Windows Phone 7

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Windows Phone 7: A small hello world silverlight application!

Most of us believe developing applications for windows phone as a tough task when compared over
developing applications for PC. To some extent it is true as you will have limited access to the resources
when you are developing for a phone. However, technologies these days are not just built to develop
apps for a PC. As users are growing and becoming smart, technologies are becoming smarter to cater
the needs and meet the demands. Mobile Phone is common equipment every man has. As the demand
for Office applications are increasing, windows phones are quite common these days. In my previous
articles I have explained how to start with small silverlight applications.

Windows Phone 7 is the latest Microsoft is offering for the mobile segment. Win Phone 7 has a rich and
interactive user interface. If you are familiar developing any .net applications, you can develop apps for
windows phone 7 also.

In this post, let us see how we can develop a small program for windows phone 7 using silverlight.

Before you actually try to develop an windows 7 application, you need to install Windows Phone 7
Developer Package. You can find it here

It includes
1. Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone
2. Windows Phone Emulator
3. Silverlight for Windows Phone
4. XNA Game Studio 4.0 CTP

After installing the developer package, you are ready to create your first silverlight program!

Play the below screencast I have created and enjoy 

This is one of my introductory articles on latest technologies. I will be writing more and more on these
technologies in future.

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