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Nenu numbers sariga veyaledhu….so naku enni unayo correctga telidhu……..

24) a)Try to call one activity of one application to another activity in another application
using start activity ?
b)using startActivityfor result?
25) Demonstrate the Datepicker Dialog box?
26) Demonstrate the Timepicker Dialog box?
27) Lists
28) Spinner

Database related ques

29)Develop an application which accepts some input fields [database operations] means creating
table and insert the values into that table etc?

30)After inserting the values in database display those items using select command?
31)Design a form which accepts marries or unmarries radio button,when we select marries it
shoews how many children? If unmarries when will u marry? Something like that…

32)Design a spinner which has got 1 to 10 ,when user selects 1,it should display 1 button,if 2
selects it will daisplay 2 buttons etc….

33)flash screen…………..

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