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Saurashtra University, Rajkot M.B.A.

Semester – III

Semester – III Compulsory Courses 4301 to 4304

The objectives of this course are to develop a holistic perspective of enterprise, critical from point
of view of the top executives.
Course Contents
 Introduction: Evolution, Meaning, Nature and Scope of Strategic Management;
Dimensions of strategic decisions, Benefits of Strategic Management
 Strategic Management Process
 Strategy formulation
o Strategic Intent and Vision; -Defining & developing the organisation mission
-Assessing the external environment – Remote & Operating Environment,
Environmental forecasting -Industry Analysis – Porter’s model -Internal analysis
of the firm- Developing company profile, Concept of Value Chain, Concept of
Core Competence, Impact of Organisational Learning on Strategic Management
o Formulating long-term objectives & grand strategies –
 Qualities of long-term objectives -Meaning & Evaluation of Grand
Strategies – Concentration, Market Development, Product Development,
Innovation, Vertical Integration, Horizontal Integration (Merger &
Acquisition), Joint Venture, Diversification – Concentric & Conglomerate,
Turnaround, Liquidation
 Selection of long-term objectives & grand strategy
o Strategic Analysis & Choice
 Strategic analysis at corporate level – BCG Matrix, GE nine-cell planning
grid, Impact Matrix - Grand strategy selection at business level – SWOT
analysis - Factors determining strategic choice
 Strategy Implementation.
o Operationalizing the Strategy – Annual Objectives, Functional Strategies &
Business (Comprehensive) Policies
o Institutionalizing the strategy - Strategy and Structure; Leadership & Strategy,
Impact of Organisational Values & culture on Strategy;
 Strategic Control
o Establishing strategic control
o Developing & Using Operational Control Systems
 Strategic Management in an International Firm;
 Strategy and Corporate Evolution in Indian Context.
Suggested Readings
1. Strategic Management by Pearce & Robinson
2. Business Policy by Azhar Kazmi
3. Strategic Management by Thompson & Strickland, TMH India
4. Competitive Advantage by Michael Porter, Free Press, New York
5. Competitive Strategy by Michael Porter, Free Press, New York

Saurashtra University, Rajkot M.B.A. Semester – III

The objective of the course is to acquaint the students with the use of E-Go competing markets.
Course Contents
 E-Commerce
o Concepts and Definitions -Forces fuelling e-commerce -Impact of e-commerce -
Traditional vs. e-commerce transactions -e-commerce architecture - hardware and
software requirements.
 Electronic Data Interchange- EDI
o EDI development - EDI standards - EDI components -Web enabled EDI - Role of
 E-commerce Models
o B to B, B to C, C to C, Intra-organizational models with case studies
o Internet and E-commerce
 E-commerce Payment System
o Internet Payment Process - Third Party in e-commerce payment
o Types of electronic payment- - e-check, credit card, microcash, digital cash, wallet
- Implementation tools and development of protocols
 E-commerce & Security Issues
o Security requirements for e-commerce - Cryptography and encryption - Symmetric
encryption, Paired key encryption - Digital Signature - Digital Certificates &
Certifying Authorities - Security standards for the Internet - Security for
Networks- firewalls, VPNs
 Cyber Laws
o Special Laws requirement for e-commerce - Cyber Laws - Significance of Cyber
Laws - Recent Development in cyber Laws
 E-commerce Applications
o Supply Chain Management - Customer relationship Management - Marketing &
Advertising on Net - Banking and Other financial services
Suggested Readings
1. Cady, G.H. and Part McGreger, "The Internet", BPB Pub., Delhi,1999
2. Carpenter, Phil e Brands, HBS Press, Boston,2000
3. E-Commerce, Bajaj-Nag- TMH
4. Keen, Peter and Mark McDonald The e-Process Edge, Delhi, Tata McGraw -Hill,
5. Mann,Catherine, L. Global Electronic Commerce, Institute for International
Economics, Washington,
6. 5. Oberoi,Sundeep e-Security and You, Delhi, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2001
7. Rich, Jason R. "Starting an E-Commerce Business", IDG Books,Delhi, 2000.
8. Samantha Shurety, "E-business with Net Commerce", Addison Wesley. Singapore,

