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Team 3 - Area of Study

•Environmental Impact of Proposed Works

•Micro-Climate Considerations for Design

•Sources of Materials and Their Impacts

•Suggestion of Materials
Andy Chu
Jake Chan
Elizabeth Cooper
Kalimo Leboela
Environmental Impact

•Air Pollution
•Water Pollution
•Noise Pollution
•Natural Habitat
•Waste Treatment
•Soil Pollution
•Resources Consumption
•Local Impact

•Commemorate King George VI

•Middleton Woods
•Tourist Attraction during the summer time
•Protection required during construction
•Integrate into the design?
Water Pollution

•Source of water pollution

•Surface water may wash these pollutants into river
•Pollutants can soak into ground water
•Construction waste and chemical storage
•Parking spaces?
•Waste disposal?
Noise & Air Quality Control

•Source of air pollution

•Construction dust is classified as PM10
•Cause serious health problems
•Heavy equipments emit harmful particles
•Noise generated from vehicles & equipments
• Staff using tools
•Sound insulation screen required
•Exhaust duct work?
•Car park?
Swimming Pool

•Materials can generated by demolishing the existing swimming pool.

•SWMP minimises environmental impact.
•Material suitable for recover such as metal fence.
•Sale and reuse of materials like roof tiles.
•Locate the nearest waste management site

Method of Disinfection
•UV system
Energy Consumption

Use of technology increasing the energy consumption

•Artificial Heating & Cooling

•Artificial lighting

Reduce energy consumption

•Building orientation
•Good use of natural ventilation, avoid the need to have air-conditioning
•Good use of natural light, avoid window glare, lights on all day
•Improve U values and permeability rates
•Consider high efficiency plant
•Use renewable energy
•Good local control for heating and lighting systems
Microclimate Considerations

• Site Location

• Natural Light & Solar Gain

• Wind

• Local Thermal Profile

Site Location
Natural Light & Solar Gain

Advice :
•Provide shading at southern face .
•East-to-west orientation is most preferable for
buildings so as to maximize solar gain during
daytime .
•Avoid windows facing EW to avoid low sun
angle ?

Wind path shaped by housing formation

Advice : plan buildings carefully such that they

do not obstruct wind flow, and allow wind to flow
through all the purposed buildings for ventilation
Wind Profile In The UK

Advice :
•Wind can cause thrust and torsion in buildings – design shear walls
•Shape and height of buildings affects the received lateral wind load
Thermal Profile

•Draw water from river for

coolant , minimizing noise
pollution and energy

•Make use of temperature

difference for ventilation
Sources of Materials & Their Environmental Impacts

• Environmental Impact of Concrete Production

• Environmental Impact of Steel Production

• Environmental Impact of Timber Production

• Environmental Impact of Masonry Production

• Environmental Impact of Glass Production

Main Concrete Suppliers within 20 miles of Ilkley

Environmental Impacts of Concrete

•Use of Raw Materials

• Portland cement
• Sand
• Crushed stone (Aggregates)
• Water

•Energy Consumption & CO₂ Emissions

• Cement production is one of the most energy intensive of all industrial

manufacturing process
• Direct fuel use for mining and transporting raw materials
• Combustion of fossil fuels to operate the rotary kiln
• Cement production takes about 1,758 kWh for every ton of cement.
• Limestone and clay roasted at 1450 c for OPC production

• Embodied CO₂ in C30/37 concrete - 97kg CO₂ per tonne

Environmental Impacts of Concrete

Reducing The Impacts

• Either burn at lower temperatures

•OPC - limestone and clay roasted at 1450 c

•Roasting at lower temperatures results in a lower 28 day stength

• Try something other than OPC

•Calcium Sulphoaluminate Cements

•Magnesia Cements
•Alkali Activated Systems/Geopolymers
Environmental Impacts of Concrete

Try something other than OPC?

Calcium Sulphoaluminate Cement

• Manufactured at 1100 c

• Can be manufactured from waste materials

eg fluidised bed combustor (FBC) fly ash, GGBS, low-Ca FA of flue
gas desulfurisation (FGD) sludge

• Slight downside – manufactured in China

 Further transportation
Environmental Impacts of Concrete

Try something other than OPC?

Calcium Sulphoaluminate Cement

Engineering Benefits

•Rapid setting – 28 day OPC strength achieved in 1 day

•Low shrinkage (higher w/c, therefore water is bound, not free to escape)
•Lower alkalinity (pH 10.5 – 11)  no risk of ASR


•May be susceptable to carbonation, DEF and TSA

•Lower alkalinity  no passivation of steel
•More expensive and has to be imported
Environmental Impacts of Concrete

Try something other than OPC?

