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 Transnational terrorism involves the unlawful use of
force or indiscriminate violence by internationally-
linked groups against persons and properties in many
different parts of the world.
 Transnational groups usually have an international
membership and conduct their activities in many
countries. They target the international community
and aim to bring about a regional or global political
and social change.
Recent terrorist attack
 On 17 July 2009, the JW Marriott and Ritz
Carlton Hotels in Jakarta, Indonesia, were
hit by separate bombings five minutes
apart. Three of the seven victims who were
killed were Australians, two from The
Netherlands, and one each from New
Zealand and Indonesia. More than 50
people were injured in the blasts both
blasts were caused by suicide bombers,
who checked into the hotels as paying
guests several days earlier. The twin
suicide bombings came four years after the
last serious terrorist attack in Indonesia.
 Four years ago, terrorists perpetrated triple s
uicide attacks on restaurants on the Indonesi
an island of Bali. The blasts killed 20, includi
ng many foreign tourists. Three years earlier,
another series of bombings left 202 people d
ead, including 152 foreigners. Both the 2002
and 2005 attacks have been linked to Jemaa
h Islamiyah, an Al-Qaeda linked group seekin
g to unite Indonesia, Malaysia and southern
Philippines under an Islamic state.
 Police believed planning for the bombings wa
s led by Noordin M. Top Ibrohim, a florist wh
o worked for a florist company which had sto
res in both the bombed hotels, was another k
ey organizer. The bombs were smuggled into
the JW Marriott one day before the blast thro
ugh the hotel’s loading dock using a pick-up t
ruck rented by Ibrohim. The bomb design an
d materials of an unexploded bomb found by
Police in room 1808 were identical to those u
sed by Jemaah Islamiyah in previous attacks.
 Noordin M.Top was a Malaysian citizen who
claimed in a video in 2005 to be Al-Qaeda’s
representative in SEA and to be carrying ou
t attacks on Western civilians to avenge Mu
slim deaths in Afghanistan. One month late
r, he was supposedly killed during a 16 hou
r siege on a suspected militant hide-out. He
was killed in the bathroom of a house in a r
ice-growing village in central Java province
following a lengthy bomb and bullet battle.
Group 5
 Felicia
 Gloretta
 Pavithra
 Maisarah

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