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Europe a la carte

Portuguese Traditional dishes

Tasty Rice Pudding
An excellent  way to forget your diet  for a while
 Ingredients for 4-6 people 
- 5 dl water 
- 1 pinch of salt 
- A large strip of lemon peel 
- 1 cinnamon stick 
- 200 g rice 
- 1 l milk 
- 200 g sugar 
- Powdered cinnamon

  Preparation 
Place water, salt, lemon peel and cinnamon stick in a saucepan. Bring to boil. Add rice and
cook over low heat, stirring frequently. Heat the milk with sugar. As the water evaporates,
add small amounts of  hot milk. Stir frequently (the rice should not stick to pan or lack of
liquid). Cook until the rice has absorbed almost all the milk but without being dry (must
submit creamy at the end). 
Remove the lemon peel and cinnamon stick. Pour into individual bowls or shallow dishes
and let it cool slightly. Decorate with powdered cinnamon.  Serve cool but not cold.
Sweet Portuguese Custard
Wonderful Portuguese pastry sought by many
 Ingredients for + / - 15-20 units 

- 400 g puff pastry 

- 300 g sugar 
- 6 yolks + 2 whole eggs 
- 5 dl milk 
- 2 tablespoons of flour 
- 1 dl water 
- Flour for dusting 
- Butter for greasing 

 Preparation 
Preheat the oven to maximum temperature (250 ° C). Grease pans with butter. 
Roll out the pastry on floured bench with the aid of a roll until thin. Shake flour and brush one side of
dough with water. Cut pastry rounds of size adapted to the shapes. Line the tins with the pastry rounds,
with the wet side out, pressing with your fingertips.
Pour water and sugar in a saucepan. Bring to boil, stirring, until the point of thread.
In a bowl, mix the egg yolks with the whole eggs. Add the flour previously dissolved in a little milk, the
remaining milk, and stir well. Add the sugar syrup, stirring constantly. 
Bring the mixture to boil in bain-marie, stirring for 10 minutes. Remove cream from heat and pour it in
the pastry shells. 
Place them in the oven tray and bake them at 250 º C for about 25 minutes, or until the cakes become
Remove pastries from oven and cool. Unmold and serve, together with sugar and cinnamon on the side.

 Márcia Duarte 11A

 Soraia Almeida 11A
 Daniela Batista 11A

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