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.4 ~ 5: Tefnl: Nutnitious and dehdous 16, -1 : EnJoymg your food


101 -11:. A gUide to vegetable oils and fats 1.2-'\'1.3:

1.3: ArtiFry cookling hints cnd tips 1104 -117: Menus

118 -,29:

30 - .33: Sauces (InC! dips

34 - 43: Gourmet meet recipes

44 - 41: 48 ._ 51: Go urrn et veg etc ble redpes

52:·_ SS : GOUmilet dessert recip~s

56, - 57 : Cooking ti rnes

58,: Wndex

Tefa IIcti"9



Nutriti,ous end deliclous

In ovating 'fa r you r ieelth' 5 sake

G 0'0<1 nutrition m. not oilly hCNing 0 varied! and bakmc:ed dtet.; but 0[1.150 taking ( to choose healthy food ingredients when coo Lng, How these ore prepcred and cooked makes: 0 real difference to their nrnriliooal and sensory volues . .And bemuse 1111 food pHlpomtion nd cooking appJic.nces are not equol, Te Fal nos developed Co range of products that me dedicated! to NUTR]nON FOR GREATER PLEASURE: Ingenious (uhntuy oppliam:es whiCh preselrVe the nutntllonal integrity of food ond a low 'the taste of the ingredients to be fully appreciated.

At the 'fi.:uefrorrt of mnrtttonol developments. Teral. iiS investing in resenrch and! innovation to brl ng you unique solutions with nutritional advantages that a~e volld~ted by scientific studies.

Informing you

When it comes to nutritioj'!!, Tafal has always provided practical so'uti()n~ In the kltch!!n, helpingl you to pr!!pore your qUickly mid enjoyably. EveI)' day, public health i ssues end om ,rnanging Ijfestyles strengthen Teral 's desJrn to make the basics of nutritlonnl good proctilce mtc.ildble to ewryone 0("1 a dally basis.

Day after dBY, the Tefal. Nut.ftious & Ilelidous rcnqe ill help you to achieve diemif}' bolllnc:e . hout sacrificing culinary pleasure.





bQv@ all. eotlng should 00 0 ple<l5urnbJe expe-rienc:e. Inwlving the sharing of food, lind fi·endship. 5ating wiill. however, is nlsc hnl!!!d to health nnd we<lHl€ing.

eolthy eating plays Q key role in the pnwention of major diseases such as. heart dise~, diabetes. some 0l1i'lC@r5 and. obesity, and in keeping you and your 'fom 1 "lin good hoolth. Ol.l{ reason for crooting the reci pes In this booklet Wlls to help you and your mmdy optimise your diet \li'hl!@ in no way compromislng Ihe taste of food or the enjoyment of ,!![lting.

ctiFFy'S techM:al dmracteristics aJlow you to eat Chips and cooked p()tcnces with 0. low fut content a precious oid in the fight ag!C!lifist obe-5.1ty and heort dis.eo~e. A!:rompclIlied by vegetables o.nd salad, fruits, low fo.t dairy produC(!, leon m@OB" fISh end pulses, chlps LOoked in this woy fit perf«t1y into a balanced diet for the pleasure of young and old alike. ActiFry 01$0 allows you to coo other foods to perfecbOn: "·egetables. meats, fl~h and fn.lits.

hiS recipe booklet is a colourful collection of t~ty and varied dishes cook@d in a revoluti 0001')' appUoocel The wntents h(l\l@ been carefully chosen in order to brlflg you the maxi mum f,Qtisfllction lnterms Ilf taste us well os nutrttton, AU of the recipes hove been carefully created in O«Ioc to take ueccunt of the nutr~tionnl benefits of each ingf1edlell'lt 000 of Its role a-s part of IilI baJoncl!d diet

ur team of hom@COnomlsts. and nutntionist hQ'l/e done jusU{)@ to thls nigh tl!Chnology applionc:e, and have paid pmticular attention to developing and testing all of the rec.lpes and to providing the nutritiO al information in thiS recipe


With Act;Fry.

learning how to prepare balanced meals could not be easier ... enjoy tasty dishes with less fat to help keep you ~ea1thy.



Enjoying ,your food


~ day. we need! hJ eDI. andl MIlk to ~ 0t6 deify ~ ~~ and obtain the essential ootMrlts 0Uf Ixxlies ~ A bakrced diet ~ pmYtde;

~ Sufficient 1!MI"g)' (a::!bie;). fliicl!; and esserrtiW nulril!n3. SlJd'I CIS p;rcJteIn. vrtamlns and mnemi5

• A good bdlQoce of food Intld:e between thE! d1ffi med$

~ An'~ OOUIbuted SLlpply of energy O!ld 1r.Itrien15 tlw"ougIlout the day

H~, ~ ~ in (M'I erMllXlli1"li;!fit w~ hM!tJ1y ~ me MI: alw«ys1he emte'St ~ ....e rely heavily DI1 pr~ food5 and 'e[]tcii'l~ go' mudloifthe time. No-ofle wouJd suggest WI! em: Q5 01.1" Q~or.; did, tklI!: IfW!!! befreve entiniJ for '-Ith 15, ·m~ th!n WI! ~ til QClapt lD tIXIoy's I ~ ,and Dpliif'liSe 001f lIlutrfticnd health.

Ach ievi n g Q h eatt hy balen ce


Em.1o'ts of frult WIld ~bIe!!. ~ day. Bummgvrilh ~ v tamms, miJ"lE!ltlk. 1lI'II:iO~ nut:nem5 t!O!:i Jibci! they're OJ ~ part of }EltA" I~ eaIill1g pbt.



Eot more fim: bath wtIiI:I! fISh (low ft1 fl;n gnd rich ., ~) a_1"!d l;IiIy ffsh. Aim for CIt IemtI.W'O seMrigS of fl!lh (] _. induci~ 0Ile s.ervii'i9 of Gily fish ~ ~ FJiI!:l"xlrds; 5mdll"lfS).




Balance and variety: the food group approach

fur energy, fl .,qlnmlm;. mlillelftds. aM fibr~', these foodls ¥1(]tJkI m~ up oboot Q third of tl'ie fCMXI )'011 eat. IrxfLJd~ at lea5t one with each meal, Indudin9 I;lread (~Iiillly wholem~I): breIlUtl!.1: (erNis;; ~la, riCe, couscous., pct[]~ yom" (lnd dhi:l;'P'!lUi,

FI1.i t and vegetables

Eat Ili 1I'ClJlety eYefy day - all types (ount tl;lWlJrm your 5.o-day. Indu(hl1g frash, hillen. mnl'led and dried. iFrudJulce i~ hi!ijh in wgm, so' only OXlnt5 once Q tlo.y.

One po.rtiCll i~ approXImately aOg (or ] ta.bk!~) wg~tlb~ a ibow'lllf ~lad, III vm~, fruit (OOncma. !lIpple or O[OI'Ige) or two 5m(I11 OrJE5 (ptums, SQt5umas).

TWo to thr'ee $er'll'in9~ earn day will providE ~tial cnklum for heoltny booMS Md teeth, SOO'le B (lflCl Ib.t soNWe .,qtlfimif1l!.. Choos.e lowel' fut mill. d'i1!iM@ and )'!l!gl.!ft5, for maxi urn oololffl'l, but lower s.atUfC!tW fut inklke.

Meat, fish and nlterno lille<;

Two 5e{Ving5 (I da)' fluE ne!!d@d to proVKre pt"oie·n, uOi'l (li!ld other mi~ls. Ilm! vitam ns, Choose from: lean red megt. pou try, fish, egg~ beans, lentils. dMI. nuts, tofu and seeds.

Fatty and sugary foods

Cooking Oil!. Md ~ome filt spreads contain ~MtiOllrnlS and fQ1;; 5dullle .,qtm'nlm (A.D and E) which we need in small Clmounts for good hea th Use :!;j)CIril'lg!y. Man), fwds in tll~ group however. ere hig'h in sot1JfQ.ted fnts !lind SIJgllT, sueh m; glke!i, bGc:uits. pastnes QI')C! smrotJl)' !.i"ICiti:s. !iCJ Um.t your ntne OIld Ifldlude ~i'Iiill y In small cmotmis.

Keep Wi!II ¥mted tltroLlg'hoot the IX!y wftf11l1 l~t 6-8 ~ fk!1c! eYeI)' &!y, indudl"l'Ig WIller, hot dlrinks. !iooOOiliilg ~ l'@Qf('oITFeeifnrlt ar herbal !:@as) and low wggr or SLIgar fi'ee cold dTin ~ lfyou drin akdu;!l, keep til thl!~Silble ooily mlts (jf M roore1hm11-3 lJIlits IJf flknllal fur \IlOOlen ood j-.4J umts for men,


ato:IlDI!!!!l em be i!!:fti!!fl by '1IifI)IOMi '1Iff any ~ ~toes (I':@(I, fI'OIIIlIIm' ~ In ~ UK" oftm wrongly bkDmed fur benjl '~ hl b:It: 'lillfy we low In fat. filing m1Id full or Yitamln C ~ oIher ~ Rldlrients..

Virtudll'y fat-free, an ~ jIlideI: pomm. eatm with the sm. contains 150 mbil!s, 50Jj ~ DIli!!i Ornast _qucrlsr df daily fbe, wb:JmiJiJ C. ~ond poit055Un. 05 as 0VI!f half )ICXIII" vIDImIn 86 ,_ ni!!!dr..

Thefibn:~~~i5~,Fibre~a~~(!II;;I~~1:he Illuild up, of harmfUllO~ Rft mil)' alSo reduo! ~ riSk of hi!D1. ~ md some ~ and con proIIlOte a ~ Of h.IIIne5s. 5(1 I1;elIpng 'to reduce ~ I~ I'IK'aI!i.

• Vl\tI:nin(

f po lOU

~ CI get1ErnI rule.. we, rerornmem tlT!at.)IIOO use pomtoes ret[~ b chlppll'\g in ~f Actifty.ln I'I1{Iny su~ there Is infoono.tion QIl h pgdggmg tell~ )"J'Uvdlidi mrieties OIl! YJi~ 'few m!lkii'lg chips. we reQ;lfT!rnend wrii!tiM sudII as l(il'i!9 Ed'wM:IIli'IIdI fodoriS Pip!r for goodl rewlts..

At th", beginning or d'W! maln crop semon or when potatoes ha\Ie been ~Iy ~ they may have Q higher water cooten.t, so '<o'\i'e ~)'ti!Y ctlOk'the tihlJ;15 fur a few I1IOI"e minutes.

Ren'if!tI'Iber tint us."Ig fferent potato varieties dCi1e5 result In (I d. fft:Jentlt!5te. textt!_~ Ql1d 1'kMxIr.

Act_ifty []ISCi all~ you to Jlf>epCll>f limen ~ As these are pre<ooked n 011 dlJlng proc:essIng, It Is oot ~ to add ooy rrKIife 011.


