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Blue: C:100, M:100, K:2, Y:2. Yellow: C:6. M:0, K:78, Y:0 Typeface: Imprint MT Shadow.

This is my favorite logotype

for this assignment, although it is text intensive. I really like the slogan the client presented though, and wanted to
incorporate it as much as possible. I think this typeface is sober and professional yet somewhat distinct. As a seraph
it complements the rounded, curved shapes at the far left. The colors of the shapes take advantage of U of M’s
well-known color scheme.

Ann Arbor International House

A Worldwide Living, Learning Community
Intentional, International, Intercultural, Interfaith
C: 0, M:0, Y:0, K, 100. Typeface: Imprint MT Shadow. I like this typeface in general and thought it went
well with this very sober, professional logotype. It seems to have a classy, experienced look, and is very
no-nonsense, like the simple black logo design.

Ann Arbor International House

CMKY Blue: C: 92, M:86, K:0, Y:0, Yellow C: 2, M:5, K:96, Y: 0, Black: C:0, M:0, K:0, Y:100
Typeface: Stylus BT. Many logotpyes related to International Houses incorporate
a logo reminiscant of a “globe” as this one vaguely does, and want to highlight
“interculturalism”. This typeface seems reminiscent of ancient greek or latin script,
which for some reason has come to have an “international” or even “tribal”
connotation, amd for some reason has come to reflect “interculturalism”.
It is very legible.

International House: Ann Arbor

Intentional, International, Intercultural, Interfaith

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