and Ilona Gallo of
Novato around 8am this morning for blocking the trucks carrying the Smart Meters ready
for forced deployment.

"People are becoming increasingly angry about their civil liberties being rolled over as the
CPUC and PG&E continue to stonewall people's concerns and requests for a Moratorium.
Not only is the CPUC clearly a neutered reglulatory agency, but it is actually enabling
PG&E to treat it's customers with chronic disdain. They recently advertised that disdain by
arrogantly declaring that they will 'ignore' Marin County's Smart Meter Ordinance." said
Katharina Sandizell, one of the mothers arrested December 29th in West Marin.

"I am a grandmother of four grandchildren and the mother of two children and I am
seeing the radiation effects already, headaches and tinnitus as well as children's

behavioral problems. Of great concern is also the loss of privacy and civil liberties that this
rollout signifies. I am a native born Californian and I have been married for 39 years and I
have never been arrested. I became horrified by this whole Smart Meter roll-out a number
of months ago in terms of the loss of freedom and the radiation that it entails." said
Deborah Tavares of Sebastopol.

24 independent local governments have demanded a halt to the Smart Meter program.
Marin County (unincorporated areas), Santa Cruz County (unincorporated areas),
Watsonville, and Fairfax have all passed one year Emergency Ordinances banning the

Joshua Hart
Director, Stop Smart Meters!


9. Complaint sent to BBC misguided reporting on Tom

Watson’s Adjournment Debate, sent to BBC 8th January,
I am lost for words after viewing evidence provided by Powerwatch UK demonstrating the
BBC’s bias reporting and blatant disregard for Tom Watson’s Adjournment Debate on
mobile phones and health in the House of Commons on 20thDecember, 2010. I am
calling for the BBC to apologise to the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Health
Anne Milton, MPs Tom Watson, Bill Esterson and the public they represent. Download full
report here: http://www.powerwatch.org.uk/news/20110107-bbc-complaint-parliament-

MPs Tom Watson, Bill Esterson and The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Health
(Anne Milton) would not have been aware of the misguided comments displayed on the
monitor which did not reflect the debate.

I am a member of Labour MP Bill Esterson’s constituency. He kindly represented serious

concerns with regards to compelling evidence in connection to the dangers of
electromagnetic radiation from mobile phone handsets and phone masts. He also raised
valid and serious concerns about children after reviewing evidence provided by the EM
Radiation Research Trust.
I question the BBC’s vested interests and misuse of licence/tax payer’s money to lobby
Government while using underhanded reporting to undermine a very serious health debate
on mobile phones and phone masts.
The BBC did not reflect on the debate or promote official advice from the Department of
Health leaflet which clearly states that children and young people under 16 should be
discouraged for non-essential calls. In the light of this recommendation the UK Chief
Medical Officers strongly advise that where children and young people do use mobile
phones, they should be encouraged to use mobile phones for essential purposes only keep
all calls short - talking for long periods prolongs exposure and should be discouraged. The
UK CMOs recommend that if parents want to avoid their children being subject to any
possible risk that might be identified in the future, the way to do so is to exercise their
choice not to let their children use mobile phones.
The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Health Anne Milton responded to concerns
raised by Tom Watson and Bill Esterson , she said “I am aware of the ability of large and
powerful vested interests to lobby, often very successfully”. There are, without doubt, eye-
wateringly large amounts of money at stake in the mobile communications industry. I
assure the hon. Gentleman that I am old enough and cynical enough to apply at all times
an appropriate level of scrutiny and cynicism to all information that comes my way-always
seeking to find out whence it came and who paid for it”. I will be drawing the BBC’s
reporting of this debate to Ann Minton’s attention and encourage her to review the BBC’s
privileged position with regards to reporting on Parliamentary proceedings while trying to
influence the democratic process with misguided information.

I call on the BBC to alert MPs and the general public and especially our children to the
precautionary advice from the Department of Health in order to help protect future
generations from what could turn out to be another public health disaster. I highly
recommend the BBC review the evidence from independent scientists and public health
officials/advocates. Please read the report “Cell phones and Brain Tumours: 15 Reasons
for Concern”.http://www.radiationresearch.org/pdfs/15reasons.asp

I am the Director for the UK EM Radiation Research Trust charity. I will be drawing this
serious disregard and misuse of broadcasting to the attention of fellow Radiation Research
Trust trustees Joe Benton, Labour MP and Dr Caroline Lucas, Green Party MP. Trustee
members of the European Parliament are Liz Lynne, Lib Democrat MEP, and Jill Evans,
Plaid Cymru Member for the European Parliament for Wales. Other members are Devon
based Scots Lawyer and environmentalist, Michael Bell, Graham Philips, Powerwatch UK,
Dr Ian Gibson, doctorate in biochemistry and previous member of Parliament and
Chairman Brian Stein, Chief Executive Samworth Brothers Ltd.

Yours faithfully,

Eileen O’Connor
EM Radiation Research Trust


Dear Mrs O’Connor

Ref no: CAS-526467
Thanks for your e-mail.

I have forwarded your concerns to the Deputy Editor for BBC Parliament, Daniel Brittain-
Catlin. He has accordingly asked me to relay the following response to you:

“Many thanks for your note. I have taken the opportunity to look at the information
captions we used for the adjournment debate on mobile phones. We had a number of
captions which relayed the findings of official bodies and research institutions and these

are straightforwardly factual and I am happy with their use by the BBC. Such captions are
supplementary to the debates and it is standard practice to provide this supporting
information to viewers.

As you are well aware, concerns about the use of mobile phones by the under 16s formed
a constant theme throughout the debate. Indeed your own constituency MP Bill Esterton's
intervention was on this very point, and he made reference to you. Tom Watson raised
concerns about his own children using mobile phones. Any viewer to BBC Parliament would
not have failed to appreciate that concerns about the under 16s formed a very substantial
part of the debate. Nevertheless, I think it was regrettable that we did not have a caption
on the official guidance from the Department of Health on the use of mobile phones by
under 16 year olds for inessential calls. This would certainly have been relevant to the
debate and it would have been good to have included this line. I have drawn this to the
attention of the researcher concerned. Although this was an omission, I am though
satisfied that any viewer would have grasped the relevance of this subject.

I hope you will feel that I have answered your comments.”

I hope this allays your concerns, thanks again for taking the time to contact us.


Liam Boyle
Complaints Advisor for News and Current Affairs
BBC Audience Services


10. Glowing Gadgets Fool your Brain and Disrupts Your

Circadian rhythm

The "Sleep Mistake" Which Boosts Your Risk of Cancer

Posted By Dr. Mercola | January 10 2011 | 181,310 views

There's growing concern among experts that the proliferation of glowing gadgets like
computers may fool your brain into thinking that it's still daytime after the sun has gone
down. Exposure during the night can disturb sleep patterns and exacerbate insomnia.

Such concerns are not new -- Thomas Edison may have created these problems when he
invented the light bulb. But the problem has grown worse thanks to the popularity of
Apple's new slate computer, the iPad.

Many consumers use an iPad to read at night, and unlike paper books or e-book readers
like the Amazon Kindle, which does not emit its own light, the iPad's screen shines light
directly into your eyes from a relatively close distance.

According to CNN:
"That makes the iPad and laptops more likely to disrupt sleep patterns than, say, a
television sitting across the bedroom or a lamp that illuminates a paper book, both of
which shoot far less light straight into the eye, researchers said."
Sources: CNN May 13, 2010

Dr. Mercolas Comments:

Everything in nature has a rhythm, and that includes your body. The ebb and flow of the
ocean's tide, the rising and setting of the sun, and the transition from one season to
another all happen with comforting regularity. Your body, too, strives to keep its 24-hour
cycle, or circadian rhythm, steady and even.

This is why most of us naturally feel like waking when the sun comes up, and sleeping
when it's dark.

Researchers have also shown how your circadian rhythm is involved in everything from
sleep, to weight gain, mood disorders, and a variety of diseases.

Unfortunately, modern life throws multiple wrenches into the works, as it were, mainly by
artificially extending 'daytime.'

Glowing Gadgets Fool Your Brain and Disrupts Your Circadian Rhythm
The advent of the light bulb may have been bad enough, but today there are any number
of glowing gadgets tricking your brain into thinking it's still day time, well past sundown.

This extended exposure to artificial light can disrupt your sleep cycle and make minor
insomnia worse.

Why is that so?

Because when light receptors in your eyes are triggered, they signal your brain to 'stay
awake.' To do that, your brain stops secreting melatonin, which is both a hormone and a
potent antioxidant against cancer.

Normally, your brain starts secreting melatonin around 9 or 10 pm, which makes you
sleepy. These regularly occurring secretions thus help regulate your sleep cycle. However,
if you regularly trick your brain into altering this cycle, sleep disturbances are not far
behind. It can even create a state of permanent "jet lag."

The trouble with many of the electronic gadgets available today is the type of light they

Computer screens and most light bulbs emit blue light, to which your eyes are particularly
sensitive simply because it's the type of light most common outdoors during daytime
hours. As a result, they can disrupt your melatonin production.

The CNN article above details one man's personal experiment to test the veracity of the
claim that night time light exposure will disrupt your sleep.

"J.D. Moyer decided recently to conduct a little experiment with artificial light and his sleep
cycle. The sleep-deprived Oakland, California, resident had read that strong light --
whether it's beaming down from the sun or up from the screens of personal electronics --
can reset a person's internal sleep clock.

So, for one month, whenever the sun set, he turned off all the gadgets and lights in his
house -- from the bulb hidden in his refrigerator to his laptop computer.
It worked.

Instead of falling asleep at midnight, Moyer's head was hitting the pillow as early as 9 p.m.
He felt so well-rested during the test, he said, that friends remarked on his unexpected
morning perkiness.

"I had the experience, a number of times, just feeling kind of unreasonably happy for no
reason. And it was the sleep," he said. "Sure, you can get by with six or seven hours, but
sleeping eight or nine hours -- it's a different state of mind."

Daytime Light Exposure Matters as Well

Yes, the quality of the light you're exposed to during the day also matters when it comes
to maintaining a healthy rhythm. While most of us are over-exposed to light in the
evenings, most of us are also under-exposed to light during the day!

Most incandescent- and fluorescent lights emit very poor quality light. What your body
needs for optimal functioning is the full-spectrum light you get outdoors.

Using full spectrum light bulbs in your home and office can help ameliorate this lack of
high quality sunlight during the day.

For use in the evening, you can now purchase "low blue lights." These light bulbs emit an
amber light opposed to the blue that suppresses melatonin production. Therefore, these
bulbs are ideal for areas such as your bedroom and bathroom, for example. You could also
use them in your living room.

As mentioned earlier, TVs and computers also emit a lot of blue light, which will zap your
melatonin if you work past dark, so ideally, you'd want to turn these items off once the
sun goes down.

Keep in mind that even a small amount of light, like keeping a night light on, or turning on
the bathroom light to go to the restroom, can be enough to suppress the melatonin
production for that night. So, if you have to get up, try to resist the temptation to turn on
the light.

This is also why I strongly recommend installing blackout shades to ensure complete and
total darkness in your bedroom.

Your Circadian Rhythm is Closely Tied to Your Overall Health

Your circadian rhythm has evolved over many centuries to align your physiology with your
environment. However, it is operating under the assumption that you're still behaving as
your ancestors have for generations: sleeping at night and being awake during the day.

If you push these limits by staying up late at night, depriving yourself of sleep, or even
eating at strange hours (such as at 2 a.m.), you are sending conflicting signals to your
body. As a result, you body doesn't know whether it should be producing chemicals to tell
you to go to sleep, or gear up for the beginning of your day.

But maintaining this natural circadian rhythm affects far more than just your sleep pattern.
Your body actually has many internal clocks -- in your brain, lungs, liver, heart and even
your skeletal muscles -- and they all work to keep your body running smoothly by
controlling temperature and the release of hormones.

Your body temperature and hormone production also vary with your personal internal
clock. This, in turn, influences such things as:

The easiest time to detect disease in your body

• The times when you'll be less sensitive to pain
• The times when you'll be more productive at work

Disrupting your natural rhythm can also make you more vulnerable to disease. For
example, reduced melatonin levels, due to prolonged exposure to light, is known to
increase your risk of cancer.

It also activates your stress response and weakens your immune system, which is why
irregular sleep cycles can lead to stress, constipation, stomach ulcers, depression, heart
disease, and many other illnesses.

For more information and examples, please see the article How Your Body Clock Regulates
Your Metabolism.

Keeping Your Body Clock Running Smoothly

As a summary, the following guidelines can help to keep your circadian rhythm in its
natural cycle:

• Use full-spectrum light bulbs in your home and office during daytime hours.

• Turn off computers and electronic gadgets once the sun sets, and avoid
watching TV late at night. Again, the blue light emitted from TV's and computer screens
mimic the blue light found in daytime sunlight, which can alter your melatonin production.

• Use "low blue lights" in areas where you spend most of your time in late
evening, such as your living room, bedroom, and bathroom.

