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Lesson Plan in Technology and Livelihood Education

Drafting-Industrial Arts

I-Objectives: At the end of the lesson the student should be able to:
1.      Explain the elements of guidelines
2.      Print lower case letters using appropriate guidelines.
3.      Observe neatness and accuracy while working.
II - Subject- Matter/Content:
            Topic: Elements of Guidelines
          References: Technology and Home Economics I pp.180-181
         Materials: Drawing paper, Ruler, Pencil
A. Preparation
1. Prayer
2. Checking of attendance
3. Unlocking of difficulties
-         lettering, guidelines, lower case letters
                       4. Motivation:
                                -  with the use of cut out letters from the magazines and newspaper, the
students will discuss on the styles, styles of letters, spacing ,etc. Assign a reporter to present
their work
B. Lesson Proper
      1. Randomly group into three. A task card will be distributed. Follow the instruction written
on it.
     2. Let them analyze/react about the activity made.
            - What can you say about your work?
          - How does it differ with the letter coming from the magazines?
         - Are the heights of the letters uniform?
C. Comparison
     3. Compare lettering with guidelines to the work of the students.
            - Post prepared lettering with guidelines ask their observation.
          - Is there any differences between the two? What are they?
    4. Discussion on the importance of guidelines on the board. Teacher will add input.
  5. Call several students to make the guidelines on the board.
D. Generalization
         - What are the elements of guidelines? Are they all important in lettering? Why?
       - What will you consider in making guidelines? Why?
E. Application
      - Ask them to print the lower case letters which represent their inetials using guidelines. The
teacher will roam around the classroom.
IV � Evaluation:
          - Make lower case letters using guidelines.
         - Use a score card or scoring rubric.
A. Workmanship                   Perfectly           Moderately      Poorly
                                                         Done                  Done              Done
                                                         (1)                        (2)                  (3)
1. Uniformly of letter
2 .Proper spacing of letter
3. Well made letter
B. Proper handling of drawing instruments
    4. Correct use of pencil
  5. Neatness
      Total Score = 15
V � Assignment:
         1. Go to the nearest art shop/drafting room and observe how the letter are made.
       2. Report to the class your observations and suggestion to improve your work.

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