A1suc24 R4 - A1sc24 R4

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A 1 SJ71UC24~R41A tSJ71 C24-R4

, ' "computerLin~~Module


GeneraJ..Pu~ PAo.~RAMMA8LELOGIC CONTROLLER User'sManual (Hardware)

Thank you for buYIng the MilsublShl. genemli1I:1IJ)OS8~' programmab1eIogJC controUe.rIl.1EL'SECASenes:--" .. _

, Prior to use,'pleaseread1hls -manual. thoroughly.and

familianzeyour:self with the product. . c- , , .•. .' '


13JE52 '

. MSJ'71C24-R4(HfW)H-E.


IB(NA)-66491-G (9810) ROD



". '~.,_~. o. __ ~·.L. ..~ _::

·(R_ftbese~batorifUilng.)'~·- ..

When uSm9 MitsublSh! eclUlpment, thoroogtily read trns miln~1 anti the 8SSOC18.Ied·manualS mtroduced in the manual. Also pay careful attention to

safety and ham:Ile tI'Ie module. properly. ."

These precautions apply only to MitsublSht eqUIpment Refer to the CPU module ussr's manual for a descoption of the PLC system safety precautions. These. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS. classify the safely precautions .nto twa categones: "DANGER" and 'CAUTION"


I I <POANGER I Procet!ures WhIch may lead to a dan~rous I

I . . condition and cause death Of seriOtlS ml':l'YH not r

I earried out properly.' I

I .' I

1"1 A I' Procedures whIch may read to a dangerous·· I

r. LUCA~, condition and cause superficIal to medium Injury, I I or phySIcal damage only, If not camed out properly. I


De~n9 on Circumstances, procedures Indicated by i!1CAUllON may

also be l\1\l<.OO to sa~~.

In any case, it IS Important to follow the directions tor usage.

Store thiS manual In a safe place so that you can take it out and read it whenever necessary. Always forward it to the end user.


.... . . '- .. ¢>.OANGER . ....

_.- When perfoIm\ng the control of the PLCI!l operation (especially c!1angI~.®-~P!09rll,fl15lnd opera,OOn_!ItatUs (~ .. ~) .'.' by connecting a p8l'Silnal computer, etc. to the speeral function module, configure an InteJ1Ocl< CIrcuit In a sequence programsothesatety of the overall system IS always malllt~lJned. . '" ParticUlarly mme above describedcanlrOl'for a remoteslfe PlCfi:Om an·eXtemal.dev!ce,:troUbles occumng on the PLC side niay.not be ImmediaUllyhar\l:lIe't®~.to_ a data communication error. Construct an. mterIock crrcuit III 1M sequence .program ami d!!lermlJle between the external d9\l1ce and PLC CPUlhe system's error hahdling procedUre

. ... and other ilams regarding dala.cammuruc:ation errors, ~


• Do not bunch ttle control WIres or communication cables With ttle main -_ ClrcUitOl"pOWer,W1re5,'orrnstaii.them'Ciose to-eaCh oiher.' , .

They should be Installed 100 mm (3.9 mc:ll)ior morejrom·eachottler. :Not doing so could resuII In JIOIS&·thatwould cause malfunction.



• Use the PLC In art enVlfOrunentthat meets the general specifICations

contarn8cl In !liIS manual. '

USing ,ttllS P!-C, In a,~ enVIronment outsld~ the range of the general specilicatiOlis coUld result in elec!nc$hock, fire, malfunction~and

damage to Or detenorationol the product. "

• Be sure to switCh aU phases ,of theextemal power supply off when,

Installing or placmgWlllng. " , " .' ' ,

If you dO not sWitch, Off the extemal power sr.wl)r, it will cause elecInC

shOCk or damage to the product" ' ,

• Insert ilie tabs at the'bottooi Of the module Inrotlle mounting holes III tlle base module, and tighten tile modute lIlSIaIIatiOii Screws With the

specified torque. '

If the module IS notproperry Installed ~ may result In malfunCtion, "failure

ortallouC" ' ,

• Tighten :the ,screw wilhln ~ range 01 specified torque.

