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Dipak Abhyankar

Bws-ems, imf-ibrd, ida-ifc, arbi/trading/speculation, ecm/forex market

Gold Standard Systems Bretton Woods System

Generic- This is a general generic This is institutionalized and
Institutionalized concept for fiat currency policy driven concept.
Basic-refined Basic Conceptual version of This is disciplined refinement
currency system. of Gold Standard system. It
was adapted in Bretton Woods
Meeting in 1944.
General-US focused Any country is allowed to USD was in Bullion standard
choose its Gold pegging with hard parity. Other
(Bullion Standard) or currencies were in exchange
currency pegging (exchange standard with flexible pegging.
Risk Each currency carried a US Dollar dependent system.
separate disconnected set of Risk was concentrated around
risks from other countries. US Dollar.
Time period This general concept was This was used till 1978.
used till introduction of
Bretton Woods in 1944.
European Monetary System Bretton Woods System
Time period 1979- to date 1944 to 1972
Countries European Members All IMF members
Pegging Currencies pegged against Currencies pegged with USD.
each other as parity grid. USD in parity with gold.
Objective Economic growth of Europe IMS for stability
Responsibility Collective- All EU members, US dominated.
equally responsible.
Gold Convertibility Not applicable in EMU Applicable to USD till 1968
Dipak Abhyankar
Euro Currency Market Forex Market
Definition Euro Currency Market is a Forex market is a market wherein
market wherein Foreign currencies are traded for the
Currency is deposited, purpose of exports, imports,
borrowed or invested in a remittances, investments and other
country other than home such purposes for Spot as well as for
country. forward transactions.
Record in Balance Euro Currency Market Forex Market transactions are
of Payments transactions are recorded in recorded in current account of
capital account of Balance of Balance of Payments.
Price Discovery Demand Supply of currency in Demand Supply of currency in Forex
Euro Currency Market Market determines spot and
determines Interest Rate of the forward exchange rate of the
respective currency. respective currencies.
Segments Segmented as Euro Deposits, Segmented as Wholesale and retail.
Euro Credits and Euro Bonds
Interdependency Euro Market transactions drive Forex Market transactions are result
forex rates in forex markets. of (inter alia) euro market
transactions. However, forex rates
have rebounding effect on euro
market transactions and investments.
Traded asset Euro Markets trade in Forex Markets trade in currencies.
investment of currencies.
Dipak Abhyankar
Arbitrage Trading
Profit opportunity because of existing Profit margin (decided and) earned by
(noticed) price difference. buying and selling, usually as a
consideration of:
a. Wholesale to retail unbundling
b. Holding Cost
c. Creating branch (local availability)
Arbitrage has to exist. If it does not, Trading is a business. It always exists. Of
arbitrager will not have any earning. course market demand-supply would drive
Depends on market. the volume.
Two traders offering different rates, create Traders adjust price as per their desire to
arbitrage opportunity. hold the asset and desired spread (margin)
Arbitrage could be exploited by any Traders are established entities which
bonafide market player including define their business as 'trading'. In forex
individuals. market they are banks, Authorized Dealers,
money changers, etc.
Any arbitrage opportunity vanishes as Trade is a business. It continues.
many arbitragers exploit it. This is
obviously because demand supply forces
get adjusted.
Supposed to be riskless, hence no chance of Trader has business risk. Position risk.
losses. Unique situations may lead to losses.
Types (in forex): Types (in forex):
Geographical, Triangular and Interest Rate Authorized Dealers
Money Changers
Depreciation Devaluation
Market Driven Government Dictated
Generally 'analog' type movement Generally 'digital' movement

Graph Graph

Statistical tools and econometrics can Human decision. All is just logical guess.
attempt to predict.
Central Bank Intervention may be desired Market pressure on currency valuation may
to prevent rapid depreciation. force the government to devalue.
It happens first and then it is measured. It is decided 'how much' and then done by
the government.
It's a concept related to free float. It's a concept related to fixed peg.
Market driven, hence government inaction Deliberate, hence government action may
may be subject to criticism. be subject to criticism.
Happens in India for last 15-20 years. Happened in India in 60s and 70s.
Happened in China till recent times.
Dipak Abhyankar
The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank at a Glance
International Monetary Fund World Bank
1. oversees the international monetary 1. seeks to promote the economic
system development of the world's poorer
2. promotes exchange stability and 2. assists developing countries through
orderly exchange relations among its long-term financing of development
member countries projects and programs
3. assists all members--both industrial 3. provides to the poorest developing
and developing countries--that find countries whose per capita GNP is
themselves in temporary balance of less than $865 a year special
payments difficulties by providing financial assistance through the
short- to medium-term credits International Development
Association (IDA)
4. supplements the currency reserves 4. encourages private enterprises in
of its members through the developing countries through its
allocation of SDRs (special drawing affiliate, the International Finance
rights); to date SDR 21.4 billion has Corporation (IFC)
been issued to member countries in
proportion to their quotas
5. draws its financial resources 5. acquires most of its financial
principally from the quota resources by borrowing on the
subscriptions of its member international bond market
6. has at its disposal fully paid-in 6. has an authorized capital of $184
quotas now totaling SDR 145 billion billion, of which members pay in
(about $215 billion) about 10 percent

7. has a staff of 2,300 drawn from 182 7. has a staff of 7,000 drawn from 180
member countries member countries
Dipak Abhyankar
Arbitrage Speculation
Profit opportunity because of existing Profit (or loss) possibility because of
(noticed) price difference. expected price change.
Arbitrage has to exist. If it does not, Speculation is possible at any point of time,
arbitrager will not have any earning. so long as speculator has a view on
Depends on market. possible market movements in future.
Two traders offering different rates, create Different expectations of price movement
arbitrage opportunity. (of two people) lead to speculative position.
Riskless Risky
Any arbitrage opportunity vanishes as Speculative potential is a perception and
many arbitragers exploit it. This is view.
obviously because demand supply forces
get adjusted.
Normally profit margins are thin and Standard deviation of speculative activity is
reducing. very high.
Types (in forex): Types (in forex):
Geographical, Triangular and Interest Rate Currency rate speculation
Interest rate speculation

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