The Principles of Ofdm: Signal Processing

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signal processing

The principles
digital signals, the information is in the form of bits,
or collections of bits called symbols, that are modu-
lated onto the carrier. As higher bandwidths (data
rates) are used, the duration of one bit or symbol of

of OFDM information becomes smaller. The system becomes

more susceptible to loss of information from impulse
noise, signal reflections and other impairments.
These impairments can impede the ability to recover
Multicarrier modulation techniques the information sent. In addition, as the bandwidth
used by a single carrier system increases, the sus-
are rapidly moving from the textbook ceptibility to interference from other continuous sig-
to the real world of modern nal sources becomes greater. This type of interfer-
ence is commonly labeled as carrier wave (CW) or
communication systems frequency interference.

Frequency division multiplexing

By Louis Litwin and modulation system
Michael Pugel Frequency division multiplexing (FDM) extends
the concept of single carrier modulation by using
multiple subcarriers within the same single

T he principles of orthogonal frequency division

multiplexing (OFDM) modulation have been in
existence for several decades. However, in recent
channel. The total data rate to be sent in the
channel is divided between the various subcarriers.
The data do not have to be divided evenly nor do
years these techniques have quickly moved out of they have to originate from the same information
textbooks and research laboratories and into prac- source. Advantages include using separate modula-
tice in modern communications systems. The tech- tion/demodulation customized to a particular type of
niques are employed in data delivery systems over data, or sending out banks of dissimilar data that
the phone line, digital radio and television, and can be best sent using multiple, and possibly dif-
wireless networking systems. What is OFDM? And ferent, modulation schemes.
why has it recently become so popular? This article Current national television systems committee
will review the fundamentals behind OFDM tech- (NTSC) television and FM stereo multiplex are good
examples of FDM. FDM offers an advantage over
single-carrier modulation in terms of narrowband
frequency interference since this interference will
only affect one of the frequency subbands. The other
subcarriers will not be affected by the interference.
Since each subcarrier has a lower information rate,
the data symbol periods in a digital system will be
longer, adding some additional immunity to impulse
noise and reflections.
FDM systems usually require a guard band be-
tween modulated subcarriers to prevent the spec-
trum of one subcarrier from interfering with an-
other. These guard bands lower the system’s
effective information rate when compared to a single
carrier system with similar modulation.

Figure 1. Single carrier spectrum example. Orthogonality and OFDM

If the FDM system above had been able to use a
niques, and also discuss common impairments and set of subcarriers that were orthogonal to each other,
how, in some cases, OFDM mitigates their effect. a higher level of spectral efficiency could have been
Where applicable, the impairment effects and tech- achieved. The guardbands that were necessary to
niques will be compared to those in a single carrier allow individual demodulation of subcarriers in an
system. A brief overview of some modern applica- FDM system would no longer be necessary. The use
tions will conclude the article. of orthogonal subcarriers would allow the subcarri-
ers’ spectra to overlap, thus increasing the spectral
The single-carrier efficiency. As long as orthogonality is maintained, it
modulation system is still possible to recover the individual subcarriers’
A typical single-carrier modulation spectrum is signals despite their overlapping spectrums.
shown in Figure 1. A single carrier system modu- If the dot product of two deterministic signals is
lates information onto one carrier using frequency, equal to zero, these signals are said to be orthogo-
phase, or amplitude adjustment of the carrier. For nal to each other. Orthogonality can also be