• Sleep in total darkness! If there is even the tiniest bit of light in your room it can
disrupt your circadian rhythm and your pineal gland's production of the hormones
melatonin and serotonin.

This is the "hidden" secret that most people tend to ignore, but which can dramatically
improve the quality of your sleep. Personally, I sleep in a room that is so dark, it's even
pitch black at noon. Liberally use blackout shades and drapes to achieve this.

• Sleep when it's dark outside and get up when the sun comes up. At minimum,
strive to sleep between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. This means you should be in bed, with the
lights out, by 10 p.m. and be up by 6 a.m.

• Avoid working the night shift. It's been linked to significantly lower levels of
serotonin, which may cause sleep problems, anger, depression and anxiety. If you
currently work the night shift, I would strongly suggest trying to switch your hours, or at
the very least not keeping the night shift for longer than a couple of months at a time (and
giving your body a chance to readjust in between).

For even more helpful guidance on how to improve your sleep, please review my 33
Secrets to a Good Night's Sleep. If you're even slightly sleep deprived I encourage you to
implement some of these tips tonight, as high-quality sleep is one of the most important
factors in your health and quality of life.


11. US Government to Europe: Give This to Your People Or

There Will be "Some Pain".
Dr Mercola, January 12. 2011

A WikiLeaks release of U.S. diplomatic cables has revealed that the Bush administration
planned ways to retaliate against Europe for its refusal to use genetically modified seeds.

According to Democracy Now:

"In 2007, then-U.S. ambassador to France Craig Stapleton was concerned about France's
decision to ban cultivation of genetically modified corn produced by biotech giant
Monsanto. He also warned that a new French environmental review standard could
spread anti-biotech policy across Europe ...

In the leaked cable, Stapleton writes, quote, '... Moving to retaliation will make clear that
the current path has real costs to EU interests and could help strengthen European pro-
biotech voice.'"

Stapleton recommended retaliations that would cause "some pain" across the EU. Folks,
this is pretty much conclusive proof that the U.S. government is working towards
Monsanto's pro-GM goals.

(For video transcript, see Democracy Now link below.)

Democracy Now December 23, 2010
Guardian.co.uk January 3, 2010
AlterNet.org January 3, 2010

Dr. Mercolas comments

Monsanto has a long and sordid history of manipulation and questionable business
practices, so this latest development doesn't really surprise me. It's quite clear that the
US government has been aiding and abetting Monsanto's quest to control the world's
food crops, and as Jeffrey Smith says in the Democracy Now interview above, these
leaked documents "lays bare the mechanics of that effort."

According to U.S. diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks, the Bush administration
conspired to find ways to retaliate against Europe for refusing to use genetically modified
(GM) seeds, mainly by engaging in aggresive trade wars against reluctant nations.

Wikileaks Reveals Plan to Retaliate Against Europe for Non-GMO Stance

In a leaked cable from 2007, Craig Stapleton, who was the U.S. ambassador to France at
the time, comments on France's decision to ban cultivation of genetically modified (GM)

"Europe is moving backwards not forwards on this issue with France playing a leading
role, along with Austria, Italy and even the [European] Commission... Moving to
retaliation will make clear that the current path has real costs to EU interests and could
help strengthen European pro-biotech voice.

... Country team Paris recommends that we calibrate a target retaliation list that causes
some pain across the EU since this is a collective responsibility, but that also focuses in
part on the worst culprits.

The list should be measured rather than vicious and must be sustainable over the long
term, since we should not expect an early victory."

WikiLeaks also released a cable from 2009; this one from the US ambassador to Spain,
asking the US government to help formulate a strategy to support the members of the
Spanish government interested in promoting GMOs.

According to Smith, the information specifically indicates that they'd been briefed by the
director of Monsanto for the region, and that strategies to promote the GMO agenda were
created during that meeting.

The Guardian reports that,"[T]he cables show US diplomats working directly for GM
companies such as Monsanto.

"In response to recent urgent requests by [Spanish rural affairs ministry] state secretary
Josep Puxeu and Monsanto, post requests renewed US government support of Spain's
science-based agricultural biotechnology position through high-level US government

It also emerges that Spain and the US have worked closely together to persuade the EU
not to strengthen biotechnology laws. In one cable, the embassy in Madrid writes: "If
Spain falls, the rest of Europe will follow."

The cables show that not only did the Spanish government ask the US to keep pressure
on Brussels but that the US knew in advance how Spain would vote, even before the
Spanish biotech commission had reported."

The Guardian also mentions leaked cables from the US embassy in the Vatican, quoting a
cable from 2008:
"Opportunities exist to press the issue with the Vatican, and in turn to influence a wide
segment of the population in Europe and the developing world."

The Guardian also reports that,
"[I]n a setback, the US embassy found that its closest ally on GM, Cardinal Renato
Martino, head of the powerful Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace and the man who
mostly represents the pope at the United Nations, had withdrawn his support for the US.
"A Martino deputy told us recently that the cardinal had co-operated with embassy
Vatican on biotech over the past two years in part to compensate for his vocal
disapproval of the Iraq war and its aftermath – to keep relations with the USG [US
government] smooth. According to our source, Martino no longer feels the need to take
this approach," says the cable."

Fred Branfman, writing for AlterNet sums it up when he says that the most terrifying
revelation of Wikileas is just how much our government lies to us, referring to our
government and military as a "vast lying machine that perpetuates mass murder in our

This is true in the case of manipulating and forcing countries to implement the Monsanto
agenda as well. In fact, I've often stated that genetically modified foods is a major threat
to the very existence of human life on this planet.

Genetically Modified Corn High on the Agenda

One of the genetically modified (GM) products of particular interest appears to have been
Monsanto's first GM corn, known as MON 810. This was the first genetically modified
seed to be approved for widespread planting.

Today, GM corn currently represents over 90 percent of all corn acreage in the US.

Europe, however, has been slow to accept this and other GM crops. The European
Commission has given GM crops its stamp of approval, but the food industry has
remained resistant as European consumers were, and still are, concerned about potential
ill effects.

Some European countries have even decided to ban GM crops within their own borders
regardless of the EU Commission's approval.

The Health Hazards of GM Corn

There's very convincing evidence that genetically modified foods spell nothing but trouble
for your health. As Smith discusses in his interview, scientists have discovered a number
of health problems related to genetically modified foods in general, and GM corn in

However, these studies have been repeatedly ignored by both the European Food Safety
Authority and the US FDA...

Monsanto's GM corn is genetically engineered to ward off rootworm by producing its own
pesticide, a toxin called Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt toxin).

In a 2005 article, Jeffrey Smith describes the findings from animal studies, in which rats
developed a number of significant reactions when fed Bt corn, including:
● Increased basophils, which is a typical indication of allergies

● Increased lymphocytes and white blood cells, which is an indication of a response
to infections, toxins and various diseases including cancer
● Anemia
● Blood pressure problems
● Increased blood sugar levels
● Kidney inflammation
● Liver and kidney lesions, and other changes
● In Germany and the Philippines, GM corn has also been blamed for the deaths of
buffaloes, cows, horses, and poultry.

Damaging Research Remains Ignored

One researcher deserving of particular mention here is Dr. Arpad Pusztai, a biologist with
more than 300 articles and 12 books to his credit and considered the world's top expert
in his field.

In the early 1990's, he worked on a $3 million grant from the U.K. government, with a
mission to design the system for safety testing of GMOs. But when he accidentally
discovered that genetically modified (GM) foods are inherently unsafe, he quickly became
the industry's bad-boy poster child, setting an example for other scientists thinking about
blowing the whistle.

The results of Pusztai's work were supposed to become the required testing protocols for
all of Europe. But when he fed supposedly harmless GM potatoes to rats, he made a
shocking discovery.

Within just 10 days, the animals developed:

● Potentially pre-cancerous cell growth
● Smaller brains, livers, and testicles
● Partially atrophied livers
● Damaged immune systems

Moreover, the cause was almost certainly caused by side effects from the process of
genetic engineering itself, not from the added material.
Jeffrey Smith explains:
"[H]e was testing with rats that were eating the genetically modified potato, engineered
to produce an insecticidal protein. But he also tested other groups of rats that were
eating natural potatoes that were spiked with that same protein, and then a third group
that was just eating natural potatoes without the insecticide.

Only the group that ate the genetically engineered potato got these problems, not the
group that was eating the potatoes along with the insecticide. So it clearly wasn't the
insecticide; it was somehow the process of genetic engineering.

That process creates massive collateral damage inside the DNA of the plant. Hundreds
and thousands of mutations can be formed. There could be hundreds or thousands of
genes that are natural genes in the plant that change their levels of expression.
For example, with MON 810 corn, they found there's a gene that is normally silent that is
switched on and now creates an allergen in corn.

They found 43 different genes that were significantly up-regulated or down-regulated,
meaning that there are massive changes in these crops, and they're not being evaluated
by the U.S.—by the FDA or any other regulatory authority around the world, before being
put onto the market."

It's quite feasible that the GM foods on the market—which are created from the same
process—might have similar affects on humans, yet all our regulatory agencies are
turning a blind eye!

Worse yet, researchers have been actively silenced to hide this information.
Dr. Pusztai, for example, was interviewed on TV and became a hero at his institute -- for
two days.

Then, following phone calls from the pro-GMO prime minister's office, he was fired from
his post and further silenced with threats of a lawsuit. His team was dismantled, and the
protocols he developed were never implemented.

Eventually, an invitation to speak before Parliament lifted his gag order and his research
was published in the prestigious Lancet in 1999.

Other Examples of Dangerous GM Foods

In addition to corn, there are six other GM foods currently on the market. And all of them
have been linked to potential health problems.

1. Soy -- GM soy is highly allergenic and accounts for about 90 percent of soybeans
planted in the U.S. It is present in about 70 percent of all food products found in
American supermarkets. Rats fed GM soy had increased mortality, lower birth
weight, and damaged sperm and reproductive ability.
2. Cottonseed (used in vegetable cooking oils) -- Sheep that grazed on GM cotton
eventually died after developing severe irritation and black patches in their
intestines, and enlarged bile ducts.
3. Canola -- Three different mutant weeds resistant to three common herbicides –
Monsanto's Roundup, Cyanamid's Pursuit, and Aventis' Liberty – were produced
when Canadian farmers began planting GM canola seeds.
4. Sugar from sugar beets -- Sugar beets easily cross pollinate, meaning GM beets
could "infect" organic varieties and destroy their value.
5. Hawaiian papaya -- GM papaya was introduced in 1998. After six years, a test
was conducted on 20,000 papaya seeds. Eighty percent were taken from organic
farms. Half of the seeds were found to be genetically modified! This means that it's
virtually impossible to safeguard non-GM crops from GM crops.
6. Zucchini and yellow squash -- GM squash contains 68 times less beta-carotene
and four times more sodium than non-GM varieties.

How You Can Avoid GM Foods, and Help Others Do the Same
Most people want to avoid GM foods but it is virtually impossible to do so, since the
government prevents GMO labeling.

However, Jeffery Smith has compiled an excellent resource for you to avoid the
government block of information. It is the free Non-GMO Shopping Guide. Print it out,
and share it with your friends and family, and post it to your social networks.
Alternatively, you can download a free iPhone application, available in the iTunes store.
You can find it by searching for ShopNoGMO in the applications.

If you're feeling really ambitious you can also order the Non-GMO Shopping Tips
brochure in bulk, and bring them to the grocery stores in your area. Talk to the owner or
manager and get permission to post them in their store.

For More Information

Jeffrey Smith, the executive director of the Institute for Responsible Technology has
authored two excellent books on this topic which I highly recommend reading:
1. Seeds of Deception: Exposing Industry and Government Lies about the Safety of
the Genetically Engineered Foods You're Eating
2. Genetic Roulette: The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods.

There are also a number of great films and lectures available, including:
● Hidden Dangers in Kid's Meals
● Your Milk on Drugs - Just Say No!
● Everything You Have to Know About Dangerous Genetically Modified Foods

For timely updates, join the Non-GMO Project on Facebook, or follow them on Twitter.
It's quite clear that our government will NOT take a stand and protect you from these
dangerous foods. On the contrary, it appears they're actively backing Monsanto's agenda
to flood all markets with their genetically modified wares—without any proof of safety

So please, do your homework. Together, we as consumers have the power to stop them!
All we need is about five percent of consumers to simply stop buying GM foods, and the
food industry would have to reconsider their source of ingredients.
Keep educating yourself on this issue, and help others do the same.


12. Report on celltower radiation submitted to Secretary,

DOT, Dheli.
Prepared By Prof. Girish Kumar, Electrical Engineering Department IIT Bombay

The seriousness of the health hazards due to radiation from the cell phones and cell towers
has not been realized among the common man. Cell operators continue to claim that there
are no health issues. Even organizations like WHO, ICNIRP, FCC, etc. have not
recommended stricter safe radiation guidelines, whereas several countries have adopted
radiation norms, which are1/100th to 1/1000th of these values based on their studies. Cell
phone industry is becoming another cigarette industry, which kept claiming that smoking
is not harmful and now there are millions of people around the world who have suffered
from smoking. In fact, cell phone/tower radiation is worse than smoking; as one cannot
see it or smell it, and its effect on health is noted after a long period of exposure.
Therefore, majority of people tend to have casualness towards personal protection.

