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Southwest Consortium for the Improvement of Mathematics and Science Teaching

Fall 1994 • Volume 1, Number 2

Cooperative Learning

Models That Promote

Cooperative Learning Cooperative learning has been a popular topic in educational circles

PAGE 3 for more than a decade. Researchers and practitioners have found that
students working in small cooperative groups can develop the type of
Estimation: Building

Mathematical Power intellectual exchange that fosters creative thinking and productive problem-
PAGE 4 solving. This issue of Classroom Compass will look at some aspects of
cooperative learning and ways it can be implemented in your classroom.
Pumpkin Exploration:
An Elementary Activity How It Works
The large oak tree outside the high is real. These groups exchange
Choosing a Company school campus shades a stone pic- questions and explanations that
Site: A High School nic table. It is a favorite spot for are rich and intense.
Mathematics Activity students to gather and talk about Informally, such small group
PAGE 6 dating, sports, TV, and, some- interaction is common. Students
times, homework and upcoming have always gathered together to
Statistics: A Reflection
exams. Informal study groups practice and study. But there is a
of Our World
meet there to discuss particularly growing acknowledgment that com-
troublesome aspects of algebra or bined with whole group instruction
Resources for the chemistry. You can tell intellectu- and individual work, cooperative
Cooperative Classroom al work is occurring: the concen- learning should be a regular part of
PAGE 10 tration is evident, the seriousness the week’s classroom instruction.
Student interaction makes
Reading List for Cooperative Learning cooperative learning powerful.
To accomplish their group’s task,
Andrini, Beth. Cooperative Learning & Mathematics: A Multi-Structural Approach. San Juan Capistrano, students must exchange ideas,
CA: Kagan Cooperative Learning, 1991.
make plans, and propose solutions.
Aronson, Elliot., et al. The Jigsaw Classroom. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1978.
Thinking through an idea and
Artzt, Alice F., and Claire M. Newman. How to Use Cooperative Learning in the Mathematics Class.
Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1990.
presenting it in a way that can be
Cohen, Elizabeth G. Designing Groupwork. 2d ed. New York: Teachers College Press, 1994.
understood by others is intellectual
Hassard, Jack. Science Experiences: Cooperative Learning and the Teaching of Science. Menlo Park,
work and will promote intellectual
CA: Addison-Wesley, 1990. growth. The exchange of alternative
_______. Minds on Science: Middle and Secondary School Methods. New York: HarperCollins, 1992. ideas and viewpoints enhances that
Johnson, David W., and Roger T. Johnson and Edythe Johnson Holubec. Cooperation in the Classroom. growth and stimulates broader
Rev. ed. Edina, MN: Interaction Book Company, 1991. thinking. It is the teacher’s job to
_______. The New Circles of Learning: Cooperation in the Classroom and School. Alexandria, VA: encourage such exchanges and
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1994.
structure the students’ work so
Sharan, Shlomo, and Shachar, Hana. Language and Learning in the Cooperative Classroom.
New York: Springer-Verlag, 1988.
their communication is on-task
Slavin, Robert E. Cooperative Learning: Theory, Research, and Practice. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
and productive.
Prentice-Hall, 1990.
continued on page 2