30 January 2001

son that the OFDM subcarriers’ spec-
trums can overlap without causing

A simple OFDM example

Figure 3 shows a simple representa-
tion of an OFDM system. These types
of systems have been built but the
practicality of such construction quick-
ly diminishes as the number of subcar-
riers increases. Each subcarrier car-
ries one bit of information (N bits
total) by its presence or absence in the
output spectrum. The frequency of
each subcarrier is selected to form an
orthogonal signal set, and these fre-
Figure 2. FDM signal spectrum example. quencies are known at the receiver.
Note that the output is updated at a
viewed from the standpoint of stochas- tain frequency, there will be a peak in periodic interval T that forms the sym-
tic processes. If two random processes the correlation of the input signal and bol period as well as the time bound-
are uncorrelated, then they are the basis sinusoid that is at that corre- ary for orthogonality. Figure 4 shows
orthogonal. Given the random nature sponding frequency. This transform is the resultant frequency spectrum. In
of signals in a communications sys- used at the OFDM transmitter to map the frequency domain, the resulting
tem, this probabilistic view of orthogo- an input signal onto a set of orthogo- sin function side lobes produce over-
nality provides an intuitive under- nal subcarriers, i.e., the orthogonal lapping spectra. The individual peaks
standing of the implications of orthog- basis functions of the DFT. Similarly, of subbands all line up with the zero
onality in OFDM. Later in this article, the transform is used again at the crossings of the other subbands. This
we will discuss how OFDM is imple- OFDM receiver to process the received overlap of spectral energy does not
mented in practice using the discrete subcarriers. The signals from the sub- interfere with the system’s ability to
fourier transform (DFT). Recall from carriers are then combined to form an recover the original signal. The receiv-
signals and systems theory that the estimate of the source signal from the er multiplies (i.e., correlates) the
sinusoids of the DFT form an orthogo- transmitter. The orthogonal and incoming signal by the known set of
nal basis set, and a signal in the vec- uncorrelated nature of the subcarriers sinusoids to produce the original set of
tor space of the DFT can be represent- is exploited in OFDM with powerful bits sent. The digital implementation
ed as a linear combination of the results. Since the basis functions of of an OFDM system will enhance
orthogonal sinusoids. One view of the the DFT are uncorrelated, the correla- these simple principles and permit
DFT is that the transform essentially tion performed in the DFT for a given more complex modulation.
correlates its input signal with each of subcarrier only sees energy for that
the sinusoidal basis functions. If the corresponding subcarrier. The energy Implementation of
input signal has some energy at a cer- from other subcarriers does not con- an OFDM system
tribute because it is uncorrelated. This The idea behind the analog imple-
separation of signal energy is the rea- mentation of OFDM can be extended to

Figure 3. A Simple OFDM generator. N subcarri-

ers transmitting 1 bit of information each, by Figure 4. Overall spectrum of the simple OFDM signal shown with four subcarriers within. Note
turning on and off at time intervals T. that the zero crossings all correspond to peaks of adjacent subcarriers.