Unfortunately, ignorance and non-awareness adds to this misery and all of us are
absorbing this slow poison unknowingly. Even if people are aware of the radiation hazard,
they may not have the choice to move away from it if the tower is installed near their
office or residential building.

In addition to the continuous radiation from cell towers, there is radiation from cell
phones, wireless phones, computers, laptops, TV towers, FM towers, AM towers,
microwave ovens, etc. We are exposed to all these radiations which are additive in nature.
Hence, it is imperative that stricter radiation norms must be enforced by the policy

This does not mean that we have to stop living near these towers. We all know that
automobiles create air pollution – have we stopped using them? Instead, solutions were
found such as unleaded petrol, catalytic converters to reduce emission, CNG driven
vehicles, hybrid vehicles, etc. If people in the mobile companies think there is no health
hazard, then let them stand in front of their own transmitting tower at 1m distance in the
main beam for 6 hours – are they willing to take the risk? Similar effect will be there at
10m distance in about 600 hours (25 days). If mobile companies accept that radiation
causes serious health problems, will people stop using cell phones? Not really, because the
cell technology has its several advantages. However, then
researchers/technocrats/entrepreneurs will come out with possible solutions, which may be
expensive but that cannot be greater than the health risk faced by humans, birds, animals
and environment.


13. Is Wi-Fi frying our brains? Fears that cloud of

'electrosmog' could be harming humans
By ALASDAIR PHILIPS Last updated at 8:55 AM on 30th November 2010

As winter arrives with a vengeance, the last of this year’s glorious autumn leaves are
falling in our parks and woodlands.

But this week came worrying evidence that Mother Nature is not the only force denuding
our trees of their foliage.

Research in the Netherlands suggested that outbreaks of bleeding bark and dying leaves
which have blighted the country’s urban trees may be caused by radiation from the Wi-Fi
-networks now so integral to life in offices, schools and homes.

Electrosmog: Modern laptops all connect to the internet via Wi-Fi

As a qualified electronics engineer, I am not surprised by such findings. I have long been
concerned about the harmful effects of the -electro-magnetic radiation emitted not only by
Wi-Fi devices but many other common modern gadgets, including mobile and cordless
phones, wireless games consoles and microwave ovens.

Much though I love trees, and worrying though I find this research, what really unnerves
me is the effect these electro-magnetic fields (or EMFs) are having on humans,
surrounding us as they do with a constant cloud of ‘electrosmog’.

I am no Luddite. When I started work in the 1960s, I was involved in building walkie-
talkies. I thought they were just brilliant and that electronic technology would save the
world. But over the decades since, my scientific background has made it impossible for me
to ignore the overwhelming evidence about the damage wreaked by this electrosmog.

It is not the existence of these radio waves that is the problem so much as the use we
make of them. Rather than being emitted at a constant rate, technology demands they are
‘pulsed’ in short and frequent bursts which appear to be far more biologically harmful.

Not the least is their impact on our ability to reproduce. It is well documented that average
male sperm counts are falling by two per cent a year. Many causes have been suggested,
from stressful lifestyles to poor diet and -hormones in our water supplies.

But studies in infertility clinics show problems with sperm dying off or not moving properly
are most common in men who use mobiles extensively. This has also been demonstrated
in the laboratory.

Mobiles are not the only problem. Many laptops are now equipped with Wi-Fi which sends
out pulses every second as it maintains contact with the nearest access point. Young men
with these devices on their laps are submitting their testicles to strong EMFs at close
range, oblivious to the damage they may be doing to their chances of future fatherhood.

EMFS have also been shown to affect the brain, suppressing production of melatonin, the
hormone controlling whether we feel happy or sad. In 2004, researchers at the University
of Malaga found that significant exposure to EMFs increases the chances of developing
depression 40-fold.

They also linked electrosmog to headaches, irritability, unusual tiredness and sleeping

This has been confirmed in research by the respected Karolinska Institute in Sweden.
Sponsored by the leading mobile phone companies, it showed that using handsets just
before going to bed caused people to take longer to reach deeper stages of sleep. They
also spent less time in each of these stages, so interfering with the body’s ability to repair
damage suffered during the day.

iPad: Apple's tablet is one of a growing number of devices that connects to the internet
via Wi-Fi

This is particularly alarming given the tendency for teenagers and children to sleep with
their mobile phones under the pillows so that they can answer late-night texts from

Parents who allow their children to do so may be taking a significant gamble with their

This year saw the publication of the Interphone study carried out in 13 countries including
the UK, and examining the links between mobile phone use and brain tumours. It
suggested that those who had made heavy use of mobiles for a decade or more faced
twice the risk of glioma, the most common type of brain tumour.

And this was a study based on the period between 1994 and 2004 when ‘heavy’ usage was
defined as two to three hours per month. A conservative estimate of average mobile phone
use now is approximately half an hour a day, seven days a week.

Since brain tumours often develop very slowly it may be many years before the full impact
of our reliance on mobiles becomes clear. But they are already implicated in another area
of concern to health professionals, the onset of dementia in those under 65.

Experts are at a loss to explain the increase in this condition which has seen a surge in
demand for pre-senile dementia units across the country. But can we really be surprised
when a study at the Institute of Environmental Medicine in Sweden confirmed this month
that exposure to EMFs significantly accelerates brain degeneration?

Trees: Outbreaks of bleeding bark and dying leaves may have been caused by radiation
from Wi-Fi networks research suggests

The risks posed by EMFs are recognised not only by scientists, but hard-headed
commercial organisations. In 1997, the insurance company Swiss-Re identified EMFs as
likely to cause the biggest increase in claims in years to come. Swiss-Re and other insurers
have therefore refused to indemnify the mobile phone operators against health claims
from their customers.

Even so, we should not hold out much hope of our politicians protecting us from EMFs. The
mobile phone industry in the UK contributes around £20 billion in tax every year, so it’s
hardly likely the Government will take action to reduce the number of calls.

Indeed, it seems to be going in almost the opposite direction, encouraging the installation
of Wi-Fi networks in our schools with tactics which sometimes verge on coercion. I’ve been
told about a school which was threatened that it would receive no further government
funding for computer technology if it did not install Wi-Fi.

Always on: Green Orb symbol for Wi-Fi

In the absence of official intervention, it’s down to all of us to protect ourselves. My aim as
a campaigner is not to scare people but inform them about the risks, so they can choose
to take precautions.

Not everyone will want to follow my example. Because of our concerns about electrosmog,
my wife and I have moved to a cottage in Scotland out of range of any mobile phone

But there are small steps which we can all take. We should all try to use hands-free sets.
And women should stop carrying mobiles in their bras (breast tissue being particularly
susceptible to mobile phone microwaves), a trend which is becoming alarmingly

We should also avoid cordless phones. Their base stations transmit 100 pulses a second,
24/7, even if you’re not using the phone, and at power levels equivalent to having a small
mobile phone mast in your home.

You might also consider whether you really need wireless internet access in your home.
One option is to buy dLAN adaptors which transmit the internet signal around the house by
way of your ordinary electrical wiring.

Such changes will require small adjustments to our modern lifestyles. But until the
evidence against EMFs is proven or disproven, these are surely sacrifices well worth

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1334291/Is-Wi-Fi-frying-



14. Jumping off the Wireless Bandwagon – WiFi and You

Watershed sentinel, by Joyce Nelson
During three days of hearings on health impacts of Wi-Fi and wireless technologies, which
wrapped up on Oct. 28th, 2010, Canada's Parliamentary Standing Committee on Health
heard from some of the top international experts in the field, many of whom roundly
criticized Health Canada's protection of Canadians from the dangers of non-ionizing
microwave radiation.
Dr. Olle Johansson, testifying by teleconference from Sweden, said Canada's Safety Code 6
is "completely out of date and obsolete" in terms of protecting people from "prolonged
low-intensity exposures" to microwave radiation from cell phones, cell towers and masts,
and Wi-Fi. The safety level in Canada's Safety Code 6 is some 6,000 times less stringent
than the safety level advocated in the 2007 BioInitiative Report, which was released by the
University of Albany and includes expert international research (such as that of Dr.
Johansson) on electromagnetic radiation (EMR), electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and brain
tumours, leukemia and other illnesses [see the Sept.-Oct. 2007 Watershed Sentinel].
Dr. Martin Blank, Columbia University researcher in bioelectromagnetics, told the
Committee, "The European Union voted to review their own [safety] standards on the
basis of The BioInitiative Report."
But Brenda Peterson of Health Canada countered: "The BioInitiative Report was biased. We
do not support the findings," she told the Parliamentary Committee. In spring 2010, Health
Canada issued this statement: "Health Canada has no scientific reason to consider the use
of wireless communications devices, such as cell phones, BlackBerrys, wireless laptop
computers and their supporting infrastructure, dangerous to the health of the Canadian
"I have heard over and over again that the levels of [EMR] exposure are low," Dr.
Johansson told the Committee. "In the room you're sitting in right now, just from the third
generation [3G] mobile telephony...you are sitting in levels that are approximately one
million billion times above natural background [radiation]. There you have your question
mark: are we really built for a microwave life at such extreme levels?" 4G mobile
telephony is set to be released in Canada within months.

Microwave Life
Perhaps the most moving testimony at the hearings came from Rodney Palmer,
spokesman for the Simcoe Safe School Committee. In Ontario's Simcoe County, kids in at
least 14 schools have become ill since the schools installed Wi-Fi, beginning in 2006.
Palmer described their symptoms - speeding heart rate, fatigue, headaches - and said that
two kids have "had cardiac arrests" and are on heart medication. "Now every school in
Simcoe County has its own defibrillator, as though teenage heart attacks are normal."
The co-editor of The BioInitiative Report recently told Harper's Magazine (May 2010), "If
EMFs function both as a carcinogen and a neurotoxin, then it's not just brain tumours and
brain cancers" that could result, "it's also testicular cancer, breast cancer, leukemia,
lymphoma, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and a range of cognitive and behavioural problems."
The UK's Dr. Andrew Goldsworthy told the Parliamentary Committee that microwave
radiation disrupts bird migration and "probably causes colony collapse disorder in bees."
Recent research from Europe has shown that bees exposed to EMR from cellular towers
made 21% less honeycomb and more than one-third, taken a half-mile from the hive,
couldn't navigate back home.
The electromagnetic spectrum is actually a part of the Commons - as much a public
resource as the air, water, and public forests. While our governments have been
privatizing the spectrum by auctioning off chunks of it to the wireless industries, it remains

our resource and should be under the public's control. Now, there is a growing public
movement worldwide to have a say in the use of that spectrum and the EMR pollution that
is resulting in "the microwave life".

Taking Wi-Fi Out of Schools

As a first step, many parents across Canada are questioning the need for Wi-Fi in schools,
when the same Internet capabilities are available through hard-wired modem or fibre
optics. As Rodney Palmer told the Parliamentary Committee, children in schools with Wi-Fi
are exposed to microwave radiation for "six hours a day, five days a week, for fourteen
years," a form of "experiment without consent".
The excellent website of EMR Health Alliance of BC (www.emrabc.ca) has posted a letter
that Kristin Cassie, Principal of Roots and Wings Montessori Place in Surrey BC, wrote to
the Parliamentary Committee. In it, Cassie explained why she "removed all wireless
technology from our school and banned the use of cell phones within our building," adding
that it was "not a major change" to hard-wire all computers. "We have advanced
technology without any of the dangers of wireless radiowaves."
In autumn 2010, a public elementary school in Meaford, Ontario became the first public
school in Canada to shut down wireless internet. Parents at Lucerne School in New Denver,
BC, have also chosen to keep hardwired computer systems, rather than join the Wi-Fi
bandwagon. The New Denver Parent Children's Association has issued a statement saying,
"We encourage other parents to look into the increasingly evident side effects of wireless
routers and [wireless] computers, particularly to children whose bodies and brains are still
School District 61 in Victoria, BC has voted to form a committee to investigate the
potential health threats posed by Wi-Fi and to report to the Board by spring 2011.
Lakehead University in Peterborough, Ont. has banned Wi-Fi on its campus and uses fibre
optic cable for Internet access.
Canadian schools take health issues seriously, having taken steps for asbestos removal
and making schools smoke-free and nut-free. Trent University professor Dr. Magda Havas,
an environmental biologist and expert in microwave radiation issues, argues that schools
should also be "radiation-free" because "as many as 260,000 students (5%) across
Canada may be adversely affected by this radiation - without even knowing it" (at least at
first). Short term effects of EMR pollution include headaches, fatigue, dizziness, insomnia,
irritability, depression, and suppressed immune function.

