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The Obama Administration

Rhetoric vs. Reality

Reality: U.S. Military Aid has supported

some of the most militarized societies in
the world and frequently outspends
international humanitarian programs

• $1.3 billion to Mubarak’s Egypt

• $3 billion to Israel slated for 2012
• $1.5 billion to Pakistan
Barack Obama: • The less than 1% of the budget set to
“To those who seek peace and security: We combat international poverty and
support you.” -Election victory Speech epidemics faces major cuts this year
November 2008

Barack Obama: “We have to confront the fact that our government spends more than it
takes in.! That is not sustainable.! Every day, families sacrifice to live within their
means.! They deserve a government that does the same.”
-State of the Union Address, January 2011

Reality: The government has recklessly borrowed trillions to fund the military-industrial
complex bail out Wall Street bankers.

• There have been more than $11 trillion in Wall Street bailouts since 2008
• Hundreds of billions of dollars have been added to the deficit to extend the Bush Tax
Cuts, disproportionately benefitting the wealthiest 2% of Americans
• At $1.39 trillion, Military Spending comprises 48% of the federal budget
• The government is cutting the low-income heating and energy assistance program in half
this year, leaving 3.1 million households out in the cold.

Robert Gates: “It is important to Reality: Since Gates took over at the
Pentagon at the end of 2006, defense
remember that every defense dollar spending has increased by more than $100
spent to over-insure against a remote billion. The proposed 2012 budget
or diminishing risk… is a dollar not includes:
available to take care of our • $117+ billion for wars in Iraq and
people… That is a risk I will not Afghanistan
take.” • $9.7 billion for the glitchy F-35 Jet
-Defense Secretary Robert Gates, April 2009 • $3.88 billion for unmanned “drones”
that have killed hundreds of civilians
in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Yemen

Join us on April 12, 2011 to tell our leaders that we spend too much on the military. We
want our tax dollars to pay for our basic needs, for our social survival! |

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