32 January 2001

Multipath channels and
the use of cyclic prefix
A major problem in most wireless
systems is the presence of a multipath
channel. In a multipath environment,
the transmitted signal reflects off of sev-
eral objects. As a result, multiple
delayed versions of the transmitted sig-
nal arrive at the receiver. The multiple
versions of the signal cause the received
signal to be distorted. Many wired sys-
tems also have a similar problem where
Figure 5. Block diagram of a simple OFDM system. reflections occur due to impedance mis-
matches in the transmission line.
the digital domain by using the discrete tude and phase of the sinusoid for A multipath channel will cause two
Fourier Transform (DFT) and its coun- that subcarrier. The IFFT output is problems for an OFDM system. The
terpart, the inverse discrete Fourier the summation of all N sinusoids. first problem is intersymbol interfer-
Transform (IDFT). These mathematical Thus, the IFFT block provides a sim- ence. This problem occurs when the
operations are widely used for trans- ple way to modulate data onto N received OFDM symbol is distorted by
forming data between the time-domain orthogonal subcarriers. The block of N the previously transmitted OFDM sym-
and frequency-domain. These trans- output samples from the IFFT make bol. The effect is similar to the inter-
forms are interesting from the OFDM up a single OFDM symbol. The length symbol interference that occurs in a sin-
perspective because they can be viewed of the OFDM symbol is NT where T is gle-carrier system. However, in such
as mapping data onto orthogonal sub- the IFFT input symbol period men- systems, the interference is typically
carriers. For example, the IDFT is used tioned above. due to several other symbols instead of
to take in frequency-domain data and After some additional processing, just the previous symbol; the symbol
convert it to time-domain data. In order the time-domain signal that results period in single carrier systems is typi-
to perform that operation, the IDFT cor- from the IFFT is transmitted across cally much shorter than the time span
relates the frequency-domain input the channel. At the receiver, an FFT of the channel, whereas the typical
data with its orthogonal basis functions, block is used to process the received OFDM symbol period is much longer
which are sinusoids at certain frequen- signal and bring it into the frequency- than the time span of the channel. The
cies. This correlation is equivalent to domain. Ideally, the FFT output will second problem is unique to multicarri-
mapping the input data onto the sinu- be the original symbols that were er systems and is called Intrasymbol
soidal basis functions. sent to the IFFT at the transmitter. Interference. It is the result of interfer-
In practice, OFDM systems are When plotted in the complex plane, ence amongst a given OFDM symbol’s
implemented using a combination of the FFT output samples will form a own subcarriers. The next sections illus-
fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and constellation, such as 16-QAM. trate how OFDM deals with these two
inverse fast Fourier Transform (IFFT) However, there is no notion of a con- types of interference.
blocks that are mathematically equiv- stellation for the time-domain signal.
alent versions of the DFT and IDFT, When plotted on the complex plane, Intersymbol interference
respectively, but more efficient to the time-domain signal forms a scat- Assume that the time span of the
implement. An OFDM system treats ter plot with no regular shape. Thus, channel is LC samples long. Instead of a
the source symbols (e.g., the QPSK or any receiver processing that uses the single carrier with a data rate of R sym-
QAM symbols that would be present concept of a constellation (such as bols/second, an OFDM system has N
in a single carrier system) at the symbol slicing) must occur in the fre- subcarriers, each with a data rate of
transmitter as though they are in the quency-domain. The block diagram R/N symbols/second. Because the data
frequency-domain. These symbols are in Figure 5 illustrates the switch rate is reduced by a factor of N, the
used as the inputs to an IFFT block between frequency-domain and time- OFDM symbol period is increased by a
that brings the signal into the time- domain in an OFDM system. factor of N. By choosing an appropriate
domain. The IFFT takes in N symbols
at a time where N is the number of
subcarriers in the system. Each of
these N input symbols has a symbol
period of T seconds. Recall that the
basis functions for an IFFT are N
orthogonal sinusoids. These sinusoids
each have a different frequency and
the lowest frequency is DC. Each
input symbol acts like a complex
weight for the corresponding sinu-
soidal basis function. Since the input
symbols are complex, the value of the Figure 6. Example of intersymbol interference. The green symbol was transmitted first, followed by the
symbol determines both the ampli- blue symbol.

34 January 2001

Figure 7. Left plot shows the frequency response of a channel, and the right plot shows the corresponding frequency-domain equalizer response. Note that the
equalizer response is large when the channel response is small in order to counteract the effect of a channel null.

value for N, the length of the OFDM are of infinite length or if at least one channel. Such an equalizer can be
symbol becomes longer than the time of the signals is periodic over the expensive to implement in hardware
span of the channel. Because of this range of the convolution. It is not prac- and often requires a large number of
configuration, the effect of intersymbol tical to have an infinite-length OFDM symbols in order to adapt its response
interference is the distortion of the first symbol, however, it is possible to make to a good setting.
LC samples of the received OFDM sym- the OFDM symbol appear periodic. In OFDM, the time-domain signal is
bol. An example of this effect is shown This periodic form is achieved by still convolved with the channel
in Figure 6. By noting that only the first replacing the guard interval with response. However, the data will ulti-
few samples of the symbol are distorted, something known as a cyclic prefix of mately be transformed back into the
one can consider the use of a guard length LP samples. The cyclic prefix is frequency-domain by the FFT in the
interval to remove the effect of inter- a replica of the last LP samples of the receiver. Because of the periodic nature
symbol interference. The guard interval OFDM symbol where LP > LC. Since it of the cyclically-extended OFDM sym-
could be a section of all zero samples contains redundant information, the bol, this time-domain convolution will
transmitted in front of each OFDM cyclic prefix is discarded at the receiv- result in the multiplication of the spec-
symbol. Since it does not contain any er. Like the case of the guard interval, trum of the OFDM signal (i.e., the fre-
useful information, the guard interval this step removes the effects of inter- quency-domain constellation points)
would be discarded at the receiver. If symbol interference. Because of the with the frequency response of the
the length of the guard interval is prop- way in which the cyclic prefix was channel. The result is that each subcar-
erly chosen such that it is longer than formed, the cyclically-extended OFDM rier’s symbol will be multiplied by a
the time span of the channel, the symbol now appears periodic when complex number equal to the channel’s
OFDM symbol itself will not be distort- convolved with the channel. An impor- frequency response at that subcarrier’s
ed. Thus, by discarding the guard inter- tant result is that the effect of the frequency. Each received subcarrier
val, the effects of intersymbol interfer- channel becomes multiplicative. experiences a complex gain (amplitude
ence are thrown away as well. In a digital communications system, and phase distortion) due to the chan-
the symbols that arrive at the receiver nel. In order to undo these effects, a fre-
Intrasymbol interference have been convolved with the time- quency-domain equalizer is employed.
The guard interval is not used in domain channel impulse response of Such an equalizer is much simpler than
practical systems because it does not length LC samples. Thus, the effect of a time-domain equalizer. The frequen-
prevent an OFDM symbol from inter- the channel is convolutional. In order cy-domain equalizer consists of a sin-
fering with itself. This type of interfer- to undo the effects of the channel, gle complex multiplication for each
ence is called intrasymbol interfer- another convolution must be per- subcarrier. For the simple case of no
ence. The solution to the problem of formed at the receiver using a time- noise, the ideal value of the equalizer’s
intrasymbol interference involves a domain filter known as an equalizer. response is the inverse of the chan-
discrete-time property. Recall that in The length of the equalizer needs to be nel’s frequency response. An example
continuous-time, a convolution in time on the order of the time span of the is shown in Figure 7. With such a set-
is equivalent to a multiplication in the channel. The equalizer processes sym- ting, the frequency-domain equalizer
frequency-domain. This property is bols in order to adapt its response in would cancel out the multiplicative
true in discrete-time only if the signals an attempt to remove the effects of the effect of the channel.

