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A sami ee. \ HOW TO GET CONTROL OF YOUR TIME by Alan Lakein A SIGNET BOOK IEW AMERI UBRARY Wiad Manon yt) al 7 ae =a Covvaicnr © 1973 ny Avan Laxey, All righte reserved, including the right to repraduce this hook, (7 parts thereof, in any form, except for the inclusion of brick quotations in a review, For information address Feter H. Wyden, Inc., 750 Third Avenus, ‘New York, "New York 10017. Get Control of Your Time and Your Life isa service mark of Alan Lakein & Co, Hibrary of Congress Catalog Card Number: 73-75568 ‘This is an authorized reprint of a hardeover edition Published by Peter H. Wyden, Inc, Bier apeaea eda are StoNes, Stor CrAssics, Menrox, PLUME AND Merman Boos are published by The New American Library, Inc., A301 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10019 Finsr PRINTING, June, 1974 89 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA To My Wife a senn es IZAV2 = Contents Why You Should Care About Your Tima i ‘Time is Life / Work smarter, not harder / Enj life more /‘Thousands have benefited and'so easy See ‘Your Payoff: Control Of Your Life 14 What T mean by control / Beware the “time nut” / Watch out for the overorganizer / Avoid the everdoer / Make this book work for you / ‘Your payoff: Control of your time—and your life Drift, Brown Or Decide 18 Understanding the choice-making process / How to avoid time conflicts / You are The De gision Maker / Why deciding #3 so difficuly 7 Long term goals versus short term benefits / Control Starts With Planning 25 Bringing the future into the present / How often should you plan / You can’t do too much plan- ning / Learn from projessionals / How to set priorities for now / Using the ABC Priority Sys- tem, What Do You Really Want From Life? 30 How to discover what you really want to do— and do it / 15,000 people can’t be wrong / What are your lifetime goals / How wauld you like to Spend the next three years / What if you knew you'd be struck dead by lightning in six months / vi *

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