The European Difference

In an article for GQ Gentlemen's Quarterly (Feb. 2010), Christopher Ketcham writes, "The
concern about Wi-Fi is being taken seriously in Europe. In April 2008, the national library
of France, citing possible ‘genotoxic effects,' announced it would shut down its Wi-Fi
system, and the staff of the storied Library of Sainte-Genevieve in Paris followed up with a
petition demanding the disconnection of Wi-Fi antennas and their replacement by wired
connections. Several European governments are already moving to prohibit Wi-Fi in
government buildings and on campuses, and the Austrian Medical Association is lobbying
for a ban of all Wi-Fi systems in schools, citing the danger to children's thinner skulls and
developing nervous systems." The Austrian city of Saltzburg removed Wi-Fi from its
schools in 2007.
Ketcham reports that in Spain, Ireland and Israel, sabotage and attacks on cell phone
transmission towers have become "a regular occurrence."
In June 2009, the Parliament of Liechtenstein ordered cell phone companies to limit EMR
power density levels to those recommended by the BioInitiative Report. According to the

Victoria-based Citizens Against Un-Safe Emissions website (www.causetm.ca), when the
cell phone companies threatened to leave the country, "Parliament countered by saying
that if they did, the government would take over their operations and lease them to
complying companies."
In a recent paper entitled "A Tale of Two Countries," Dr. Magda Havas notes that
Switzerland is now providing free fibre optic connections to schools through the Swiss
government's telecommunication provider, Swisscom. The Swiss guidelines for microwave
radiation exposure to the public are 100 times more stringent than Canada's. China's are
thousands of times more stringent.
GQ's Christopher Ketcham memorably states: "The only honest way to think of our cell
phones is that they are tiny, low-power microwave ovens, without walls, that we hold
against the sides of our heads." More than 22 million Canadians have cell phones, in what
is now a $17 billion industry in Canada.

Warnings for children

According to Dr. Havas' research, health officials in various countries have issued warnings
for children to limit their use of cell phones: United Kingdom (2000), Germany (2007),
France (2008), Russia (2008), India (2008), Toronto Public Health (2008), Pittsburgh
Cancer Institute (2008), Belgium (2008), Israel (2008), Japan (2008), Finland (2008),
South Korea (2009), and the US Federal Communication Commission (2009).
Following the release of the Interphone Study (see page 9), the European Union is funding
a new study to investigate the risk of brain tumours among children and teens using cell
New research has revealed that the use of cell phones within a metal enclosure (car, train,
subway, streetcar, bus) increases radiation exponentially, not only because of metal's
properties, but because the phone sporadically powers-up in a moving vehicle to reach
each new transmitter en route.

On Nov. 22, a packed hall at the University of Toronto heard Dr. Havas and Dr. Devra
Davis address wireless issues. Canada's guidelines on microwave radiation "are among the
worst in the world," Havas told the crowd, and she predicted that by 2017, some "50
percent" of the population of Canada will have developed electrical sensitivity, "which is
Dr. Devra Davis is the author of the newly released book Disconnect: The Truth About Cell
Phone Radiation, What the Industry Has Done To Hide It, and How To Protect Your Family
(Dutton, 2010). Davis reminded the audience that "We are up against a multi-billion-dollar
industry," which has "fostered confusion" about the issues. "Science is used as a form of
public-relations," she said, resulting in "doubt creation." Her book explores a number of
instances in which important microwave/health research has been stopped, distorted, or
suppressed. She includes chilling scientific reports about EMR causing broken strands of
DNA and breaching of the blood-brain barrier, which would allow the body's stored toxins
to enter the brain. "It's not the power that's the issue, it's the pulsed signal," she said.
Davis informed the crowd that scientists in 1996, in coming up with ways to estimate
exposures from cell phones, invented SAM, or "Standard Anthropomorphic Man" - weighing
in at 200 pounds, standing 6 feet two inches tall, with an ll-pound head, and making only
six-minute phone calls. SAM is the measure by which cell phone safety is still determined,
said Davis. Meanwhile, "We are in the midst of an unprecedented biological experiment."
Holding up her entwined fingers, Dr. Davis said, "Industry Canada, Health Canada, and
[the wireless] industry are like this."

On Dec. 6, Vancouver's Wavefront technology hothouse - a joint venture by government
and industry housed at UBC - received $11.6 million in federal money from Industry
Minister Tony Clement to make BC "the centre of excellence" for Canadian wireless
research and development. The goal of the funding is to spawn 150 new wireless
companies and "take wireless innovation and commercialization to the next level."

Joyce Nelson is a freelance writer/researcher and is the author of five books. Nelson
wishes to acknowledge the research contribution made to this article by the EMR Health
Alliance of BC website: www.emrabc.ca{
[from WS Jan/Feb, 2011]


15. iBurst takes down controversial Fourways tower

Tech Central

Mystery surrounds a decision by iBurst to take down a controversial base station in

Craigavon in Fourways, north of Sandton.
The company has been under intense pressure from some residents, who have wanted the
tower removed as they claimed — among other things — that radiation from the mast was
harming their health.
Craigavon resident Tracey-Lee Dorny, who has led the community’s fight against iBurst,
says she is relieved the tower has been removed.
However, she says she can’t comment on the reasons it was taken down because she has
signed a nondisclosure agreement with iBurst. She says only that there was an out-of-
court settlement.
iBurst also isn’t talking. The company’s chief technical officer, Sasan Parvin, says he is not
prepared to comment on the decision to dismantle the tower.
“This should be behind us now,” Parvin tells TechCentral. “To raise it again is to the benefit
of no one. This is not good for us, the industry, or anyone.”

Dorny says neither she nor the Craigavon community made any payment to iBurst to have
the base station removed. She won’t say whether iBurst admitted any liability in terms of
the out-of-court settlement.
Dorny moved out of her Craigavon home last year claiming the tower was damaging her
family’s health. “We are happy to be home, just in time for Christmas.” — Duncan
McLeod, TechCentral
● Photo courtesy of Debbie Lov


16. Report finds no health threat from PG&E SmartMeter.

San Francisco Chronicle, January 12, 2011|By David R. Baker, Chronicle Staff Writer

A long-awaited report released Tuesday on the possible dangers of Pacific Gas and Electric
Co. SmartMeters found that radiation from the wireless devices does not threaten public
health - at least not in any way proven by science.

The intensity of the meters' radiation falls well within federal limits for wireless devices,
according to the report from the California Council on Science and Technology. And those
limits are more than adequate to prevent the electromagnetic waves from heating human
tissue, which the report calls the only proven health threat from waves of that frequency.
But the report, requested last year by two California assemblymen, left open the possibility
that other negative health effects from wireless devices may exist. That idea remains the
subject of fierce international debate.

As such, the report is unlikely to end the controversy surrounding PG&E's SmartMeters,
which critics blame for triggering headaches and nausea in people who consider
themselves sensitive to electromagnetic radiation.

Two women concerned about the devices' possible health effects were arrested Tuesday
morning trying to block SmartMeter deployment trucks in Rohnert Park.
Both the company and its critics on Tuesday found support for some of their arguments in
the council's report.

"This report concludes that they cannot dismiss health impacts from the radiation in
SmartMeters," said Sandi Maurer, founder of the EMF Safety Network.
"In some ways, I'm sort of right back where I was at the beginning, which is the debate
over this issue is not going to be resolved any time soon," said Assemblyman Jared
Huffman, D-San Rafael, who requested the report.

The report, however, does bolster a bill that Huffman introduced in December. His bill
would force PG&E and the state's other utilities to offer customers a choice between
receiving a wireless SmartMeter or an advanced meter that would transmit the same data
through a wired connection. The council's report explicitly supports offering that
The council is a nonprofit organization that advises the California government on scientific

17. EMF Remediation interviews with Camilla Rees, MBA.
Electromagnetic Health.org

We are delighted to offer audio interviews with leading experts in the remediation of
electromagnetic fields. As EMF expertise, covering all the kinds of fields, is rare, we want
to share insights from the most experienced assessors and remediators we could find. This
is a growing field and we encourage you to learn as much as you can so you are
empowered to help others in your community. Combined with the EMF Help Blog
published by ElectromagneticHealth.org andCampaign for Radiation Free Schools,
we hope you will learn to assess the multiple kinds of electromagnetic fields you may
encounter, including radiofrequency, microwaves, electric fields, magnetic fields and high
frequency transients on wiring.

The best way to learn after you have the fundamentals down is to get out in the field and
begin! Meters can be found at www.emfsafetystore.com. Further training, if needed,
can be obtained (some online) through the Institute for Bau Biologie & Ecology. There
is no substitute, however, for getting out in the field, detecting EMF levels and trouble

# 1 – Vicki Warren, BSEE, CIE, CERSA, BBEC

Past Executive Director, Institute for Bau Biology & Ecology
Click to listen 50:39


18. "Are Wireless Schools Safe for Kids?"

Green Street Radio January 4, 2011

Dr. Magda Havas

Associate Professor of Environmental & Resource Studies at Trent University

As school systems across the country rush to install wireless transmitters, some
environmental health experts are warning that constant low-level radiation from these
devices can interfere with normal physiological development and may lead to
health problems later in life.

On tonight's program, hosts Patti and Doug Wood speak with internationally renowned
expert Dr. Magda Havas, of Trent University in Canada, about wireless radiation and its
effects on children.
Visit the web site of Dr. Havas
Other sites about wireless in schools:
The Center for Safer Wireless
Citizens for Safe Technology
EM Effects on Kids
The EMR Policy Institute
<<Click here to listen to the show>>

Grassroots Environmental Education

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19. Cordless Phone EMFs Trigger Heart Rhythm


An international team of researchers recently discovered that in some individuals, the 2.4
GHz pulsed signals emitted by a cordless phone system produce significant disruptions in
cardiac rhythm.

The researchers demonstrated that 40 percent of healthy volunteers in their study showed
marked increases in heart rate, arrhythmias, and other disturbances in heart rate
variability following exposure to active cordless phone base stations.

Many wireless routers and other forms of Wi-Fi technology also emit fields at this
Holistic Primary Care reports:

"This is the first objective evidence of cardiovascular effects associated with wireless EMF
exposure, and it lends quantitative vindication to the concept of 'electrohypersensitivity,'
the sense some people have that they become physically ill when close to EMF fields from
cell phones, microwave ovens, computers, fluorescent lighting systems, and WiFi

Holistic Primary Care December 2010
European Journal of Oncology October 22, 2010 (PDF)

Dr Mercolas Comments:

A cordless phone base station placed about two feet from your head and plugged in for
three minutes at a time can significantly disrupt your heart rhythm, according to a new
study led by Magda Havas, PhD, of the Environmental & Resources Studies Department at
Trent University, Canada.
In all, 40 percent of the volunteers had increases in heart rate, arrhythmias and other
disturbances in heart rate variability after exposure to a cordless phone base station
emitting a 2.41 GHz pulsed microwave signal. This is the same type of cordless phone that
many people use in their homes and the same frequency as everyday wireless routers that
millions of people in homes, offices and schools.

Proof That EMF Health Effects are Real

This study was completely objective, directly measuring volunteers' heart responses to
radiation while the volunteers were unaware of whether or not they were being exposed --
and still an effect was noted.

This is among the most solid proof that the effects of wireless radiation are real, as are the
symptoms that some people readily experience when they're around other microwave-
emitting devices.

As written on Dr. Havas' Web site:

"The sympathetic nervous system up regulated and the parasympathetic nervous system
down regulated during exposure, which is the typical "flight-or-fight" stress response.
Feelings of anxiety as well as pain or pressure in the chest were associated with the rapid
or irregular heart beat among some of the participants tested.

This test is objective and directly measures the heart's response to radiation and is unlike
subjective testing, where scientists ask individuals if they know whether a device is turned
on or off and then determine their "sensitivity" based on perception of exposure, which is
just that perception and NOT sensitivity.

It clearly documents that some individuals are hypersensitive to specific frequencies and
supports complaints people have when they are exposed to radiation, including a racing or
fluttering heart, pain or pressure in the chest, and feelings of anxiety that resemble the
onset of a heart attack."

The graphic below shows this effect very

Source: Magda Havas, PhD. Note, Subject B was electrically sensitive and Subject A was
not. Subject B experienced almost a doubling of the heart rate on exposure and re-
exposure to microwave radiation from a portable phone.

Much of the research surrounding harmful effects of wireless radiation involves cell
phones, and there is reason for concern in this area. However, what is often overlooked is
the fact that cordless phones can have the same effects as cell phones or even potentially

DECT (2.4GHz and 5.8GHz) phones use a digital pulsed signal even when no call is being
placed. In fact, the base station of a DECT phone always transmits at full power, while the
cell phone transmits during a call and only when the user is actively talking. Portable
phones, we hear, are in development that do not constantly radiate but are not yet
available for the U.S. market. They have recently been introduced in Germany.

