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Teacher: Education Discovery ID:

Corner TPreece
School: Date of
Subject P.E. District:
Ages of 6-7 years Type of Traditional Integrated
students: classroom
Grade level: 1 # of IEP n/a
# of 504 n/a
Total 50; entire 1st grade # of GSSP n/a
of students: # of ELL n/a
Title of Santa’s Chimneys
Title of Unit: n/a


Goals, Objectives, & Essential Questions

A. Broad Goal: Students will learn to work together and be able to reflect on
their performance in working as a team as they engage in physical activity.

B. Objectives:
1. Given instructions students will participate in movements and
freeze at the sound of a whistle with 100% accuracy.
2. Given instructions students will be able to divide into groups of
three or a “Santa” alone and develop a strategy on how they will
get into a “chimney” (inside the linked groups of three). Students
will participate with 100% accuracy.
3. Given instructions students will work together as groups
(teamwork) of three in movement without breaking apart, with
100% accuracy.

C. Essential Questions:
1. Can I follow basic instructions?
2. How can I be part of developing a strategy, to get into a free
“chimney”/ not lose a “chimney” (3 person linked group)?
3. How can I work as a team, with my partners, to move around at
the same time, staying joined together?
Student Assessment:

Procedur Objective Type of Description Depth of Adaptations and/or

e Number Number Assessment of Knowledge Accommodations
1 1 Formative Checklist for 1 IEP & 504–
participation separate side
instructions from
1 Formative Checklist for 2 IEP & 504–
2 participation separate side
instructions from
4 2&3 Formative Checklist for 1 IEP & 504–
participation separate side
instructions from
5 2&3 Formative Checklist for 2 504- included in
participation strategy and team
placement/ may
be paired up with
a partner
IEP- Depending
on IEP restrictions,
student will help
referee and
motivate others


A. Primary Lesson Standards:

Kentucky Learner Goals & Academic Expectations:

Program of Studies: N/A

Core Content for Assessment: N/A

B. National Standards:
a. Standard 2: Demonstrates understanding of movement
concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the
learning performance of physical activities.
b. Standard 3: Participates regularly in physical activity.
c. Standard 5: Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior
that respects self and others in physical activity settings.
C. Other Disciplinary Standards: N/A

D. Statement Connecting the Standards to Your Objectives:

The above standards relate to my objectives because the students will work
in teams to develop a strategy for achieving their goal as they participate in
physical activity, respecting one another and the equipment in the gym.


1. Unit
a. 1 of 1
b. 30 minutes
2. Students

A. Accommodations:

Plan/Need Describe the type of plan for this student and the specific
Student needs that they need.
Identifier Accommodation Describe exactly how you are going to meet the needs of this
particular student.


B. Individual Learning Styles:

Variations for: Description of Variation

Will learn best by watching teamwork in action while
Visual Learners

Will learn best by verbal instruction and direction of game


Kinesthetic Will learn best by movement; hands on activity

C. Multiple Learning Levels:

Procedure Step Bloom’s Taxonomy Depth of Knowledge

1 Understanding 1

2 Applying 2

4 Understanding 1

5 Applying 2

Real-Life Connections: N/A

1. Lesson Plan
2. Whistle
3. Proper gym clothes
4. Student participation checklist
5. Gym


Procedures (30 minutes total)

1. ( 3 min.) Students will gather in the center of the gym for warm up activity, “Freeze


i. To play: students move around the gym by what “movement” was

called out (ie: walk like a chicken) until the whistle is blown. When

the whistle blows students freeze. Another movement is called out, and


2. ( 3 min.) Warm-Up Activity – “Freeze Move” *Participation check list*

3. ( 3 min.) Hook/ Review of Warm-Up. Students will gather in the center of the gym

and be led in a brief discussion. *Participation check list*

“Did everyone enjoy that game of Freeze Move? Today we are

going to play "Santa’s Chimneys". In this game we will be

working on strategy (thinking of a plan) and working together as a


4. ( 4 min.) Students will be given instructions for playing “Santa’s Chimneys” and a

few safety rules: running safely in a group, no pushing a “santa” out or blocking a

“santa” from coming in.

i. They will be counted off by 1, 2, 3, 4… and split into groups of 3, with

the “4s” all together. There will be at least two less groups of 3 than

there is of the number 4s. Game is played on the court. Have 3

students join hands to make a chimney.  Have the other player ( 4 )

inside the circle to represent the Santas.  Leave a couple Santas

without chimneys, in other words you need a couple less chimneys

than you have Santas.  On the teachers signal, all Santas must leave

their chimney and try to find another one.  The Santas that do not find

a chimney are encouraged to find a chimney on the next round. To add

more movement, after the first round, have the chimneys run/ walk fast

as groups around the gym, while the Santas try to get inside- once a

Santa is inside the chimney must stop moving. After a couple of

rounds, switch around so that Santas can become trees, vice versa. (15

min) Play “Capture the Lion” *Participation check list*

5. (15 min) Game, Play “Santa’s Chimneys”

6. ( 2 min) Closing

“Great job today! Everyone followed directions. What did we

practice today? You have shown good teamwork!”

IMPACT – Prepared after the lesson is taught.
Reflection/Analysis of Teaching and Learning

REFINEMENT - Prepared after the lesson is taught.

Lesson Extension/Follow-up

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