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„ A scientist must be
curious about the world.

Galileo Galilei·s curiosity

about the heavenly bodies
made him the first
person to use a a
telescope to study the
moon, the sun, the
planets, and the stars.
With his telescope, he
discovered the moons of
Jupiter, the craters on
the earth·s moon, and the
„ A scientist is logical and

Among the reasons why

Gregor Mendel discovered
the principles of heredity
when others have failed
was his logical
experimental methods and
his careful and accurate
record keeping. He was
systematic in the way he
studied traits. For
example, at first he
studied the inheritance of
only one trait, then of
two trait, and finally of
three traits at a time.
From his accurate
records, he was able to
see patterns from which
traits would appear.
„ A scientist is opened-

An opened-minded person
is one who can modify
plans or discard
hypotheses if necessary.
One such person was
Johannes Kepler who was
hired to developed
evidence that planets
moved along perfect
circles. But after 15
years of work, he broke
away from that idea and
discovered that planets
follow elliptical orbits.
„ A scientist is
intellectually honest.

Isaac Newton built his

laws of motion on the
previous work of Galileo
and others. In fact,
Newton·s fist law was
very similar to Galileo·s
concept of inertia. He
never claimed that he
worked out his laws by
himself. Newton
acknowledge the
contributions of Galileo
and others to his work by
saying that if he had
been able to see further
than others ´it was by
standing on the shoulders
of giantsµ.
„ A scientist works hard
and his persistent.

Marie Curie was the first

person ever to be
awarded the Nobel Prize
twice. It was not
surprising considering how
hard she worked in a
small wooden shed with a
dirt floor and a leaky
roof. This is where she
discovered radium and
polonium. They had to
work on several thousand
kilograms of uranium ore
to get a tenth of a gram
of pure radium.
„ A scientist does not
jump to any

John Dalton·s atomic

theory was backed by
experimental evidence.
He was not the first
to propose that the
atom was the smallest
particle of matter, but
he was the first to
use experimental
evidence to support his
„ A scientist is a
creative and critical

Albert Einstein was

able to derive his
theory of relativity
because he went
beyond what was given
and known at that
time. He saw links and
connections where
others did not. He
looked at things from
different perspectives.
„ A scientist is rational.

The expertise of Dr.

Ricardo M. Lantican in
the plant breeding gave
rise to varieties of plants
which are now grown
commercially in the
Philippines, South East
Asia and south Asia.
Because of his rational
decisions, he is successful
in his research on
cytoplasmic inheritance of
hypersensitivity to a
disease in maize.
„ A scientist is willing to
suspend judgment he is
sure of his results.

Dr. Luz Oliveros-

Belardo five decades
of her life to the
study of natural
products and Philippine
essential oils. Through
her logical and
systematic study, new
flavors were created
and herbal madication
was further enhanced.
A scientist tries new approaches to arrive at

Like the scientists who were cited in this lesson,

you should also learn to develop and adopt the
scientific attitudes. The determination, honesty ,
perseverance, patience and courage of our scientist
are virtues worth emulating.

let us face it. Not everyone has ideas about the

overall impact of technology. Some believe that
technology is good because it has made living more
comfortable and convenient. On the other hand,
there are those who maintain that technology has
caused many of the world·s problems today. These
different views on technology point out the need to
know when technology can be beneficial and when it
can be harmful.

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