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School: Department:CSE/IT

Name of the faculty member: Monica Sood Course No: CSE301

Course Title: Database Management System
Class: Term: Section:B1801
Max. Marks: Date of Allotment:8-02-2011 Date of Submission:22-02-2011
Q. 1 create a package which includes:
a)function to return the square of the number if number is posotive else return an error
code 100
b)procedure to calculate the simple interest by passing the values of principal,rate and
Q. 2 List two reasons why null values might be introduced into the database.
Q. 3 “Does indexing play a role in database management system”. Explain your answer
with example.

Q. 4 Explain the role of virtual relations in relational database?And how we combine
relations for producing desired information?

Q. 5: Suppose there are two relations r and s, such that the foreign key B of r

the primary key A of s. Describe how the trigger mechanism can be used

to implement the on delete cascade option, when a tuple is deleted from s.

Q. 6: Specify the following views in SQL on the COMPANY database schema .

a. A view that has the department name, manager name, and manager salary for every

b. A view that has the employee name, supervisor name, and employee salary for each
employee who works in the ‘Research’ department.

c.A view that has project name, controlling department name, number of employees,
and total hours worked per week on the project for each project.

d.A view that has project name, controlling department name, number of employees,
and total hours worked per week on the project for each project with more than one
employee working on it.

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