Th~ ~ place tD s.tDo"e pobltMS ~s in Q drut" 0iXIII ila"J' cupbMfd ~ is ori!!l aLl.. cr.wy tmm, !he ligtit

To obmln the best res\! you must emure tOOt the dlIps do not 5t_ido;ltogetllef. 'Mth ti'liJ; In mimi. V«lSlI the wr.ole potnt~ aoo then OJ. 'Irn;!m into m~ L!!iing IJI sharp Imire or chip wtt!!l". n..e diips Should be of equal ~ ~ that tN!y all mok at '!tie ~ time_

'iMl5tl !:he chipped potatoes In plenty of mid lMlter LIltll It rultS clear n order to ~ 15 mucIh of the Slgnj, as P=ible.

Dry thi! d'Ii~ tI'icmug~ USi.n.g ,[I higl1ly Q~ dean teD tiiWel ThE! ch~ ml.lSl. be ~)' drJ' lboefore pc;rrung IDem m the AttJfi)' otherwise they will notrnm mspy. To dhed: &ley me dry elOOUgh p!lt them with p!ilpeti kitd-oen to'Welju5tbe'flxe ~.lfttJ~ il;,ClTYweffies501l 'dW ~dty tt-.em aggill.

~ die cooU'i;g time III !hi! mip. Wi wry lJ=n:Iing 1;0 lhelM!!ight of mifM. I!lllixl tlie batm of PI'!Jltoes usee,


The size of 1;1 ohip influences now crurxfly Ol" soft It ls, The ttlll1llef JOU~ dtllps,1he more auflChy lf1ey will be M!!l con~. thieler drps wi I hie ~fter i~_

You rut YOUiI' mip!. to ti'ie 'follOwing tI'I~ iJJ:mitIli'ig to )!OUr tmtl!: ~ sty'le: !I x Ilmm

Thli'l: 'Hh ~Orrvn

Studal'lil: 13 II (m;c.ximum reo;MI"f1metlded thlOO1e5~l


t. ~~;.~~;.~~~~{::: _-.-~----


- ~--=- .. ,:.


egetabIe. oils mmi5I: of ~ ~ of fatty ,a;:id5. The;e fin1; odcI5 ITq' be ~.~edl~~ ~im)omid~1iI!IIIn ofm~ ~15~~ to liIiilondmild ~IUJiIJi!!!nII,vdueand~ '!JIll the bilIdy.

"l'llwmor~~ I!he~ Ii!lel~e II: is tIl,be!idid m_ ~ for,~. QX~ oil. palm 011. ~ ,and mtimI:JIl'iIts (~.Ianl ~ I'm!!! hicJi ~ Ihtty acid ~ Ealiing a ,diet ridlln ~ ftII.liasbeen,~ to.mse "bad" ~ In thel!lkJodIn-ILk!nsr"ty~norWl~.whid'iom~,Qstef'-t~ Sab.mted 1m: is cd,~ in rJE dJeL

u e

l11ese ,are oilS with Il h4I ~ acid DlIIIilent. No!'lillilil15illUu.ted rtrJ.ty acids In!' ~ prewoIent in ~ Qi(I, I~ all. and nt1I. Oil!; !iLdi m ~ .. ~ IIi!Ip III bM!r lDIL ,~"", 5Q hefping to I'TItIImoIn Q hi!dIhy IiII!iI:rt ~ 5iCIQ"Ie 5IItImI:ed 1m with ~ b5 and oil!; ror!JllOd heaIIh.

A ~I QillOOl'It of po~turtJ!ed ftJt is ~ for gcOO hedIttI. as ~ prcMdt!! ~Mal fatly acids. wtlic;h ain't be ll"IIlrle tJy the 1xiocI)o- ~i! (Ie two Il"oIlln '~ Om~-6 am Omegcr3. Illld the'dLelmy bal~ ~~n the two ts Important.

~ fm.ty nOdis me mown to JQwer L.Dl cMIi!'!.teroi. so offer protection agaill5l !lecm d~sease_ H~, at ttigll ~ they aID also !ower the . "good" c!i'deru!rnI fl-ligh DeFlSfty l.ipaflrllWin 1;11" I!.OL dmlesteroll. 'OmegG-6 futs, such [IS Lin!lleii; gOd!, are fWllQ molnl'y n sunflOwer. oom. saF1'Iowi!r orxl soya oil.

~ 'fm:s fC!IIITI ~ of Mf'IIe aliI!. and moe ~I b l1edtily vision and bm:ln d'l!veloprn~iIt in iri1~nts. 11ley aJw help mairrtaln 0 ~y lheart. and '1110)' help to pre.oent ~TQl-e5 C!.nld heert dISeaSe in nllulh. 0meg0i-3 futs hoc:Ye an orrti-i['l1'laJnrnatoty role Iri 'It!e body.o.i'id Dire often used to menage rneumatoo and othtlr il'lllmTiiMl~ fnnn:!i of grth,rftis.

They ere mt;;!inly fWllQ ill OIly futt. but ~ ~ OOS CDfT~-n the 'parent' IUtty uod, ~pI'Ml l..irioIeriic ,00d, such as: lil15eeC. ~ walnut. and rtIp@5@@d Oil.

of fatty o.cid content of some oils:

p.cIm. axonut oil!.

olIVe Illld rapeseed end oil!.

SUrIfJower, ~. com end SOJ'll Otis r~. Qli'icdrn. wmnut, ~ linseed OH5


Gourmet cuisine with A,ctifry

Adifr)r d'Ii~ are mmdly

,and soft 1IS!de' lh:!ld:~, to wrlpotIt~ted ~ th@ stirling pmldli! whld'I gently c;I.l5tlibi!Jtes lhe

oil and the hot 'forteg gir. Ohoose )'CiUI"

inogI1ed'"1eR1s. Oil5JliCes. IBb:!. IH!Id soosoolllg5 .•. cOO let Adilly ~ ~ of !he rest

Only 3


one ~ful of tile o~ af Pli dniile aJl!ow!.~, 1:0 iruil!.c real mlps from 1 Itgl of po:bm11~ You W1 be SlJIe of using 'e:mdiy ~ lig'tt~ MlOOnt. thult!; W Ole g~1!IIIIEd spoon that is suppllfW li'i'il:h'tM~

·ACIXIl~II'I!lI to ~J mste5 and ~ jtIU ~y gdtj an extJn ~iIl 0{ oil {rK 00 ~ mstil!f rew./l.

You am use lID}\' 0iIl5, e'!I3l the rorest Ilnd ~ expernive. They ~ toste onodl SCl!I'De . I ~ prQllide the ~I futty llIdids rIE!I!ded fNgood I'leaIth.. TI)'Il ne'Woilll!'llel)f lime you cool!

FrIlmn 'fuods mE! OJ ~ ,c11l:OO'1!11tlve to fresh produce. They t!!1'E! ~rtJOtiI:Dl ci'1d the frernrog process acJts dIS a nntllfcll ~.Iodim] in IIIlJ!Jien'15 ol!i1d ~

'~ Itg potatoes rut film chips (0 a l"~ 1'3x1 3mm ~ untrl·55l1: Wf'fght ~ w lh l'4mt of oil,

Ac iFry COO

hints an


• Do not acid 5I!lit to uhi~ while the dvps ore in the pari. Only add !llh once tbe dlrpo nre ~ from the oppliOOro at the end of o:JOkirog.

• Wllal nddlnq iii i@d heros arod ~ to Adifry. n"IalIlhem W1tl1 some 001 or 1itpJld, If you by ~ ng

tIlern directly Into ttle pan they wiD ~t get blown around by the hat air sy;tern.

• for best result5. use finely chopped 9Gf1il: ~ of atJSI')ed garliC to O\'ti!id it Ildheril1r,J to till!!' a!fltrru poddle,

• F"te!R! r1IJb! thnt strong col<:Jur'ed spice5 may slightly stnln thl! paddle and pmts of tlIe ~I(!n(e This I!.rKlIInU

• Lf using onlol'lS In J\ct:jFry recipes. they (]H! be!.t thiflty sJ.ced instead of chopped Q!S they OXIk better, S£'f>!Jffite the onion tile ri~ bErore- udding !:hem to the p!JI1 ood give them (JJ quid: stir 50 Ihllt ~ are evenly distributed.

6 Wntl meai !llld fXItlllry dishes,stOfl tile crppIii:Ilce IlJ'lId ~ir IIhe pan once or twite duJil'ig cooIoJng so tlnat Ihe food On tOIl does not dry out end WIle aish tflidens evenly.

• Prep::ire -;petDbli!S ii'I small peees (l{ stJr fly ~ to ensure tiley c:tX!k tlu ouglt.


ced me us or he


Dietary balance ts not w: ieved in one meal: with careful panning. it happens over the who e wee 1

It i!: iiTiiipoilitMt" th~fOn!!. t:o d'loos;e: (I ~ (!if d~ fuods e¥I!f)I' day. This is why oor reqpe booldet offers !JiUt! OOmert1US ~iflal recipes ~ I!JIJi D!\II!!iI two ~, as IpoIl!t of n~1y !x!lonc:ed menus. The meIl~ are pn:1aicDl oo;r:I simple III pvOidOCl! I:i'"Ionks to Amfly,

"-tOft! lIHm !lIllY ath IMGI, ~ pk!y5 en e55eI1tid1 Ide in []I ~ 8lting pJan.. A weil-plonned f rst meal of the day not only rE5t0d5 wr Indy with _gy end nutrients afta- a long fligh.t rJf fusling. it also ~ U!i up .rn.- Iln effK;ient momng 's WOIt. K!dUCing!:he IkeilhoexI of srlC!oorog 0I'Id hul'l!}l!f JliIll'I9!i Iilter in thl!!~i'li1'"l9-

A.~ poa.l1: off a baiarK'e.tI metlUl, the ~ bci:ml;el::l breJ:MmI: is s.'IrtJc'lliroo Gfoundfoor'essm.fud elements: !Jill!! I!Irink. ene dml)" ~rodliJct, QOE! cem ~OCI: cndl_ fruit" wtlG1e,j\ll![ed QI" st~ 'II'Itho.1EWr)'OUr prefef@i"lO!, u;. 1:0 ii'idude ~ ~ th!!! basis of jOOr bfeW:fast. RJr our p;wt. we' sl:riv2 to ~ all of OOJ pr-oWas WIth care 00sed on their I'IL1lJT1Jo!1a! quahies ani tl3Sl:e in order to makI! tnlS ~ meal tile flJS!. tmty moment of your c:IczyI

ILunch and,d~~ooll:lleru:lil mnLribut~~·U3 of'thedoy's dil!lmy~ Aim to irrlJde,. III mnln ,"""~ (mea!: 0.- fish. aw;IIiI1panied by ~d'Iy mrbotr)Qu~e foocI5 md ~J, a dJ~ 0.- dairy prn;dUClt end 11 fruit.. keep IlIIhe tips on page 6 to odlive 0 heatUil)' 00kmci!.