Cooperative Learning, continued

In addition to intellectual growth, Provide the groups a space

cooperative learning enhances where they can work together.
students’ social and personal devel- Students should be able to sit in
opment. Group members can learn a circle or across the table from A mix of different abilities, ethnic
to work together in classrooms that each other and work without dis- backgrounds, learning styles, and
reflect the complexity and diversity ruption. The teacher can act as personal interests works best for
of the world. Students’ lives are full a consultant, turning problems productive student teams. One of
of interactions with friends, family back to the group for resolution the benefits of cooperative teams
members and strangers and their and providing feedback on how is the mixing of students who have
futures will find them in jobs that well they are working together. not interacted before. Rather than
require cooperation. The skills that allowing students to choose their
own partners, assign students
are essential for productive group Working Together to teams.
work in the classroom are relevant
Productive groups in the class-
for today and the future.
room rarely happen spontaneous-
ly; simply placing students togeth-
Mathematics and
What It Looks Like er and giving them an assignment Science Cooperation
There are many ways to talk about is not enough. While students The National Council of Teachers of
cooperative learning. While some may choose friends for private Mathematics (NCTM) recommends
teachers use informal one-on-one study groups, it is a different mat- that students be provided opportu-
study groups to bolster skills, other ter to accommodate group mem- nities to work together cooperatively
more formal structures include des- bers in a classroom and complete in large and small groups on signifi-
ignated student roles and specific a project. Students new to cooper- cant problems—problems that arise
steps for completing long-term ative learning may find it difficult out of their experiences and frames
assignments. There is no one “right to focus on the assignment. Many of reference. Group assignments
way” to develop cooperative learn- students have been taught in an should help learners combine new
ing, and teachers must choose independent, competitive atmos- knowledge with prior knowledge,
models and methods that match phere. Those experiences can not leading to the construction of new
their particular teaching styles, be immediately transformed to ideas within the group. Students
students, and lesson content. The produce a cooperative group should question, discuss, make
ways the teacher sets up the learn- member, eager to share and work mistakes, listen to the ideas of oth-
ing groups and designs the assign- with colleagues. ers, provide constructive criticism
ments will determine in part what Introducing students to inter- and summarize discoveries.
the students experience. personal skills is the first step to For example, students might be
Studies of students in coopera- getting the groups to work togeth- given equations to solve that include
tive learning groups indicate that er. Making eye contact, encourag- the use of parentheses. Groups of
two elements enhance student ing fellow group members, using students would work together to
achievement. One is group goals. quiet voices, disagreeing without arrive at best solutions to the prob-
Group members should be inter- hostility—these habits will become lems and then share their solutions
dependent, working to accomplish part of the cooperative group’s and strategies with the whole class.
a common product. Relying on repertoire, but the students will Discrepancies among solutions
the skills of one group member or need practice. Frequent monitor- would stimulate small group analy-
allowing one or two to dominate the ing and reinforcement is essential sis of the procedures used and lead
activity does not result in greater to assure that learning is actually to ideas about rules for governing
understanding for all. occurring in the groups. Establish this situation. During the group
Closely linked to group goals is some rules for group behavior process, the teacher can provide
the second element of individual that promote equal exchanges. assistance when it is needed—con-
accountability. Assignments should For example: ferring with the group about their
be structured so each member • Contribute your ideas—they may solutions, posing questions to keep
accomplishes a specific task. Try be the key to the question the group on track, and providing
to provide opportunities for every encouragement as the group
group member to make a unique • Listen to others’ ideas progresses through the task.
contribution. Student groups that • Give everyone a chance to speak Groups would then report their
work together without differentiated findings and hypotheses to the
tasks (for example, to prepare a • Ask all teammates for help whole class, explaining their
single worksheet) have not shown before asking the teacher use of parentheses to solve
significant achievement benefits. • Use consensus to settle disputes the problems.


