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Definition of

Class of assets
A class of assets is a grouping of assets of similar nature and use in
an enterprise’s operations
Categorization of assets the grouping of similar assets into categories. This is done because,
under International Accounting Standards Committee rules, tangible and intangible assets cannot
be revalued on an individual basis, only within a class of assets.

 Investing in Structured Finance Products in the Debt Money Markets 

The application of synthetic securitization and structured finance techniques in debt capital
markets has made a range of asset classes available to investors who would not otherwise have
access to them. Thus banks, fund managers, and cash-rich corporate institutions can choose from
a wide variety of investment options for their funds. This article introduces a sample of money
market products that present alternatives for the investment of...
 Raising Capital through Private and Public Equity 
This checklist outlines how companies can raise capital through equity and the differences
between public and private equity fundraising.
class of assets - Related Articles
 Asset Management
Key Concepts
Different investors have widely varying aims in terms of the return they are seeking, based of
variables such as the level of risk they are prepared to accept, their timescale, and preferences
based on geography and/or asset class

 Asset Allocation Methodologies
Best Practice
Considering that 20 years is about the limit of the available data series for many asset classes,
you can see how this can create problems when it comes to generating asset allocation results in
which you can have a high degree of confidence.
By Tom Coyne

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