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Pain- Clinical Reasoning Reflection form

Patient’s name: Hospital no:

Age: Gender: Male/ female



Organic/ non-organic
Constant/ intermittent/ both
Localized/ generalized
Superficial/ deep
Somatic/ visceral
Acute/ chronic
Mild/ moderate/ severe intensity (VAS = /10cm)
Mild/ moderate/ severe irritability

Any specific diagnosis/ syndrome?

Pain-Clinical reasoning:

Hypothesis-categories Key finding(s)- maximum three (% Rating for each of them)

1. General dysfunction
2. Specific dysfunction
3. Cognitive-affective
4. Input mechanisms
5. Processing mechanisms
6. Output mechanisms
7. Source of symptoms- somatic/
8. Physical contributing factors
9. Environmental/ergonomic
contributing factors
10. Cognitive-affective
contributing factors
11. Precautions for examination
and/or treatment
12. Contra-indications for
examination and/or treatment
13. Management
14. Prognosis

Any other comments:

Signature of therapist

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