\'Jl'\;oIegrain cereol Whulegmin cerl!'(] Wholegroll1 cereal Wholegml1~1 Wl'deg cereal fr5h. d!ied or Fruit Srn!xJti'li!!
With m Ik oodJor wrtfl rm k IJl1d/or with rm k ~nd/or ..... Ith rm Ie: tllnd lor: ith mJ aoo/Of" ~~m"
roost cod t.ooJst und t!XI!J: 000 toast -ttl toostWlth 'Scrtlmbll!d egg on
jamlmarmclade jomirnrulMln.h'! jmnfrnarmnklde jomfmmmlllolldl! jamlrnmmtllade Grilled boamn. loosteli bagel
IB!reakfost nllfihnx.liTtS ririe!
Fresh, dried or Fresl'l. dried or Fresh. d led or fresh. dried or Fre5h. dried O!r tCl!i'nl:Ilol!:! Gr lied tOOlGtGe5
!Otewed fruit Sl:cwedfrult S~frult sl@W'ed fruit stl!'l'lll'!d fruit TeQ!mffe.e
GronGry or
T I!G/rnffE!E Tea/coffee Tea/coffee Tea/coffee TeoJc:off~ vrl'lolemeil'l bre<lld
o,eese soled MOZl(lreikr ~~m2!!!)! ~~~atQ PIQS1g 'ttllh ~ RDmtdli~,
baguettE! ornotoes drirrled 9Q!!.!!; gllil ~ 2!..1:! ~W'1Q !:I.M J:miI ~ served Wlth green
with mpeseed 0 ~ \leg tahles arod.
80 .... 1 of t csI1 Green ~allld Clt!(f No urnl )'Q9hurt ~~t potatoes With
Lunc strnwbelTies end UlJ!.ty bread roll ~I'c:ed ternetoes QJeny tomatQe; ttl dlopped fr!!!Sh sesame seeds
half Fat creme rna Salad
fralche Oven.ookl!d Qj:lple Fresh fru l ~frut fwit~l;,md
with itllSl ns Fre>I1 fn;it Q!'itmd
lO'w rot fnJlt ),ogurt filet of S4.'(I bream With lemclf1 JUICil"

Grilled lomb chop with mixed herh!.

~~ w:geWbIe~ !lltt! ~ setve.d with noodle:; or !JrUWIl nee

VeqetobIe soup ~lrr!d~ ~~ ~~

New JXllo.tD~ o ... enbaked tomatoes

E99 ~lae! with _ potatDe!.

Low fat f, lJit ~

Small piece of cheese Wld gltlpe5


Small piece of cheew I;lnd gmpi!!S


fruit crumbJe Mth natuml yoghurt, fromagE!' Iims or wstrud

NJ;JtuJt!1 yoghurt, ~Ijj;e(i peers ond dlOJ;Olnte ctJipj




Menus '

-~- -

WI1olei.Trun cereal Wholegrnm CE!l"ad WholegtlJ"n Cefea] WhoIegrain CEfl!'iIlJ WhoIegmin eereel fruit Smoo!hie Fn:Y1. dOed or
",itt! m QI1d 'Of with rni IlIIKI/mr witt.mi and/f¥ ydh milk end lor With ml aIld/Of 5t~fruit
toostWltn tnasl. witJl lOa!;t with ID!lSt with toast"" PIx!~ egg~ em
Breakfast jom/mrlrmclode jamimClt1TlIllwie jruru rnalmle j(IrfIJrnruroolode JtI_mlmarmo~e tQCI5t Grile<d '5IlILISllge'5

f;[i!Sh. dried, Ill' lirem. dned or Fresh. dried or Fresh. dried 01 ,Fresh. dried OF GriII!!OCI tomatoes Be ed ll!E!!lM
~1eWI!d fruit stewed Ii1Irt s.tewed fruit st~m.!lt stewed fruit TecilOD'ffi!e TeaJ~
Tealmffi:!e Tea/oaffee TeQ.I'oaffee reafroffee TealmffH Tomamsalnd Ham 5Q1od 5Ond'n ich ,8ocIkJ;'(! Jadet potato Soup ~~ PIzza ~
drtaJed with 00ve OI1gmf1ClYD~ witll bl;Ik.ed becns wodwidl !ill!l ~ ~~Iod
oil and green salad GrunclrY roll ~ t:h tomato gruj~
FrE!!!>n fruit Low ~ frultyoguft nnd onion solad ~~
-u ch Slice of qUiche Frui1rno~ Wlthdleese
Law fnt yougurt Fresh fruit ICE CI8m1 fruit cgke
Bread roJJ ~~gppIe
with m15ins
Fresh frurt ~~W!lb Mefoo Il4ed Met of ~ 'MlIl thLtI:
~~.wN salmon ~~'I
~$ ~~S2!.II~ 00:
fi.!M~'io\Iith New potatoes and
~~ IJrowr! riI;:e Q( kmlinEne 2f ~ FMt aumble with
flOOd ~~b!!5 custl;J:n;!
~. I'Icui!Inut rnxI
potato mi!dl1!y CliOC!Jkrte I'TlOI.JS5e: ~Ifruits (1'1 ;11. @ Cam wi chip:.



Stewed fru.It with ICe Fru t crumble aNI crean custard or law ftn: yo~

SmclI piece of d1eese 000 C)rGp0!3



I c

800 s n 3ft. lbl ptl1tat:05 sum as Kmg lEaYoWds or Maris PIper

750 s '1 Ib '110 wJ hwe'll chi~

11 SlJl1iflQWef oil

smt:. to taste

Fer frozen chips; CWt".M min (~ingonU11! typof and thidLness of frozen d .. ip:!)

sunJlower od Salt. to taste

Peel tOe potatoes, then ru1[ ItB'rII inll:J d'lipxs oaordlQg to l!IOUf pr@f@l@rme: esther 8 mm II: g mm (Jf!! in ~ 318 in], 1 ern xl em (11/2' in j( 112. in]llJf 13, mm J( 1 3 mm (418 in )( loiS in I. liIirlie the rn ~!., tJhcI-tJUghl'y, dl"ain. ttlen dry them well CIO a demi tea tOWf!,L

IPIace the chips in the ;l!i,;,:it]Fty pM_lDm!!le! the oil evenly over ttJ;e ch\ps .. CooIk fw 3(1-35 m nutes (up to IlIxIut l.o minut~, QO;;COi'd!~ to th@ th~ of tile ell ps), ,1)1" IInlillhe! d'iips are C'OOted.

St!!fve immedictely. sp!lillk]ed WitlJ .soh to krste_


ThE lotlriety of potato used wi I I!!Iffea tile rnobng tJrI"oI! and coI[mr of 1Ihe chip5. U IS GIso IlTlpCiftmtt ll:J dry h c;oips \fellY weJI nfter Ijn~1iH!l them to eosure 1lhey ~ aisp on Ihe o~de.


n per se

143 kialIl 602 kJ Prctein; '3 9 lin; J s

SotUf!i!ted fut:; O,J g CarOOhyd~ 27 !J

fjbre:2gl SOc!tt; wee



r I


800 g (1 ]J~ Ib' palat.l:Jes

1 l.ght olive oil

1 sesame oil

'112 rurry powder. m to I:ml~ (~ mid. rnf'dIum 01" hot

cull)" powden Ui 'Slllt ,.our taste)

So:It, ~[I t1Jste (optiDOOl)

~ !:hI! pol:atoes and rut tI15n into 1 em II 1 em (11(2 in x 112 in) dllf15~ Rtrl!.!! the chipped potnt0@5 lIhcJi"oughly, drmo. dlen dry them wei on 0 dean teQ 10WE:<1.

PI[!JlC2 !he diip!> in the Artifry pim_ Drime the 011 cndI amy moture l'\Ielllly O"Yef the ch-!)S- Cogl fur 30~O min~ or until '!he d'tip!i at!! (OO~_


17,2 lool I 721 kJ Pror.eirl: 39 fcI:6g 5at1Jmtedfal:: 1 9

Cruboti}fdur.te_ 28 g Fibre: 2 g

SaIl:; trace


800 9 (13/4 Ib) po'lIll0e5 light olive Q I gr~QtI

, f2 IXIplika, Dr l.o I.mte'

SID!.. to taste (opticncJ)

F'eel the pain't.oe!. and rut them Into 1 em x 1 em (1 f2 ln x , (2 inl chip!.. Rirn.e the dtipped potatoes thofOl.!lJtI1y, aroin, then dry mail W!!III on a dem! teo 'towel.

Pklce the dllJ5 n l'he lictiHy pmL Drizzle tbe Oil and ,pqpftlul. mlXt1Jre ~ry over the ciJips, Cook for lO.1Hl InIrttJ!:es" Of until dle dllps are !;ioolred.

172 kooIl ]2.1 II ProtEin: 49 fat:: G 9

Sotum.ed fat 1 s UJ.hnf¥!rnle: 28 9

Hbre; 29 smttmce


Almond chips

9 ed e ts

800 g (13/-4 Ib) pot_Clt0e5

1 light oIiW ()~

1 groomlnut 011

:2 groond alfoorods

Sdlt. to mste (cpUooolJ

PeeI1he ~Lntoes end mit them into 1 em x 1 em (112 in .0; 112 inl di'lips. RinSll!' the d'lipped pGtiilOi!S thoroughly, dnlil1l, ti1en elY lliem well !;In g cleo., teo tl;l'ft'ei.

MIA the dilV@ Oil.. ground nut !jjl arid ground almoods in '" nmme~iJ1 or $R1(J11 distl_

Pb;e ~ dti~ in the AttIFry pen, Drizzle the oll 00" groond almond miruJre evenly over the dlJps. Cook for 3l}.35 minutes, or ul'Ilii tM di-~ me coob!d.

1951wJ1 Hill! III Prot llI:lt 9

F'ol. II g ~fut;lg

em I!loi'lydrale ,28 9 Fime: 2g

Salt: trace

P a an

OOQ 9 (1314 Ibl potDtJDeS

1 gr<M1<lnut c~

40 g (11/202) salted peanuts

40 g (11/202) smoley bQcoo msp5

Peel the potat()!5 0Ild rut them into 1 '1 0I'I'II n (2 lin ]I 1 n. in} dti~ run!>e the ct(flperj p;;ltat:0e5 t~hly. arIDlI, then dry them IftII on CI di!ruI ~ lOn.!t'@L

Place 1Jie' ch il'S' n the A.ctlfry pan. DtiDlle ~ Oil eYet11y IJYE'f the dti~ Cwk fix 3(1 mi'mn:e$.

