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1. AIMA: All Management Association

2. AIR: All Radio
3. BBC: British Broadcasting Corporation
4. BIFR: Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction
5. BREAD : Basic Research Education And Development Society
6. BSNL: Bharat Sanchar Nigam
7. CIB:Credit information Bureau
8. CISF: Central Industrial Security Force
9. CITU:Centre of Indian Trade Unions
10. CLASP:Child Labour Action and Support Project
11. CMIE:Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy
12. COMEX:Commonwealth Expedition
13. COPO:Citizens Organisation for Public Opinion
14. COPRA:Consumer Protection Act
15. DRDO: Defence Research and Development Organisation
16. DRF: Depreciation Reserve Fund
17. DRES: Department of Renewable Energy Sources
18. ECOSOC: Economic and Social Council (UN)
19. EDBI: Educational Development Bank of India
20. ECS: Electronic Clearance Service
21. GLOBE: Global Learning and Observation to Benefit the Environment
22. IBM: International Business Machines: Indian Bureau of Mines
23. INTERPOL: International Criminal Police Organisation
24. INTELSAT: International Telecommunication Satellite Consortium
25. ISRO: Indian Space Research Organisation
26. NASSCOM: National Association of Software and Service Companies
27. NDA: National Defence Academy; National Democratic Alliance
28. CAZRI: Central Arid Zone Research Institute Ltd.
29. CBSE: Central Board of Secondary Education
30. CBDT: Central Board of Direct Taxes
31. CBEC: Central Board of Excise and British Customs
32. CBRI: Central Building Research Institute
33. CBM: Measures : Central Board of Revenue
34. CBI: Central Bureau of investigation
35. CHOGM:Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting
36. CHOGRM: Commonwealth Heads of Government Regional Meeting
37. CONCORD: Council of North Indian States for Cooperation and Regional Development
38. CPCSEA: Committee for the Purpose of Control and Supervision of Experiments on Animal
39. CRPF:Central Reserve Police Force
40. DSB:Digital Satellite Broadcasting

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