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Album Covers.

Abbi Elliott.
Jennette McCurdy.
On this album cover there is the main text which is the name of the artist
printed larger than any other text on the page, this is so that when a
customer is searching through a stack of records the name stands out the
most so that the album is easy to find and spark interest in the album.

The main picture is of the artist herself, this is the most important part of
the design for an album, the main feature has to be of something that
relates to the artist for example because Jennette is an up and coming
artist she wants to connect a face to the name. The image also bring
colour to the album cover to attract attention.

The image of the guitar is another vital part of the cover because it shows
which style of music the artist plays, acoustic guitars are usually linked to
The by-line above the artist’s name is country style music because it vary rarely uses electric instruments
the title of the album and the artists because then the sound that is produced is not as natural sounding as a
most famous single. The choice of string instrument.
having a song title as the name of
the album creates a link between the
song a customer may have heard and The point of having graphic designs on the album cover brings an
the artist. The use produced is that attraction to the album cover because it is a sign of who the album
as the song becomes more familiar is aimed at. Jennette McCurdy chose to have a flower on the cover
and famous, so does the artist. which shows that the target audience of the album is to females.
Taylor Swift.
On this album cover there is the main text which is the name of the artist
this is so that when a customer is searching for this record the name
stands out so that the album is easy to find. The font of the text is
personal to the artist herself because it is her own handwriting edited.

Taylor Swift chose to self title this album because she wanted her
audience to pick up the CD and turn over to read what songs are
in the album, this idea was formed because then the customer
already has the album in there hands.

On this album cover the artist has chose to

use a butterfly graphic that shows the
natural appearance of the cover, the graphic
also appeals to Taylor Swift’s audience that
are females. The main feature on the album is the medium close up of her
head and upper body, the closeness of the shot shows that the
artist has nothing to hide and makes the album personal to her.

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