36 January 2001

Figure 8. Received spectrum with one non-zero subcarrier. The left plot is for the case of no LO offset, and the right plot is for the presence of an LO offset.

COFDM: Coded OFDM and those bits would not be weighted as quency shift of the received signal spec-
Coded OFDM, or COFDM, is a term heavily as bits from a strong subcarrier. trum. This shift causes a condition
used for a system in which the error COFDM systems are able to achieve called “loss of orthogonality” to occur.
control coding and OFDM modulation excellent performance on frequency- The frequency shift causes the OFDM
processes work closely together. An selective channels because of the com- subcarriers to no longer be orthogonal.
important step in a COFDM system is bined benefits of multicarrier modula- The orthogonality of the subcarriers is
to interleave and code the bits prior to tion and coding. lost because the bins of the FFT will no
the IFFT. This step serves the purpose longer line up with the peaks of the
of taking adjacent bits in the source Non-ideal effects in an received signal’s since pulses. The
data and spreading them out across OFDM system result is a distortion called inter-bin
multiple subcarriers. One or more sub- This section will examine the effects interference or IBI. IBI occurs when
carriers may be lost or impaired due to of non-idealities in an OFDM system. energy from one bin spills over into
a frequency null, and this loss would These effects will include impairments adjacent bins and this energy distorts
cause a contiguous stream of bit errors. and receiver offsets. Because the fourier the affected subcarriers. In Fourier
Such a burst of errors would typically transform is a fundamental operation in Transform theory this effect is called
be hard to correct. The interleaving at OFDM, the effects of several offsets can DFT leakage.
the transmitter spreads out the contigu- be intuitively understood by applying The left plot of Figure 8 shows the
ous bits such that the bit errors become fourier transform theory. spectrum of a received OFDM signal
spaced far apart in time. This spacing with no LO offset. For the purpose of
makes it easier for the decoder to cor- Local oscillator clarity, only one non-zero subcarrier
rect the errors. Another important step frequency offset was transmitted. Note that this subcar-
in a COFDM system is to use channel At start-up, the local oscillator (LO) rier is not interfering with its adjacent
information from the equalizer to deter- frequency at the receiver is typically dif- subcarriers. The spectrum of the non-
mine the reliability of the received bits. ferent from the LO frequency at the zero subcarrier actually extends over
The values of the equalizer response transmitter. A carrier tracking loop is the entire range of the FFT, however,
are used to infer the strength of the used to adjust the receiver’s LO fre- due to the orthogonal nature of the sig-
received subcarriers. For example, if the quency in order to match the transmit- nal, the zero-crossings of the spectrum
equalizer response had a large value at ter’s LO frequency as closely as possi- exactly line up with the other FFT bins.
a certain frequency, it would correspond ble. The effect of having an LO frequen- The right plot of Figure 8 shows the
to a frequency null at that point in the cy offset can be explained by Fourier received spectrum of the same signal
channel. The equalizer response would Transform theory. The LO offset can be with one non-zero subcarrier, however,
have a large value at that point because expressed mathematically by multiply- in this case there is an LO offset. This
it is trying to compensate for the weak ing the received time-domain signal by offset has resulted in a loss of orthogo-
received signal. This reliability informa- a complex exponential whose frequency nality, and the zero-crossings of the
tion is passed on to the decoding blocks is equal to the LO offset amount. Recall non-zero subcarrier’s spectrum no
so that they can properly weight the from Fourier Transform theory that longer line up with the FFT bins. The
bits when making decoding decisions. multiplication by a complex exponential result is that energy from the non-zero
In the case of a frequency null, the bits in time is equivalent to a shift in fre- subcarrier is spread out among all of
would be marked as “low confidence” quency. The LO offset results in a fre- the other subcarriers, with those sub-

