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Trust....why should i trust when i lose trust in everyone

everyone i trusted has betrayed my trust
i feel as if trust is but a word with no meaning
why should i trust someone when they never believe me
they say they trust me but its just a stupid lie
WHY should i trust when nobody trusts me..............

I hAvE n0 fEaR iN dEaTh
I lIvE FoR iT
AlWaYs Lo0kInG f0R EnJoYmEnT
In WhAt It KiLlS
I HaVe No FeAr In DeAtH
DeAtH iS wHaT I CaN oNlY SeE
BuT wHy, HaS It NoT CoMe 4 Me
It CoMeS cLoSe BuT nEvEr CoMeS 4 Me
I hAvE n0 FeAr In DeAtH
4 DeAtH fEaRs Me..........!!

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