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1o11-41019-V1 Level M Physics AMS Page | of 2 Sample Questions Exam 1. What is a transistor and what is its function? 3 terminal semiconductar device Usect to [Name two uses of transistors. Control a large current with a Small one. Usess Amelifier itch. 2.a) 8 AneliFie 2S witch, p-type and n-tyee material6. ) Describe the structure of the two principle types of junction transistors. PAP ANA NEN ©) Hoy ate the different types of transistors represented in circuit diagrams? b 3NPN ~ PNPal Check diageans on Page lO% 3.) What the clements of a transistor) => Emizeer» base and collector. b) How does an npn transistor work? anc ¢ ave at higher potential 3 diFF currents c) Sketch a suitable set of potentials to apply to an npn transistor's terminals” Flow thrown” d) Whatis the significance of the direction of the arrow on the emitter? bande and ane Final current 4. What are transistor housings made of? comes out From € Metal or Plastic 5. Compare the size of a transistor with the package it is housed in? Why is this so? . Size of package is mach larger than the transistor. Lt helps WS fo locate which, tecminal iS which. is the transistor said to be off or nonconducting? : ' Because the D seposing junctions in the transister will belwwe as Ropposing diedes inserieS and steps any current From PASSING: 7. How could a transistor be switched on? Sketch the situation described in the concept heading, giving typical current values. a ill tain el Switched on when a small cucent eases, through bai oi a c Cticeent to PASS From oe. IMIS AT ARSisorconaued PASS From C When it is properly biased 9. (a) What should be connected to the base and how should it be connected in order for the transistor to be properly biased” Resistor, In series (b) What does this instrument serve as and what value range should it have? ‘ ‘ Serves ae a current limitet for the base-emitter diode. A few tens of kL 10, (a) What should be connected to the collector and how should it be connected in order for the transistor to be properly biased? Resistor, In series (b) What does this instrument serve as and what value range should it have? Carrent limiter, About 4h 11, What is the effect (and the typical value) of an input voltage, and how is it connected? TE sends the required small current Ty inte the base. Has to be Connected acvess RE and e. SABIS" Proprietary 1011-41019 -V1 Level M Physics AMS Page 2 of 2 12. (a) In what way should the collector voltage be connected to the transistor and what does this voltagedo? AcroSS Ri and © (b) Draw a diagram showing the typical biasing setup for an npn transistor operating with a 6 V bates: Diagram POS 13, The curent gan ina tnsistoris he ratio; Le (Li, 14.8) State any relation between the currents inthe three terminals ofa properly biased transistor. Le 7 Ty, 'b) What is the current gain? What does i tell us about a transistor? The ratio of Te tole git hasa value of the order of loo. 15, OE better the qaimsthe better the transisto™ 5. Uni jer what circumstances will a Silicon transistor be off? Viz 0-6V 16. Explain fully how the transistor will be switched on as the potential difference Vi increases above o6v, When Vi increase From O-6V upwards » Ty increases from zero upwards. The voltage Vee causes a current Le to increase From zeco upwards and the transistor will be Switched on. 17. Under what circumstances will a silicon transistor be fully on? - Vie lav 18, (2) What will happen if V, becomes too large (around 6 or 7V)? Why? Le becomesindependan t 2 € b (b) What will happen if V, goes too high? e remains dependent only ransister will be destroyed en RL and Vee a 19, Explain how the transistor acts as a device that amplifies a given current I. If the transistor is fully-on, I. will not vary if I, varies. Why not? 20. a) In what sense is the transistor a switch? 'b) What should be done to the base current when a transistor is used as an open switch? What should be done to use the transistor as a closed switch? “OPen Suitcha very high base current Closed Switch® vere? small base Curcend. 21. A transistor can be properly biased using tWo gencrators. Explain. Sketch how you would bias a transistor using two independent sources ofemf. P. 1O® Explain why the above connection is called “common-cmitter circuit”. 22, Draw a circuit diagram showing a properly biased transistor using only one source of em-f. What is a suitable name for this connection? Cowmon collector ci¥cuit - Tf Ry increases, the transistor remains on. Why? P1049 SABIS" Proprictary Subject Physics Exam Type Homework Exam No 1011 -PMH28 Question No | GRID ‘Question Description Book/ Chapter / Section To know the components of a simple power supply F2.05.003 Capacitors “To explain how a transistor acts as amplifier and as switch, F2.05.004 Transistors To know what a thermistor. F2,05.005 Other semiconducting devices “To identify the graph of Rvs, temperature for a thermistor. F2.05.005 Other semiconducting devices To know the energy change na LOR. |F2.05.005 Other semiconducting devices afsfaisisis To identiy the graph of R vs. intensity of flumination Ja LOR. F2.05.005 Other semiconducting devices Identify a circuit showing the use of an LDR for streetights. [F2.05.005 Other semiconducting devices “To know how a transistor acls as a Ue operated switch |F2.0.005 Other semiconducting devices Application on Boolean operators 2.05.006 Digital electronics ‘Application on Boolean operators, 2.05.006 Digital electronics Application on Boolean operators. F2.05.006 Digital electronics RSI ‘Application on Boolean operators. 2,05.006 Digital electronics ft) Dfower Transformer A) Rectifier 2)Filter (a capacitor) a) As amelifiergWhen small current passes through & it allows a much larger current te pass from c to e@. As switche Vi ZO. it does not conduct switch OFF Ni 70.6V switch ON 2) Resistor whose resistance decreases with increasing tem ty & 5) Light Energy Electric Energy LL Sy perabure. o* @) Diagram 4 PLS. Inéensity of ‘Llumination

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