Part A: Model Homework 2 School:LHST Department: ECE

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Model Homework 2

School:LHST Department: ECE

Name of the faculty member: BALBIR VIRDI Course No: ECE351
Course Title: Microprocessor and its applications
Class:BTech(CSE) Term:2 Section:A1808 Batch:2K8
Max. Marks: 05 Date of Allotment:10/02/2011 Date of Submission: 25/02/2011
Part A

Q1. Write a program to add a series of numbers when count of numbers is stored at memory location
2300H and first number is stored at 2301H using 8085.

Q2. Write the 8086 instruction which will perform the following operation:
(a) Load the content of memory addressed by SI into register AX.
(b) Load 5626H into DX.
(c) Add the content of two registers.
(d) Rotate accumulator right 6 times.
(e) Increment the content of a register.
Q3. Write a program to alter the content of PSW also provide addressing scheme.

Part B

Q4. Describe the following 8086 instructions also give their use:
(a) POP F
(b) RCL AX, 1
(c) ADD [2345], CX
(d) MUL [BX+ 34H]

Q5. Write a program to multiply two 8-bit numbers using 8086 microprocessor.

Q6. (a) How many segments are possible in 1Mb?

(b) What information is on the bus line A19-A16 during T2 state?

(c) Give the use of TF?

(d) For INTR how many INTA are executed?

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