Models That Promote Cooperative Learning

Many teachers find that initial efforts to report to bring back to the group. The
set up cooperative learning groups run group then designs a presentation (dis-
into a variety of problems that range courage a strict lecture format) and
from student resistance to inappropriate shares its findings with the entire class.
assignments. It may help to try a model Allow time for discussion at the end of
that can provide organization and the presentation. A class evaluation for
guidance. The models listed here are each presentation can be an effective
Laboratory science is a perfect only a few of many. You will quickly way of providing feedback to the
setting for cooperative learning. see ways to adapt them or develop groups. (Sharan & Shachar, 1988)
The science lab has long been new models that match the Numerous simple models enhance
the place students could become unique requirements of your questioning, discussion, and class pre-
active participants. Use these lab classroom. sentations by structuring the activity in
periods to encourage the interde- In the Jigsaw a cooperative format. Numbered
pendence and cross-student sup- model the student Heads Together is a way of
port of cooperative learning. Try becomes a member reviewing information that has been
structuring the lessons so each of both a learning previously presented through direct
team member has an assigned group and a research instruction or text. This model works
task or question to research and team. After determining well with unambiguous questions
then have group members com- the learning group’s goal, that allow students to come to consen-
pile the results in order to com- the members join research teams to sus. Divide the students into groups of 4
plete the overall task. learn about a particular piece of the and have them number off from 1 to 4.
Younger science students can learning puzzle. Each puzzle piece After the teacher asks the question, the
work cooperatively, too. Studies must be solved to form a complete pic- groups huddle to determine the answer.
have provided evidence that coop- ture. Research can take many forms. The teacher calls a number and the stu-
erative methods are particularly The teacher may want to prepare dents with that number respond.The
effective in grades 2–9. Fewer “expert sheets” that outline readings teacher then has the others agree or
studies have examined grades and questions to obtain the information disagree with a thumbs up or thumbs
10–12. The earlier and more often needed. Or the students can use their down. (Andrini, 1991)
students participate in coopera- own strategies to glean information To encourage responses from
tive groups, the more comfortable through library research, interviewing all students, try Think-Pair-Share.
and skillful they become in them. experts, or experimentation. Upon com- Students pair with a partner to share
All team members can share pletion of the expert teams’ work, the their responses to a question. Students
leadership responsibilities. members return to their original learn- are then invited to share their responses
The individual teacher’s style ing groups and share the results. Class with the whole class. There are a vari-
and the characteristics of a par- discussion, a question-and-answer ses- ety of ways to share, including Stand
ticular class will influence the sion, or a graphic or dramatic produc- Up and Share—everyone stands up
way cooperative learning works. tion will allow the groups to share their and as each student responds he or
Don’t be discouraged if your findings with the class at large. she sits down. Anyone with a similar
efforts don’t achieve the desired (Originally presented by Aronson and response also sits down. Continue until
results immediately. It takes time colleagues, 1978.) everyone is seated. Or do a “quick
for new methods to evolve, and Another model, Group whip” through the class in which stu-
it is very difficult to do it alone. Investigation, is more student- dents respond quickly one right after
Find at least one other colleague directed in its approach. After the another.(Andrini, 1991)
who is interested in cooperative teacher presents an introduction to the
learning and find out more about unit, the students discuss what they
the ways to use cooperative have learned and outline possible top-
groups together. Attend some ics for further examination. From this list
professional development activi- of student-generated topics, each learn-
ties that will broaden your under- ing group chooses one and determines
standing of how to use small subtopics for each group member or
groups effectively. With the sup- team. Each student or group of students
port and help of fellow teachers is responsible for researching his or her
and other colleagues, you will see individual piece and preparing a brief
the benefits of cooperative learn-
ing in your classroom.