If the screw are 1ooSe,i1 may result m 1allout, short Circuit or

mattUnci:iOn. '

Tightening the screws too far. may cause damage to the SCleW'arid lor

the modUle;rBsUHing In farrout,Short CJrcu~ or malfu~on. " ,

• Do not directty touch the mocIule'soonductive parts or.electronlC components: Doing so could cause malfunctiOn or failure'ln' the module. ,,'

• Pet1O\m oon-ect pressu~, ~()\"SOIdeT\ngior wire connections uSing the tools specified by the manufactures. Attach cornectors to ttle module securely.


.. ::


• Be sure lhaHhe.comml,ll1lcation· cable connectadtothe module IS kepi . In. a ductorfucedwith cramps.

Failureto·do so may cause:a.damage.to the module or tables due to -aSi'ig!ing, shiftinr,for iftaavenerifhandlingOfi:abJei(or{li~r.rti6n:

because of bad cable contacts.· ., .. :,

-;'- Befcirij.'eonnSciingthe Cables,·ch6ck the tyrjeOfirttertaeeiO- be


C6nnection, or eiToneous. WU1ng to tne wrong UlIerface may damage

the module and external device. ..

• when cOn~ng an external d9VlCe1O RS422 Interface Of thIS module, do not connect a device that must receIVe power from thIS module.

The module orextemafdBVlCe may be damaged: .

• TIghten the terrillnal screw within the range of specified torque.

If the screws are loose it may result In short CltCiJit or malfunction. Tlg'nlernng the SCfe>VS too tar may cause QamagB to the &;tim antiior the module, resulting.!n ·faliout; shortcII'C;uit·or malfunction ."

• Do not grab on the cable when remOVIng Ihe communreatiol).cable

connected to the module. . .

. Whenre·fTlOlIing the cable without connector, loose the screw on the

SIde that IS connected to ij'je module. ..

Pulling the cable that IS still connected to themodule·mayeause . malfunctiOn or daniage to the module or cable due to bad cable

contacts. ..

• Be sure there are noforeigli substances such as sawdUst crw;nng

debns IrtSlde·!he unit. ..' ..

Sudi debns could cause fire; damage or malfunction.


. ¢DANGER-.····

• Do no! touch the terminals whRe the power IS on.

Doing so may cause m<llfunctiorr·"

• . Be sureto.switch all phases of theexlemal power supply off befOre cleaning or re-tighternng screws,

If you do.llOtswitchofHhe extemal power supply, it will cause failure or malfunclio!'l of the module,

If the screw.> are loose, it may result 111 fallout, short CIrcuit or

. ··JT1alfr.inction. . _ .

Tightening the screws too far may cause damage tb lhe·$CIl!WS andlor the module, resulting in fallOut, .short.clrcuit or maJfunclion:~-" _'.

~ ....

... . _ "


• Do not diassemble or modify the modules.

DoII1g so could cause failure. malfunction, Il1Jury or fl(e.

• Be sure to switch all phases of the elrtema! power supply off before mounting or removrng. tile module,

If you do not switch off the extemal power supply, it wi" cause failure or malfunction of the module.



• Do no! write data to ttte "system area" In the buffer memory of the spec18l function module.

Also, do not output (or tum on) a "use prohibited/canna! be used' signal from the PL.C CPU to the special function module, If datlt IS written to the 'system area" or if the "use prohibited/cannot be usec:l" srgnal IS output, there IS a nsk that the PLC system will operate Incorrectly,


•. Before.per:fomungtl1e.controI of the PLC 11\ operatiorl($peC\a!\y changing data, program and 6perationstatus{status contrOl»'by· connecting a personal computer, etc;to the speCial funClion·niodule; read Usets Manual (Comnnkfunc: IPnnt:. func.)caretui1y andconfilin if

the overall safety IS mwntatned. ··C.