MecLnwh lie, pkKe the pemllIt5 and a'isps in OJ ~i!nder or food IlI1JlE!l!i!JJ and blend un~il o;IJTlibinec! QIl!j fillely crushed (til IDe amsiW!ni:'y or 0XirM! broocicrumbsl

5pfltlMi'! !fii!' pem1ut mixture evenly over the Chips in the AttiflY_ Coo~ for Q furrhef S rmrurtes, or untJ.11M! ch-p!!. ,tire mobd Sel'lle i~JateIy,


236kc::d I ss 1 t1 !l'roteln: 6 9

Fttt: 109 Sntmmrte(j fut; 2 9

Cmbohydra e:; 33 9 fibre; 3 9

Salt: 0..5 'l




and 5



BOO 91 (1314 Ib) smcll ~Wtoes.,. left unpeeloo

112 !!Igioo mbted naDs


2 fJlm'n flour

SiIlt ~f}CI freshly gioond bIod: pep,pE'. to ta~ (llptiOntd)

(lit each pamto (~ tha shns on) Il1to It or 6 !:!len wedges, d~d rlg on ltillir sue. Rinse the potD1El we;dgt!!! i:h()Joogllly. drain, U1en Idl)' th~ IIi@lI on c clean t@G towel.

PkKe the potnto wedg!!S In Q lIlrge oowt Add the dried i'l1!fM. pcprilro. and 2 AmFIIY SpiXlrIf\!fs, ,tJf Qil EJrul lJ)!ls tr! miX untld the pota - tJe5 nra well eeeted. Add the 'flour 000 toss to coat well.

P1iliol! the potato wedg~ in the ,ActiFI)' pt:m. th!!n drtziJe the renwinirog oil e'II'enly OWl' 'the .....edges. Cook for 3,5·40 m in!ll;es, err untd th.1! potato wedges are coo'kEd.

Md s:ea5(If1ing tn mste. if desared Sefioe tile ~t!lt.o wed13g will'l Q selection ofa !)S_


lJ~ d!riei:l hoM!oes de Pn:rve!1lCje or dried Itnlicm I'iI!fb ~ ng n pI!xe of dried mixi!id tJet-i;rs.

Mat.on per


I r

2;8.6 lml I ; 207 kJ Protein; 6 9 Fat: 9 s

Saturated fat: 1 91 CmOOliydl"ilte'.:48g

Fi~rl!:l.4 g 'Sdttraoe


• •

oJun-sp c

po ato e

d 9



800 9 l1 3rt. Ib) small ~tOO!" lefl: unpefted

1 Cajulil ~n[f19

::I I1gilt 'Cllive 1lJ11

.2 pk!in floor

Salt ami freshly grOynd blooli. pePpel, to 1mb! Chopped fresh f1(!t~f jiKIrSll!)', 1:0 gUfI1Iislil '~onal)

(ut MCh pootCflO ~)OO¥e the sims 00) into £, or 6 even wed9~ depending 00 tI1eir :;i:lle. Ri=e tJie 1iMn:tt!.O Wildg:cs thorough'I)!,. drain. tJireo dryo them 'WE'll 00 a deen too toweL

p,JOOe ,th~ pillOW ~s 111 OIlaJrgIll bo ..... l, M(j the ujun semMi!'lg and .2 AcUftysptoonfUls [if oil Cfid toss to m.IX IIntll the potmoe'l' ore ~I CD[J1s:I. Add the floor (!fId tt1S5 to wert welL

PioC"e 1ihe pntnto wed'ges in !he .Adifry pen, men drizzle the remcrinirJg oil evenl,}, over the wedg;es. C:x1k for l:ilbinut 35 minutes or llntll the potm;g ~g~ (IJf@cooked.

Add ~etl6Onitl9 ro teste and gornl~with Q 5pinJ;lingl 1[!1f I:nopped parsley, If ~red, ~ the p;olal:o wedges withl Q selectlenof dlps,

Var atlon

lise other he~b Dr spicE mi~ stEh 1M Gmlil. & Herb, SarbeaJe or Jli!mai~n lellt in, pioce of the Cajun ~il1l'll.

:'r r ri f o r-rn e c i o rt per se .... vll'g 286, kmJ 11.2071!J

Protem: I) 9 Fi:! 99

SOwmtedfut; 1 g U:iIbo¥rale~ 4B g

poto oes 5 mes


800 9 (13{1., fb) ~'Wfet potntoes

.2 light oILW oil

);I1l!lin ROIllI

ti)IJSted ~ 0 I 5e5(lme seE!'ds

.2 1 1

Salt ami freshly grouoo bkldI pepper. to tcl5I.'e

2 snipped fresh m~ (optimal)

Fleel tile )XIUltlOe5. Cui: eacl'l polnto uos~ mto Sn~e5 Qb.o.lJI: 1 ern On. in) thick. fill1lSe the potato sJices thtxnugnly. dJQin. l:Jlen elY them !Hell CMl i;! cIeon tea towel.

PiI!lIlJe the potato slicl!!S ill Q lrn"!Ie bowl. Ad" the 0Iiw! oil and tm-!: to mUi: until tile potatoes ore ""ell ooalEd. Add the f101u Me toss to (tlOIt weill

Place the potalO siil2S in the ArnFry pan, then dri;ale the sesml'll! o~ ~Iy over the slices. Cool for 25 m[rtu~

Sp~inklE the ~ ~, e¥ffIly over the pottJ~~ in tJh.e AdiFry end cool for a furtb~r 5-1 {I min~ 01 IIlntil the potato sIlces are oook.ed. Arld ~Ing to taste'. Sprmkle over the snipped cI'Ii_. ir desired. Me serve the potntn sliU!!5 will'l Q s.!!IecOOn of d ps,


21 3 kmlll ,898l!1 PnJte<in: 3 9 fa.t; 8, g

Flbre;·:2 9 SQlI:: trace

SuhmlilEid' ((It:: 1 q OJrOOh)lldrnte: 3" Iii



Sauces and Dips

Cocktail dip

100 rnl (7 '11 mJ roolJ(ed-001ollle mc.yonoolse

it CJ~e frnJene

2 tomllto kel:dlLlP. plus (I ~nle ~)[trCJ


1 teaspoon lernoe juice

112 teaspoon WorCBltershlre 5,(lutJ!' COptiOooJ)

Few drlDp5 cfioDast:1lI Sl!IUljE! (QPlioflaU Sclt and freshly gftl4..lnd bled Pfl'p,poef. to taste

PI(;Ice the mayol1lllgise ond creme frDliche in [L be ..... 1 nad mix well

A.dd the tomato ketrlmp. lemon juil:!! nnd Woro!sle15f1iJ!! snuG! lind Trnxnsm. if LlSirogt. Stir to mb:-.wIL

~!iOI"I'kli kme witn ~It end pepper. Spooon t~ milrt!l,Ire into g 5ITiIlii !>erVing I:iot:rwI. gOlmi5h 1.r,litti asmcll SWIrl of I<;etrnup. If desln~d.1lJld setVe with cOCllked IJXllQto :wedges or chips.

no ILmII ~9ltlJ Proteinc 19 Ftt'1191

Sotumted f[Jt: 3 9 CruiIJotl,yc:lrlIt.e; lj 9

Fihle:: troce 5a!t 1 9

Cr G' ygar"c&ch· edip

" 1 SO' ml (114 plot) thid; s.oure;;l 'are-am 0(' ~eme frliidu~

" 150' rnl (1/4 pint) pllDin homage firais " 2 dO\'e5 gI(lJn" t;;ru~

~ h? spriflg onions. Finely chopped

,2- 3 tablBpoons 5nippedRe5h chi\'es. plus exira to gmnil!;l'i

• ScIll 000 ITesIlIy gmund bbtid. p!!p!)er. to tasre

Stir il11ihe gorlil;, 5pl"ifl9 OI1iOfl5, S[1i;pped cfnive5 and ~ing. mixing well. Spoon the mlrllliE! Into a small 5ervmg OOWI end gmntSh With a sprinkling of extm sl'lipjped chives.. St.'fVe with cooJl,e(J pctoto wedges or ch(~

• IUlse 1·2 ~II s:oollol:5 in jilliID!! of Si~if'ig ooloos..

• Use redLJCe!!:l-£DIrori'e lini!ilyonni!ili!K! in pl(]ce of SOllIed ueom i!iIr fllDn'i<C:goe rMis.. ~ Use c:ilopped freslil FJlP:e-Q hefts illl plQce of chIves.


125 kmJ 1'517lJ

• Protein.: 2 9

• F"nt 129

• So:turoted fat: 8 III " CmbOnydrme: 2' 9

• Fitwe: 0.1 g

• Salt~

Avocado di

2 nipe m.rD!D!Jdos

2 lensfXJOl1S lemOln juke" or 1.0 taste

l, iedl!lJoed..mIOi'ii!


1 clove qmlK. ~shed tl;lpti[mal)

2: ~j)ring onions. 'fInely dllDpp@d

1 table5pDon 511'\ipped fresh d'lives

So_!t: QIld freshL)' grmlllld ~ICil6; ~. 00 lMtI!

Hal'lte. stooE and peel the 1l"I!!lI:!Ddoo_ ~ thi! flesll III a bowl W1tn the lemon juice alllld IllI!l:sh UflI..iI srneoth c.nd combmedl

Stir in the!! mIlyonooJSe. grutic:, if U511lg. ~ oniOIl!; (Jm::! snipped Ilhi\!ll!!o !lIiild mil:. _II. SemiJi'i to tDSte With sell !lit!!:! ~per_ 'Spoon Into a smal ~Ing ~ Gnd serve wTth cwlrel!ll pot!ilto wedges or cnip$.

For (J, ~igihtl)' ~Mmi.B dip. odd a lm:Ie extro ma)i'OflJlQls:e. to 5II.I1t ~ b!5te. Us.e O"eme ooiche !n pkid! of ma;temOOi!ie. If des4ired_

12lo 1Lm1/5HkJ Protein 1 9 Fa-Hg

SatlJro.ted 'fot 3 9 C!lIrboohydmt.e: 2 g

FIN. 1.7 9 SaIt:O.2g

ed pepper dip

SerY1!!~: 4-6 • f>rll!~ra~irm: 10 rrunutes

" 1 SO 9 151 '2 Ilzl creme frotdhoe " 1/2 dove garliC. crushed

" 1 m1GIl shallot. rlnety ChQpped

12 sma!l red pepper. ~ and dic.ed

• 1/2 smmi gret!i'l pe~. ~ed CIl'Id dl~t!!d

" , t:eo5pOOfl IemiDn juice

" 5mI: cOO f're4!!y grwnd ~I(]d jiieppE'F. to tDst.i!

" Pap~i n, Lt:I tDste CCiptiOool)

" Elctm fifil~y !:hopped red !lImj \j[eE!i'I j:l@f)p!!f. togcmlsh


PI!Ke the aeme li"didlie. gwliC, sltlliJal.. rM and grtl6'l pep~ QIld lemon Juoce n a biel'lcief 01 food prooessor _ 8.1erd until relotiiYely YnDO'th 1lI00 ,,_a combined,

Add SDIt Q1l(! PE'ppoer to taste, 't:ogietJIlef with Q Irttle p<lpril:-.(II, if U!Sing\ gJld bIetld till mix.