The transmission power is approximately 250mW, which is well under federal "safety"
guidelines (1000 microW/cm2), yet Dr. Havas' study showed potentially serious health
effects. In addition to the radiation, the pulsed signal is approximately 100Hz, which is
within the biological range and therefore likely to cause adverse health effects as well.

Further, the cordless phone base station used in the study uses the same frequency -- a
pulsed digital signal at 2.4 GHz -- as the Wi-Fi in many schools. If this level of exposure
has the potential to disrupt adult heart rates, what effect might it be having on children?

Growing Credibility for Electrohypersensitivity Symptoms

The graph below, created by Dr. Havas based on a research study by Santini et al,
illustrates the frequency of electromagnetic hypersensitivity symptoms based on a
person's distance to a cell phone base station (cell phone tower).

It is based on a Spanish study published in 2001 in the journal La Presse Medicale, which
clearly showed that the closer you are to the base station, the greater your chances are of
exhibiting a number of health-related symptoms, such as fatigue, sleep disturbances,
visual and auditory disturbances, and cardiovascular effects, just to name a few.

It's worth noting that these symptoms are just for ONE type of exposure, at a distance. It
does not necessarily include the effects of other technologies that are emitting
radiofrequency radiation as well, such as cell phones, cordless home phones, Wi-Fi
networks in your office or your child's school, the exposures one gets from wireless
laptops, etc.. Total and cumulative exposures to electromagnetic radiation from all sources
must be taken into consideration in evaluating any health challenge.

Source: From "Public Health SOS: The Shadow Side of the Wireless Revolution" by Havas
and Rees

It is estimated that 3-8 percent of populations in developed countries experience serious
electrohypersensitivity symptoms, while 35 percent experience mild symptoms, according
to Dr. Thomas Rau, medical director of the world-renowned Paracelsus Clinic in

Dr. Rau also believes that 'electromagnetic loads' lead to cancer, concentration problems,
ADD, tinnitus, migraines, insomnia, arrhythmia, Parkinson's and even back pain. You can
listen to an audio interview with Dr. Rau on www.electromagnetichealth.org.

For people with Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome (EHS), just walking into a
coffee shop that is Wi-Fi equipped can be debilitating, triggering a wide array of symptoms
including headache, fatigue, nausea, burning and itchy skin, and muscle aches.

Some students have to drop out of school or are unable to continue on to graduate
programs once they become electrically sensitive, irrespective of their intelligence and
capabilities. Even just briefly standing on line at the post office, or traveling on public
transportation, can be a debilitating experience for some people, sometimes taking hours
to restore rebalance.

Because the symptoms are subjective and vary between individuals, it makes the condition
difficult to study, but with the work of Dr. Havas and others, acceptance is slowly growing
and the real health effects of EMF are becoming harder to deny.

A word to the wise is to avoid these exposures as much as possible before symptoms
become severe. There are now EMF-Free Zones forming around the globe, such as in
southern France, Spain and Italy.

A good resource for physicians and others, published by the U.K. charity Electrosensitivity-
UK, is "Electromagnetic Sensitivity and Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity." It is available for
a nominal donation to the charity and you can learn more at

This overview of electrosensitivity contains an extensive review of symptoms, sources of

exposure, pathological markers, treatment approaches, references for other illnesses
linked to EMFs, and lists references to numerous resolutions on this topic by organizations
of international scientists, medical doctors and psychologists.

Another good resource on the known biological effects can be found in the Ecolog Report,
commissioned by the industry itself over a decade ago. The report lists scientific
references showing DNA damage and links to immunological disorders, cancers and many
other medical conditions. The Ecolog report is indisputable evidence that the
telecom industry well knows of the harm wireless technologies are causing.

The Risks of a Portable Phone Are Not Worth the Convenience

The power from a DECT 2.4GHz cordless base does not just affect individuals within the
same room, but actually will affect rooms above, below and adjacent.

So, ideally, if you want to avoid the radiation you should switch back to a wired landline
and ditch your cordless phone entirely. If you must use a portable home phone, consider
using a very early non-DECT version. Unfortunately, due to the lack of labeling, the only
way to know for sure whether the type of phone you have is safe is to measure the
amount of radiation emitted.

The Web site www.emfsafetystore.com offers a helpful summary of the various meters

Key Points to Follow If You Choose to Use a Cordless Phone

You need to know that nearly all of the danger is from the base station, not the receivers
as the base station is the one that is constantly generating these signals. The handsets will
cause a problem while you are using them but the majority of the problem is related to
long-term exposure while you are sleeping or sitting near the base station. If you are
sitting between the base station and the handset left across the room you are also
vulnerable, as the base station is always sending out a signal looking for a 'handshake.'

So, if you do use a conventional cordless phone, be sure to keep the base station at least
three rooms away from where everyone sleeps and where you spend the most time during
the day. Or simply keep it off except in the limited circumstances where you feel you need
to use it. Remember, the base station of a DECT phone always transmits at full power, so
this is not a device you want sitting on your nightstand next to your bed, on your kitchen
counter or even on at all if it is not necessary.

In order to keep the base station far enough away from your family, you would need a
relatively large home and even still might not be able to put enough distance between you,
your family and the base station to make it safe. You should also turn the device off at
night, like you should do if you use a wireless router, but again the safest choice is to
simply revert back to a wired landline and get rid of your cordless phone entirely.

You can buy a very long extension cord for any landline phone, and you can also buy a
very long Ethernet cord with which to connect your laptop in any room to the Internet,
making wireless far from a "necessity."


20. EPSB hears concerns over Wi-Fi

Linda Hoang, Global News: Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Edmonton Public Schools building at 1 Kingsway Ave., where public school board trustees meet.
Photo Credit: Arnold Lim, edmontonjournal.com

At Tuesday night's Edmonton Public School board meeting, concerned parents spoke out
against the use of Wi-Fi in classrooms.

It was all in an effort to get the wireless Internet technology removed from public schools
in the city.

But the board has said the transmitters are safe, and that the radio-frequency signals
emitted from Wi-Fi technology is low enough to cause no harm to students.
However, parents say the risk is too great.

"The reality is we don't know what the effects are, nobody knows. If you want your little
five-year-old, six-year-old, seven-year-old surrounded by this Wi-Fi technology for
upwards of eight hours a day, that little child has no say in this decision." said Bill Fraser,
a father of three who is against keeping Wi-Fi in his childrens' classrooms.

The question of Wi-Fi safety in classrooms in Edmonton was first presented to the board
superintendent on Dec. 14 and since then parents' concerns have spread.
Board trustees will make a decision about whether Wi-Fi should be removed from
Edmonton schools in two weeks.

About 120 schools in Edmonton are using Wi-Fi.


21. Council approves controversial WiMAX tower atop

church Mountain View Voice Online Wednesday, January 12, 2011, 4:10 PM

A rendering of what the WiMAX tower will look like at First Presbyterian Church, hidden in a new
steeple. Image courtesy of the city of Mountain View.

The City Council on Tuesday approved a wireless data tower atop First Presbyterian
Church, despite claims from neighbors that it is illegal under the city's zoning code.

A group of neighbors concerned with possible health effects oppose the cell tower like
structure in a new church steeple at Miramonte and Cuesta streets. They said that a
"common sense" reading of the code showed that such a tower is not allowed in the city's
residential areas. The tower for Clear Wire LLC would use new "WiMAX" technology to
transmit data to WiFi-enabled computers and phones.

The City Council disagreed, voting 4-1 to approve the tower, with Margaret Abe-Koga
opposed. Mayor Jac Siegel recused himself because he owns a home nearby, while Vice
Mayor Mike Kasperzak recused himself partway through the meeting when he realized that
Sprint, which he owns stock in, owns 51 percent of Clear Wire.

Councilwoman Laura Macias said that the zoning code paragraph in question may not be
clear or "elegant" but it is "adequate."

The Council also decided to clarify the zoning code to show that WiMAX and cell towers are
legal in residential areas, a process which will take several months.

City Attorney Janie Quinn said it was the council's "quasi-judicial role" to figure out how a
"reasonable person" would interpret the code. The council had the option to interpret the
zoning code the way neighbors have and reject the tower's application, said Zoning
Administrator Peter Gilli.

Illegal towers?

In the appeal of Gilli's approval of the tower last year, opponents noted that
"communication facilities" were listed as an allowed use in commercial zones, but not in
residential zones. They believed that was enough to make the tower illegal.

But the zoning code also says that "land uses not listed in a particular zoning district are
not allowed in that district except where otherwise provided by section D," which is a
paragraph that caused further disagreement.

The question was whether Section D's final sentence allowed the WiMAX tower: "Satellite
and cellular telephone antennas are subject to Section A36.52 (Design Review) in those
zone districts requiring such review for new structures."

Opponents said it clearly did not, but council members disagreed.

Council member Ronit Bryant said she had asked several people to read Section D to
gather opinions on its clarity, and she came to the conclusion that it was clear enough that
such towers were allowed.

Abe-Koga was the only member who appeared to support neighbors, saying, "I get it,"
about their concerns.

Quinn said existing towers in residential area would be considered "legal nonconforming" if
the council decided to interpret the zoning code the way neighbors had. The city has
approved six cell towers in residential areas since 1996, including several at Saint Francis
High School. Over 100 others are in commercial and industrial pockets throughout the city,
Gilli said. There are also over 100 Google WiFi antennas on light poles in residential areas.

Everyone at the meeting agreed that the language in the zoning code was outdated. "I
know a piece of broken code when I see it," said one neighbor who is an attorney.

It refers to satellite dishes and cellular towers, but makes no reference to newer
technologies. Gilli said it was fair to interpret it as allowing the WiMAX tower, which is
"functionally similar" to those listed.

Health concerns

While the neighbors and city officials argued over what the zoning code, the real concern
for many is that such a tower may have radiation-related health effects on the
neighborhood, 200 feet away, and the Little Acorn preschool that houses 70 children at the
church, only 50-75 feet away. Even if that were untrue, such fears would lower property
values, neighbors said.

But health effects were not discussed Tuesday because the Federal Communications
Commission does not allow the city to reject a cell tower for concerns over radiation,
unless radiation levels are demonstrated to be over FCC limits. A study by applicant Clear
Wire showed that radiation would be well below those limits, and city officials said they see
no reason to doubt that study.

As a concession, Clear Wire has promised to monitor radiation levels before and after the
tower is constructed, and parents of children at Little Acorn preschool, which is subsidized
by the church, would not be financially penalized if they decided to withdraw their kids.


22. Nasa warns solar flares from 'huge space storm' will
cause devastation
The telegraph

By Andrew Hough 1:00PM BST 14 Jun 2010

Britain could face widespread power blackouts and be left without critical communication
signals for long periods of time, after the earth is hit by a once-in-a-generation “space
storm”, Nasa has warned.

Image 1 of 5
Nasa is currently studying the effects of the Sun's power in the earth. Photo: NASA

National power grids could overheat and air travel severely disrupted while electronic
items, navigation devices and major satellites could stop working after the Sun
reaches its maximum power in a few years.

Senior space agency scientists believe the Earth will be hit with unprecedented levels
of magnetic energy from solar flares after the Sun wakes “from a deep slumber”
sometime around 2013, The Daily Telegraph can disclose.

In a new warning, Nasa said the super storm would hit like “a bolt of lightning” and
could cause catastrophic consequences for the world’s health, emergency services and
national security unless precautions are taken.

Scientists believe it could damage everything from emergency services’ systems,
hospital equipment, banking systems and air traffic control devices, through to
“everyday” items such as home computers, iPods and Sat Navs.

Due to humans’ heavy reliance on electronic devices, which are sensitive to magnetic
energy, the storm could leave a multi-billion pound damage bill and “potentially
devastating” problems for governments.

We know it is coming but we don’t know how bad it is going to be,” Dr Richard Fisher, the
director of Nasa's Heliophysics division, said in an interview with The Daily Telegraph.
“It will disrupt communication devices such as satellites and car navigations, air travel, the
banking system, our computers, everything that is electronic. It will cause major problems
for the world.

“Large areas will be without electricity power and to repair that damage will be hard as
that takes time.”

Dr Fisher added: “Systems will just not work. The flares change the magnetic field on the
earth that is rapid and like a lightning bolt. That is the solar affect.”

A “space weather” conference in Washington DC last week, attended by Nasa

scientists, policy-makers, researchers and government officials, was told of similar
While scientists have previously told of the dangers of the storm, Dr Fisher’s comments
are the most comprehensive warnings from Nasa to date.

Dr Fisher, 69, said the storm, which will cause the Sun to reach temperatures of more
than 10,000 F (5500C), occurred only a few times over a person’s life.

Every 22 years the Sun’s magnetic energy cycle peaks while the number of sun spots – or
flares – hits a maximum level every 11 years.

Dr Fisher, a Nasa scientist for 20 years, said these two events would combine in 2013
to produce huge levels of radiation.

He said large swathes of the world could face being without power for several months,
although he admitted that was unlikely.

A more likely scenario was that large areas, including northern Europe and Britain which
have “fragile” power grids, would be without power and access to electronic devices for
hours, possibly even days.