This synthesis is based on “Estimation for Grades K–4” from Curriculum and This activity gathers the
Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics by the National Council for Teachers students into cooperative
of Mathematics. Order from NCTM, 1900 Association Drive, Reston, VA 22091, groups to observe, predict,
1-800-235-7566. gather data, set up a record
of their findings and discuss
Children enter school with estima- Young children can estimate the difference between esti-
tion skills. Jill knows she is “about large numbers—the number of mation and exact totals.
6,” Daniel is “a little shorter” than blades of grass in the yard, the Allowing the students to
his sister, and the entire class number of candies in a jar—or determine which characteris-
knows when it is “almost” play- small numbers. Shown a cluster tics they will examine gives
time. This is knowledge based on of ten dots, have students quickly them responsibility for the
experience and it provides a foun- estimate several other clusters of activity and an ownership in
dation for learning to estimate dots as more than ten, fewer than its outcome.
quantities. ten, about ten. Talk about “good” As the groups begin their
Good estimating skills introduce estimates—how close to the exact task, the teacher acts as
students to another dimension of number must an estimate be, and a facilitator, helping them
mathematics. Terms such as emphasize that for some situations start their examinations and
about, near, closer to, between, the exact answer is no better than encouraging participation
almost, and a little less than illus- the estimate. by every group member.
trate that mathematics is more Estimation is especially impor- Each member is responsi-
than exactness or computation. tant when children use calcula- ble for a question, but some
Estimation interacts with number tors. Rough estimates will give of the questions are more
sense and spatial sense to help them enough information to decide complicated than others:
children understand concepts and whether the correct keys were measuring the pumpkins’
procedures. It encourages flexibili- pressed and whether the calculator circumferences and translat-
ty in working with numbers and result is reasonable. Such uses of ing them to inches will take
measurements and gives the estimation reduce the incidence of more time than listing their
student a way to check for reason- errors with calculators, decrease colors. To complete the data
able results. the inappropriate use of calcula- sheet, group members will
It is important to learn a variety tors for simple computation, and need to negotiate and dis-
of estimation methods. For exam- contribute to children’s develop- tribute the work.
ple, a student who needs to know ment of number sense, operation As well as accomplishing
the value of 243 + 479 might esti- sense, and mathematical power. academic tasks, cooperative
mate by thinking, “200 and 400 is In later grades, mathematical groups promote the social
600, 43 and 79 is more than 100, instruction should concentrate on skills necessary for success-
so the sum is a little more than a variety of problem-solving meth- fully working together.
700.” This is “front-end estima- ods. It is not necessary to spend Listening to each other,
tion.” Another way of estimating is: large portions of instructional time assisting one another, shar-
“243 is just under 250, 479 is just on routine computations by hand, ing, and disagreeing in a
under 500, so the sum is less than and students must learn to choose positive way are all skills
750.” This flexible use of rounding between mental calculations, that are required for pro-
provides numbers that are easy to paper-and-pencil computation, or ductive group work. Praise
work with. Someone adept at use of calculators and computers. group members who are
mental computation could esti- Estimation should be a part of the exhibiting those skills.
mate 243 + 479 in another way: students’ repertoire of skills, to be Monitor the groups’ inter-
“24 (tens) + 48 (tens) is 72 (tens) used as a problem-solving method actions, but give them time
so the sum is about 720.” Discuss as well as a way of checking the to work out problems that
various strategies and help stu- reasonableness of results. may occur. If the teacher
dents develop their own methods tries to immediately step in
for solution. and resolve conflicts, the
students will not build the
skills needed for future

P U M P K I N E X P L O R AT I O N :

Pumpkins are fun! Their size 1. How tall?

and color, smell and taste 2. How big around?
make them perfect for chil-
dren’s observation and explo- 3. What color?
ration. In this activity students 4. What is the weight?
in cooperative groups search,
suggest, question, predict, and 5. How many lines on the outside?
estimate the number of seeds
1st Seed Count (Prediction)
in a set of pumpkins. They will
combine mathematical proce- 2nd Seed Count (Estimation)
dures and scientific observa-
3rd Seed Count (Exact Total)
tion to learn more about this
seasonal delight.
predict the number of seeds with- Prediction and Estimation
in. Let the students discuss the When data collection is completed
Divide the students into groups characteristics of the pumpkins and recorded, each group will pre-
of 5 that reflect the diverse abili- and the various ways they could dict the number of seeds in the
ties of your classroom. Each measure and describe them. Some pumpkin and discuss possible
group will examine 3 pumpkins examples might be: How tall? How connections between the number
and record their observations on big around? What about the color, of seeds and the pumpkins’ char-
a chart (see sample). A local the shape? What is the weight? acteristics. Cut the pumpkins
farmer or grocery store may be Does the number of outside open, scoop out the seeds and
willing to donate pumpkins for grooves tell anything? What pulp, separate the seeds and pulp
this activity. about the smoothness of the and let the seeds dry. Each group
pumpkin’s skin? should estimate each pumpkin’s
Brainstorming seed total, then count the seeds
To introduce the activity, have Data Gathering for an exact total.
the whole class discuss what the Individual groups will decide on Post all the groups’ charts and
pumpkins look like from the out- 5 questions to investigate; each compare the exact number of
side and what they might look group member is responsible for 1 pumpkin seeds with the predic-
like on the inside. Talk about question. If the group decides to tions and estimations. How differ-
roasting and eating pumpkin measure the pumpkins, the stu- ent are the totals? Do you need an
seeds as snacks. If they were dents can use string to make the exact total to plan a snack? What
going into the grocery store and measurements, plot the string about a farmer who will harvest
looking for a pumpkin with many lengths on a meterstick or yard- the seeds of pumpkins in a field?
seeds, how would they know stick, and translate the findings to Do pumpkins with similar charac-
which one to choose? The the group’s chart. teristics have similar seed counts?
mission: determine what charac- Do there appear to be any rela-
teristics, if any, tionships between pumpkin char-
would help acteristics and the seed counts?