Saurashtra University, Rajkot M.B.A. Semester – III


The main objective of the course is to appraise the students the about the concept of management
control system as well as its role in efficient management of public system organizations.
Course Contents
 Overview of Management Control Systems
o Basic Concepts – Management Control System – Boundaries, Characteristics &
Structural Foundation of Management Control System
 Behaviour in Organization
o Goals of an Organization – Goal Congruence – Formal Control System -
Organizational Structures - Controller and his functions – Business Unit Controller
 Responsibility Centres
o Concept – Nature – Expense Centres – Revenue Centres – Profit Centres –
Measuring Profitability – Investment Centres – Evaluating the Economic
Performance through EVA – ROI
 Transfer Pricing
o Concept – Objectives – Methods – Managerial Consideration in the Selection of
Methods – Administration of Transfer Pricing Policy
 Strategic Planning
o Concept – Nature – Ongoing and Proposed New Programme Analysis - Process
 Budget Preparation
o Nature – Characteristics – Types – Preparation – Zero Base & Performance
Budget - Budgetary Control: Concept – Prerequisites of Budgetary control system
– Process
 Analyzing Financial Performance Reports
o Analysis of Variance – Variations in Practice – Limitations of Variance Analysis –
Behavioral aspects of performance evaluation
 Performance Measurement
o Performance Measurement Systems – Balance Score Card – Interactive Control
 Control for Differentiated Strategies
o Corporate Strategy – Business Unit Strategy - Top Management Style
 Management Control in Service Organization
o Concept – Professional Service Organization – Financial Service Organization –
Health Care Organizations – Non Profit Organizations
 Management Control in Multinational Organization
o Cultural Difference – Transfer Pricing – Exchange Rates
Suggested Readings
1. Anthony & Govindrajan, Management Control System, Tata McGraw Hill Ltd., New
2. Dutta M., Management Control System, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai
3. Maciariello, J A and Kirby C J. Management Control System. Prentice Hall of India,
New Delhi.
4. Gupta C.B. & Srinivasan, Management Control System, Sultan Chand & Sons, New
5. Sharma Subhash, Management Control System, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Co.,
New Delhi

Saurashtra University, Rajkot M.B.A. Semester – III


At the end of second semester, all students will have to undergo summer training of 6 to 8 weeks
with an industrial, business or service organization by taking up a project study.

Finance Area Courses 4305 to 4306

The basic objective of this course is to impart an intensive knowledge about the use of
Quantitative techniques in specified financial decision making areas.
Course Contents:
 Overview of Financial Decision Analysis
o Meaning & Definition of Financial Decision – Importance of Financial Decision in
Indian Corporate Sector – Terminology related to FDA
 Strategic Financial Management Concept
o Strategy and Strategist – The ‘Nine References’ for Strategic Financial
Management – Strategic Investigation of Growth or Profit Leakages – Value Chain
Analysis – Value Chain and Investment – SBU’s
 Managerial Decision
o Importance – Characteristics – Types – Factors Influencing to Managerial
Decision – Strategic decision Indian & Global Context – CVP analysis &
Managerial Decision.
 Corporate Restructuring
o Concept – Scope – Symptoms – The Restructuring Plan – Financial Aspects of
Various Restructuring Exercises – Strategic Financial Aspects of the Generation
Gaps in the Family-Owned Businesses – The Strategic and Financial Aspects of
Empowerment of Key Employees – Monitoring the Rehabilitation Process –
Restructuring through Privatization
 Mergers & Acquisition
o Meaning & Definition – Types of Amalgamations – Takeover – Methods of
Takeover – Motives & Strategies Influencing M& A – Categories of M&A –
Methods of Payment in M&A – Steps in Merger Transaction – Contents of
Amalgamation Scheme – Tax Benefits of M& A – Reverse Merger
 Valuation
o Valuation of a Business Enterprise – Realizable Value vs. Replacement Cost –
Brand Valuation – Financial Aspects of Brand Management – Brand’s life cycle
and various phase-wise valuations.
 Innovative Financial Engineering
o Concept – Holistic Approach to Innovative Financial Engineering – Fund Raising
Suggested Readings
9. Jakhotiya G.P., Strategic Financial Management, Vikas Publishing House Pvt.
Ltd., New Delhi, 2003.
10. Kaplan R.S. & Atkinson A.A., Advanced Management Accounting, Pearson
Education, New Delhi, 2001.
11. Maheshwari S.N., Management Accounting, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi,
12. Ravi Kishor, Financial Management, Taxmann Publication, New Delhi, 2002.
13. Das & Basu, Corporate Restructing, Tata McGraw Hill Publication, New Delhi,

Saurashtra University, Rajkot M.B.A. Semester – III


The objective of this course is to impart knowledge to students regarding the theory and practice
of Security Analysis and Portfolio Management Decision Making Process.