Spool'1 the mixture Into til sma/il s@n'IIlng bowl. gcmlsn With e_l:tra 'finely dlcipped red illlld gree<o peppefi gltl!ri!;e1Vll! with c:oolecl potntn ~ Dr ctii~

97 kmll 39'!1tJ

• Prot!!in; 1 g

• Fet: 10g

• Sa.tlJruted fat: 7 9 Catbohydnlti!: 1 g

• Fibre:; 0 2 9

• Salt: truce


Ir~~cC::: ~

~ 600 g n III 5 Qill s~J.,1es,s; booe1e5s dlidell'l ~ (!.It ililto thin stnps (about 1 em )t 3 anl1,2 ~ 111#i In)

~ 1 iDOriilf1oor. plm e:~n;I to

CCIOl the rnld:etl str·ps

• SoIl. !lnd freShly ground black peppeI", to ~

~ 250 9 (9' oj!) CllIfi~ plllloopple pj~ (drained lNeig"t) in oot\ln;li juil!ie. dlrllinoo (re5leNe ~Juicel

.:2 light ~ so.\Io;e

• 250 ml ~91 f1 00 (old wg~e1i

~ 112·' ghl: soft btvwn

501.!gar. or to taslJe


with pineapple

sLlnflilwer 0 gmund 9 rJgef

~ 1 12 rflihrl amy powder

(illF choose l'I"'oeCIium. if you lXefer)

In a kl:rge bowl. lightly cm:it.I:l'I~ m\1lS of chlden "",itJ, a mh\uli@ illf awnf1our. ~t and pepper. Place the chitl!li!n in ,Iht!! Ai:.I1fll)! pan. 1!1ler1 drjz;z;le the oil ~nly over the dhJden. Coot for 5 minutes.

Mill; tfle'groul'llc!igil'lger.amy powder and IPil1et!pple p~ with tn(!'SOY 'S(IliIre In a oow~ then pour tlili!i mixtli.,{! !!Venly Into Ole IIctihry Dlnd I~ ttl moriFilade for 5, minutes. Add ·the wDl~er artd 'sugar. Mil!: 1 .Act!IFry 5\jXIQI1ful of cornfloor 'with the pl~ppte juloe in Q smtlll bg ..... l, until, smootill .. Add tllls to ~he AdJiFry.



Cook fOf ,afurtfle'l 1Q min~ til" until tile chiCbn ks coolked ard teflder, Senre with mok.ecl. !leQSOO@d MlsrmnJ rk;e,

..J notes Rldh in prntsil'l.

Information per serving

• Sawrm:edfut: :2 g

• Crulbol'lydn:it!': 35 9

f'JL tr

to n t_ooJ I 19<94 [kJ • PrO't@irt: 50 g

~ Fat: 16 9

• IFil:l!reo::O.5 9

• Sa -2.2g

Thci-splced chleken w'itlh courqettes


~ SOO 9 n III :2 Q;il~5kinless ~ mldlE!n btl!!Mu" eut into 5tpp5

• 1 cJOIt'e Q!l1ik. finely chopped

• ,Z.S em n J ptece fresh roDt gJnger, p!!!eled end Kinely mopped

• 1 5mCII1f'resh red mill. seeeed 0fI(! flnely'~

.:2 tigl'lt orNe Oil

• , 5lTK!.~1 red pepper g~ 1 '5n'iilll grftn pe;pper. ~ed and d~

'. 11 cQurgetll!'. thinly s<lic.~

• :2 ~1J1[~ ctltflfIour

• 3. UI15~tmedl [ililple JiJoEe

• 2

• 2

'. 11

• 225 9 (8 oz) ,000n'lxl!i:l slmcts. dJulned

• :2 mopped fresh OJOIQfldet"

Pla_c_e!:he, m~n. garlic.. ginger and tn 1111'1 tile Aaillry pg:n, then drinte lhe llill!'Venly OVEr the trlp_ Uxll for 5 mlrmtes..

Meanwh~e. in CI ~mall buw:I, blend the COIrlfflcwl with tf1e, awIe jui~ ti'ien stir In tille ~tum'Y. say mU(!f'. 7'5pia! ~Iiliflg aoo 5IIlIt and pe:llper.

Adl:! th!l! OOfniflouJ mlmJre and oomboo sheets ill the ActIFry. StJJ gently 1:0 mix. Cook for NI minyte!; CIt' un~11 tho!! mid:!t'1 i~ meted end ~nd'er. S r In ttle chcppN (iolicl1def end WfVe wtIh (iOQ .ed rice cor ew noodles.


• LISle' turtey I:!r~t ste(jk in pltJce of dlld!!tL

• U5ie' (Jhln~ S'spkie' 5emonlng in place Q.f Thal 7-~oe 5eaSQ!lll'lg,

n t

GixKI OOUHlll' or fllxe.

311:t l:lll' 1319 kl • Prcre n: 37 9

., Fat 10 9

• Satu:rated fa . ,2 g

• Cmbo~rate:: 1!1 9

.. F bre: ~ 9 • Salt 2.2 Q

liurkey with three peppers

~ l peP'iIJoeT5 ~, red, 1 9j'(!G'l aJlld 1 yellow). seedW ood wt lntn striPs (]f diC:ed

~ 2 flglllt olive' 011

~ 1 red [mion, thinly slICed

• 2 doves godie. flnd.!!, dlopped •. 600 9 (i III 5 az) rui'tey breast

steak. rut Into ilhirl strips Cnbou[ 1 an x J crnfU2 in It 111.4 inl

• 1 t:eg;:;poctl c(xrlflour

• l, rubypNt

1/2: cider vinlN_;llllJ

5gJt and frEShly I,)roond Ned: ~, ID teste


PI;fic~ 'biOO peppers 11'1 the ActIFry pan, Drizzle the Gil evetlly C1",er Hile ~rs. Cool fix S minutes_


Add~he olilion end 9(11111;; to the ArtiFry end mol!; for S, minut2S.


Add !hi! turkey SlUips to the ACillFry. [n (J smel bowl, blend tbe wmAour with the jKirt om! vinegm. Add this mix!:uie to Ihe AtitiFry together With some seru{lI'!i.,g. Coot 'for C! f'l.!lrlher 110-15 minlJtes, DIr l!.!rTtiil the hfflu!), i~ tir.ged brown and l.ookOO. the A.ctii'1IY om:e Ql"tl'lice dlll[}r19 rooking grid ~ir the rneeture wng e, woorierl 5pOOn (]f ~poci.tIJIla

• ~ diidkerl Or lean f)Ork in pila1i@ of tllIiley_

.. Use 1 StllnaaJd (white) OIli[m or 2-3 shcllou in piGiU! of red cmiMI.

I"-J teE'>

law in 5I!1tumted fin.

..._ ~t-~I n

260 kooJ 11092 IkJ .' Prme n: 34 g

., fial::8g

nforrT'atlon pe


• Sal:urated fat; 1 9

• uubohydmte: 10 9

• Fibre: 2 9

• SoIl: (1,,2 9


~ .2 light Cltl

~ 500 IiTlI (18 fI oz) rokI1I!1Qter

• 4QO 9 ~1 0:, 01.) smdllsalQd I~, ~1IKh CIS dhorlo~t.e. _Nliette Or ~ge '(peeled, if desired). rut in r.clf lenglhwoys

• 1 'cornflour

• 1 tomato puree

• 15-5S g n -2 o;z) 'wild rodret (qpOOoofJ

Madl,ogloscan beef

I r ~


.' 600 9 (1 It! 5 od beef steak l~1..ICh [IS ~. rump or 'rilk!U. cut moo I:)i~simd ~

• 1 onlOlll, ttliniy sJi~i!!rl

• 2-3 dO'o'5 gariiC, finely ~

• 1 (peeled) fi'esIl root

gifl9l!f. fii'K!1¥ mopped 01' OIl lflto tiff"! ~ips (obotJt 10'gnllo mz)

• t, torfilltocs. dmp,ped

• salt (]Jld fmsflly gWllrnJ bind pe,~r. to krsllE!

Plnt2 'Iti;c beef In the Acti'Hy lpari With the oojOIl1, gcrlic. fresh gi~er. 1 tomatoes and seasonIng. O!izile the oil evenly ovet" the top'. Gnok fur S rnmutes,

Mill thE! told wilter to the Aa[Fry end OXIk fClf 1 S minutes.


Adit! thE! pemtees to tile A,d;[Rry 000 coot for a fl..!rt'her 20 mlautes, 'Stop the Act~fty CIf100 m twid! dLlfing motlflg mxI sjlir the mi:d.uoo using Q w(lIO!jen 's.p;;:on orspalJUloi.

Ellend ,tile IXM"ltfilour With !J ImE' (iQi;;;l water in [] ~!i1II bowl S.t"r if"! the tfmllOto PUfe€, POOr the 'CDI'nllour muture eYef1ly -010 1he A£l:iFI)' QtI(I snr II'l Cook for s.- 1 (l,minutes,. or until the ~uc:e is Ihi~.


Stir iii tJie r~ ,If using Setve with aJODked freY! \l'eglembles weh [IS ~i 'liorets alld ooby DlJra~

n tes

A SOUr!i:e of [rOn ..

511 koolJ 2148k.J

• Prtll.ein: St, 9

• ~t; 19 g

rrlat; on


• Saturatedfut: 6 9

• CIlrootJyllrate; 32 9

• Fbre;2'Q

• 5011::0.6 9

Sweet end seur pork fillet


• 300 mI ~ 112 pif'Ul ~

• '150 ml OIl! pif'UlllnBM!et:l!i¥d apple juic;e

• 2 red wlfle'vinegw

• 2 ligilt sail, brown 5Ui}QI

Sdt and freshly ground bl4lck pepper, 'to ~t:e

• 600 'g (1 III 5 ot) ptHi1. fi let OJ porl: teOOi:rIoin, rut imo mips

., ()omfiallJr', plus,~ to .'

mat the poIt ruips

.' ~ U!d WIlle'

• l onlol'tS. IhJnly sliced

• l l19ht olIVe 011

• 2 dCIIIiM gc;rI!f. finely ~ (optiorl()l)

• 1


III a jug or bowl, bind u'e o;wnf!oor wRlh tile red wine until YI'IIOOth. then In the ~m.. apple JIIU, , I1egQJ, 5tlgar. tomato P'Jree 'ami '5e050nin>g, mixii'i9 well. St!t M1C!1I!_ In II, large boYd. lightly (001 '!he smps of pe Ih och:f ,ionol ctImflOlJr. Set IJside.


Ploce InC! onions tn IN! Arti IFry pan. then dflz:zlellhoe oll evenly O¥eJ the onlons, Cool ftJIl 5 minl.ftes" Add !he prepared pork. [11'111 garliC. If LllSi.ngl. to the Ac!tJ1i''Y and c.ook (or S mimll:es..


