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Ben Broughton One-Liners frankfromthehub@hotmail.


The Newsjack App

MAN: I voted Lib Dem in the last election and after seeing what they
have done, I’m all for an Alternative Vote next time I’m at the
ballot box.

TEEN GIRL: Now there are protests in Libya, come on Libya, Egypt was
doing that first, get your own thing.

MAN: So what the Real Hustle faked some scams, it’s a show about
swindles, why shouldn’t it con the viewers into believing it all?
That’s the biggest ruse they’ve done yet.

MAN: You have to feel for the Egyptians, as soon as they get rid of a
wealthy leader that ignored the public and was only interested
in aiding big business, David Cameron turns up.

“And Finally…”

PRESENTER: … in a week when all the invitations to Emperor Billy’s wedding

to his first of twelve wives were accidently sent out to the
public’s deceased pets.

PRESENTER: … in a week in which David Cameron re-launched the Big

Society, that as we all know was the first step towards a global
government ran by former librarians. All hail Dewey Decimal

Ben Broughton One-Liners

PRESENTER: … in a week when parliament discussed compiling a British Bill

of Rights to side step the involvement of Europe, that in turn
lead to the right to (SLUR) drink while at work. (HICCUP).

PRESENTER: NewsJack there, presented by a younger Miles Jupp before he

became an international household name for fathering Kate
Middleton’s first and third child.

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