He said preparations were similar to those in a hurricane season, where authorities knew a
problem was imminent but did not know how serious it would be.

“I think the issue is now that modern society is so dependant on electronics, mobile
phones and satellites, much more so than the last time this occurred,” he said.

“There is a severe economic impact from this. We take it very seriously. The economic
impact could be like a large, major hurricane or storm.”

The National Academy of Sciences warned two years ago that power grids, GPS navigation,
air travel, financial services and emergency radio communications could “all be knocked
out by intense solar activity”.

It warned a powerful solar storm could cause “twenty times more economic damage than
Hurricane Katrina”. That storm devastated New Orleans in 2005 and left an estimated
damage bill of more than $125bn (£85bn).

Dr Fisher said precautions could be taken including creating back up systems for hospitals
and power grids and allow development on satellite “safe modes”.

“If you know that a hazard is coming … and you have time enough to prepare and take
precautions, then you can avoid trouble,” he added.

His division, a department of the Science Mission Directorate at Nasa headquarters in

Washington DC, which investigates the Sun’s influence on the earth, uses dozens of
satellites to study the threat.

The government has said it was aware of the threat and “contingency plans were in place”
to cope with the fall out from such a storm.

These included allowing for certain transformers at the edge of the National Grid to be
temporarily switched off and to improve voltage levels throughout the network.
The National Risk Register, established in 2008 to identify different dangers to Britain, also
has “comprehensive” plans on how to handle a complete outage of electricity supplies.

23. Stock up on older light bulbs

bclocalnews.com, January 12, 2011

To the Editor,

Re: New ban on lightbulbs another freedom lost, Letters, Jan. 8.

As an electrically hypersensitive and mercury-poisoned person, I have been stocking up on

incandescent and halogen screw-in lightbulbs for several years.

Fluorescent lights – tubes and CFLs – contain mercury, the most poisonous naturally-
occurring neurotoxin after plutonium.

Breaking one CFL releases enough mercury to contaminate a lake and causes a HazMat
situation in your home.

Health Canada-recommended CFL mercury cleanup includes cutting out the section of
carpet it landed on because mercury will continue to vaporize from within carpet fibers for

The people who make and recycle fluorescent lights develop kidney failure, dementia, lung
and brain cancer – the list goes on.
If that’s not enough reason to avoid fluorescents, consider that they also cause ‘dirty
electricity’, meaning that they actually raise your electricity bill by interfering with AC sine
waves (see www.magdahavas.com for more information), and produce significant
electromagnetic radiation from the ballast, regardless of whether it’s turned off or on.
If you’re as sensitive as I am, EMR becomes a major problem on top of the neurotoxicity of
mercury itself.

My advice: stock up on all the incandescents or screw-in halogen bulbs if you want heat,
light-emitting diode bulbs if you don’t, and work to ban fluorescent bulbs.

Christel Martin



24. Letter to the Minister of Health

January 6, 2011

Dear Minister Aglukkaq,

I am writing in response to your letter dated December 23, 2010. How you can have the
gall to send such a letter to a concerned parent is beyond comprehension. I have to
wonder: did you read my letter at all?

You tell me that Health Canada uses Safety Code 6 as their safety standard. Was it not
clear from my letter that I already knew that? Safety Code 6 is obsolete and irrelevant as
it does not take into account known non-thermal biological effects of non-ionizing
electromagnetic radiation (EMR).

You tell me that “Parents should consult their health practitioner to discuss any health
concerns.” Did you perhaps fail to notice, as stated in my letter, that I am a health
practitioner? The diagnosis of microwave sickness was not made lightly. Both repeated
visits to our pediatrician and consults at Children’s Hospital have determined no cause for
our daughter’s extreme headaches, dizziness, heart palpitations, anxiety and muscle pain
in the school building. In addition, all the children sensitive to Wi-Fi across the country are
experiencing identical symptoms. This cannot be coincidence.

As for telling me that “there is a lack of scientific evidence linking these symptoms to the
presence of Wi-Fi”, you know as well as I do that no studies have been done to date
specifically examining health concerns to children from EMR, nor have any studies been
done examining low-level, long-term microwave radiation exposure. Children are not mini
adults. They are physically more susceptible to microwave radiation than adults due to a
thinner skull, a greater quantity of fluid surrounding the brain and special considerations
such as rapid cell division as their bodies develop and grow. Safety standards based on
adults cannot be extrapolated onto children. Additionally, there is a large body of
scientific, peer-reviewed, published research confirming DNA breakage, blood-brain barrier
permeability and build up of ornithine decarboxylase (a tumour-promoting compound) in

cells caused by non-ionizing, non-thermal EMR at levels well below the current allowable
level as well as research showing that children’s Specific Absorption Rate of EMR is higher
than that for adults.

Your own government’s Standing Committee on Health has recommended that more
research be done on long term effects of EMR, that an official reporting agency for
microwave sickness symptoms be established, that Electrohypersensitivity be investigated
and that an independent academic society reexamine all research on EMR as Health
Canada’s objectivity appears to be compromised.

Beth Pieterson of Health Canada has stated that specific research cannot be done on
children because of agreed upon international laws banning experimentation on children.
However, the 1999 Royal Society report to Health Canada confirmed that the long-term
effects of non-thermal, non-ionizing radiation were unknown and suggested that the
exposed population be observed over a number of years to document health effects. This
is the definition of human biological experimentation. There are indeed both Canadian and
International laws concerning human experimentation, especially with regard to informed
consent on behalf of children. While children are being irradiated daily at school without
informed consent by their parents, Canada is contravening the Nuremberg Code, the Tri-
Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans, the Canadian
Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of a

We do not consent to have our children be unwilling participants in the largest human
experiment ever to be undertaken. Unfortunately, this also excludes the possibility of our
children attending public school and creates many challenges for our family as we have no
choice but to home school them until such time as the school environment can once more
be deemed safe.

You know as well as I do that European countries are reducing their children’s exposure to
EMR in large part due to Swisscom’s patent application in which there is admission of
damage to DNA from Wi-Fi beacon signal radiation. You know as well as I do that the
insurance industry will no longer insure the telecommunications industry because
independent, non-industry funded researchers advised the insurers that the liability costs
due to the epidemic of brain tumours expected between 2020 and 2030 would be so large
that the insurance industry could face bankruptcy like it did with asbestos lawsuits. You
know as well as I do that Health Canada is lobbied by the telecommunications industry.
This is appalling. How can you allow the safety of this nation’s children to fall into the
hands of industry?

The situation as it stands resembles closely the plight of people against the tobacco
-Both EMR and tobacco smoke are air pollutants.
-The tobacco industry backed up their claims of safety with “gold standard scientific
-Second-hand EMR, like second-hand smoke is presently unavoidable (until restrictions are
put in place).
-Although people under 19 were eventually not allowed to purchase or use tobacco
products, tobacco companies continued to advertise to children for many years. You have
to be an adult to be able to choose to use carcinogenic tobacco, but children are not only

allowed to expose themselves to potentially carcinogenic EMR, they are bombarded with it
every day at school even if they don’t want to use it.
-Smoking also used to be viewed as “cool”, just as wireless devices and cell phones are
now seen by so many in our society.
-Both the tobacco industry and the telecommunications industry have large enough
resources to make standing up against them an extremely difficult task.
Will we learn from the lesson we were already taught by our trials with big tobacco, or will
we simply repeat it, and irreversibly damage young children in the process?

The response to the written concerns of parents such as myself by Health Canada, the
Minister of Education, the Minister of Health, the Prime Minister and any other political
figure we try to get a straight answer from seems to be to play “hot potato” with our
letters. For instance, if we send a letter to the Minister of Education, she advises us that
we should be writing to the Minister of Health and vice versa. This tactic is appalling and

Your vague assurances of safety are inadequate and unacceptable. I found your letter
both dismissive of the issue and insulting to my intelligence. With all due respect, you are
failing utterly in your responsibility to protect the health of Canadians, especially young
children. Please be so kind as not to send me a meaningless form letter as your next


Una St Clair-Moniz

P.S. I have taken the liberty of sending a copy of this letter to the Prime Minister,
Margaret MacDiarmid Minister of Education and Perry Kendall BC Chief Medical Officer as

Dear Prime Minister Harper,

I am writing in response to the letter I received from your Executive Correspondence

Officer, L.A. Lavell.

While I realize that the democratic process must follow the correct channels, I am writing
to you directly because so far concerned parents such as myself are not having our
concerns taken seriously by the Minister of Health, the Minister of Education, Health
Canada or Industry Canada. I would appreciate if this letter not be passed on unless it is
into your, the Prime Minister’s, hand.

Your appointed officials are utterly failing to protect Canadians from dangerous, untested
technology. Beaurocratic red tape and stall tactics are inappropriate when the health and
possibly lives of the most vulnerable members of our society are at stake. It is shameful.

Will your legacy as Prime Minister be that during your leadership you allowed irreversible
damage to the health of the children under your care to occur?

It is imperative that the Canadian Government adopt the Precautionary Principle
with regards to non-thermal, non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation from cell
phone base stations, Wi-Fi and other wireless radiation emitting devices
immediately. I humbly request that you issue a precautionary statement to
schools to return to hard-wired systems until wireless technology can be proven
100% safe to children.

I have included a copy of the letter I am sending to Leona Aglukkaq, Minister of Health, for
your perusal. I would very much appreciate your attention in this matter. Our children
are the future of this country. If there is even the slightest risk of harm to their health
from this largely untested technology, there can be no reason important enough to delay
their assured protection.

I love my children more that anything in the world as I’m sure you love yours. Please do
what is needed to protect them all. I wait in hopeful anticipation of your response.


Una St Clair-Moniz

25. NASA Discovers Antimatter-Producing Thunderstorm

The Epoch Times, by Jack Phillips. January 13, 2011

NASA discovered antimatter beams emitting from a thunderstorm.


Antimatter storms may actually be taking place on Earth, scientists said after NASA's
Fermi telescopedetected a thunderstorm shooting beams of antimatter into space.

Researchers noted that the phenomenon of a storm producing antimatter has never been
spotted before.

Thunderstorms have been known to produce sparks of light called terrestrial gamma-ray
flashes (TGF), usually associated with lightning. Gamma rays are high-energy
electromagnetic radiation or light.

"These signals are the first direct evidence that thunderstorms make antimatter particle
beams," stated Michael Briggs, a member of Fermi's Gamma-ray Burst Monitor team at the
University of Alabama in Huntsville, in a press release. Briggs presented his findings on
Monday at the American Astronomical Society meeting in Seattle.

Antimatter comprises particles known as positrons with the same mass as electrons
(matter) but with opposite charges and magnetic properties. When matter meets
antimatter, the particles annihilate each other, releasing gamma ray flashes.

The Fermi telescope, which orbits in space, monitors gamma rays. Fermi was above Egypt
when it detected gamma ray flashes that originated from athunderstorm almost 3,000 miles
way in Zambia.

"Even though Fermi couldn't see the storm, the spacecraft nevertheless was magnetically
connected to it," said Joseph Dwyer at the Florida Institute of Technology, according to the
release. "The TGF produced high-speed electrons and positrons, which then rode up Earth's
magnetic field to strike the spacecraft."

Since 2008, the Fermi telescope has spotted 130 TGFs. The press release noted that up to
500 of these incidents may take place daily around the world, but they mostly go undetected
and scientists do not yet understand the role of lightning in the process.


26. Wi-Fi issue aside, Internet access is bad for education

The Peterborough Examiner. By Ray Saitz. January

I 've been following the debate about installing Wi-Fi in our schools, and I have to admit
that I had already decided a long time ago that it was a bad idea.

However, my decision was not based on concerns about the health effects of Wi-Fi
exposure. I have the Wi-Fi transmitter for my home network sitting on a desk about 15
feet from my bed and I'm clinging to the hope that there will be no deleterious effects
because of my daily exposure. My negative attitude to allowing students wireless Internet
access in a school is based more on my concern about how technology is a double-edged
sword. The Internet has proven to be a great research tool that has the potential to
enhance everyone's understanding of nearly everything, but its swath can also lay waste
to the essential concepts of education.

Before you write me off as a Luddite or other anti-progress nut, I should give you some
background. Until two years ago, when I took early retirement, I had been the teacher-
librarian and "computer guy" in a small high school in this area. I tried to promote literacy
and do librarian tasks but I also worked with a technician to maintain a school network of
about 125 computers and was responsible for testing educational software and such. I
maintained the school website and supervised a large computer lab in the school, which
was in the library. I still remember consigning about 2,000 books to landfill and recycling
to make room for those computers where shelving had once stood.

My function was to keep things working and to assist teachers in providing research
assignments for their students. I once was enthusiastic about the promise of the Internet
as the greatest educational tool since the blackboard. In reality, the Internet emerged as
one of the most destructive influences ever devised. It proved to have the debilitating
effect of lowering the performance of poor students and seriously distracting the attention
of the best students. Research came to mean "Googling" and cutting and pasting. I spent
too much of my time keeping students focused on the assignment instead of visiting
Facebook, Auto Trader and eBay. I watched kids spend an entire 70-minute period trying
to download music, watch Youtube videos or do anything except the assignment.