Stlr ~ P;lJlt tQ sepamti! tJlie pieces, then ~I in li"tt!!' Pf~red ~weet aOO ~IJI 5IIlUGe. Cook 'for CI 'rurtheJ 10 minutes. or until'~ po!lr;k 'i~ ~ QJ1d tM.der illll:1 the SQU(~ Is lhld!:!!!ncd. S'Wp the Act:IFI}' OO(e durjlllg oootingi and stir Ihe mi~yr'e using [] wODden !ipootl or spaIllb

Arljust the 5emOfling to taste Ql10d 5e1W Ymih cooked ri~ or ~ned pOtJ:!toos and stir -I'fied spring 9l\1!@l1'tS ot


N t r c r o rt nCJt.

II ici1 in prtlteifl.


MiS kool/1 '015' kJ

• Pro !!in; S1 9

• Fat: 17 9


• Saturate() fut: 5 9J Carbohydrate: 2S s

• Fibre: 1 9 Sclt: 1-1 9

~ 1 oniOn, tnitll!!' sll!Ced

'. 1 smal~ red pepper, seeded and finely diced

• 1-2 ITesh rl!(i ,dI\iI tes (depeooJI'lg on tIl5te). ~ ondfll1lety (~

• 1 Illgh oIiYlE! oil

.500 9 (1 lib 2 Ql) Iem! mioced beef. br"l)Io:e'Il up wiltl o fmk

• 1 teaspoon EACH 'ground fUi'lllin em:! ground oofi4lJ'1aet

• 1/.2-1 lE!W(1XlOO hot dulll ~E'r. or 'to I:mte

~ salt em;! freJ1!y 9fOUl'ld bIad.

Mpper. to tme:

..2 tomt!to j)Ul"e'I!

• About 350 rnl (11 2 A od hot beefstod

400 9 (11" at) can choppcG toIoo.toes

• ljOiJ g (1ft ol) co_rt red kicJney beam. ril"1Sed and drnined

• Saturated f[]1:: ~ 9

• CoftI,ohydrate: 20 91

• fibr~ 6g

• $calt.:; 9)


Ploce tn!!! onion. red pe~~r ill'Id d'lill es 1111 the Act Fr}' pJJ11 thefl cJriule the ou evenly over the 'top. Cock fur S millul:.e!L I\.dldll.hc mim:.oo beef w the ActlF'Y. bfeai:mg up the beef witlrl II furk~ Qxl.k fur 51 minutes nr Ui'ltil the iTI.i!<lt ~ mlou~/5ealed 4l1ll Ovl!'l'_


M Ix the ground spices onc! ~inl!l witll thE! tOl'illlila PUI!!@. tfilM !iliir tfus miltture lllto 200 ml (7 fl ol) of tile Dee stOO AdcJtne ~iJd mioclluIE! IJn£l CJ:lIilned I.orn;aI.oes to tJie ActiFr)'_ Codkfor 2S minutes.. Stop tile AttIFJY ence Of twice dunrlg cooking (In:d stir the rnlsture using [] w~ spoon or spatula.


Add the OOTIl1ed beQI15 Q"flIC! tile I"e!i1li;lillifl9 150 ml (1Il, pillU Inlillt ~r st.od:. aM cook fot a fLlf'l:i"ier 5·1 (I m flUtes,. ruml'1g OI1Ce during ot1!IJt(~1 ar-;d adidlfl9 [] little e;dm hat s.toclk.. [f desired Seive wilh boilro rice andl spnrllde with g rmIe gmted hoJd meese.1f desi.-ecl.



Good source of fibre.

"J t It on ,n 302 knl/1269 k.l

.. Proteim 31 'g

• Rlt 12g

'5 a,UI Siogi Ie

and bean cessoulet


~ '"so g (1 Ib) p;1fl"'k SdUSQ'!i~ .' 1 h:mge onion.6lIlinly sliced

• 1 sunflower fill

(if req,\lireod)

• lt10 Q tlt, Ci1) can holli(,;Ot or CflnMllill beallS. Ifi ~ arn;j dmilled

• 400 '9 (14 ozl ,00fI ,d1oppedl l!lln1l0toes


150 rnl (114 '!lint) dr'Jj' cider

~ 1 a:J!iti!!i'sLJgOl

• 1 firietd mixed herbs.

• srut and fre$hl)' gfouOO bklc;k pepper. to teste

• Chqlpe(j frBl parsley. to grunlsh (oliJtioool)


Ad!i:I tne onion and cook ln the fut ffJOim the SdU~~ [f there Is In~ciei'lt fot, in ttle pa;n. pollr [n 1 Attlfl}l s~n(1J1 of lIiL C~ , fur 5 minii~

Add ttwllbearn. t~. dder. SIJgW, dried lhelbs crnd ~ii'19- Coot fm 10 minutes. or until the ~~ Qll!! cooked. Gami51'i1 With dhDpped ~ .• f deQredl. ~:mdl set"1ft! Wi~ crusty tIre;!lo Or mashed pow~

Vsr atiJ

~ IUse apple juiCe ilmead of cidet".

• [f the sauce is too, 'thin for yom WSW. blei'ld 1 ActlFry spoonful of cornflour witli a Uttle cold vmtI!r. tlle!l s.t"r this into the sausage ntiiX!.ufi!!' In the IictiF~y" Cook for aboot 5 minutes. (I untill:he SCIl1lle is thid.e~"


Inforrnat on per serving

T'" r r' t c Sl4 kcall 223~ k] ~ IProteln: J:l g

• Ffit: 3,' 9

.' SGwrt!tedfal:: 11 g • CaJool\yl:frate: li 1 gl

• FiN!::9g

• Salt t; 91


• 1 rm.iDl:'l. ttll"ly sliced

• 1 fresh rOO rni i. seeded ood th r-.y sliCed (optiooo)

• 1 ol[llW! gruliC. finely cI1clpped

.:2 ~ul'll1owcr oil

• :2 ooufget~. cut diagonally into 3 mm (1/8 in) sli.C.@!! 100 g (31r2 ez) rI'1oIl11Igel.Ollt.l:ii~

7.5 ml ~21J2 R OIl cold wa!.er

B,s 'OJ {3 0;;:] OI;I!Cleo:l. peeled kirogJ orr tiger Ipro.W1iI~ J spnf19 onion!>' thiii11y sliced or d;al;l~

1 dlopped fresh cori(lll1der. pIu!5 ~ ttl ~mi5h

t. ~r05 bI!!d: bean SQu;r;e

Place tile on~rt chilli. If I.Ismg. and garlic In the ArtIFfJ' pm1. tl1en drizzle, tti@ oil Oiler tti@ top.. Cook 'for 5 mjii'lu~

Add the c;ourgettJes, m(!llge:~Qut ·aml wata-' to 'tJh,e. ActlFr). Cook (Of Q further 5 rmnutes,

Add the' ~1'Q'IIIm!i, 5pfinr.! Olliorl5, cPoppecl (OrKuldier cmd bind;; been 5Q.uce. Cook for 3 mlnllltes.. Serve With steamerl rice Of ~ egg noodl!!!i. Sj:winkl@ With Q IIttk! @xtro chopped CD.-imKler. if desired.

_r" t '::J'"1 "lDtes Sour!:!!! of ft~re.


217 kai! I 904 kl PrQte r\: 12 'Q Fat: 15g


Salium~ mt 2 9 CcrIXi¥r0te: 9 9

Flb,re!:] 9 Salt 2' 9J




I o pro

gar rc,



• 800 '9 (13J~ Ib) bnby fleW potatoes. ('!l..Kh ~ O1adott!! YQ(Ety). un,peeled

2 h@CIds (bulbli) of galliC (1!Jildi Ilboot ,40-55 9/11112-2 'tlZ III weight) 1112 Acti Fry 5pOOrIflll~ &gttt ollve oil

lr tillTlD't.0i5, sItlnlll!rlI. seeded alld dm~poed 12 rtIIIj', peeled prnwns

S;cJt all1d freshl)' groliJl'Id blc.di: peppoer. to taste

~ -2 ActiFry spootlfuls, dloppedfr~ Jlat-leDf persley CIt' cItIoppoed fresh

mi)ted herb<. .

Ril'tSe the pol:at:oo~ (leave the skim on) ttiolQ!.!l!thiy, then amin and dl)' them well Oil a d§n 'teg towel. Plaoe L~ fJQwtoes In tM ArtiFI}' ~, Separate the cJove~ of gorlic w[tIloot r@i'I'iO'lling the 5kJns. ll'lM rin5le, dm n and dry them, Add the gllli c d'oYi!!; tll the AI;t[Fry_ Driule the 0[1 evenl.~ O'Irer tne p!Qt.utoes ond galllic. (oo:~ fc;r 2Q m,nutes..

AdIcI the tornctees 1:0 die Actifry ,and cool far 10 mlnlllt!':'l, Ad'(! the p!'(l.'INIl5 em semonlng ttl 1Jle AdllFI)' and CIJcl; fur CJ further '5 mifll.!t.e5 or until the PfQWl'1S rue WIilted.

low 11'1 SIltumted fat.

In f

202 lbigl I 856fU PrOle n: 6 g 1n:It: 6 9

Saturated foe 1 9J Fib(e:~gl


• 1 tomc,to ~

1 tErufIOOl!I caste1" ~ugi!lr

~ft and fr~ groun.d bhuck pepper, to' b;IS1:.e

1 te!lspooo comRollI 400 g (14 az) con tul10Cli 'n 5pIing WIlk!t. brine Of oi • dJIDned !IDCI fi(llked

2: choppecIlTesI1 par!Jey

Tas y S


gr e

• '1 rool oriiorn,llhinl)l' sll(ed

• 1 ~k. wmIled Md til r11y 5lioed

• ~ YOOII red pep(tK!f, ~ g:mj fi~dit:@d

• 1 cW;Jye 9fiiiK.. fi [)ely dillpPIM

1 ligllt oIiYe oil

700 9 (1 fj 9 olHreslHipe tomatoes, skinne;d, sectled] !IDe! dKlpoped

11 50 9 [t. ~) mlJstlf~, Sliced 200 ml (7 fI oz~ oot YegeitaDle stock.

Phlte the onlon, leet, red M~ Olld gmlK in the ActiFI)' pan. Drizile thE [li1 evenly over the vegetables and molt for 5, mIll utes,

Add the tomctoes, muwooms. Sl:QQ:. tomato puree, rugar Qnd SEi!lISOitin9_ Cook for a furtlJe<r 20 minutE1. StC!p the A.ctifry once or ["'lee during C"ookrfl9 Qool stir 'the mixture usl~ Q WIXIden spoon or SpatU:ICI,

tn a smoII bo\HI, blend the cornl'klLI with c ~tIlIe coIdl wtltft. ·then s.t~r this into lne toiIn(llo morure In the ActiFry_.Add the' 'fkIked tUfl(] and! otXil. 'for 5 numrtes, or until I:Ioe &Ilia Is coated dndJ the tUfl(]J i!. het. stJIl1f1og OIlC:e hclfwa)' 'dv(ji[J~h_

Stif in !he d1op~ parnJey_ Ser.te witll ooked potnt.oes, cru;Iy llfeGcl OT with fTeshly rook.ed pastil sua. 05 fusi'lii CIt' pen:ne,

To mid extra f1avour and a slight !lid tn the Sllu(l!. add 0 p-ncIh or two of cayenne pepper with the stod Dr ri c!la5I'I or two of Tobcsco sauce, or to roste.