C H O O S I N G A C O M PA N Y S I T E :
Make the connection between mathematics and the working world in this scenario tied to your
community. Students in working groups gather information from printed and local sources and
get a glimpse of the cooperation required when businesses grapple with important choices.

The Scenario Advisory and Data Groups reconvene and examine the data.
A local company wants to build a Each student will work in 2 It is up to each Site Advisory
new facility. It has narrowed its different groups. First, the Site Group to interpret the data, com-
possibilities to five cities but it will Advisory Group, a team of 5 or 6 pare characteristics, choose a site
require some additional data to students, is responsible for mak- and present its findings. Try to
make its final decision. The com- ing a site recommendation. The enlist community members, per-
pany needs a prediction of the Site Advisory Group members will haps from the industry in ques-
conditions at the chosen site in join different Data Groups, which tion, to serve as the reviewing
the year 2010, based on trends will focus on a particular topic board of directors.
from the 1970, 1980, and 1990 (e. g., a Water Group, a Tax Base
censuses. The board of directors Group) and gather information for
will receive recommendations and the five locations. At the conclu-
determine the final selection. sion of the data gathering phase,
the Site Advisory Group members
An introductory class discussion
can focus on several questions: Resources Needed: •Other publications of the Bureau of
How is the census information The census is a fruitful source of mathe- the Census. Detailed information on
gathered? Do the numbers repre- matics activities for older students. It is a most aspects of the census can be
sent samples or exact counts? sophisticated estimation based on limit- obtained in separate publications
Who categorizes the responses? ed data and students should understand from the Government Printing
How are the data interpreted and its strengths and limitations.Coordinate Office. Ask your librarian.
presented? this activity with the school librarian or •Magazines. Money, Forbes and
community library resources. One of the other magazines rank locations by
Brainstorming most useful resources is the Statistical various factors. Encyclopedias and
The class will determine what fac- Abstract of the United States, a one-vol- almanacs also have information on
tors a company must consider ume condensation of census data that is specific areas.
when choosing a new location. in most school or community libraries.
Topics might include per capita Other useful references include: Materials Needed for the
income, educational levels in the Presentations:
•Annual reports. Generally
proposed area, water use, tax Graph paper, blank transparencies,
available for free from
base, and available recreational easels with butcher paper pads,
publicly owned compa-
facilities. Move the discussion to markers, tape, and other items as
nies. Allow about 2–3
local industries and finally exam- needed.
weeks for delivery.
ine one that can be the focus of
the class activity. The list of topics
will depend on the industry cho-
sen. A lumber company, for exam-
ple, would look for a different type
community than would a high
tech firm. Help the class determine
what characteristics are important
and have them list 5–10 topics
they will examine. They will also
need to choose 5 possible sites for
the relocation.