38 January 2001

carriers closest to the non-zero subcarri- is small, the frequency-domain equaliz- occur. The presence of the cyclic prefix
er receiving the most interference. This er can correct this effect. Each filter gives enough headroom to enable a
simple example was for the case of only coefficient in a frequency-domain equal- small offset to be present without tak-
one non-zero subcarrier. In a practical izer multiplies its corresponding subcar- ing samples from more than one OFDM
system, almost all of the subcarriers rier by a complex gain (i.e., amplitude symbol. However, even an offset of just
would be actively used for transmitting scaling and phase rotation). The equal- one sample will cause some degree of
data. A given subcarrier would experi- izer’s coefficients can be used to correct distortion. Again, the effect can be
ence IBI due to energy from all of the for a small phase rotation as long as the understood from Fourier Transform
other active subcarriers in the system. rotation doesn’t cause the constellation theory. The offset can be viewed as a
The central limit theorem states that points to rotate beyond the symbol deci- shift in time. As long as the FFT win-
the sum of a large number of random sion regions. Larger phase rotations are dow l oc at i on offset does not go
processes will result in a signal that has corrected by a carrier tracking loop. beyond an OFDM symbol boundary,
a Gaussian distribution. Because of this this shift in time is equivalent to a
property, the IBI will manifest itself as FFT window location offset linearly-increasing phase rotation in
additive Gaussian noise, thus lowering Another non-ideal effect that can the frequency-domain constellations.
the effective SNR of the system. occur in a real-world OFDM system is Constellations on subcarriers corre-
The effect of an LO frequency offset an FFT window location offset. An N- sponding to low frequencies will be
can be corrected by multiplying the sig- point FFT at the receiver processes data rotated slightly, whereas constellations
nal by a correction factor. The correc- in blocks of N samples at a time. on higher-frequency subcarriers will
tion factor would be a sinusoid with a Ideally, the N samples taken in by the experience a larger rotation. The
frequency that is ideally equal to the FFT will correspond to the N samples of amount of rotation increases linearly as
amount of the LO frequency offset. a single transmitted OFDM symbol. In the subcarrier’s FFT bin location
Various carrier tracking algorithms practice, a correlation is often used with increases. Examples of the effects of dif-
exist that can adaptively determine the a known preamble sequence located at ferent degrees of FFT window location
frequency that will correct for the offset. the beginning of the transmission. This offsets are shown in Figure 9.
correlation operation aids the receiver FFT window location offsets are often
LO phase offset in synchronizing itself with the received corrected by performing a time-domain
It is also possible to have an LO signal’s OFDM symbol boundaries. correlation with a known training
phase offset, separate from an LO fre- However, inaccuracies still remain, and sequence embedded in the transmitted
quency offset. The two offsets can occur they manifest themselves as an offset in signal. The location of the peak of the
in conjunction or one or the other can be the FFT window location. The result is correlation allows the receiver to syn-
present by itself. As the name suggests, that the N samples sent to the FFT will chronize itself with the incoming signal.
an LO phase offset occurs when there is not line up exactly with the correspond-
a difference between the phase of the ing OFDM symbol. If the offset is very Sampling frequency offset
LO output and the phase of the received large, part of the N samples will be from Another potentially harmful situa-
signal. This effect can be represented one OFDM symbol, and the rest of sam- tion is the presence of a sampling fre-
mathematically by multiplying the ples will be from another OFDM sym- quency offset. This condition occurs
time-domain signal by a complex expo- bol. Such a situation would result in a when the A/D converter output is sam-
nential with a constant phase. The severe distortion of the received subcar- pled either too fast or too slow. Recall
result is a constant phase rotation for rier’s constellations. Fortunately, such a that FS/2 is the highest available fre-
all of the subcarriers in the frequency- large offset does not typically occur if a quency in discrete-time where FS is the
domain. The constellation points for robust synchronization algorithm is sampling frequency. Sampling too fast
each subcarrier experience the same used. More likely, an FFT window loca- essentially increases the value of FS/2
degree of rotation. If the phase rotation tion offset of just a few samples will and the result is a contracted (i.e.,