Course Contents:
 Investment
o Nature – Scope – Elements – Avenues – Approaches to Investment analysis –
Concept of Risk and Return – Measurement
 Financial Assets
o Types – characteristics – Sources of Financial Information
 Security Markets
o Primary & Secondary Market -Primary Market: Role, Functions & Methods of
Selling – Allotment Procedure – New Financial Instruments.
 Public Issue
o SEBI Guidelines – Size of Issue – Pricing of Issue – Promoters Contribution –
Appointment of Merchant Bankers – Underwriters – Broker – Registrar and
Managers, Bankers and Allotment of Shares.
 Secondary Market
o Role – Importance – Types of Brokers – Trading Mechanism – Listing of
Securities in Stock Exchanges – Screen Based Trading – Depository – Role and
Need – Functions.
 Valuation of Securities
o Bonds – Debentures – Preference Shares and Equity Shares
 Fundamental – Economic – Industry and Company Analysis
 Technical Analysis
o Trends – Indicators – Indices and Moving Averages Applied in Technical
 Efficient Market Hypothesis
o Week, Semi-strong and Strong market and its testing techniques.
 Portfolio Analysis
o Estimating rate of return and standard deviation portfolio – Effect of combining
the securities – Markowitz Risk-return optimization – Single Index Model or
Market Model – Portfolio Total risk – Portfolio Market risk and unique risk –
Simple Sharpe’s optimization solutions.
 Capital Market Theory
o Capital market line – Security Market line – Risk free lending and borrowings –
Factors Models – Arbitrage pricing theory – Two factor and multi factor models –
Principles of Arbitrage – Arbitrage Portfolios.
 Portfolio Performance Evaluation
o Measures of return – Risk adjusted measurement of return – Market timing –
Evaluation criteria and procedure.
Suggested Readings :
1. Bhalla, V K. Investment Management: Security Analysis and Pot1folio Management., d"
ed., New Delhi, S. Chand, 2003.
2. Avadhani V.A., Security Analysis & Portfolio Management, Himalaya Publishing House,
Mumbai, 2002.
3. Chandra Prasanna, Investment Management, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2002.
4. Fischer, Donald E. and Jordan, Ronald J. Security Analysis and Pot1folio Management.
6th ed., New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India, 1995.

Saurashtra University, Rajkot M.B.A. Semester – III

System Area Courses 4307 to 4308

Saurashtra University, Rajkot M.B.A. Semester – III


Objective: This course is aimed at developing an understanding of Use of Information
Technology as a strategic tool for business management. The course focuses on development of
Information Technology Leadership.
Course Contents
 Key issues in Information Systems Management
o Putting information in IT - Company performance and IM - Every Business as an
Information Business - Role of CIO
 Analytical framework for strategic IT initiative
o Strategy and the new economics of Information - Information resources and
attention - Beyond knowledge management- Mobilizing collective Intelligence
 Strategic Competitive Advantage by IT
o Value addition with IT -Strategic Dimensions of IT outsourcing - Business
Platforms for the 21st Century
 Managing IT in the Business
o Selective sourcing and core capabilities - Organizing a better IT function - What
makes IT professional tick? - Competing with IT infrastructure - Local lessons
from global business
 Knowledge Management
o Introduction – Drivers for KM – From Information to Knowledge
 Learning Organization
o Concept of Learning Organization - IT and the Challenges of Organizational
Learning- Transforming IT based innovations into Business Payoffs
 Recent Trends
o Convergence Technology - Business Process Outsourcing
Suggested Readings .
I. Galliers, R D. Strategic Information Management: Challenges and Strategies ~
Managing Information Systems. Oxford. Butterworth-Heinemann, 1994.
II. Mastering Information Management-FT Prentice Hall- Pearson Education
III. . McKenney, James L. Waves of Change: Business Evolution through Information
Technology. Boston, HBS Press, 1995.

