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Alias: Sepsis, Wound infections, fever and

chills, blood pressure

Description: The V. Vulnificus is a
bacterium that is shaped curved, rod-shaped


Hide out: It only affects humans and primates. V.

Vulnificus is usually found in warm, shallow, coastal
salt water in temperate climates throughout most of the

Accomplices: The infections do not spread

directly from one person to another.

What to do if you come in contact with criminal: When this infection is suspected, treatment with a
combination of a third-generation cephalosporin (e.g., ceftazidime) and doxycycline is recommended. V.
vulnificus wound infections should be treated with aggressive attention to the wound s
Works Cited
"CDC Natural Disasters | Vibrio Vulnificus." CDC Emergency Preparedness & Response Site. Centers

for Disease Control and Prevention, 14 Sept. 2005. Web. 23 Feb. 2011.


Schwartz, Robert A. "Vibrio Vulnificus Infection." Vibrio Vulnificus Infection. 16 June 2010. Web. 23

Feb. 2011. <>.

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