Figure 9. Effect of different FFT window offsets.

40 January 2001

squashed) spectrum. Similarly, sam- but the system may also have other sending the same data on several sub-
pling too slow decreases the value of sources that can increase the noise in carriers, or sending data that can be
FS/2 and results in an expanded spec- the system. The effect of AWGN on an considered lower priority. In extreme
cases, the subcarriers can transmit no
data, essentially turning them off.

Impulse noise
Impulse noise is a common impair-
ment in a communications system aris-
ing from motors or lightning. Impulse
noise is typically characterized as a
short time-domain burst of energy. The
burst may be repetitive or may be a sin-
gle event. In either case, the frequency
spectrum from this energy burst is
wideband, typically much wider than
the channel, but is present for only a
Figure 10. Illustration of the effect of a sampling frequency offset.
short time period.
One of the most important concepts
trum. If the spectrum expands too OFDM system is similar to its effect on to understand about OFDM and its
much, aliasing of the spectrum can a single carrier system. The signal-to- properties related to the FFT algorithm
occur. Either type of sampling frequen- noise ratio (SNR) is a function of the is how the algorithm changes the
cy offset results in IBI since the expan- total signal power over the total noise nature of the signal. In a single-carrier
sion or contraction of the spectrum pre- power across the received channel. The system, the symbol can be viewed as
vents the received subcarriers from lin- uniform noise contributes to the SNR of occupying all of the available frequency
ing up with the FFT bin locations. The each subcarrier in the OFDM system spectrum for the time duration of the
effect of sampling too fast is illustrated and the net result is equivalent to the symbol. A group of symbols then occu-
in Figure 10 and simulation results to effect on single channel systems. pies all of the spectrum for the duration
demonstrate this effect are shown in of the whole group, but in a time divi-
Figure 11. A sampling frequency offset Non-uniform noise sion arrangement.
can be corrected by generating an error Noise in a communications channel OFDM, using the FFT, takes symbols
term that is used to drive a sampling can often be shaped, or “colored”, by and creates these groups directly and
rate converter. various effects. These effects can then transforms them. They are no
include transmit signal imperfections, longer time-domain multiplexed, they
Uniform noise transmission channel characteristics, or are now frequency-domain multiplexed.
Additive white Gaussian noise receiver frequency shaping. The impli- The OFDM symbol is now a collection of
(AWGN) is the most common impair- cations of these effects for an OFDM these source symbols, and this OFDM
ment encountered in a communications system can be different compared to its symbol now has a much longer dura-
tion. Each original symbol occupies only
a small frequency region, but now occu-
pies that region for the entire OFDM
symbol duration. Figure 13 illustrates
this concept. For impulses that are
short in duration, the impulse energy
masks a smaller percentage of time of
each OFDM symbol compared to the
single carrier case. Impulse noise can
therefore have less of an effect on short
duration noise.