In time I installed software to monitor and control Internet use and tried to block access to
anything except the media resources for which the school board had paid. At times I
blocked Google and earned a reputation for being an Internet censor. Teachers and I spent

our time in computer "research" periods rushing about helping some students and
disciplining many others for wasting time.

Now there is the prospect of students bringing to class their own laptops, iPods and smart
phones loaded with their own software. If you think this is a great idea, then you'll be
surprised at the growing movement by many educational institutions to go against the
trend and ban all Internet-enabled devices from classrooms, lecture halls, and libraries. An
article by Timothy Snider, a history professor at Yale, that appeared in October (
http://tinyurl.com/2bznecf ) gives a first-hand account of the ravages wrought on
traditional teaching by technology in the classroom. Faced with the growing realization
that he could not compete against a roomful of tech devices offering endless distractions
to students, he banned laptops and cell phones from his classes. Professor Snider believes
that technology, instead of being a brave new educational tool, is actually turning out
graduates and workers who are unable to concentrate.

Across the U.S. high-level universities have begun to ban laptops and electronic devices
from classrooms ( http://tinyurl.com/yzgakoa), teachers have asked for classrooms where
Wi-Fi access is blocked, and research is indicating that laptop use may actually decrease
grades. Before we rush into bringing Wi-Fi to the classroom, perhaps we should be
thinking about how we are going to use it, and how to control it.

Ray Saitz, a Peterborough resident and teacher, writes a weekly column on the Internet.
He can be reached atrayser3@cogeco.ca.

27. Cell tower still a topic of debate

By Phil Melnychuk - Maple Ridge News. Published: January 14, 2011

It was approved three years ago, but the new location for a 45-metre-high cellphone tower
is raising a ruckus with the neighbours down on the farm.

Cascadia Tower Inc. is putting up the tower in a corner of a field at the intersection of
Golden Ears Way and 210th Street. The company is leasing the location from the Hampton
family, which has operated their heritage dairy farm for more than 125 years.

Chris Clevette, who lives on 216th Street, is worried about the health effects of the radio
frequency and microwave tower.
“It’s just an odd place to put it,” he said Wednesday.

Initially, the tower was to be located in the middle of the pasture, but the Agricultural Land
Commission said it had to be located on the edge of the field.

According to Clevette, the company said it notified neighbours, but no one he’s contacted
received any letters.
“It would be nice if they consulted the neighbours, which is what is supposed to happen,
apparently, so people know it’s happening and they can express their opinions on it.”

Clevette is so concerned about the effects of cellphones he refuses to use one. He knows
two people who have brain tumours on the side of their heads on which they used for
talking on their cellphones. One has since died.
He says he’s seen enough of the medical evidence “to be cautious about it.”

Council, in 2008, had considered requiring the tower be disguised as a tree, as happens in
some countries. But the tower would be in the open and visible no matter how it looked.

Morrie Finn, with Cascadia Tower, said his company is following all the rules. The change in
location for the tower, as ordered by the ALC, didn’t impact any new neighbours.
Industry rules require those within a radius of three times the height of the tower be
“The change of location wasn’t significant that added properties needed to be notified.”
The company also has been issued two building permits by the District of Maple Ridge and
plans to build the tower in the next few weeks. It’s already got a 42-metre tower on
Dewdney Trunk Road on the B.C. Hydro substation.
Finn pointed out such towers are located on top of several hospitals (Lions Gate, Surrey,
New Westminster and Abbotsford) in the Lower Mainland.
If there were concerns about radio interference or health effects, “we be hearing about it.”

The tower can host up to five cellphone carrier signals.


28. Cell towers likely sources of radiation, disease: Report

TNN, Dec 7, 2010, 04.02am IST

MUMBAI: Cellphone operators have long denied their transmitting towers atop buildings or
on highways have any adverse bearing on the health of humans or animals, despite
several studies across the world concluding the contrary. Now a report for the Department
of Telecommunication by a faculty of theIndian Institute of Technology, Powai, reinforces
what scientists have long held—that areas around cellphone towers are high-radiation and

consequently high-risk zones. Moreover, it recommends that India, which has very
"relaxed radiation norms", must raise the safety bar.

Girish Kumar, professor, electrical engineering department of the Powai institute, who
visited rooftops of several buildings and measured radiation on places with cell towers
mounted, said: "These towers transmit radiation 24x7, so people living nearby will receive
10,000 to 10,000,000 times stronger signal than required for mobile communication. In
India, crores of people reside in these hig radiation zones."

Kumar noted the cell phone industry was becoming "another cigarette industry, which for
long kept claiming smoking is not harmful. In fact, cellphone/tower radiation is worse than
smoking as one cannot see it or smell it, and its effect on health is noted after a long
period of exposure. Unfortunately, all of us are absorbing this slow poison unknowingly."

For instance, Kumar visited the apartment of a lady detected with cancer a year after a
cellphone tower was installed in the vicinity. A hand-held broadband radiation monitoring
device, taken near the windows, detected radiation levels were around 0.007069 W/m2.
India has adopted a radiation norm of 4.7 W/m2, but the study noted serious health
effects at as low a level of 0.0001 W/m2. Though India adheres to the radiation density
limit set by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP),
Kumar observed Indians faced an added threat: radiation from multiple towers. "One
should know the actual radiation pattern (unfortunately not made public) to calculate exact
radiation density at a point," he noted. One of the first steps he recommended was
tightening radiation norms and reducing number of towers. Many countries in the world
have adopted much stricter maximum radiation density values of 0.001 to 0.24 W/m

Read more: Cell towers likely sources of radiation, disease: Report - The Times of India


29. Is there a relationship between electromagnetic waves

and health? 50 Citizens in Kamakura, Japan hold
information-exchange meeting.
(Translated by Paul Raymond Doyon, Citizen Reporter)

An information-exchange meeting was held at the Kamakura City Hall on January 13th to
consider the relationship between the electromagnetic waves emitted by mobile phone
base stations and health. The city had enacted an ordinance with regards to the
installations of base stations in April last year, and around 50 people exchanged views
including assembly members coming from Nobeoka, Miyazaki Prefecture..

According to the ordinance, when a telecommunications provider wants to install a base

station they must inform the local residents with the aim of avoiding trouble between the
two due to the fear of damage to health and scenery caused by the electromagnetic

At the meeting, the visitors from Nobeoka City also explained how the citizens of Nobeoka
City went about filing a lawsuit against a telecommunications carrier. Attending Kamakura
citizens also asserted their opinions explaining how “when in a room in the proximity of a
base station some get nosebleeds and the whole family suffers from headaches” due to the
electromagnetic waves.

A city representative also attended stating there is "no clear causal relationship between
the two, and that issuing an ordinance based on both points of view was difficult -- and
then one day you try to take away the ability to erect a cell tower" noting the aim of the
ordinance. He further assessed on the other hand that, "conversely, some people say that
they get better reception so going beyond the present ordinance at this stage would be

An economic analyst living in the city, Katsuhito Uchihashi , stated that "In the region
where I live, a cell tower was erected without me even realizing it. This is also my own
personal problem," and furthermore he pointed out "Since health hazards are the dark side
of the information society, this is the hidden pollution of the 21st Century. Corporations
have a grave social responsibility.” He further stated that "It is absolutely necessary to
consider a means to make this ordinance effective.”

電磁波は健康に関係? 市民ら50人が情報交換会/鎌倉






30. How to Fight a Cell Tower

Linked is a Cell Tower Manual on how to “fight” a cell tower in your neighbourhood, based
on the current challenge ongoing in Port Coquitlam. This has been put together by David
Werthman, retired Director of Regulatory Affairs for Manitoba Telephone. Hope it provides
helpful information and ideas on how to meet this challenge in other areas. It is also on
our website under Cell Towers section.

Una St Clair-Moniz
Executive Director
Citizens for Safe Technology Society




Friday, January 14, 2011

Health Warning: YOU ARE SO DEAR TO ME do not enslave yourself to your cell
phone. Can a Cell Phone Carried Regularly in Your Pocket Damage Your _____?

A correlation between cell phone use and testicular cancer, reduced Testosterone
levels, lowered seminal volume and sperm count? Read on to see...

by Mike Geary - Certified Nutrition Specialist, Certified Personal TrainerAuthor of best-

selling program: Check it out Here!You've probably started hearing in the media about
emerging studies showing possible correlations between heavy cell phone use and brain
tumors. But what not many people are talking about is the risk of carrying cell phones in
our pockets for hours each day. This is where it gets even more interesting and a little
scary too!

First of all, to both guys and gals... read this article carefully, as it contains some
potentially scary health issues related to cell phone use. And although the examples are
geared towards men's issues, I wouldn't trust that it's only men that can experience health
issues from heavy cell phone use.

You're also going to want to pass this page on to your friends and family to help them
protect their health, and the health of their "crotch"... sounds funny, I know...but this is
serious business.

To start, I realize that some people simply don't believe that something as small as a cell
phone can give off any radiation levels that could harm your health over time. But we're
not talking about immediate harm... we're talking about long term harm from chronic use,
which most of us in this day and age use cell phones or have them in our pockets daily.

According to a recent article published on Yahoo Health, and a large health study
conducted, the 2010 Interphone study... "People who chatted via cell for just 30 minutes a
day for 10 years saw their risk of glioma (the type of brain tumor that killed Ted Kennedy)
rise 40 percent".

I feel like we are all currently in an inadvertent giant human guinea pig study right now
with cell phone use. Not purposely, but simply because cell phones (and another
dangerous new phenomenon, our constant exposure to radiation from "wifi" and other
wireless technologies) moved onto the scene so fast and infiltrated the entire population
over the last 10 years.

Think about it... most of the population has only been using cell phones and wifi heavily
for less than 10 years now... that's not a long enough time to know long term
consequences (such as 15-30 year cancer risks) and most studies that supposedly "prove"
the safety of cell phones have been funded by the telecom industry and have ridiculously
low usage levels that they study.

We're definitely finding that the average person has a cell phone either strapped to their
ear or carried in a pocket for more hours per day than any studies have any definitive
long-term safety data on.

As Tim Ferriss points out in his fascinating new book, ... "Most of the studies performed in
the US that conclude no negative effect are funded either directly or indirectly (as with
many IEEE studies) by cell phone manufacturers and carriers. Does this prove
malfeasance? No, but it should raise a red flag."

One of the things that scares me about the possible harmful long term effects of carrying a
cell phone in my pockets is potential testicular cancer. I honestly feel that as the years go
on, and we get to a level of chronic cell phone use where people have been carrying these
things in their pockets for 10 or 15 years or more, we're going to see testicular cancer
rates skyrocket.

But cancer risks are long term, and we may not have enough data from studies yet to
prove definitive cancer risks such as testicular cancer. So let's look at more current
measurements that can prove health problems associated with cell phone use...

According to Tim Ferriss in his book, ... "Lo and behold, jumping from article to article on
Medline, there were more than a handful of studies that showed significant decreases in
serum testosterone in rats following even moderate exposure (30 minutes per day, 5 days
a week, for 4 weeks) to 900 megahertz radio frequency electro-magnetic fields (EMF),
which is what most GSM cell phones produce."

Beyond lowering testosterone, can cell phones hurt your "swimmers"?

Tim did some more digging, but this time switched gears from just cell phone effects on
lowering testosterone levels, and he began researching cell phone effects on sperm count
and function.

Tim continues, "Of the dozens of studies that I found, most done in Europe, more than
70% concluded the same thing: cell phone radiation impairs sperm function."

In his book, Tim also presents the results of a study he read about male Wistar rats that
were exposed to a mobile phone for 1 hour continuously per day for 28 days... the end
result of the study was that the mobile phone exposure to the rats significantly reduced
the % of motile sperm. The conclusion was that mobile phones negatively affect semen
quality and may impair male fertility.Check it out Here!

Think about this... they were only exposed to the mobile phone radiation for 1 hour per
day for 28 days, and showed negative effects on sperm count and function.... how many of
us out there carry a cell phone in our pocket for like 8-10 hours every day!!!!

Doesn't look good for our "boys", does it?

Now it gets even more interesting... It turns out that Tim first started researching the
correlation between low sperm count and cell phone use because he went and got a sperm
count test, and found out that his numbers were surprisingly low.

In Tim's words... "the lab results, which were available the afternoon after my session, put
my sperm count on the low range of normal, borderline problematic. I couldn't believe it.
Assuming it was a lab mistake, I repeated the drill 3 weeks later and came back with an
even lower count. The more tests I did over the next 12 months, the lower the results."

After Tim started researching the effects of cell phone use on sperm count, he realized that
for years, he'd been carrying a cell phone in his pocket for about 12 hours per day, most
days of the week.

So he decided to do a test...

For 11 weeks, Tim decided that he would no longer carry his cell phone in his pocket... or
as he puts it "my phone was no longer allowed to cuddle with my testicles".

