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Acceptable Use Policy 2008-2009 cows Ream: ‘SusentFisttiane PRINT) TEP tT TPP Pere ee PP TT cucent oe ‘Sugar ema: arene PRINT TTTTTTTTTrTrTyTtT ttt ttt ttyy FOR THE STUDENT: | uncersiand and agice 1o the prousons and conators er the O2k Glove ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY. | unceisianchat any \olaton of the provisions may eum iscisinay soon nes of computer use rvlage, or lage acton. ‘susent signawe ate rentiGuarise 3st Name (PRINT) iti titTTtTrTrTtttrTititri FOR THE PARENT/GUARDIAN: | have rnd the ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY and uncetan = aooesaed onthe network orienta. | aso agree report ah ry messages sent or received tha zontan suggested omograpny unethical or Hgalsalctaten 9° cbnatanees ae pet the ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY. | uncerstandinat | may ce heid fnancalyresoonse fo any vancarem fo schoo) oper caused By ny student | 289 give Oak Grove High Schoc! permission avian Signature, Home Telepnore Number “*This form, along with theTechnology use fee, is to be returned to Oak Grove High School in exchange for a special NET sticker that is placed on the student ID card

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