Carrier interference
Single-carrier interference arises
Figure 11. Simulation results showing the effect of a sampling frequency that is too high. Note that the
sample that was originally at bin 15 is now at bin 8.
from other sources that may co-exist in
the frequency range of interest. These
can be generated by nearby circuits or
system. In a wireless medium, the noise single-carrier counterpart. The modula- other transmission sources. The single
source is typically considered to be ther- tion of the OFDM system can be tai- carrier system must handle this inter-
mal noise that is Gaussian and uniform lored for the noise characteristics. One ference as a noise source for all informa-
across the frequency range. Additional method previously mentioned involves tion sent. The OFDM system can avoid
noise sources include atmospheric lowering the modulation (number of the frequency region of interference by
sources and solar radiation. In a con- bits/symbol) on subcarriers in a low disabling or turning off the affected sub-
tained media, such as a coaxial cable SNR environment as illustrated in carriers. Narrowband modulated
system, thermal noise will be present, Figure 12. Another method involves sources of interference can be consid-

42 January 2001

are generated by the IFFT and can be
used to provide a stable phase refer-
ence for the receiver circuitry. Adding
these pilots lowers the available data
rate of the system because these sub-
carriers are no longer available to
transmit data.

Non-linear circuits in the

transmitter and receiver
All transmitters and receivers in
communications systems contain
devices such as amplifiers and mixers
that have non-linear transfer functions.
These non-linearities create an addi-
Figure 12. Uniform and Non-uniform noise and SNR. OFDM can tailor its modulation to the shape of the tional performance limitation. The
noise spectrum. receiver performance is typically limited
by distortion generated in the input
ered similar to carrier interference in For this reason, phase noise degrades amplifier or mixer in the presence of
their impairment. the performance of an OFDM system strong undesired signals. The transmit-
more than in a single carrier system. ter performance is limited primarily by
Phase noise Phase noise effects in an OFDM sys- power amplifier linearity. An OFDM
Noise can also be added to the signal tem can be separated into two cate- signal is made up of multiple simulta-
through a frequency-conversion stage. gories: phase noise maintained within neous signals that, for a given average
The local oscillator used in the converter one subcarrier spacing, and phase power, have a higher peak signal level.
will inherently have some phase noise noise that extends across subcarrier OFDM signals result in an increase in
(uncertainty of actual frequency or spacings. Phase noise that extends the peak-to-average ratio (PAR) of the
phase of the signal) that will be trans- across subcarrier spacings is consid- signal. For multi-carrier systems, the
ferred to the desired signal. Figure 14 ered extreme and results in demodula- PAR value is often expressed in terms
shows the effect of phase noise on a local tion errors. Phase noise within one of statistics because the probability that
oscillator. Phase noise is shaped and is subcarrier spacing essentially has a all subcarriers will simultaneously
primarily concentrated near the carrier similar but scaled effect as for the sin- reach peak amplitude is low, even
(or center frequency) of the signal. gle carrier system. The phase noise though the simultaneous peak ampli-
An OFDM signal set contains multi- results in phase uncertainty in the tude value is large. These higher peak
ple subcarriers, each of which is a constellation point producing an arc- amplitude levels will create more severe
smaller percentage of the total fre- shaped noise pattern in the constella- distortion than a single carrier case
quency bandwidth than in a single tion of each subcarrier. even if the average power levels of each
carrier system. As a result, phase In order to help the OFDM system are the same. The higher distortion will
noise is a smaller percentage of the handle phase noise, pilot subcarriers increase the SNR needed to maintain
bandwidth in a single-carrier system. are often used. These pilot subcarriers adequate performance. Linearity
requirements in both the receiver and
transmitter must be adjusted or
“backed off” to account for this increase
in PAR value. The PAR value, and also
the amount of linearity compensation,
will depend on a number of parameters
including the number of subcarriers
and the level of SNR that must be

Modern applications
OFDM has been chosen for several
current and future communications sys-
tems all over the world. It is well-suited
for systems in which the channel char-
acteristics make it difficult to maintain
adequate communications link perfor-
mance. Asynchronous digital subscriber
line (ADSL) provides a method of deliv-
ering high speed data over the phone
line. The system uses OFDM tech-
niques, calling their variation discrete
Figure 13. Comparison of single carrier versus OFDM spectrum. multi-tone (DMT). DMT includes fea-

