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Fabulous Five

1. Choose a number from 1 to 10.

2. Double the number.

3. Add 10 to your new number.

4. Now, divide the total by 2.

5. Finally,subtract your original number that you started with.

6. Your answer will always be 5!

Magic Number Four

1. Have your friend to think of a number in his/head. That number will be called the "mystery

2. Tell them to add five. Now add two and then subtract three.

3. Now have them subtract that by the mystery number. Your friend should end up with 4.

Always in Your Mind

1. Tell your friend to think of a number in his/head. That number will be called the mystery

2. Tell him/her to add 5. Now add 2 and then subtract 3.

3. Now tell him/her to subtact that by the mystery number. Your friend should end up with 4.
The Magic Number 1089

1. Use your first piece of paper to write down the number "1089". After you write down the
number, ball it up and place it on the floor.

2. Tell your friend to write down any three digit number with different digits(on the second
sheet of paper).

3. Tell your friend to reverse the digits.For example, 742 is reversed to 247. Next, tell your
friend to subtract the bigger number and the smaller number.

4. Tell your friend to reverse the answer he just got. After that, your friend should add up the
last two digits.

5. Your friend should come up with a total of 1089. Ask your friend the answer he/she got.
When he/she tells you the answer, grab the piece of paper that you had on the floor. Unball
the piece of paper and show your friend.

6. Your friend will be amazed!

7. Examples: A. 753 - 357 = 396 B. 396 + 693 = 1089 A. 846 - 648 = 198 B. 198 + 891 =
1089 As you can see, the answer will always be 1089

Magic Number 10

1. Tell your friend to pick a number. Then tell them to double their number.

2. Add 20 and divide by 2.

3. Then, subtract the original number.

4. Ask them if their result is 10. Correctly, your friend will say yes!
Betcha Can't Make Nine Pencils Out Of

1. Tell your friend you can make nine pencils out of thirteen without taking any away.

2. Put thirteen pencils in front of you then write the letters "NINE"in capitol letters.

Denmark and Elephants!

1. Choose a number from 1 to 9.

2. Multiply it with 9.

3. Add both the digits together.

4. Subtract 5 from your answer.

5. Find the alphabet letter it matches (1=a,2=b,3=c, etc).

6. Think of a country that begins with that letter.

7. Add 5 to the number you had before you matched the letter with it.

8. Find the letter it matches (1=a,2=b,3=c, etc)

9. Think of a mammal that begins with that letter.

10. There are no elephants in Denmark!


1. Draw 6 lines on the piece of paper.

2. Tell your friend to try and make nine out of this, but they have to use 5 lines.

3. Once they give up, cross 1 line between the first two lines so the touch. Then skip the 2nd

4. After that, do the same thing that you did with the first lines. After that, draw 3 lines on the
last line to make an E. Now you should have made NINE!!!!

Is This Your Number?

1. First think of any number and write it on a small sheet of paper with your pencil. Fold it up
and place it in your pocket. Remember this number.(

2. Go to your friend (if you brought the calculator give it to them) and tell them to think of a
number (and maybe enter it on the calculator if they got one). Make sure they don't tell you.

3. Tell them to double the number they chose.

4. Now this is where your number on the paper comes in. In your head, double the number
you wrote. Tell your friend to add the number you doubled in your head.

5. Then tell them to divide their number by 2.

6. Then tell them to subtract the number they currently have from the first one they started
with or vice versa.

7. Pull out the piece of paper in your pocket and give it to your friend. They will be amazed
because the number on the paper will be their number!


This trick always works and has a great effect!

Magic Envelope Trick

1. Write on a piece of paper the current year it is. Times the number by two and put it in an

2. Pick a person from the audience and ask them their age, year of a very important event,
when they were born and years passed since the important event.

3. Add up all those numbers and it should add up to the number in the envelope.

4. Show it your audience and watch them be amazed!

Write down any number.

Add 3.
Multiply by 2.
Subtract 4.
Divide by 2.
Subtract the number you started with. Answer is 1

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