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What is communication?
The term 'Communication' has been derived from the Latin
word 'communis' that means 'common'. Thus 'to communicate'
means 'to make common' or 'to make known'. This act of
making common and known is carried out through exchange
of thoughts, ideas or the like. The exchange of thoughts and
ideas can be had by gestures, signs, signals, speech or writing.
Basically, communication is sharing information, whether in
writing or orally.

What is a BARRIER?
Any difficulty which partly or fully prevent any activity is
called a barrier.
Barriers To
No matter how good the communication system in an
organisation is, unfortunately barriers can and do often
occur. This may be caused by a number of factors:-

Physical Barriers
Language barriers
Emotional Barriers
Gender barriers
Cultural barriers
Physical Barriers

One of the major barriers of communication in a

workplace is the physical barrier. Physical
barriers in an organization includes large
working areas that are physically separated from
others. Other distractions that could cause a
physical barrier in an organization are the
environment, background noise.
Language barriers
Inability to converse in a language that is
known by both the sender and receiver is
the greatest barrier to effective
communication. When a person uses
inappropriate words while conversing or
writing, it could lead to misunderstanding
between the sender and a receiver.
Emotional Barriers
Your emotions could be a barrier to communication if you are engrossed in your emotions for some reason. In such cases, you tend to have trouble
listening to others or understanding the message conveyed to you. A few of the emotional interferences include hostility, anger, resentfulness and fear.
Gender barriers
They arise because men and women have a different way
of communication and each feels uncomfortable while
talking to the other because of the basic differences in
communication styles. Women speak around 25000 words
a day while this number is around 7000 for men. This
shows that men are more precise while women like details
and when the two communicate, they will get bored.
Secondly, the speaking function of the brain in men is on
the left side but in women it is located in both left and
right hemispheres of the brain. This means that women
link logic and emotions while talking and men mainly try
to relate to logic.
Cultural barriers
Culture is one of the biggest barriers while
communicating on an international level. Effective
communication indulging the audience of different
cultures is challenging. The cultures provides the
people with the way of seeing things, way of thinking,
hearing and interpreting the world. So that means, the
same words could be having different meanings to
people from different culture even when the language
used is common. If the language is different, that
worsens the situation because of the process of
translation used to communicate which leads to a
greater potential misunderstanding.
Learn to use feedback well.
Be sensitive to receiver’s point of view.
Listen to UNDERSTAND!
Use direct, simple language, or at least use
language appropriate to the receiver.
Learn to use supportive communication,
not defensive communication
Labdhi Jagani
div: B
roll no: 736

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