2011 Embracing Mountain

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A residential movement workshop with Suprapto Suryodarmo in the beautiful surroundings

of the La Garrotxa region of Catalunya in Northern Spain. Living, working, and sharing in
the ancient casa rural, Mas Can Salavia, this is an opportunity to work in an intensive,
focused way for seven days. Suitable for beginners and those who have worked with
Prapto before. Approximate cost: £575 - £600, includes all food, accommodation and
teaching (but not travel – budget flights to Girona and Barcelona are readily available).
Expect to work in small groups, both indoors in an air conditioned movement studio, and
outdoors in the volcanic landscape, one to one with Prapto, and in whole groups.
Movement, landscape and poetry, and movement, meditation and film sessions, will be
offered by Isabel and Steve. For further information, contact Isabel Moros
(i.moros@exeter.ac.uk) or Steve Hopkins (stephen.hopkins198@btinternet.com). This
workshop has very limited availability – a maximum size of about 15. If you are interested,
please get in touch as soon as possible.


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