A u~ Mit~ (dmlned and 'A(lIkeodl red Of pi sa'imoo in poIaoe of luM. • lise wnite wine in plnc.e of 5(JiJ'l'le of the SitDfi. i~ deSired.

mat 0


32:5kcn 11 361,Id Protein: 3lg Ft!t:15g

So.tumtetl fut: 3 '9 Cru'l:Iohydmte; 1;(, 9

flb('e;4gl Salt 1 9

10 iere of

mixed vegeto

• 1 ~ed~. ,seeded Qrod wt

into sIlort sIlrips

• , 5Hl!Dm retd man, tl'Iiliy ~

• :2 I~ht olive Oil

• About 22S mI (8 11 oz) not Yl!igetoble stock

A 200 9 (7 02) new. boob)\' or ~d mrrots, art intI] th· !ilid!!S rnlS5Ways,. (]IF rut mtn tl1 5hort ~

• ", Q 9 etm baby sweel:(;Dm, drained and left wIIl(]lle Of


• ,00 9 (3.U2 DJ') dJe>tnu mushrooms.. ~~


~ 215 g om tIorrlbloo shoots.. dmiroed

• 1:0...6 rn:rdcmcm pod5., 5eedo; ~ QI'iId tight.l)o Cl'1..IShl!d. 01 tEl tnsI:e

• 1 iifi1t soy SO~

• lit few: ~ of Tobasco sw(e (~

A 112


PIIxe the pepper [lind QIlion ill the Mtifl)' pen. Drizzle 1!hc miIlf ~ vegetables and cook fur 5 mllll!l'lies.

Md 1 SO ml (1 to, pint) of the Slo;:;k, them add all the remrunlng ir.gri!di~l!;

2 e~oept the cornflour and ~~'Sn.. Cook 'for '1 5 minlllM.. :stop ~ A.ctiFI)' OJlt:e Il( twice dLll'lng Md ~~il Ll:il!! mij(~Ulle LJ:;rl1!l) ,[] ~ 5pIXI!l QJ 5'1J'!l11.lkl.


Jn a smaJl bowt. blMid the CDmflour willl [] little cokI ~. then stJr tl1~ mlXlllre Into 'tlie ~eIIi1b~ in the ActiFry. Add the re<maln 9 hot stcd. if d!!SlrM COCJl ftx 50 In'flUtes or unUI the saece i!i thi~ 'sligltlJ)'.

OOmiYl itb chopped pmsieyQr 5pling OI1iOlll5 and 5eI¥e with frestJ austy bread Or DC!!!&ed rit:e Qf flOOidles.

Use a smgll oooofl.ll 'Of dlledi mU!il'lroorns rrehydmted) in pI[]~e of the 'k~" rruehreerns,

t- - es
baw in 5I!lturuted filL
r- t ~ er 9
259 h.aillli:i'!lll) tJ
A Protein: 7 9 • SnbJlUtM fat 1 9 . F:i!Jre:5g
• fe- OJ g . G::ubohydmb!: lo 1 9 . Sc!:It: 111 9 Spiced root vegetable me


• ; kg (21 rt.. Ib, mi~:ed root ~ (su;dn Q15 pollc:toes, !iWEEt

lpootatoes, ~ips Mel swede)

• 2 doves gartl(:. fiMly mop~

• 1 t~n hot, d'I III powdf!r

• 1 tempooo 910lJtld ,cumin

'. 1 ~ 91'OlJfid ,oxielndei'

• 3 'glTt ~ oil

• 3: sunflower or FJLlI'l'iplin seeds (optiooll!l

• Saft and fre$hly grDund bhJld:. pepper, to loist.!

• 1-2 t~ fresn wriogn(ler

Peel tile vegetWles, then wt them illto 1 an" f2 ill) cl.ihoe5. Rill'Selihe dit;;ed vegetables tJ'IOrooghly. amm, then dl}' llilem well 011 a dean te(J tow!!'J.


PIaa! the velj!!tl!lll:iles in III h:lII'gE! Ixrwt. Add 'lJle gmlic nnd ground spiCI!5 end t05:5 togeUJer to mix weill. tllen ,add 2 ActfFry spGOrTfuis of 'the 0 I CII"ldtos5 together ulltlil tll@ wgetables rue cooled all 0I!@r_


PIece the ''o'egetabieos III the oI\ctiFry p;!1I1, Drime 1he, rerr)I;!Jnillg 'oil aver lne ~trlbIes.. Cook f{)f ,20 mmutes,

Add 'the s.tmfllD_r Of pumpkifl ~. if ~jn9, Mdt c.ook f()i' c furtl'ler 5-10

4 minutes. CHI" UJ;Jtil the Io'e'getobles Qre tetlder, ~ to Wste with soft and pePpel. then stir III the chi:ipped (coomer. Sel'\'e w,tn gnJled lean red meat, chiClM Or f~ find cooked ~etDl:iIe5 such IlS brlliC:CDli florets Dr green beans.

• Use Soe5oIl.l'M' s@1!ds in pilla! o~ suni'lower Of flU mpkin ~_

• uSe chopped fresh fktt-leaf p;::a~ley i~d of fre-sn !;Orionder.

, ,


nf ..

rn e tn o

per bE..lrVI

281 001/1181 IkJ

• Prot.!inc' 9

• Fa-12g

~ SGWlmed fat; 2 g

~ woohydrote: 4,2 9

• H!lre; 1 'g

• Salt 0,' g

Tomato a d

basil pasta sauce


• 1 ~e!lil OfYDn, thlnl!l' ~Ked

• :2 ~ gt!lil1if. 'flmlffy chopped

• 1 lignt o4l;,oe 011

• Two hOO 91 (14 o~ 0111$ cheny ttlm!;[toeso

• 1SIl ml (1/4 pint) 11M wine

.:2 tomato puree'

• 1 ~poon ,roster ~ugar. (If to 'hme

• Scl~ iiiM fFl!!!;ltly ground bIod: IpePper. to tcrn,e

• 2-3 !iIVI!ddl!'dl rt-esl'l 00sIiI1eaves


Fltl:iltie tJie ,Mi(lfl end 9!1lrlit: in the AGtiFt;' pan, than drtul@ fhe oil _"I)< O'o'l!1 the ",ege~ables. Uxik fOr S rnfn1Jtes..


Add the (.(llln.ed tomatoes, red wille. tomato puree, sugw end ~OIl[1lg. Coilk I\:Ii' lIboul 25 mifluU!s. or until !:h@ sauO@\ Is thick Md pulpy_ Stop the ,ActiFry once Qor twice dlJri'rog cw&irnt;j I:iIllal 5tir the midur'e LJ!ii~ a VoI'OOden SfXIOO or s,[XIt!u a.


Stir ill tile shroodedl ~I afld oxIjust 'i1!re 5eI:!iSOIll11Q to ~, SeNe witJ, fi,~1y cODkKl ~IO such C5 ~gheul. fllSllll 01" tort~OFlI.

• lU=>etwo 400 gl (14 ol) enns of chllpped t:mliltOe~ In plate of c;hefry ~

• To ~tI! Q :5piq< tomato SlltJc.e, !>jmp~ add 1 t!!M:poDfi lEACH 'ground cumin, groWld ctJi'iMder Gild hot chilli powder, or to, blste. \!Jitn the (X!nned tQlm(llt~.

• IFor Q spicy ru::ldJtlon, add 17.5 9 (6 od cured ("oo'kedJ c:;oortm. thinly ,sliCed.. whIh tliIe amn@d t:orr\oi:i:tlIe:s..

• 1lI~ 5.l.!n-driedWmato puIee in ~"of ~rd 'wrmrto pYree, if desired,



format on


per e e r v ng

L.ew in fut 'ami SlIlIturated fut..

Nl... t,

26 kclll OIHl

• Proreln: 1 9

• Ii!I.1:: 1 g

.' Scnumt~ mt: 0. 1 9 .' CmIr!I1ydrClb!~ .2: g

• F bre: 05 '!l

• SI!I~ 0.15 9

AIPp,l,e, hazellnut and p,otato'imedlll,e'y

• 3.00 g ml112 ail)

• 1. 6i:11den 1[)eII(Joo~ 'eati~ Q~~es

• 1..ltJ ooromel toffee 5(lIK.e

• lIO g (11/2 02) !IdloIe. sfleIed hazelnuts

• ZO g (314 021 popcorn (see Cook's TI.p)

Peel tile potatoes, tneil cut them into 1 em (1/2 ItI) a.Jbi!s.. RinSE !fie, diced pow.toe~ thCllrllughfy. dmln, then dl)' '~m we~ 00 'Il cie;on te;;I to'wel. Set aslde, Peel the appk!s. [1tNi OJt. theliJl intI!) querters and reJlloilVe and dlscmd lA!!' c_ore~ filnc pips. OtxJp tile apple quarters Into' 1 an l1/2 In) mil!!:!. ..

~Ia(e the diced lpooli:ito~ m'ld []JilIples, in the oi\c;tiFry pan. grizzle 1. Attifry spoonfuls of ttJe, I;Oromei toffee ~oce e¥ef1ty over !:hI! potol:oes and IlIJil1p[es.. Cook for 20 minutes.

Add line I-o!llzeffluts ood p0pOOI1l to IN! .ArtiFry_ Dt-izzle 'aver tile re!l"I(!_llliI1g h2 ActJFty spoonfulS of mFCii'I'Iei 'toffee 5i!l~oe'. Coci; fOr a rul'itllet" 5 mLllUtflS_ So!!I'\'I!' warm with (I s.cooj;! at vgnillit! i~ g-eun,

'" [ljeQIly. use butter pDiXiltn ,the type !fl!)!! pop yolIl'Self at home) for !:his fM~_ 'Otl'lefWl!ie, use stCInll:!md toffee popclCllrn.


• Use wtloIi! blMmed almands illl ~Iace of haze UB.



lQw if'! $QI

Info rmatl 0 n pe r


192 k-ml I 0031.:1 .• Pro~n:3 iii • Fiat 10 g

Saturated ftJ_' - .2: 9

• Ca.rOOhydmle: 2,4 g

• Fibre::2 iii

• Sn to.l g


ROQ'sted pilneapP,II'e wiithl fresh figls

and acacia ho,ne,Y

.. 1 fresh, rfpoe large pineq!)pfe

'", 3 awda hooey

'" It fresh figs



,., 112' teaspoon ground onncmoo. or to taste


Cut off the top WICI base of 1h€ 1j)lneapple. Holding the p ~pre LJ,~r1ghb:, cut off the peel III ~rip~ ~l'Igtl'l1NGYS 'OM N!mbIIf! Olll)!' 'stmy 'eyes' . .cur thl! pineappll! inm qLJQitE!;f~ then remove the cent!rQ!l wre. (tit ~ Quarter of pineapple inio stices ~ro5SW(IY5 (eGdl slice c'OOut 1 cmnl2 In thldJ


PlaOl!' the pinecpple slices in the ActiFI)' poem. O!'izz.J!e :2 AaiFI)' 'SPOOIl 5 of honey even!}' over the pineapple .. Cook fot 10 rnlrurtes,

Meoo~le. fll1~ Md dry lM figs and ad ench ON! inoo qOOitei'!L Add thl! fll9$-. IMIICIf'Il'Llia! enD CiFiimtOOii ·w the ActIFry. Orime tile r>em~ining Iloney CJVer the top. Cook fi;w CI furii1er S minutes.

