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Charles Spearman

HIS WORK.................
 psychometric definition of intelligence,
 considered to be the father of classical test theory .
 What is Psychometrics? is the field of study
concerned with the theory and technique of 
educational and psychological measurement,
 knowledge, abilities, attitudes & personality traits.
 concerned with the construction and validation of
measurement instruments
Pioneer of factor analysis
"two-factor" theory of intelligence.

 he introduced factor analysis and attempted to determine the

factors that were measured by intelligence tests.
 intelligence tests measures

General intelligence "g”

was associated with mental processes that were distinct from 
memory, physical abilities, and the senses.

Specific abilities “S”

such as verbal, mathematical, and artistic skills
"Model of Intelligence Theory“
First Factor “General Factor”
  In 1904 Spearman published and article that used a
statistical method to show that the positive correlations
among mental tests

 People who score high on IQ or mental ability tests

usually scored higher on other types of tests,

 And people that scored lower generally had lower

scores on other tests.
2nd Factor----- Specific Factor
 The specific factor related to whatever unique
abilities a particular test required so it differed
from test to test.
Spearman said that intelligence is
mainly made up of ‘g’
Classical Theory of mental test
 In the classical theory............
 a starting point is X = T + E

where X is observed score,

T is true score, and
E is error score. The
 investigator would like to know the true measurement,
but, unfortunately, errors of measurement obscure the
true values. Therefore, one objective of measurement
procedures is to minimize errors of measurement.
Aptitude Test and Abstract
 The aptitudes and abilities measured by verbal and
numeric reasoning tests can easily be related to real
world tasks and jobs
 Abstract reasoning tests consist of questions which
have little or no application in the real world. Yet
these types of question appear in most graduate
and management aptitude tests. Why is this?
 Abstract reasoning questions are seen to be a
good measure of general intelligence, as they test
your ability to perceive relationships
4. Which of the Answer Figures fits the missing
space in the Question Figure?
“G” reality........
 g is more ...........
heritable than are any other ability factors
measurable by mental tests
 has more anatomical and physiological brain
correlates than any other psychometric factors.
Variables such as brain size, nerve conduction
velocity, the amplitude of evoked brain waves,
and the brain’s glucose metabolic rate while
performing mental tasks are all correlated with g. 

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