46 January 2001

tures for allowing the [5] P. Shelswell The COFDM
removal of subcarriers and Modulation System, The Heart of
for adjusting modulation Digital Audio Broadscasting, BBC
format (from 1 to 15 bits Research and Development Report,
per symbol) on a per sub- BBC RD 1996/8
carrier basis to best suit the
transmission channel char-
acteristics. The system also
permits “dynamic alloca- About the authors
tion” of these parameters.
European digital televi- Michael Pugel is a principal mem-
sion is based on the DVB-T ber of the technical staff at Thomson
(digital video broadcast - Multimedia, Indianapolis. He is cur-
terrestrial) standard that rently working in corporate innova-
uses either 2048 (2K) or tion and Research for the Future
8192 (8K) subcarriers with- Communications Systems Group
in a standard 8 MHz TV investigating home networking con-
channel. The system speci- cepts and advanced front-end technol-
fications and coding were ogy. Previously, he has worked on
specifically designed to analog and digital television, digital
allow multipoint repeater satellite receiver, RF remote control,
signaling that creates co- Figure 14. Phase noise on a LO. The upper picture shows a signal and cable modem front-end product
channel signals. Discus- with very little phase noise, and the lower picture shows the same
signal with phase noise added
development. He currently holds 11
sions are ongoing in the U.S. patents and has received numer-
U.S. to look at a similar ous internal Thomson awards. He has
system and Japan is close to adopting a ment it can still make up a sizeable and co-authored several papers and a
similar standard for their future digital expensive portion of the design. OFDM tutorial previously presented at
TV broadcast system. should not be considered for every com- ICCE. He graduated from Purdue
The next generation of radio broad- munication system because of its University with his BSEE in 1986
cast may also make use of OFDM tech- increased complexity and higher trans- and MSEE in 1991. He can be con-
niques. In the U.S., the system under mitter and receiver demands. However, tacted at: 317-587-4027; fax 317-587-
consideration will initially “co-exist” in for certain systems, modern digital sig- 6898; e-mail:
the same frequency slot as the current nal processing techniques now make it Louis Litwin is a member of the
analog broadcast. OFDM allows the sys- possible to use this modulation system technical staff with Thomson
tem designers to shape the digital spec- to improve the reliability of the commu- Multimedia Corporate Research
trum by disabling the subcarriers that nications link. where he is working on a wireless
correspond to the current analog spec- OFDM-based modem for digital home
trum during the co-existence period. networking applications. Mr. Litwin
After the co-existence period the subcar- received his M.S. degree in electrical
riers can be enabled and the subsequent REFERENCES engineering from Purdue University
data rate increased. in 1999 and his B.S. degree in electri-
Various high-speed wireless network- [1] Bingham, J.A.C., Multicarrier cal engineering (summa cum laude)
ing standards in the 5 GHz frequency Modulation for Data Transmission: An from Drexel University in 1997. He
region employ OFDM modulation. The idea whose time has come, IEEE was named by Eta Kappa Nu as the
U.S. IEEE 802.11a and European ETSI Communications Magazine, Vol. 28, no. Alton B. Zerby and Carl T. Koerner
Hiperlan/2 standards utilize similar 5, pp. 5-14, May 1990. outstanding electrical engineering
physical layer structures with 64-carri- student for 1997. He has published
er OFDM and modulation ranging from [2] J.M. Cioffi, A Multicarrier Primer, over a dozen technical articles and
BPSK to 64-QAM per subcarrier. Vari- in ANSI T1E1.4 Committee conferences papers on various topics
ous data rates from 6 to 54 Mbps are Contribution, No. 91-157, Boca Raton, related to digital communications
possible. OFDM works well in home FL, Nov. 1991. and also has five patents pending
and office environments for handling related to OFDM. His professional
wall reflections and movement within [3] Weinstein, S.B., Ebert, P.M., Data interests include digital communica-
the structure. Transmission by Frequency-Division tions with a particular focus on adap-
Multiplexing Using the Discrete Fourier tive equalization and error-control
Conclusions Transform, IEEE Transactions on coding. He can be contacted at: 317-
OFDM techniques are quickly becom- Communication Technology, Vol. COM- 587-4745; fax 317-587-6898; e-mail:
ing a popular method for advanced com- 19, no. 5, pp. 628-634, October 1971.
munications networks. Advances in
VLSI technology have made it possible [4] J. Stott, The Effects of Phase Noise The authors would like to thank
to efficiently implement an FFT block in in COFDM, EBU Technical Review, Max Belotserkovsky (Thomson
hardware. Despite the advantages Summer1998 Multimedia) for expanding their
OFDM can offer, the hardware to imple- OFDM horizons .

48 January 2001

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