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Organizational Development

 “OD is a planned process of change in an organization’s

culture through the utilization of behavioral science
technology, research, and theory.”
Why OD…?

 Individual and group development.

 Inculcating team spirit.
 Empowerment of social side of employees.
 Focus of value development.
 Development of Organizational Culture.
 Achievement of competitive edge of the organization.
 Employee participation in problem solving and decision
OD Intervention

4 Fronts:
Personal Concern
Job-Related Intervention
Structural Intervention
Socio-Technical Intervention
Personal Intervention
Sensitivity Training

 Laboratory training, encounter groups, T groups

 Changing behavior through unstructured group learning
 Members interact freely and openly, loosely directed by professional
behavioral scientist
 Rejects any leadership role
 Increase understanding of group processes and behavior of others
 Specific results are improved listening skills, improved empathy,
tolerance and conflict resolution
Survey Feedback

 Helps in solving discrepancies and differences among members.

 Questionnaire is given to manager of any given unit and employees
under him.
 Asks employees their opinion on decision making practices,
coordination , effectiveness, job, peers and immediate supervisor.
 Data collected is tabulated and distributed to the members.
 Helps as spring board in
-Identifying problems
-Clarifying issues
-Generating new ideas
Process Consultation

 When manager knows there is need for improvement but is unable to

identify- what and how?
 Outside consultant assists client to perceive understand and act on
process events.
 PC consultant gives client insight into what is happening around him,
within him and between him and other people.
 PC does not solve the problems but guides the client on how to solve his
own problems.
 The process is followed JOINTLY so that it can still be continued after
PC is gone
Team Building

 Uses high interaction group activities to increase trust and openness

among people
 Applicable in groups which are doing interdependent jobs.
 First team members define goals and priorities of the team, each
members’ roles and responsibilities and team processes.
 Following this the members evaluate teams’ performance, its
effectiveness and the Problem areas.
 Helps clarifying each members role, removes ambiguity and
understand their specific tasks.
Intergroup Development
 To solve dysfunctional conflicts that exist in different groups.
 Seeks to change negative attitudes, distorted perceptions and
stereotypes that groups have of each other.
 Each group meets independently to develop lists of its perception of
itself, other group and how other groups see it
 The groups then share their lists after which similarities and differences
are discussed.
 Integration phase-Working to develop solutions and improve
Job Related Interventions

In a technological environment there is a need to review every job in
order to ensure that job includes:
 Task Identity
 Task Significance
 Meaningfulness
 Autonomy
Job Evaluation

 It is a process of determining the relative worth or value of the various

jobs within an organization.

 Job evaluation helps to set a job hierarchy.

 It cannot be the sole factor for deciding the pay structure.

 There are various external factors like technological changes, labor

market, political and economic factors which determine the pay
Job Re-design Strategies

 It refers to the study of jobs, tasks and collection of tasks. It includes

job enrichment, job enlargement etc.

 Modern approach job design is done by gathering a rough description

about the job and then finalizing the requirements and relationships of
job holders.

 Now-a-days greater emphasis is given to human values.

Job redesign is mainly aimed at enhancing productivity and employee

motivation includes job enlargement.
Structural Intervention

Change in Physical Settings

Organizational mirroring


Main objective is to reduce the physical fatigue.

-rules and regulations.

Management By Exception.

Improve the organization effectiveness by providing feedback from other org.
Steps Involve

Identification of problem and suggesting solution
Socio-Technical Interventions

Endeavors to redesign the organization’s


It could involve the following steps

 System Analysis
 Flexible Work Arrangements
System Analysis

 Four sequential stages: Assessment, Problem Solving, Implementation

and Evaluation.

 Composed of 4 Interlocking system:-

· Technical system
· Social system
· Administrative system
· Strategic system
Flexible Work Arrangements

Introduce a flexible working hours scheme

 The introduction requires care and needs to be carefully planned by all
those likely to be affected.

 When the details have been agreed there should be a trial period of,
perhaps, three months to help identify and eliminate any problems.
Flexible Work Programs

 Flex-Time
 Compressed Work Week
 Flex-Place
 Job Sharing
 Role Analysis
 Expanded Leave
 Partial Retirement
Thank You


Change Requires Courage

“It must be considered that there is nothing more difficult to carry out,
more doubtful of success, more dangerous to handle, than to initiate a
new order of things. For the reformer has enemies in all those who
profit by the old order, and only lukewarm defenders in all those who
would profit by the new order.”
-Machiavelli- The Prince

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