Saurashtra University, Rajkot M.B.A. Semester – III

4308: RDBMS & SQL

The students are to be provided basic understanding of the RDBMS & SQL and the skills to these
in business organisations.
Course Contents
 Database Management System
o History - Database and DBMS packages - Database System Architecture
o Client Server architecture
 Database Models
o Hierarchical – Network – Relational - Codd’s rules for Relational database
o Object Relational database model
 Database Modelling
o E-R Diagram – Normalization - 1st NF, 2nd NF, 3rd NF -example and exercise
 Transaction Management
o Transactions - Transaction recovery - Two phase commit -SQL facilities
 Concurrency
o Introduction - Concurrency problems – Locking – Deadlock - SQL facilities
 Constraints
o Introduction - Different types of Constraints
 Database and DBA
o Objects in Database- Table, View, sequence, Procedure, synonym, constraints -
Data Types - Data Dictionary- Schema, sub schema, Physical view - Database
Administrator role - Back up, Recovery - User management
 Structured Query Language
o Data Definition Language- Create, Alter, Drop commands - Data Manipulation
Language- Insert, Update, Delete - Transaction Control Language- Commit,
Rollback, Grant, Revoke - Query Language - Query from table, multiple table,
sub query - Arithmetic and logical operators – Functions - Use of where, having,
group by, order by clause
 Database Trends
o Distributed Database - Distributed Processing - Web enabled Database
o Data ware housing & Data Mining
Suggested Reading
1. Kevin Loney and George Koch Oracle 8i- the complete reference- TMH
2. Database Systems- C.J.Date- Pearson Education
3. Database system Concepts- Silberschatz- Korth- Sudarshan – McGrawHill
4. Fundamentals of Dtabase Systems- Navathe- Pearson Education

Saurashtra University, Rajkot M.B.A. Semester – III

Marketing Area Courses 4309 to 4310

The basic objective of this course is to develop and understanding about the Decision-making
process and its applications in marketing function of firms.
Course Contents
 Introduction to Consumer Behaviour: Development, Meaning, Scope & Necessity of CB
studies & Scope, Relationship with the other fields
 Consumer as an individual
o Consumer Needs & Motivation – model of the motivation process, positive and
negative motivation, dynamic nature of motivation, types & systems of needs –
maslow’s hierarchy of needs & Trio of needs
o Influence of Personality and Self Concept on Behaviour
 Meaning & Nature of personality, Marketing application of Personality
theory – Freudian theory, Non-Freudian theory & Trait theory
 Self – image – one or multiple selves, make up of the self-image, extended
self, altering the self
o Consumer Perception – Dynamics of perception, consumer imagery, perceived risk
& how to handle the risk
o Learning – marketing applications of learning theories (Behavioural theories –
classical conditioning & instrumental conditioning, Cognitive learning theory -
information processing & Involvement theory
o Consumer Attitudes and Attitudinal Change – Meaning, Marketing application of
Structural Models of Attitudes (– tricomponent attitude model, multiattribute
attitude models, theory of trying to consume, attitude toward the ad models),
Sources of learning & influence on attitude formation, Strategies of Attitude
change, Relationship between behaviour & attitude
 Consumer in social setting:
o Impact of communication process on developing persuasive strategies
o Reference Group (RG): Meaning & Power of RG, selected consumer-related RG,
Usage of RG appeals by the marketers
o Social Class - Identification and CB application on various social classes
o Family Decision Making – socialization within family, effect of consumption-
related roles in family decision-making, Effect of traditional and non-traditional
family life cycle on the consumption pattern & preference of family
o Culture & Consumer Behaviour
 Consumer’s decision-making process
o Opinion Leadership (OL) - Dynamics of OL Process, Need & Measurement of
OL, Profile of opinion leader, OL and firm’s marketing strategy,
o Diffusion of Innovation –Diffusion & Adoption Process, Profile of Consumer
o Consumer Decision-making – Meaning, Models of Consumers, Process / Model of
Consumer Decision-making
Suggested Readings
1. Consumer Behaviour by Schiffman and Kanuk, PHI India
2. Consumer Behaviour by Nair Suja R.

