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Non Property Related Investment Opportunities from just £6,250

 Invest in a 45 year green oil lease with the UK’s leading green oil producer.
 Fixed returns in year one and two, with a buy back option between years 5
and 10.
 Minimum investment of just £6,250

What are the investments?

Agroforestry---The investments contain two hectares of ‘green oil’ producing

plantation and receive a fixed return of 5% in year one, and 12% in year two. With
the projected return thereafter at 20% - investors should expect to receive a total
return of £40,000 over the life cycle of the investment.

Capital Builder—Initial investment of £12,000 which provides toe hectares of land,

the revenues generated are reinvested over a 10 year period. Investors can then
choose to sell all accumulated plots for a one off payment of £90,000 or choose an
annual £18,000 for remainder of the investment lifecycle.

Planning for the future?

This is a great way to learn about Green Oil investments while at the same time
maximising the returns from your pension by investing through a SIPP. The
investments have been approved by several SIPP providers and are a good way to
maximise your pension in the current economic climate.


Investors are protected by the fact the land is held in trust by the Citadel, and returns
are linked to rising oil prices. At present the demand for ‘green oil’ outstrips supply.
Several commercial airlines such as Lufthansa, TAM, BA, and Virgin Atlantic have all
done successful biofuel trials, and seek to integrate biofuel into the aviation industry.

Investment Provider

Our Provider is a London based PLC founded in 2006 and now has plantations in
more than 9 countries and employs approximately 800 people around the world.
They have at their disposal 1.2m hectares of plantation in South East Asia and Africa
where they work with the local farmers to grow energy crops. The company is
audited by Price Waterhouse Cooper and Deutsche Bank are their global custodians.
The ‘green oil’ they produce represents a renewable, sustainable source of fuel and
a genuine alternative to conventional fossil fuels.

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