Magnesia Cements

•Magnesia obtained from calcining magnesite

•Decomposition occurs at 400 c - lower than that of limestone

energy saving

•However decomposition releases lots of CO2

•But recarbonation consumes CO2

•Theoretically, starting and end materials are the same

 readily recyclable
Environmental Impacts of Concrete

Try something other than OPC?

Magnesia Cements

A Few downsides..

•MgCO3 more expensive and more localised than CaCO3

•Technology is unproven

main concerns - load bearing performance,

- long term dimensional stability
- freeze thaw resistance, creep
Environmental Impacts of Concrete

Extracting Aggregates


•Air Pollution
- dust setting on surrounding properties, big impact in dry windy areas
- soil handling, drilling and blasting, loading activities, transportation,
crushing and grading, storage of minerals on site

- Mitigation - dust suppresion techniques

- undertake crushing away from windy areas
- cover aggregates and rocks during transportation

•Landscape Effects
•Archeological sites
•Ecology & Biodiversity
Alternative Aggregates

Fagley Quarry, Bradford

• Employ modern working practices that comply fully with all UK and European
employment and environmental legislation.

• Extraction of stone is done by mechanical excavator, but is essentially a labour

intensive process compared to the production of other types of building
materials utilising a minimum of machinery. The extraction and processing of
stone is a low energy process with low CO2 emissions.

• Recycle all their water for cooling and lubricating the stone cutting machinery.
The site where materials are worked into finished products is close to the
quarries, reducing the amount of transportation required.

• The majority of their packing materials, pallets etc are sourced using recycled
materials to minimise their effect on the environment.
Alternative Aggregates

Strength without weight..

• Lytag

- Sintered pulverised fuel ash (PFA) aggregate, lightweight

- Produces a concrete with characteristic crushing strength of 40N/mm2
- Main advantage of using Lytag is the saving in weight

• Aglite

- A range of low density, lightweight load bearing blocks manufactured using

a mix of man-made expanded clay aggregate and other high quality
lightweight aggregates.

• Pellite

- A pelletised expanded blastfurnace slag

- Overcomes environmental problems related to production of foamed
_blastfurnace slag on open foamed pits or beds
- An aggregate with a closed surface
Alternative Aggregates


•Waste Produce in coal fired electricity


•Add water

•Pellet Aggregate Drax Power Station Selby

•Strong and lightweight
Main Steel Suppliers within 20 miles of Ilkley


Environmental Impact of Steel Production

Air Pollution
•CO₂ emissions due to coke making and blast furnace operations

Water Pollution
•Contamination due to steel making operations

Noise Pollution

Reducing the Impact

•Recycle Steel – 40% of Steel produced comes from scrap metal

•Factory environmental protection systems

•E.g. Pollution filters
Solar and wind power
Main Timber Suppliers within 20 miles of Ilkley
Environmental Impact of Timber Production

•Cutting down trees = CO2 cannot be reabsorbed

•Machinery used to plane timber
•Toxic chemicals used to protect wood from rot
•Carbon Footprint – how far has it travelled?

Reducing of Impact on the Climate

See Forestry Stewardship Council who keep registers of timber producers

who abide by sustainable production.

•Layers of timber –
high strength as
minimal defects in

•Versatile material –
curved shapes

•Fire protection
greater than lumber


•NaturallyResilient –
good for swimming
pool construction

•Good insulation
Main Masonry Suppliers within 20 miles of Ilkley


Crossley Stonecraft

A.D. Walling
Environmental Impact of Masonry Construction

•Become land fill sites
•Flora and Fauna grow extinct
•Stone transported many miles, Carbon Footprint

Reducing the Impact on the Climate

•Use quarries that are local = lower

carbon emissions
Main Structural Glass Supplier within 20 miles of Ilkley
Environmental Impact of Glass Production

•Infinitely recyclable
•70% goes to landfill sites

Local Impacts
•Water – Use of fresh water to cool machinery
•Noise – Generated by the machines (up to 106dB)
•Oxides of Nitrates – product of burning gas in air
•Dust – Fine materials hard to control

Global Impact
•CO2 Production


Use of Liquid Oxygen to mitigate air pollution

the cost in carbon of not using regenerators and having to
liquefy and transport oxygen is highly questionable

Use of dust suppression techniques

Building Material Suggestions
Community Centre
•Local stone
•Historical Architecture
•Harmonise with the surrounding buildings
•Zero Carbon Emissions

Swimming Pool
•Steel Framed Building
•Concrete base
•Glazing for natural light
•Thermal Mass to regulate temperature

Rugby Athletics Club

•Large spans: use a steel frame
•Lightweight structure

Sixth Form Centre

•Education – forward thinking in innovative and
sustainable design
The End

Any questions ?

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