This activity is set up in a This synthesis is based on “Statistics for Grades 9–12” from Curriculum and
Jigsaw structure—the student Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics by the National Council for Teachers
groups must break into of Mathematics. Order from NCTM, 1900 Association Drive, Reston, VA 22091,
research teams that examine 1-800-235-7566.
one aspect of the problem,
then return to their original Collecting, representing, and pro- learn to interpret results intelli-
groups to share their findings cessing data are important activi- gently. The notions of random-
and put the entire “puzzle” ties in today’s society. Through ness, representativeness, and bias
together. the media, in the natural and in sampling will enhance their
Successful work in the social sciences, in advertising ability to evaluate statistical
two groups will require claims and legal proceedings we claims. Students headed for col-
negotiation, communication, are confronted with data that has lege should also be able to apply
reasoning, and cooperation. been summarized, analyzed, and their understanding of sampling
The students will need to dis- transformed. To function in the in designing their own experi-
cuss mathematical concepts modern world, students should ments to test hypotheses.
and ensure that they gather learn to apply such techniques as Students should be aware that
relevant data. Every student simulations, sampling, fitting bias can arise in the interpretation
must join an expert group curves, testing hypotheses and of results as well as in sampling:
and research a topic. Without drawing conclusions. They will the interpreter’s predisposition or
each member’s contribution, need such tools to solve problems expectation may strongly affect
comparisons will be incom- and evaluate the statistical claims the message derived from the sta-
plete and the group will not they encounter daily. tistical results. Such bias often
be able to make a recom- The study of statistics in grades occurs in the presentation and
mendation. 9–12 should build on understand- interpretation of data gathered for
Each group should present ings of data analysis methods political purposes and advertising.
its findings in a meaningful begun in the elementary and mid- College-bound students should
way and should be free to dle grades. Students should learn be familiar with such distributions
determine what methods— the qualified nature of statistical as the normal, Student’s t,
single speaker, written analysis and the role statistics Poisson, and chi square. They
reports, visual presenta- plays in straddling the exactness should be able to determine when
tions—to use. of mathematics and the subjective it is appropriate to use these dis-
The Advisory Groups
world of individual opinion. They tributions in statistical analysis
should contain as broad a
should be encouraged to apply (e.g. to obtain confidence intervals
mix of students as possible
statistical tools to other academic or to test hypotheses). Instruction
so different interests and
subjects through student-opinion should focus on the logic behind
abilities can be shared. They
polls for social studies, word or the process in addition to the
will learn the importance of
letter counts for English, or plant- test itself.
trusting team members and
growth records for biology. Such Statistical data, summaries,
can call on the knowledge of
the others. Together they cre- out-of-school activities as athletics and inferences appear more fre-
ate a larger and better pic- provide further opportunities quently in the work and everyday
ture of the site than they for immediately relevant data lives of people than any other form
could alone. analysis. of mathematical analysis. All high
By choosing an industry Computing technology allows school graduates must acquire the
that is relevant to the com- quick and precise calculation and capabilities identified in this stan-
munity, the students can presentation of data. The study of dard. This expectation will require
gather data from local statistics should add an under- that statistics be given a more
sources. By enlisting commu- standing of the appropriateness of prominent position in the high
nity members to serve as measures for a given problem and school curriculum.
the board of directors, you what such measures as mean,
can emphasize the impor- variance, and correlation can tell
tance of mathematics to the about a problem. Students must
work world.


GIFT: Growth Initiatives research a question, write a
for Teachers. A Grant Program script, and submit it on audio-
for Mathematics and Science tape. The winning programs
Teachers. are played on Earth & Sky,
Offered by the GTE Foundation, which is broadcast all over the
the GIFT program supports world via the Armed Forces
excellence in the teaching of sec- Radio Network, as well as more
ondary science and mathematics than 500 stations in the U.S.
and encourages the integration The deadline for submission is
of these disciplines into school May 15, 1995.
curricula. It also gives classroom Earth & Sky
teachers the opportunity to You may have heard the Earth & For further information contact:
update their subject knowledge Sky programs on your radio: 2- Byrd & Block Communications
and undertake innovative pro- minute interludes that focus on PO Box 2203
jects. The grants are available in earth science and astronomy. Austin, Texas 78768
32 states (including Arkansas, The brief commentaries, aired 512-477-4441
New Mexico, Oklahoma and over public and commercial sta-
Texas) and total $12,000 for the tions, often provide an unexpect-
mathematics/science teaching ed and welcome glimpse of the
team: $7,000 for a school natural world in the midst of Top
enrichment project and $5000 Forty music and dateline news.
($2,500 for each team member) Earth & Sky sponsors a “Young
for professional development Producers” contest that encour-
activities. ages students, grades 1–12, to
produce their own 2-minute
For further information about radio spots. Students
this grant program, call


