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R-Tables in DIALux

For an exact calculation of light intensity ratios

ratio it is necessary to know about the
reflexion ratios of the tarmacs.

Until now light

ight calculation programmes such as DIALux use the theoretical
values: R1, R2, R3 and R4 according to CIE. In order to consider the various
tarmacs this method is not sufficient. Profound knowledge of the real reflexion
properties allows the optimisation of the illumination system. Meanwhile
luminaires with such low mounting heights are provided that conventional R-
tables are not defined deeply enough. For such luminaires their own R-tables
R tables
must be provided and considered for implementation in the different calculation
programmes as well.

tables which could be imported since DIALux version 4.6 are quite similar to
the layout of the R-tables
tables in EN 13201. You will be able to generate the specific
file that should be imported with any text editor.

This file requires the ending „.RTB“. For every

e single information
mation a new line will
be used.
Definiton of an R-table:

Pos. Title Limitation / Example


1 RTable.v1 Should not be modified!


2 Name of the tarmac „CIE R3“, ASCII, Unicode

which is visualized in

3 Number of tan(έ)-values nEps for the number of

following values, e.g.

4 tan(έ) nEps-Values;
Values; one value
per line

5 Number of β-values nBeta for the number of

following values, e.g.

6 β nBeta-values;
alues; one value
per line

7 q0

8 R( tan(έ, β)) Measured R-values


Line 1 The filename

ilename in line 1 will be replaced by RTable.v1.

Line 2 Name of the tarmac (e.g. CIE R3) which is visualized in DIALux.

Line 3 Number of tan(eps) (e.g. “29”)

Line 4 tan(eps_01)

Line 5 tan(eps_02)

Line 32 tan(eps_29)

Line 33 Number of β-values (e.g. “20”)

Line 34 beta_01

Line 35 beta_02

Line 54 q0

Line 55 R( tan(eps_01, beta_01)

Line 56 R( tan(eps_02, beta_01)

Line 84 R( tan(eps_29, beta_01)

Line 84 R( tan(eps_01, beta_02)

Line 634 R( tan(eps_29, beta_20)

After importing the newly generated R-table it can be used for future projects.

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