Failure to perform correct operations to change data, program or the status may result In system malfunction, machine damage or an accrdent.


About This Manual

The folloWIng product manuals are available. Please use this table as a reference to request the appropnate manual as necessary .

. ... ,.. -


.. ....


SI-I-36lO . (13Je76)

Manual No.

_ <Modo=! Code}

Comptrtet Link Module (COni. fink tunc../Pnnt. 1!.Blc,) Usm's Manual--

SH-35" .. - - {13.:lE77}

When USlngth\S modu!e, be sure to read Comptitef un!< Module tJse(s Manual.{Com. link func .. fPnntiunc.).aswellas.thts [)'la[1.ueL.,

A 1 sm U~R4 compUter [ink funCtion IS the same as AJ71 UC24. When you refer to the follOWlng·menual to use A1SJ71UC24-A4, replace·the module model name to refer.

• Computer LmK MOdule User'sM'~nua!·(Com. fink func. fPnnt.

tunc.} Vel"SlOll'C or before

. AJ71 UC24~ A 1SJ71 UC24-R4

COrrespondenceto ~MCD'AECTIVE

To maKe the PLCs compIiantwith ihB.EMC ,directive, refer to Chapter 2 "EMC AND LOW-VOLTAG~ DIRECTIVE" 10 the PLC users manual (Hardware).

• When the PlC CPU user's rnanual(HardWare) does not InclUde Ct\aptar2" EMC AND LOW-VOLTAGE DIRECTIVE", refer to QnA 5enes CPU Compatible High Speed AcceSSing i3aslc Base Unit .• Additioo!ll Explanation for Product Conforrrnng to EMC Slandaros (!6-68837)(optioruiI).

1. Overview

ThIs manual IS Inten<iad tOl' Installing the computer link module and perfoJllll11g wmng tor external devices.

After unpacking the module, check tnat the follOWIng products are

Included: .