Instead, instead he kept the phone on the other side of the room if working at home, or if
he had to go somewhere, he kept his phone either strapped to his arm with an ipod
armband, or in a backpack pocket. If he had to carry it in his pocket, he turned it off, and
only turned it back on occasionally to check messages.

He actually performed this test for 11 weeks for a specific reason... sperm production
takes an estimated 64 days in humans... so he wanted to wait that long, plus an extra 2
weeks for buffer.

The results of the 11 week "no-cell-phone-in-the-pocket" test:

The numbers are shocking...

Ejaculate volume: 44% increase

Motile sperm per milliliter: 100% increase

Motile sperm per ejaculate: 185% increase

Now Tim admits that his study wasn't perfect, as there may have been other influences
that weren't accounted for, such as his diet not being exactly the same during each time
period. However, he feels confident enough that these results speak for themselves....
after all, the results are pretty significant!

Personally, cell phone health issues is also a topic I've been reading a good deal about in
the last couple of years. Whether there's any conclusive evidence of cancer risk from cell
phones, perhaps that's still to be determined... but I think we have significant evidence
that cell phone use (and particularly carrying it in the pocket) can reduce both
Testosterone levels (not good!) and also reduce sperm count and function (also scary!).

And please guys... don't start carrying around 2 cell phones in each pocket as a form of
birth control! All jokes aside, remember that there are possible bigger implications to this
than just reduced sperm count... we're talking lower testosterone levels, possible
increased cancer risk, etc.

What about women? Please ladies, I wouldn't trust that health issues are only happening
to men... I'm sure there are complications that can happen to women too...so beware

In fact, on the recent Yahoo Health article, according to David Carpenter, M.D., director of
the Institute for Health and Environment at the University at Albany (regarding carrying
cell phones near the pelvis, or using laptops on the lap), "For women, the studies aren't
quite there yet, but I think we can say that anything that might cause cancer almost
always causes birth defects, so pregnant women—or those wanting to become pregnant
soon—should take extra precautions."

What I've done to help protect myself from these risks is this:

1. When I'm at home, I keep my cell phone on the other side of my home office, or in
another room. I try not to keep it anywhere near me most of the day. If I get a call, I
simply get up and answer it, the same way that we used to have to walk across the room
to answer a phone before the days of mobile phones!

2. In my car, I keep my phone off of my body and put it in the front console or the
passenger seat if I don't have a passenger. The farther away from your body, the better.

3. When I go to the gym, go hiking, biking, etc... I leave that sucker in the car! I don't
want it on my body any longer than it has to be. After all, I think a LOT of us need to learn
how to not be a slave to our cell phones. The texts and voicemails will be waiting when
you're done your hike or your gym workout...don't be a slave to your phone!

4. If I absolutely must carry my cell phone on me, such as if I'm meeting friends out and
need to be able to contact them... well, in that case, I simply try to keep the phone out of
my pocket as much as possible... if we're at a restaurant, I put the phone on the edge of
the table instead of in my pocket, or I just turn it off if I no longer need to get in touch
with friends.

5. Remember that EMF dangers aren't only with cell phones...it also occurs with Wifi, and
other wireless devices. So I also try to never use my laptop on my lap... If I'm at an
airport, I usually try to find a table to sit at, so the laptop isn't actually sitting on my
"junk". Also, if possible, I try to use a wired internet connection (ethernet) instead of Wifi
or mobile broadband. In my house, I've also switched to a wired internet connection and
gotten rid of the wireless router altogether.

With all of this said, will I ever give up my cell phone?

Well, let's be realistic...the cell phone has become an important part of our lives, and most
of us aren't willing to give it up. However, I plan to take the 5 steps that I listed above to
minimize my risk.

I hope you take this issue as seriously as it should be taken. It's time most of us wake up
and realize that we are all inadvertently involving ourselves in a giant human guinea pig
study on the risks of chronic cell phone and wifi use.

Thanks to Tim Ferriss and his new book,for providing some of the tests and info in this

Please help protect your friends and family and share this article with them. Enjoy your
Reading and remember to check my other blogwww.truthaboutabs.blogspot.com

Bernard C Gakwe

32. Moratorium hearing draws out cell tower opponents

By Arlene Gross

Lawyer seeks exemption for T-Mobile applications pending

January 12, 2011 | 02:36 PM

A dozen people expressed their concerns about cell towers to the Town Board Tuesday
night as it considers a 90-day moratorium on establishing wireless communications
facilities, transmission and reception antenna or towers in Huntington.

During the Dec. 11 public hearing at Town Hall, Jay Hershkowitz of Dix Hills said the
moratorium is necessary for about 24 reasons, including the need to test emissions.

But Robert Gaudioso, a lawyer from Snyder & Snyder who is representing T-Mobile, said
under federal law the moratorium would be illegal. He also called the legislation "over
broad," noting that it includes every type of antenna, from taxicabs to residential and
emergency service antennas.

"Under the recently enacted FCC shot clock order, municipalities have 90 days to review
applications for wireless facilities on rooftops and existing structures," said Gaudioso.

T-Mobile has several applications pending town review.

He added that state law requires applications be reviewed immediately, barring any
emergency or crisis, and assuaging community opposition is not a valid reason to delay
review, Gaudioso said.

Sheila Saks of Dix Hills said she sees a problem with the review process for town-owned

"If the Town Board wants to continue to be the decision-makers, there should be a vehicle
for public input," she said. "Currently, there is none."

While Teresa Urbach of Huntington Station said she favors cell towers on town property,
she asked that they restricted from placement near schools, health care institutions or
homes. She rejects a financial hardship clause because it will give anyone claiming
hardship an advantage for approval.

"Amend the cell tower code to protect the health, safety and property rights of residents to
the full extent of your ability under the law," Urbach said.

Councilwoman Susan Berland said the hardship exemption is only for the purposes of the
moratorium, not for the final code amendment.

Jeff Bartels of Lloyd Neck, armed with a blown-up photo of the communications antenna
perched atop the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception in Lloyd Harbor, quipped that it
should be renamed the "Seminary of the Immaculate Reception."

Kathleen Karejwa of Huntington said her concern is for property values and the
appearance of the towers.

"No one wants to have a clear view of a cell phone tower..." Karejwa said. "Let's keep the
character of the neighborhoods residential … and keep the cell phone towers in the
commercial, industrial parts of town."

The Town Board's priority should be residents rather than telecommunications companies,
opined Huntington Station resident Rona Fried, who asked that the town notify residents
before approving cell tower applications.

Because no one knows the long-term health effects of cell towers, Doreen Boehme of
Huntington Station asked that they be constructed at least 1,500 feet from schools, day
care centers and homes.

Noting that more than 13,000 emergency 911 calls were made in the town over the past
year on the T-Mobile network alone, Gaudioso argued that a moratorium would not serve
the interests of the community, which still has areas with no cell service.

In response to Councilman Mark Cuthbertson's query, Gaudioso confirmed that towns are
limited in their jurisdiction over tower emissions.

Councilwoman Glenda Jackson asked how the moratorium would affect emergency access,
to which Gaudioso replied that the extra facilities would fill the gaps in the service.

Gaudioso then asked the board to exempt T-Mobile's applications that are under review by
the ZBA and planning board from the proposed moratorium.

Berland said on Wednesday that she does not favor exempting any current applications
unless it's for an economic hardship.

"The purpose for a moratorium is to put a stop to all of it until we can reassess it," Berland
said. "If nothing is granted, they're not entitled to cell tower permits, so they would be
stopped in the moratorium like any prospective application."



33. Smart Meter Alert: Mold Vs. Radiation

CARPENTER, PHD BELOW...Thousands of schools across the nation have mold-related
problems that impact the health of the students and staff. When trying to sort out what
could be making you sick in a damp building, don't forget to include the possibility of other
factors, such as WI-FI, banks of Smart Meters, and their interaction with damp
environments and effects on occupants.

A new danger is emerging: the mandatory installation of Smart Meters by your
local utility companies on all buildings receiving utilities in many of our states, including
schools. These new electrical and gas meters have been touted as a means to save energy
and green the planet. The Smart Meters emit high bursts of RF radiation reported to
produce such health effects such as ringing ears, pressure in head, headaches, insomnia,
fatigue, skin problems, blood from sinuses and coughing up blood, and cognitive (mental
confusion, communication problems, and memory). Individuals with environmental illness
from damp, moldy buildings may be at higher risk, according to environmental physicians.


Many schools have installed wireless technologies, such as WI-FI, that permeate the
school environment with indoor electrical pollution (electrosmog). Some schools have had
to remove WI-FI due to significant increases in health complaints and excessive absences.
A leading expert on this topic, Cindy Sage of Santa Barbara, CA, has a new study that
shows Smart Meters in CA are likely exceeding even the outdated FCC standards.
Dr. Dan Harper, of Solana Beach, CA, has explained that many of his environmentally ill
patients reported typical RF radiation emissions health effects following the installation of
their Smart Meters. For more information visit www.smartmeterdangers.org. You may also
watch an excellent presentation on YouTube,The Dark Side of Smart Meters.

The Director of the Center for School Mold Help, Susan Brinchman, of La Mesa, CA, had a
Smart Meter involuntarily installed by her gas and electric utility, SDG&E, on her bedroom
wall 7 months ago, very close to the head of her bed. This has resulted in a significant
increase in her environmental health problems. No warning was given by the utility and
she had no idea that this was a potential danger until severe symptoms were experienced
six months later. Her doctor demanded that the Smart Meter be removed in a letter to the
utility ,and SDG&E (local utility) declined the request, to date. Read about this terrible,
ongoing experience on Smart meter alert | The Canary Report.

When trying to sort out what could be making you sick in a damp building, don't forget to
include the possibility of other factors, such as WI-FI, banks of Smart Meters, and their
interaction with damp environments and effects on occupants.

Find out if your state Public Utilities Commission has approved the Smart Meters for
deployment. You may wish to research this topic further, and decide if you want to work
on prevention of further pollution of our environment by electrosmog indoors (and
outdoors). Learn more at www.emfsafetynetwork.org for ideas for what can be done to
safeguard your family and school from Smart Meters and other RF emitting technologies.

There is an option that should be explored: the use of digital meters utilitizing shielded
cables for transmission - rather than wireless, as long as these do not produce dirty
electricity. The CA State Legislature and Maine PUC is looking into this, as are several
cities in CA, including Arcata and Fairfax.(SMH)

34. Dr. Carpenter's Comments on CCST Smart Meter report

Please see the linked document and feel free to circulate.


Sandi Maurer
EMF Safety Network


35. Non Thermal Effects

It has been brought to my attention that the recent non-thermal paper we published on
our website had no pagination. My sincere apologies. I have also received requests from
people interested in bringing the bill to their state, to pair down the paper to only include
cell phones as talking about the whole issue including WIFI, smart meters and
infrastructure may be too much for legislators at this moment in time.

So here are the newly published links to the paper with pagination and the newly revised
paper only focusing on the cell phone/warning label legislation to make it easier for those
of us going for that legislation.

And by the way, we have another senator from another state who will be authoring the
bill. We will wait until it is filed to make an official announcement about that and may
even issue a press release. It is a major state. :)

Here are the updated links...

Sincerely, Liz et al

Non thermal paper in it's entirety...


Non thermal paper just for cell phone legislation...



36. EMF-Omega News

Dear Sir, Madam, Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends,

for your information.

Best regards,
Klaus Rudolph
Citizens' Initiative Omega
Member of the Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society)
Protectorate Union of the Citizens and Initiatives for the Protection against Electrosmog

Birds, Bees, Fish, Crabs Dying: Are We Really Prepared For A Monumental Disaster?

Why not radiate the horse farms? Harm the population?


Are cell phones safe to use?


Protecting Parks, Green Spaces and Children from Cell Towers


People power must take on cell phone antennas


Campaigners' anger at mast go-ahead


Leeds residents in mast victory row


Bexleyheath: Parents concern over Vodafone and O2 phone mast appeal


Parents voice concerns over possible Wi-Fi installation at city school


Mobile phone tower fight at Katoomba


2 women arrested at SmartMeter protest in Rohnert Park


Residents gather petition against 'insensitive' phone mast plans


Meadow Vista man airs microwave concerns to Placer supes


WiFi in area schools gets passing grade

'Hazard' mast plan given the go-ahead in spite of fears


iBurst takes down controversial Fourways tower


Joy as mast plan pulled


TfL mast campaigner wins appeal over his email tirade at 'corrupt' Boris Johnson

Next-up News Nr 1560


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News from Mast Sanity



"Doubt is our product," a cigarette executive once observed, "since it is the best
means of competing with the 'body of fact' that exists in the minds of the general
public. It is also the means of establishing a controversy."


"Not one drop of rain thinks it causes the flood."


And the Insanity Continues! Until next time! Wake Up People, Wake Up! Giving up your cell
phone is an act of compassion -- and intelligence.
The EMF Refugees


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