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Sometimes on Monday morning you can still barely make out the whiff of

weekend relaxation. You know, that sense you had on Friday afternoon of
possibility and time. The sense of peace that came from an afternoon
spent reading your new book on the porch or weeding your garden. But
there are ways to bring moments of peace into your everyday life that don't
require totally checking out for two days. Here are eighteen little ways to
bring instant peace and quiet into your day.

1. Wake up naturally. Get the Sleep Cycle app for your iPhone to help you
wake up in the lightest stage of sleep.
2. Lay awake. Before jumping into your day when you wake up, take a
moment to stretch and take a few deep breaths.
3. Eat breakfast at a table. Sit down with your partner before you both
head out to the office.
4. Make a gratitude list in your head. As you're walking to the subway or
sitting in traffic, make a mental list of everything you're grateful for. 
5. Check something off your to-do list before checking email. Whether
you spend 5 minutes or 50, devote some dedicated time to
accomplishing something in your day before email sends you
running off reactively.
6. Do one thing at a time. Instead of shifting from one activity to another
during the workday, focus on one task at a time.
7. Pause before eating. You don't have to say full out grace, but
sometimes in our rush to grab food and scarf it down before a
meeting, we don't bring any attention to the moment. Before you dig
in, take a slow, deep breath.
8. Use your nose. When you take that deep breath, notice the smells of
your meal: coffee, fresh bread, the zing of vinegar in your salad.
9. Go outside during lunch. Take a walk around the block or sit on a park
bench for 15 minutes.
10. Read good news. Check out Happy News, Daily Good, Tonic, and
Good News Network. 
11. Really listen. So often when people talk to us we're anticipating the next
thing: what we want to say, or what we think they want us to say. Try
just listening, absolutely focusing on what someone is telling you. 
12. Get inspiring texts. Have reflective, meditative quotes sent directly to
your phone that get you to pause and be present when you're at the
post office. 
13. Send a postcard. Jot down a note to a friend to tell them your
geraniums are in bloom and you were thinking of them. 
14. Take a deep breath. Between activities, or when you find yourself
getting swept up in the day, take the biggest breath you can, filling
your lungs up with air, and slowly exhaling.
15. Physically connect. When you hug, kiss, or shake hands, really bring
attention to the connection with someone else.
16. If you think something nice, say it. So often we don't tell someone how
much we admire their haircut or that we love their handwriting. And
why not? People love to be complimented and you'll feel good, too,
for spreading some joy. 
17. Have dinner by candlelight. You set a slower mood, your skin glows,
and maybe you even start to feel a little romantic (wink, wink).
18. Drift off to dreamland. Instead of cataloging the next day's to-dos, start
at your tip-toes and work up to the top of your head, relaxing each
part of your body. You'll likely be having sweet dreams before you
get to your hips...

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