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Curriculum assignment

Name : Henny Susanti (07431030)

Imam Mariadi (07431015)
Siti Qoimah (07431014)
Emylda Suwandanie (07431018)
The result of our observation at SD Negeri 4 Randu Agung Gresik
6 th grade consist of 46 students
Standard score average 75
The motivation of the students and also the teacher is passing national examination
All the students are graduating from kindergarten in Gresik city and no one failed
Almost t the students read English test English book every week
Most of them have their own study group
The teacher expectation is hopefully their students can pass the National examination
The age of the students is about 11st – 12 nd years old
The attention span: Opening lesson: 15 minutes: make noisy ( not focus)
Main lesson : 60 minutes: pay attention
Closing lesson : 15 minutes: make noisy
The students have a good relationship among other students
Most of them want to be a mature person
Most of them have a special talent
Most of them are from middle economic class, it shows from their parents’ occupation.

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