EnRoute Procedures

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Instrument Training En Route Procedures- rev.


Flight Lesson: En Route Procedures

1. exhibit knowledge of the elements related to ATC Clearances
2. ability to properly copy, readback, and comply with ATC Clearances
3. ability to interpret en route and area charts correctly

Schedule: Recommended Readings:

Activity Est. Time IFH
Ch 8: 8-1 to 8-10: NAS, En Route
Ground 0.75 Charts
Preflight/Taxi 0.25 Ch 10: 10-1 to 10-5: Publications/
Flight 2 Filing/Clearances
Debrief 0.25 IPH Chap 3: ALL: En Route
Total 3.25 Extra Low En Route Chart: Review

Elements Ground: • Clearance Void Times

• ATC Clearances • must advise within 30 minutes of
intentions if not off
• Filing Requirements
• VFR on Top
• Pilot Responsibility
• En Route
• Elements
• Chart Overview
• N-number
• chart interpretation
• Clearance limit
• Route
• includes departure procedures,
route of flight, arrival procedures • MRA
• Altitude data • MCA
• cruise vs maintain • Victor vs Tango Airways
• remember cruise clearance • Data interpretation
assumes approach clearance Elements Air:
• Holding instructions • ATC Clearance
• Frequency • Full IFR flight
• Transponder • Chart interpretation
• Abbreviated Clearance
• Tower En route Control

http://www.norcalflight.com/pdfs/instrument/EnRoute_Procedures.pdf 1 of 1

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