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Quiz # _____

Name:…………………………………………………..…….….… Grade/Section:………. Day:…..…….

Teacher:………………………………………………….…........ Subject:….…….…..…... Date:…….….

I. Indicate whether each of the following statements is true or false;

1. ______Theory X assumes that workers must be controlled and put under heavy supervision to get them
to adhere to organizational objectives.

2. ______On the contrary, theory Y assumes that people have a need to work and take responsibility.

3. ______The majority of people reach the “self actualization” stage in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

4. ______F. W. Taylor concluded that employees are only motivated by money.

5. ______Maslow suggests that employees will be motivated to contribute to organizational goals only if
they are able first to satisfy their basic needs through their work.

II. Fill out all the spaces in the shapes below and give an example for each ‘need.’

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs Herzberg’s two factor theory

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