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Hotel 1 Features

Electronic District 1 Hotel 2
... ...
Teachers' words District 2
Committees' words Grad "book" ...
Photos Main (menu prices)
Students' feelings Contents Price Additional privilege
Contact list Hotel Shape of room
... Space
Floor plan
Ballroom Equipments
MC (2)
Reception (2)
Number of tables Western style
Set dinner
Teachers / Students
Combination Seat arrangement Food Chinese style
Teachers mixed with students
Technician (1)
Photographer (2) Date
Count for prizes and souvenirs Preparation
Counter (2) Time Event
On the big day...
Method Hotel + Room
Prizes Lucky draw Place
at least 3 Rundown
Games Total
Shows Go
Videos Not go
Performances Details
... Principal
Map How to go Teachers
Traffic ...
Parking spaces nearby
1.1 Posts
Graduation dinner Casual
(Template) Dress code
1.2 Division of labor 1. Committee formation ...

2.1 Go or not Souvenir for teachers and graduates

2.2 Budget 2. Ask students Equipments (which not provided by the hotel)
What do we need?
Get leaflets Gift for school
3.1 Search and filter
3.2 Make decision and contact (Number) meeting: (Date + Time + Venue)
3.3 The time we got Meetings
3.4 Room and equipments provided 3. Search for hotel Personnel
3.5 Food Name of event Time
3.6 Price Others Events Place
Comparison (of hotels)
Further evaluation
Budget 4.1 Brief proposal
Keep all records if possible Tackle problems
Photos 4. Write proposal and draft rundown (especially invoices) Reference for other students
4.2 Draft rundown
5.1 Distribute notice Flow Name
5.2 Get and count (Be quick and careful) 5. Gather money from students Teacher advisor

Recipients Name
6.1 Write invitation cards Chairperson (1)
6.2 Discuss games and 6. Work of class Name
Vice-chairperson (1)
7.Prepare gradbook Name
Finance (2)
Logistics 8.1 Hotel
8.2 People/post Secretary (2)
8. Finalize issues
8.3 Rundown Name
Follow the rundown
Avoid overrun 9. Graduation dinner
10.1 Financial report
10.2 Limitation and solutions
10. Evaluation (in report form)
10.3 Article for school magazine

Graduation dinner template.mmap - 27/5/2008 - Bob Chan

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