~.-. ttem_ ..... . .. QUIIlJIIty
~~~~~~~~~~~------ f-_:I--
Termili;ll Wsiiitor for RS-422 OOITIITlUflicatiorl 2
A1SJ71lJC24.R4 ~_P_·!'i..W.JO,!!",A9-0~~~L _____ 1---
Tem'lllllli I'9SJSIor forRS-485 communication .. ~ 2
110 n 1t.! W (bmwn-brown-brown':: )
. ~l.§m;~R4_~~!!!~.~U!.-,", ______ f-_l __
Toon",a! _,. fGr RS-422 communoc:ation 2
A1 SJ71C24-R4 ~__a..1li..W..J~~~L _____ 1----
TMnIfIa! IW5!OrlOr RS4e5 ~ 2
110 a 112 W (bIllwn-brovon-bnlwn:.; 1
- in !he explanation hereafter, the computer hnklrnultl-drop lInk module IS abbllMated as the "C24" except when d'lfferentiate specially.

• Thefo!lQWIng accesses to the PLC CPU with a dedicated protocol of the computer fink funclion are possible by usIng A 1 SJ71 UC24-R4.

•. Access to the decVlce extended by AnACPU, AnUCPU and A2US(H)CPU.

.• Access to the otIler statiOns vra MELSECNET/1 O.

Other specificationS are thesa.me as AiSJ71C24-R4 .

• oiffereittiate the'termrnal resIStors as toUows:



2. TransmissionSpecifications

~ .The follOWIng table Jndicates·!he·transmlSSlOIl specifications when

usmg theC24 computer link function.· ....

Forgenerel:specificatiolls:ofthe UC24,see the user's manual for the CPU module used.

"_·c- ..
IIqm Spactllcadon
Interlace. .COnfQrm 10; ~485
T~roeI!\Od ~ Il!O\<lCOI Ha!f<!l$X~maInOd '1
No protocofl It J F'UII~
Bidlrectiotial connection communlC8tio!1 ma1I1od
t : n, m: n J HalIouplex
connection (;OmmLJf1lC8lion mmtlod
SIaII IWllion method
TmnsmJSS!OI'I ~ 300,600, ira' 2400, 4000, 9600, 19200 bps
SeIeaed ilia the switch]
Data Start bit 1
format Data bit 7or8 I Selectea va the switCh
Pantybil 1 Of none f
Stop bit 1or2 f
Af;cess~re pnx:ess;ng for 000 request IS perfOrmed durmg !he END
~Jr~tI1e sequence progrElm. Themfora,!he
access e IS one scan time.
I El'I'Of deIeG1ion ~c:Ileck~ oQdIeven orne
Sum cl'Ied< vas or 110
r:Acont1tJt No
X ONfOFF control YesNo (selected by setting to !he butter memory)
LJne configwration Dedicated rotocol 1 1,1:n m:n
(ex!emal dSVlOe: PLC ~~I 111:n
CPU) ional 1 1
Tran~ distance ~ Distance50Cm 164011. orless
CUm,rlt . SVOCO.1A
Oc:euDted lID DOmIs 32pomts'2
1Weti:lttt Q.25_~O.561b. '1 When data commumcation can be performed u$TI'Ig the full duplex tran$TTIISSlOO meltrod, 1111$ traTJSmlSSlOl'l method )S used whenever the on-demand function IS used.

*2 When performing VO assignment uSing the GPP func!iOn. set as special 32 POIntS.

The model name to regISter when usmg lIle dedicated commands, the follOWIng model name should be set depending on C24 and PLC CPU mounted to C24.


PLCCPU T'IPM ofC241o mount
mllunlBd 10 C24 A1SJ71UC24-R4 I ·A1SJ71C24-M
.. ·Otherttlart . (Model I'Iam9settingLS not necassary as 1ha dedicated
AnUiAnACPU CO!'l'lIYIand cannofbe used.,)
._ 3

2)~ --'----t'·:m~Ir.ij~~"J

ooning _ ) >---$Stallon "umbe,


Nunibei' ·Name~· .. Contents
1) kldicalor.LED's .. RUN Nonnal ope!alk>n oru1i<latO<
Normal ;I~
AuN Cl Neu Cl sCAN error - unlit
SD Cl· ACK [:rsETE-
.. .. R~ I:] _. . _ N~K 0 SCAN E . SO .~ . T~sIatUs .~
CPU CJ CJN Cl SIO ~ DaI:a_~lflIl1SfI'IiIIe< :~
0 PRO OsT.OWN RD Reception status
C:l COM L:I MDL Data bQ_mg_recenl6d ; Ilashlog
CPU CommunICation StaltJs with CPU main
CommunlCalin_g with PLC CPU - ftaslufl_g_
MD Mul\i-dropnnk
Muhi-dropJink 'I~
Compule< link . unit
NEU Neutral status
TranSlT1lSSlOl1 sequence Initial slaWs
(waiting for eNO) ; lit
ENQ ~trtion compJele ; unlit 4

Number Name Contenl$
1) Indicat<Jr LEO's (conHnued) ACK ACK trartSlTllSSlOl' saatus
RUN CI N~U C1SCAN ACK transmitted . lit
SD CI ACK CI SET"E. NAK transmitted unr~
AD CI NAI< C1SCAN~. . NAK NAK \ra!I5RIISSICfl status
C1MD pIS CI NAK transmitted .I~
CI PAD CI ST. OWN ACK transrnitlSd unl~
D 910 CI
Q <:;<WoQItC~ CIN Rasu'tt ot r;ommumcalion Wttn P'L.C C'i'\.!
.. Error m corrmunadion
IWh tha PlC CPU : I~
...... Normal communICation ; unr~
PIS Partty/sum check em:><
Paritylsum check error I~
.... Normal ; unl~
PRO. ProtOOIll error
Nom>aJ prot()C(11 error I~
Normal :unl~
SIO .. , SIOerror
When 00<emIn QI' ItamuIg enor lit
When racelVed data has been
disc;an;led due to OS racelVEl
areaM . Ii!
._. -,._. ~ Normal. ._-_. - ;·unl~···
_.- COM. Computer liilk-,,-
Computer fink or mulli--drop link
(local $IaIion) .r~
.- Mufti.droPlirlk (master 5tatioIl)_ unl~ 5




ON- 05 ~ 06 c:. 07 c:=:.



--- 11 "" ClI '

12 "c=-


Not used

~ Se1tinglor Write Enabled 0isabIed
dunll!l RUN "
~ Tlansm!ss!cn"
~ speedsettiI1g See "1
-06,- Data' bit settina' BOils' 7 bits
09 Sstthg forlhe use YES NO
OI,pa<ily bit
'10 Even/odd pariIy even Odd
'1 ~bit§Bl1)ng '2bits 1 bit
'12 Se!ting for The use YES NO
of sum check ".~ TraI'IIII'IIIaal ~ I unit: t ~
SeIIIngswlk;h 300 600 1,200 ,2400 4800 9600 19200 SeIlIng

Number ." . Name· '_"0 Conterrts .- .. --
-3) . Station number set!ing. ModlJlestaticurnumberselling(setto 00 at1ime of
SWitch - ~ sh!pmS11t)
-1 8 i- <Setting range>
I ~~~o 00 to 31
x1O· X1 0·- set ttte station nurniler1erl's plaCe
X1 - setlhe sIaIiOl'. ru,unber un~pIaCe
4!t. '"
£' -z. _L

-. ·--1.8
~~f@Jo .•
4!t '"
e z / ....
4)- Mode setting switch Mode sea1nQ (set to 0 at the time of shroment)
Modo Setlil1!tcontents
... -~'OCD~ - 0 Use Orohibited
~~~ 1
-. tO~O \MODE to Usa prc1hibited
,_ ...... 3
.9S 1> £,1,) 4 Non Drocedura mode
5·· . TVDe 1 de<f1Caled protocol" mode
6 TVDe 2 dedicated protoool mode
7 Tvce 3 dedicated protocol mode
8 TVDe 4 de<ffC8ted protoco/mode
.~ .. .-
to Use piOhibil9d
E _. .-
F For module test
5) RS-4W485 intartace RS-422I485 ~ce!<:>r <;!l<Iema! dsVIoo
connection 7

