Nature Photography Field Guide

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Ale : 3 NAT i oe ee a) NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY (ied bee ee Ee we AMPHOTO BOOKS PM aga Ace CL LL eee) New York To Andrea. I love you more every day. Copyright © 2000 by Jobe Shaw Fist pushed in 2000 by Amploto Books, an imprint of Watson-Guptil Pubications, 8 dvsion of BP! Communication, Ine, 770 Broadway, New York,NY 10003 swvvatsongupilcorn Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Shay, John, 1944 [Nature photography eld guide) John Shaw's nature photography fel guide / John Shaw-Rews ed pan Rev. ed. of The nature photographer's compete guide to professional field techniques. 1964, SBN 0-8174-4059:3, 1, Nature photography. Tle: Nature photography fed guide. IL Shave, John, 1944. [Nature photographers complete guide o professional field technigues. li Tie R721. $52 2000 7789321 co-oar0is All igh reserved. No part ofthis publication may be raproduced or used in ary form ar by any means-graphic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or nformation storage and retieval aysters-uthout wten perssion ofthe pubisher Manufactured in the Urited Kingdom 123.456789/ 0807 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 Cover: Title pages Senior Edtor: Vitoria Craven Project Editor. Sarah Fass Designer: ay Anning, Thumb Print Proicton blanager: Elen Greene Tet st in 8point Minion

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