Goodl sou Cl~ of fiN!!_

Jt.i 1 ka!l , 1028 hJ

.. P'rDU;![1Y. 3 9

.. FQ -, 9

• Saturated fut 0 9

• O.utdryrlrut@: S8 9

.. flbfe:]' g 10 Soctlt: 0_1 9




Apple wedl'ge's wilthl clnnemon suglar'

9 p

• t. Golden lDeliOOUs eo.Dllg apples

2 ~unftowero

8S 9 (3 oz) roody-to eat dOed apl"iwts. finely dmpped


• 112 ~ grouod cll1mlIPclfl. or to b;!ISlie

Pee1~he apples. lti!!n Cl.Jt ~ one mto q;OOfI:ers and remove and di5'a!J;j tne (ores and pips.. Cut I!lIJm apple I:jl!Hlfiti!r in i'ialf to ma),!! 1 @iil!n wedges. (eaclil whole apple 15 rut into!! e'Wn wedges).


Plnce the apple we1l~es, n a large boWl. adl:1 the oil onc! toss tlJl mix unLil1he (]pPI~ ari! coated all 0\I@r_ Ploce the apple wedges n the ActiMy IXlI] end coo for 12-1 S m lnutes, Arld !he ClfJrioot!. and !:OOk fClr a further 3 rmrurtes, or until the apples are 1e00ef.


~".rule, ~n a smdJ 00iNL mil!: t~~ tile stlgar ami (irvlQmon. Serve the lhot ,cooked Clpp&e wedge!; wiU'i G sprii'l'kling of dnnamon sugm_ SeNe Wltfl VQJ1 11(1 fore cream, o-eme fi-Q id"oe Qt" Greek )'OglJrl.

• Use ground miKed spice in plll~ of rmncrnon,

• Use suitalllas.. raisins Of dned sweetened =n~eli in pbce of opriwts.


Lo ..... 111 selt,

t en 83 kmll 352 kJ

• PnJl.ein; 0.8 9

'. l1n;:2 9

f o r-r+i e


e C"> P.

• SCJ1:1Jfr:J!;ed fult: 0_3 9

~ CmtoIilydn;Jte: 1 50 9

.. FiDr!!: 29 .. SDt: 0.1 9


Cookinlg times

The C'ooklng nrnes me Ilipproximgte (!Illd may vary d'epeJ1iding on tlii!! ~lft)' of the food, the s.iz,e, of 11le pl~~, ll'ie ~mWllt ef 1'000:1, iru:l]IikIOOI prererei'li:ei, and the maim voI~.

The ail qU~lIltrt}' ill.:ilcared ((lfI be Inu_d IClocordillg) to your taste m'id your ~:;;,

The t:ookillg tJm~ 1~1ow are 0111y Q guide CJ'Ijij may wi)' dctl;lrdJI1!l to the va~ l!'I:y and I1iCrtdJ Gf potCllaes U~.

• We reoommerlCl usillg wrieties 1'OtJCt1, CIS King dwardl ane Marls Piper flQf d\ips end potato r@cipE!!O-

freSh 1(1(109' l~oii 4Q.:I,tS, miilkile-.
Ol.(ps FrBi 7501}' 1f2 spoonfUl Oil 3S-3i rnlranes
'Brmlx BiTW'I'I Fi'e!li 5OOg' H2~oiI 2S.3(lmi~
Ffe!.h 25Og· 1'1~0!1 14 26 minr1eS
Put!lroes !CJ.IIll'l.!fed) Fresh 1(009" 1 sp!lOOfuI 011 4O-lo2 ri1utE5
Dic:ed potaro mstI UXI() Q' 1 spiXlIllful Oil 4&42rnnUfB
Frozffi-~ 750 -
rtlf deep fT)!¥1Q' 13imml! 13mm NDne 3s.tl1 mi~tes
~ Frozm ' 2 way 0( 750g
l1"*i tbIe llH2
3 WfiI'j cook lcmm~ 1CAmrn
SLiitttlle faf 0Yefl
ood gJjI (and SOOg
d@epf¥tgl AmeriCrun style NooN! 2>27 minlotE5
• WI!i!Jht or unpeeled potntOM.
Other vegetabl@s CourgettB I Frd!, ~ lIio:.> I 15U 'OJ 1 ~ oil + 1 SQ mI ookI WIID!f 2S . 3 5 ~

~ ~ 'Frelf], 11'1 sikes r 650 g • 1 5iJ(iIliili 011 ., 150 ml told \KrIer 20 _ 25 i'IWIull!!!.

r-- ----~-------+~-----------

t-_M_L.I!5IToom5 ' .... Fresh._ If! q~_+I 6_SO_g __ ......,,~ -:-- 1 SjXIOrIuII;IiI 1'2 - 15 rnooute5

t--_TomatJ_, _0e5 fr!!!;h, ~ ~ 650 9 J 1 ~ oil + 150 rrj cdd ItfCUf I 10· 1 S rTW'Ut:es

Fre;h, ., !'lri!JS SOO 9 I 1 spooolij Oil 15 . 15 minutes


Meat ,~ Poulrtry

TG odd I'JaIIour to men], and JKlultl)'. mix some 5~ices ('Such as poprilm. alll)'. mh:-ed h.erIb5, thyme ..... ) V,'lth the 0<1.

- -
RBi 750g Ni::Ine U3·20~
- ~
D'lId.elll!J9:jlE't5 frozet'l 7~g IIb!e lC:·20~115
__ ' '
frozm U~(160g) I\Iole 12 -15
0l0mc:ru~ flesh l,006 I\k:I'Ie 30 minutes
0liQJ;>n~ Fii!W 2 Ncne 3V . lS Illir1Ute5
Olden tlar,I:, fresh obou!. 7509 Ni:;rne 10 -15 mIlUtes
rboocless) rut Into Ihin stn~
ChInese 5prJrog Rot; Pce>h 4to8sma1 1'iC)Qollful oil Hl· :1 rTlIIU.115
I.nmtJ c:to:Jps Fresh {2..5 an to 2to6 None 2Q - 25 lTlII'1Utes '
., tm 1t1tick)
PorI: d10ps fresh (15 an to 2to3 None 1 J3 - 2., rnIlI.Jt:ei'
Jtri; h1Iet Fresh 2 to 6 tl'w! ~ or 1 <.p:IilI1fu1 01 12 . 15 rruootes
l ~
~ FU!!:.I1 l, to S (pnckoed} Nooe 10 . 12 miruteo;
ChIli Con ffi5h(~:r1 SOOg 1 !lpDClnrul oil 30 . 40 mll'1df5
~~ Fresh (rump or r
~n(l,Itlnto 1 6(l()g Nort!! 8· \OITllr-.rtes
an thick ID,p!>l
,.,~ fresh 12 pEw;; 1 spoanh.JI 011 18 1{)~ Flsh - Shellfish

e.woed~~ ~ f'r1lYo115 JontJo ~ p!m\'fiS

Fmll!i'i Fte5hru: In p!KE5 ,~

frJ:lire(lCfld I.haJo'ed

18~128(191 50091 400g

300 g (16 pIi!Il!5J

,2Cl-l2 ranutes 1 Q..121'hira.rte!i 12-141TU1'Uf5


C~If\~ I 500g l"lJlXlllfijojl l, . 6 (5 bananas} +1~li.jbtOM1~
!WiqJped kllriOil 2 1xnnr'Ia!, Ncne 20 25Gllr~
~ Whole Upto 100;) g 1~1 11 . 1 5 l11II1ltes
~ I to SUQQI
5tJowberTies Cut ., ~rters Lf LlpW 10009 1 0 2 o;poonf1JI sugar S-7mirI.rtE"l
kwI! CII I'IoIYes. if
~ ClJt.n~ 3 1 ~u oil - -; o;poonfl.J stqY 15 18rnnuU!!;
~ CutRlr:-E"I Up 0 10009' 1 to 2 spoonful SI.JIXlr S - 1 ') TIlIIU5
~ CutI1~ 1 l102spxd1,j~ 8-12T1WlW3 57



List of reci pes in elphnbetknl order

Almond fhi,~ ~..p 24

Ap'~e. hocizellllilt

end poteto mec!ley ------P 53

JWple ~9es

with ciJll1ruT1OO 5tl~1Jl -------P 55

AYOIXl(/o d-p n_, • 1} 31

Bab)o new PQtatoes ""itll gailK.

tt!ffilltoes and pmwi'i!: .. p 46

{iajuMp ced poroto ~91!!!: p 2a

Chid:en wil:h 1p'lnec:pple p 15

Cfilmi oon Olrr}e_._. __ , !l ljl

Cocktail dip .. _. __ . ._,_~_._p]O

Creamy gomlic; nnd chiVe tlip __ p 30 Crunchy greet"! veget[]ble stiJ·_fiy

with pmWT1s . p liS

Cunied d11p5 , __ . . __ p 11

Curry dip , ._, . ._-,p ]]

]l:Iulini~e cf mi~~ vegetablB --P lj9

Mllidagasom beeL_. ._-P 39

P'aprlkil d1 pL __ ._. __ . __ ._._._ .. _p 23 P'ec:!nut and 00i:00 m!P'S-._.-.-._.- .. p 25 Rt!wto wedges witlil herbs

cOO ~pICe!! ._._ .. _._ .. .p 27

Real chips ._._._._._._.p '9

Red peppe'f dlp . __ ._._,_.p 31

Roosted pineapple Wllhfrah fjgs

and aoocilll Iiloliiey ._,,_._,_,_~ ,p Stu

Roqut>fort d\p .. _. ._ .. _._. __ ._._p 12

SaLlS(lge end bean m=ulet .. __ ._p 43 Spired rool vegetable medley _. __ p .SO Sweet WlCI wur polk fillet __ ._. __ p 40 Sweet jXltatWli

wl1ti ~me !!~~ . __ ._. __ ._._p 29

Tasty tuna salJ~ . . __ ._. __ . __ p to 7

Thakpio=d mlcil~

witI'; 'DDIJJgeUes _,_,_,_,_, '-IP 36

Tomato mid bGsil pglSW ~~' n._-IP 51 T urk~ with three peppers .. -._.-.-.iP 37

Te1fal I/ct""9


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