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Service Fair Application

Every year at District Convention we have a “show off” of successful service projects.
This year we want to have at least 40 clubs participate. There are no qualifications. All your club
needs to do is fill out this form and your club will then have a reserved table to for their project.

At the Service Fair, your club can bring a tri-fold board with pictures, documents, and
other cool items about your project. Items to hand out are also okay. There is a competition voted
on by the attendees at the Convention for the best displays and awards will be given.

If your club is coming to District Convention, we’d love for your club to show off a
project that was completed this past year. The Service Fair is from 6pm-9pm Thursday on April
14th. Please reserve your spot today! Reservations are due by April 1st!

Thank you for your participation,

The Welcoming Activity Committee

School name: _____________________________________________

Advisor: ______________________ Email: _____________________
President: _____________________ Email: _____________________
Project name: _____________________________________________
Space needed: _____________________________________________
Person we can contact for further information if needed:
Please email this reservation and questions regarding the application to:
Caitlyn Crumrine at

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