Saurashtra University, Rajkot M.B.A. Semester – III


The aim of the paper is to acquaint the students with concepts, techniques and give experience in
the application of concepts for developing an effective advertising programme.
Course Contents
Introduction to Advertising – Advertising as a tool of communication and marketing,
Relationship of advertising with other tools of communication mix, Role of advertising in the
marketing process, fundamentals of advertising
 Evaluating Social, Economical & Ethical Aspects of Advertising
 The Communication Process; Source, Message & Channel Factors
 Establishing Objectives & Budgeting for the promotional program
o Value of objectives, determining objectives, understanding & evaluating
DAGMAR Approach
o Establishing and allocating budgets, overview of budget allocation techniques
 Creating Advertising Programme-Message, Headlines, Copy, Logo, Advertising Appeals,
 Media: Selection, Planning, Scheduling, & Strategy (Media includes Broadcast, Print,
Outdoor, Transit & Others)
 Measuring the Effectiveness of advertising Programme
o Arguments for & against measuring
o Conducting research to measure – what to test (source factors, message variables,
media strategies, budgeting decisions), when to test (pre-testing, post-testing),
where to test (laboratory tests, field tests), how to test (PACT principles), Testing
 Advertising Organisation: Internal Advertising Department v/s. an ad Agency, Selection,
Compensation and Appraisal of an ad Agency;
 Strategies for International Advertising
Suggested Readings
1. Advertising & Promotion by George Belch & Michael Belch, TMH
2. Foundations of Advertising Theory & Practice by Chunawalla & Sethia, Himalaya
Publishing House
3. Advertising Management by Batra, Myers & Aaker

Saurashtra University, Rajkot M.B.A. Semester – III

Human Resource Area Courses 4311 to 4312


The objective of this paper is to develop a conceptual as well as a practical understanding of
Human Resource Planning, Deployment and Development in Organisations.
Course Contents
Macro Level Manpower Planning and Labour Market Analysis: Organisational Human Resource
Planning, Stock Taking; Work Force Flow Mapping; Age and Grade Distribution Mapping;
Models and Techniques of Manpower Demand and Supply Forecasting; Behavioural Factors in
Human Resource Planning – Wastage Analysis; Retention; Redeployment and Exit Strategies;
Career Management and Career Planning; Performance Planning; Potentials Appraisal and Career
Development; HRD Climate; Culture; QWL and Management of Change; TQM and HRD
Strategies; HRD in Strategic Organizations; Human Resource Information System; Human
Resource Valuation and Accounting.
Suggested Readings:
1. Arther, M. Career Theory Handbook, Englewood Cliff, Prentice Hall Inc., 1991.
2. Belkaoui, A.R. and Belkaoui, J.M., Human Resource Valuation: A Guide to Strategies
and Techniques, Greenwood Quorum Books, 1995.
3. Dale B., Total Quality and Human Resources: An Exceutive Guide, Oxford,
Blackwell, 1992.
4. Greenhaus J.H., Career Management, New York, Dryden 1987.

Saurashtra University, Rajkot M.B.A. Semester – III


The purpose of this paper is to provide an in-depth understanding of the role of Training in
the HRD, and to enable the course participants to manage the Training system and processes.
Course Contents
Training process – an Overview, Role, Responsibilities and Challenges to Training Managers;
Organisation and Management of Training Function; Training Needs Assessment and Action
Research; Instructional Objectives and Lesson Planning; Learning Process; Training
Climates and Pedagogy; Developing Training Modules; Training Methods and Techniques;
Facilities Planning Training Aids; Training Communication ; Training Evaluation; Training
and Development in India.
Suggested Reading

1. Beunet, Roger ed. Improving Training Efectiveness. Aldershot, Gower, 1998.

2. Buckley R & Caple , Jim. The Theory & Practice of Training. London, Kogan &
Page, 1995.
3. Lynton, R Pareek, U. Training for Development . 2nd ed. New Delhi, Vistaar, 1990.
4. Pepper, Allan D.Managing the Training and Development Function . Aldershot,
Gower, 1984


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