4. Loading and Installation

ThIs sectiOIl'sxplams precautionruy items regarding handling of-ttle C24 from unpackmg up to IIlStaHation. and the InstallatiOn elllllfonment _ thatare,common to all modules.

See ttle user'srnanuaf for. the PLC C;PU'module used lor.·further details regarding module loading and mstallation .

.... -" '., .. _-, .. " ~ _ .. ,,_ ..

4 •. 1 ·-Precautionary Items when. Handling .

. - The following explalns precautionalyitems when handling the module: (1). Dciiiot drop or apply severe shock to the module case Since it IS

.. rriildeilt resJIl.: ... -" .

_(2) Tightent#:le module .installation screws withrn the specified torque range as folloWS:

SctewArea Tklhtenlng TCll'Que RaIl<l8
RS-422 / 485 terminal blOCk terminal scrows 59 to saN.em {6 to 9kgf.em}
1M3.s screw) 5.2 to 7.1llb • md:l)
Module Installation screws (M4 screw) 7B to HBN.em {a to 12kgt. em}
I (6.9 to 10.41b • Inch)
RS-422 I 485 termillal bJo<::k mscallaliot'l SCtBWS 49 to 7BN • em {S to Ilkgf • em}
- M3.5screw) 1(4,3 to 6.9Ib.,nc;II) 4.2 InstaHation Environment

Avoid the followlng.conditions wrthe InstaiUng location of the AnS Senes PLC:

(.1) Location. where the amblent temperature exceeds the range of 0 toSS °c.

