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Inadequate Exercise or Physical Activity

criteria weight Justification

Nature of the condition or problem 1 It is a foreseeable crisis because poor lifestyle
would result to poor health
Modifiability of the problem 1 Partially modifiable since all the resources
needed are available
Preventive potential 1 Highly preventive because with proper exercise,
there are lesser risk for illness
salience 0 Not perceived as a problem or condition needing

Unhealthful Nutritional eating habits

criteria weight Justification

Nature of the condition or problem 1 It is a foreseeable crisis because unhealthful
eating habits would result to weak immune
system and poor health
Modifiability of the problem 2 Easily modifiable since all the resources needed
are available
Preventive potential 1 Highly preventive because with proper exercise,
there are lesser risk for illness
salience 0 Not perceived as a problem or condition needing

Accident hazards with the presence of pointed/sharp objects

criteria weight Justification

Nature of the condition or problem .67 It is a health threat because if not taken care of,
members of the family may get injured.
Modifiability of the problem 1 Partially modifiable since all the resources
needed are available
Preventive potential .67 Considered moderately preventive
salience 1 Family perceived it as a problem

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