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Java Programming

Maximum out of
Multiple Numbers

Group Members:
Abhishek Goswami
Ankur Kharecha
Azmat Hussain
Kuldeep Bhatelia
Joshan Abraham
The Genesis of JAVA

 When the chronicle of the computer

languages is written, the following will be
said: B led to C,C evolved into C++, and C++
Set the stage for java.
 The most of the characters and parameters
of java are inherited from C,C++.
 In 1991James Gosling, Patrick Naughton,
Chris Warth and Mike Sheridan at Sun
Microsystems Inc. conceived the JAVA.
Introduction to JAVA

 It’s almost entirely object-oriented

 It has a vast library of predefined objects and
 It’s more platform independent
– this makes it great for Web programming
 It’s more secure
Requirement Specifications

Hardware Requirement

Software Requirement
Hardware Requirements

 CPU Processor : Intel Pentium II, 1.6Ghz

 HDD Space : 1.3 MB
 RAM : SDRAM/DDR 2, 64 MB
 Keyboard Setup: 106 keys Standard
Multimedia Keyboard
 Mouse: 3-D Optical Mouse
Software Requirements

 O.S. Requirement: Win 98/XP/Vista

 Software: Sun Microprocessor Inc., JVM
Version 1.5
 Explorer: IE 4.0/5.0

Developed using:
 Windows Vista, Intel Pentium Centrino,
1.83GHz, 250 SATA HDD, 3GB RAM
Brief introduction of program

 Target with aim

 Flowchart
 All parameters and functions
 All cases

This program is about accepting multiple inputs

from the user and process to obtain
maximum out of the entered numbers.

The JAVA language is the best platform which

is used to develop such programs.
Flowchart of the Program

int max=0,t; c

Print: Enter two

or more numbers max = t If (max = t)

For Exception Block:

(i=0; Print: “Parsing Errors”
i=args.length; Print: “Value of max:”

t =input numbers

Maximum Out of Multiple Numbers

 class max
public static void main(String[] args)
int max=0,t;
for (int i=0;i<args.length;i++)
t=Integer.parseInt( args[i] );
if (max=0)
catch (Exception e)
system.out.println(“ Parsing Errors”);
system.out.println(“ Max is ”+max);

C:\JPS\ab>java JPS
30 56 73 84 47
Max is 84.
Applet Screenshot

 JAVA 2 ‘The Complete Reference’, Fifth
Edition by Herbert Schildt
 ‘The History of JAVA’ by Mark Jefferson
 Sun Microprocessors Inc.

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