(2) lOCation where the ambrent humidity exceeds the range of to to 90"loRH.


(3) Location where condensation occurs due to a sudden temperature


(4) Location where corroswe or Inflammable gas eXIStS.

(5) Location where a lot of conductive powdery sUbstance such as

dusf and Iron filing. oil ml~salt.· or organIC solvent eXists. (6) Location eXposed to directsu!1light

(7) Loc:atXm~~ $img. electl1c1ields orrnag~c fields form. (8) L..oCation.wnereVlbration or Impact lS.directlYappIled to the ma.n



5. External Wiring

Tha standard mathod for connectirlg'the AS422I485 line is shown below:

SigrIaI SIgnal dIeeIIan DeaorIption
~on C24+'+ __
SOA " T_1SSIOIl data
,50S " T_1SSIOIl data
RDA . , "' ..... un. ~data
ROB ~data
SG SianaJ QIQund
FG <4 • F;.!I!leQroUnd
Me V=-<N Point .. 1

If the C.24 serves as the first or the last station on !he R5-422/485 Hne, connect a terminal resistor as shown belOW to tbe RS-422/485 Interface a.ccoro;ng to the oommurncation specilicalicn.

When a tennlnal reslStOr IS not connected, an error may result.

dunng data communICation. . ~

• ForR5-422 commUnication .. , .....•.....•.... 3300; 1/4W

• ForR$485 communication ············.,·····1100, 1/2W

(1 ) When an extemal devrce and the C24 are connected In 1:1 or 1 .n, connect a terminal resistor betWeen SDA and SOB as well

as between ADA and RDa. .'

(2) Wherr:an external .devIce and C24are connected In m:n, c,gg,!!ecI a terminal resrstor between ADA and ROB.

The LBJinthefollowing wrong diagram rejJreseritS a terminal resistor.


~ FG

(2) Example of connectingJ~xtemaldeVlces and,C24 by 1:n

• COnnecting extemal deVJC9S and C24 mOdules vra RS-485

(3) Example of connec!ingex!emal devrces an~C24 byin:n

• Connecting external devIces and C24 modules vIsRS-485


(4) Counlermeasure 1cr data recepIion>eoors In the extenia! devICe

.. 'with tne'R$422 or R5-4221485'Connection ..... "

bUring data communication with e«temal'deYlCes'vJa G24 RS'4221485 iriteiface , if there IS a POSSibility . .thaUhe external deVice receives an error.dati,mStaIl pull~up.andpull::tlown resistors to the external devlceslde"{about4>:7I<.Cl;'1i4 W as a

._raterence of resistor value).~>.. -; .. ~_ ....

Installation of pull-up and pull-dOwn resJ5lors:will prevenl data ,reception errors.



PoInt I

Installation of pull-up and pull-down reSistors Will prevent data

reception errors. . .. ..

I Remarks I

The follOWIng explains the case In which pullcup:and pull-down resJ5lors are not InstaHed to the extemal d9Vice:

1)' When none 01 the stations are receMng, the transmssion line )S 111 a state of high II'Tlpedance, caUSII'IQ the transmJ$SlOn line 10 becOme unstable due to nolSS and a possibility that the data will be receiVed Incorrectly at the external device.

When thiS happens, a partlyerrororftaniing error IS likely to occur. Therefore; skip tI1,e data wheDth!l:>error has OCCUlTed.

2) For data. communication uSing the dedicated protocol, the first data will be detelTl'llned based on the fO!1'1'JS.t used by the user. Skip the data receIVed pnor to the first data as determined.

(5) PrecautionayY itemS when Winng . , .

1} When connecting the SG and FG signals of the C24 to an

_ ... _~ external deVice, follow the specification of the .. external device. 2)· If data communication cannot be pelformeilnoimally due to eXternal noiss even if the wmng IS done according to thiS

. section, perform wlnng as follows;

... ··'-(Connect nnA and nnB In each signal ohhe connector cable .... as a pam)



·,SOA ;;;c_-+-+-....,.- .--..;-+-+-_ ROA

.. ..... rf-,--x'----------x"'~'-t-_,_, soa __. -r.

