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Introduction to Parallel Computing

Ananth Grama, Anshul Gupta, George Karypis, and Vipin Kumar

To accompany the text ``Introduction to Parallel Computing'',

Addison Wesley, 2003.
Topic Overview

• Motivating Parallelism

• Scope of Parallel Computing Applications

• Organization and Contents of the Course

Motivating Parallelism

• The role of parallelism in accelerating computing speeds

has been recognized for several decades.

• Its role in providing multiplicity of datapaths and

increased access to storage elements has been
significant in commercial applications.

• The scalable performance and lower cost of parallel

platforms is reflected in the wide variety of applications.
Motivating Parallelism
• Developing parallel hardware and software has traditionally been
time and effort intensive.

• If one is to view this in the context of rapidly improving uniprocessor

speeds, one is tempted to question the need for parallel computing.

• There are some unmistakable trends in hardware design, which

indicate that uniprocessor (or implicitly parallel) architectures may
not be able to sustain the rate of realizable performance increments
in the future.

• This is the result of a number of fundamental physical and

computational limitations.

• The emergence of standardized parallel programming

environments, libraries, and hardware have significantly reduced
time to (parallel) solution.
The Computational Power Argument

Moore's law states [1965]:

``The complexity for minimum component costs has

increased at a rate of roughly a factor of two per year.
Certainly over the short term this rate can be expected to
continue, if not to increase. Over the longer term, the
rate of increase is a bit more uncertain, although there is
no reason to believe it will not remain nearly constant for
at least 10 years. That means by 1975, the number of
components per integrated circuit for minimum cost will
be 65,000.''
The Computational Power Argument
Moore attributed this doubling rate to exponential
behavior of die sizes, finer minimum dimensions, and
``circuit and device cleverness''.
In 1975, he revised this law as follows:
``There is no room left to squeeze anything out by
being clever. Going forward from here we have to
depend on the two size factors - bigger dies and finer
He revised his rate of circuit complexity doubling to
18 months and projected from 1975 onwards at this
reduced rate.
The Computational Power Argument

• If one is to buy into Moore's law, the question still

remains - how does one translate transistors into useful
OPS (operations per second)?

• The logical recourse is to rely on parallelism, both implicit

and explicit.

• Most serial (or seemingly serial) processors rely

extensively on implicit parallelism.

• We focus in this class, for the most part, on explicit

The Memory/Disk Speed Argument
• While clock rates of high-end processors have increased at roughly
40% per year over the past decade, DRAM access times have only
improved at the rate of roughly 10% per year over this interval.

• This mismatch in speeds causes significant performance


• Parallel platforms provide increased bandwidth to the memory


• Parallel platforms also provide higher aggregate caches.

• Principles of locality of data reference and bulk access, which guide

parallel algorithm design also apply to memory optimization.

• Some of the fastest growing applications of parallel computing

utilize not their raw computational speed, rather their ability to pump
data to memory and disk faster.
The Data Communication Argument
• As the network evolves, the vision of the Internet as one
large computing platform has emerged.

• This view is exploited by applications such as

SETI@home and Folding@home.

• In many other applications (typically databases and data

mining) the volume of data is such that they cannot be

• Any analyses on this data must be performed over the

network using parallel techniques.
Scope of Parallel Computing Applications

• Parallelism finds applications in very diverse application

domains for different motivating reasons.

• These range from improved application performance to

cost considerations.
Applications in Engineering and Design
• Design of airfoils (optimizing lift, drag, stability), internal
combustion engines (optimizing charge distribution,
burn), high-speed circuits (layouts for delays and
capacitive and inductive effects), and structures
(optimizing structural integrity, design parameters, cost,

• Design and simulation of micro- and nano-scale


• Process optimization, operations research.

Scientific Applications
• Functional and structural characterization of genes and
• Advances in computational physics and chemistry have
explored new materials, understanding of chemical
pathways, and more efficient processes.
• Applications in astrophysics have explored the evolution
of galaxies, thermonuclear processes, and the analysis
of extremely large datasets from telescopes.
• Weather modeling, mineral prospecting, flood prediction,
etc., are other important applications.
• Bioinformatics and astrophysics also present some of
the most challenging problems with respect to analyzing
extremely large datasets.
Commercial Applications
• Some of the largest parallel computers power the wall

• Data mining and analysis for optimizing business and

marketing decisions.

• Large scale servers (mail and web servers) are often

implemented using parallel platforms.

• Applications such as information retrieval and search are

typically powered by large clusters.
Applications in Computer Systems
• Network intrusion detection, cryptography, multiparty
computations are some of the core users of parallel
computing techniques.

• Embedded systems increasingly rely on distributed

control algorithms.

• A modern automobile consists of tens of processors

communicating to perform complex tasks for optimizing
handling and performance.

• Conventional structured peer-to-peer networks impose

overlay networks and utilize algorithms directly from
parallel computing.
Organization and Contents of this Course
• Fundamentals: This part of the class covers basic
parallel platforms, principles of algorithm design, group
communication primitives, and analytical modeling

• Parallel Programming: This part of the class deals with

programming using message passing libraries and

• Parallel Algorithms: This part of the class covers basic

algorithms for matrix computations, graphs, sorting,
discrete optimization, and dynamic programming.

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