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Lesson 1 Learning Log

To track your progress, print this page and fill it in by hand.

 Check the item when you complete an activity.

 Use the Notes column for comments

Objective 1: Share basic information about themselves -- Students should be able to introduce themselves, greet
other people and say goodbye in a basic conversation. Students must also distinguish and pronounce the Spanish

Modules Tasks Completed Notes

Read Textbook Pages 4-6    

Conversation(Say Listen to Conversation Presentations    

hello and Goodbye) Review Flash Cards    

Take a Self-Check Quiz    

Pronunciation(The View Spanish alphabet presentation    

Spanish alphabet ) Take a Self-Check Quiz    

Objective 2: Identify people -- Students should be able to describe people using the verb Ser and identifying
cognates that have the same origin and are similar in form and meaning to English. Students must have the notion of
gender and its relationship to adjective endings.

Modules Tasks Completed Notes

Conversation(Describe Read Textbook Page 9    

a person) Listen to Conversation Presentations    

Read Textbook Page 10: Cognados    

Vocabulary(Use of View Vocabulary Presentations    
cognates and
descriptions) Review Flash Card    

Take a Self-Check Quiz    

Read Textbook Page 10 - Verb SER    

Pronouns and Verb View Grammar Presentation    
Take a Self-Check Quiz    

L{ u{V^{]li7l]ivv
\liey67v=6-7opv 3: Identify classroom objects -- Students muYG ][lutcr [rf

Modules Tasks Completed Notes

Conversation(Describe Read Textbook Page 11    

a classroom object) Listen to Conversation Presentations    

Read Textbook Page 11: ¿Qué hay en el

salób de ckase?
Vocabulary(Classroom View Vocabulary Presentations    
Review Flash Card    

Take a Self-Check Quiz    

Grammar(Personal Read Textbook Pages 9/10 (SER), Page 14

Pronouns and Verb (HAY), and Page 41 (ESTAR)
SER) View Grammar Presentation    

Take a Self-Check Quiz    

Lesson Wrap-Up Assessment

Modules Tasks Completed Notes

  Take the Academic Integrity Quiz    

  Review Elluminate-Live process    

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