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Jalan Dago is one of the main and important streets in Bandung.

The established
building along the corridor first designed and function to Europe community who live in Bandung
during The Dutch Government. The Dutch Government capital city removal plan form Batavia to
Bandung followed by infrastructure planning and development, and housing fill up urban space.
Dago area is included in The Dutch Government Strategic plan called Uitbreidingsplan
Bandoeng-noord or North Bandung Planning and Development.

The trend of commercial activity movement, initially were more active in Southern street
segment that close to Jalan Merdeka. The activity were more intense then North segments.

Movement pattern continued to the Northern street segment which is Jalan Ganesa until
Jalan Siliwangi (case study). The changes were not all at once.

The changing spread from Jalan Ganesa until Jalan Siliwangi because of some reasons.
Some were, the owner passed away, the commercial value of the lot / site, the owner does not
want to live beside a commercial building, etc.

Along the development, the street has also changes. In 1970 until 1980, some houses
started to change to commercial buildings. Change significantly appears in 90th decades, reach
in peak post monetary crisis in 1998. The changes of the streets is complying the needs of the
commercial activities.

The rule of the road seems to be loose. As we can see, when there are traffic jams, a lot
of vehicles will produce more than 2 lanes. This situation is also being catalyzed by the
Angkutan Kota that rushing to moves.

Reference :
1. Uitbreidingsplan Bandoeng-noord, planned by AIA Bureau Batavia incoorporate with Bandung Public
Work. The area consist two part: North-East sector focused on ‘Gedung Sate’, and North West
sector which have no dominant elements except Air Port. See Sandi A. Siregar, The Architecture of
A City in Development, 1990

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