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Viewp ints

2 Welcome to Boston 1 of 2

A Before you watch

Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and guess the correct order of the story.
Note down some words you think you will hear.

B While you watch

1 Circle the correct word or number.
1 A “buck” is a cab / dollar. 2 The fare is $18 / $80. 3 The tip is $3 / $21.

2 Answer the question. Write Luis, Josh, or Jennifer.

1 Who is from Brazil? 4 Who is Jennifer’s brother?
2 Who is a soccer player? 5 Who is a graphic design student?
3 Who is Josh’s roommate? 6 Who is not a student?

3 Work in pairs. Complete the dialogue. Then listen and check.

Josh: Who 1 ?
Jennifer: 2
Josh: Oh, hi, Jennifer, come on in.
Jennifer: Hi.
Josh: Jennifer, 3 Luis, my 4 . Luis, 5 , Jennifer.
Jennifer: Hi, Luis, 6 you.

4 Label items 1–8 with the words in the box. Which item don’t they buy in the store?

bowl  chair  couch  dinner set  glasses  lamp  pillow  rug 6 8

1 3 5
4 7

1    2    3    4

5    6    7    8

Photocopiable D.R. © Macmillan Publishers S.A. de C.V. 2009

Viewp ints

2 Welcome to Boston 2 of 2

C After you watch

1 Match the words with their meanings.
1 pillow a man/person
2 guy b a thing for the floor
3 varsity c extra money for a good service
4 dozen d a thing for a couch
5 tip e university/college
6 rug f twelve

2 Work in pairs. Ask and answer about the meaning of each word in Exercise 1.
A: What’s a guy?
B: A man. What’s…?

D Language points
Complete the dialogues with the correct phrases. Then practice them with your partner.

Come on in. Excuse me? Have a nice day! How about you?

1 A: Goodbye. 3 A: That’s ten bucks, please.

B: Thanks. Goodbye. B: What are “bucks,” please?

2 A: Welcome to my home. 4 A: I’m a student.

B: Thank you. B: I’m a student, too.

E Your viewpoint
What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying in a new country?
Complete the chart using the ideas below and your own ideas. Discuss with your partner.

D learn a new language miss your family see a new place meet new people

miss your friends don’t understand people

have an exciting experience

Advantages Disadvantages

You learn a new language.

Photocopiable D.R. © Macmillan Publishers S.A. de C.V. 2009

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