ROA.--+-+-....".---------.--.-..r-+-+-- SOA

-". r~,--x'-----""-- x""__+ .. - .. h

.. ROO __,






When data comTnUmcation cannot be performed normally even if thiS wrnng IS done, connect the connector cable shield to either one of the FG termlnals'on the connected device. (when connect to"the external r;levlce, refer to theJ1andring manual of the external deVIce.) ..

PoInt J


(1) In the explanation of the terminal resetor settinglconneclion In thIS section, when an R8-232C - RS-422 converter or other equipment IS used lor fne device whICh serves as either of the line terminating stations, setting and wrnng for a !emunal resistor IS reqUired on the converter (or the equipment).

(2) The deVices connected to the C24's RS-4221RS485 Interface must use all RS-422 or all RS485, Including 1:n and m:n connections.


6. External Dimensions


Rl (Bending radius neartellmnal block) Cable diameter x 4

Jl (Bending radius near cnmp contact) , Can be,connected in a range Without extreme bend

Extemal dimenSions of A 1571 UC24-R4 and A 1 SJ71 C24-R4 are the

Same: Tried'iagram aboIIe IS of A 1 SJ71 OC24-R4eXteinai· .



'l'heur.il<>dsml<ls Mi\subIB!lIEl<o<:\",,",,"~.I"'.Iin<!.st«ai_Ii<>nO"ISIO"l

BOO Blomenn Court. MI. Prospect, IL 60056.

Pho",,: (708) 2ge-922S

c:ana<18 Mitsub"hi EIOCInc Sale. Ce.no<la, Inc •• (lndUstnel AuJomaIkltl Division)

4299 ~4Ih A_, Mm1<lIam. Onlaf» L3R 0J2 PII'nB : (416) 475-7728

United Kingdo", MltsubJS/11 Electric UK Ltd., (Industrial Salos OM ... n) Tr.MI1Iers Lane, Hatfield. HOris-, AL10 axB

Pho"": (07fl1) 276100

Gonnany Mltsu'olShl Electn. Europe GmbH, (\ndllOlnSl .... U1omation 0"""",,) Goth •• r StRlsSS 8, Postf •• h 1546, 0-4030 Rotingon 1

Phone: (0210:2) 4880

Tal....., Satsuyo Entorpnse ce., Ltd.,

(106) 11th Fl., Chung-Ling Bldg .. 363, Sao. 2, Fu.Hslng S. Ad., Taipei,

Taiwan. FI.O.C. Ph<>"": (02) m~lel

~ (II Ctm\a) Ry<><!6rI_\ioooJ Ltd., (1rnIu.tl1a1 II e_ Controls 0","",") lOiF •• Monulir. T""",r, 169 EIec!rIc Rd., North POint, HOIlg Kong. Ph<ln. : 8S7667O

$ingap.", (& MalaYSia' MELCO $al .. Singapore Pte. Ltd •• (lndustns! DiVision)

307 "Ioxo~ Rd. #05.(l1,o(l2, MltsUbJOl'i Electric Bldg., Singapore 11315.

Phone: 4732308

Ti'lailand F.A. Tech ce., Ltd.,

1138133-34 Rama 3 Fld., vannewa, Bangkok 10120. Phone: (02) 285-2881-4

AusUal.. Mi\sUbls'n\ EIemnc Au_1Ia Pt,o.l.td., (l1Klust .. 1 CoWoIo OMolon) 348 Victoria Rd., Rydal'" ere, N.S.W. 2116.

ph<lne : (02) 684-7200

~;;, olS<lulb._ MSJLMa/l~l.Pt'ill.td..,{FBdtllV "u1,nnaliDnCMoIonl P.O. Bo.>c 39733, Bramley, Johannesburg 2018.

Phone' (011) 444-8080


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