What is the CITMAS Staff:

Southwest Wesley A. Hoover, director

Glenda Clark, senior training associate

Consortium? Marilyn Fowler, senior training associate

Farley Halverson, senior training associate

The Southwest Consortium for the Marilyn Irving, senior training associate
Improvement of Mathematics and
Gary Ketterling, senior training associate
Science Teaching (SCIMAST) is one
Texas Math & Science Hotline of ten Eisenhower Mathematics Jackie Palmer, senior training associate
Got a question for a mathe- and Science Regional Consortia Barbara Salyer, senior training associate
matician? Would your students established by the U.S. Department
benefit from contact with a Maria Torres, senior training associate
of Education. SCIMAST supports
practicing scientist? Try this systemic reform through a variety Jack Lumbley, evaluation associate
telephone service sponsored of activities and services: by offer- Mary Jo Powell, technical writing associate
by the Texas Society for ing and supporting professional
Biomedical Research. The Sharon Adams, information specialist
development, by helping states
Hotline is building an impres- develop a vision of mathematics Lori Snider, administrative assistant
sive list of professionals from and science education, and by Veronica Lopez, administrative secretary
private practice, universities, encouraging the use of appropriate
industries, and government Dawn McArdle, administrative secretary
instructional materials, methods,
agencies who work in some and assessments that support
area of mathematics or science. educational reform.
When questions come in from SCIMAST was funded in the fall
students or teachers, the of 1992 through a 3-year grant,
request is referred to an appro- grant number R168R20003-94,
priate source. The Hotline tries from the U.S. Department of Classroom Compass is a publication
to link questioners with some- Education’s Eisenhower National of the Southwest Consortium for the
one from their local area to Program for Mathematics and Improvement of Mathematics and
encourage visits to classrooms Science Education. Third year Science Teaching (SCIMAST) project,
and workplaces. Callers from funds for SCIMAST total sponsored by the U.S. Dept. of
outside the state can also $1,348,100, representing 75 per- Education under Grant Number
access this handy number, cent of the project’s cost. An addi- R168R20003-94. The content herein
although the responding scien- tional $499,367 is provided from does not necessarily reflect the views of
tist will probably not be from nonfederal sources, making up 25 the department or any other agency of
their hometown. Phone lines percent of project costs. SCIMAST the U.S. government. The Classroom
are open 24 hours a day, is operated by the Southwest Compass is distributed free of charge
staffed during normal working Educational Development to public and private schools of
hours and connected to an Laboratory (SEDL) as part of the Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico,
answering machine after Center for the Improvement of Oklahoma, and Texas to support
hours. The number is Teaching in Mathematics and improved teaching of mathematics and
1-800-566-5066. Science (CITMAS). science. The SCIMAST project is locat-
ed in the Southwest Educational
Development Laboratory (SEDL) at 211
East Seventh Street, Austin, Texas
78701; (512)476-6861/800-201-7435.
Associate Editors: Sharon Adams and
Mary Jo Powell with assistance from
the Editorial Committee, Glenda Clark
and Marilyn Irving. Special thanks to
Gary Ketterling for the Pumpkin
Exploration Activity and the rest of
the CITMAS staff for their help.

Publication design by Jane Thurmond, Tree Studio


Resources for the Cooperative Classroom

The Adventures of Get It Together: Math The Great Solar System Mars City
Jasper Woodbury Problems for Groups, Rescue Alpha
Combining cooperative Grades 4–12 This astronomical adven- In this classroom simula-
groups and mathematical With over 100 mathemat- ture on videodisc launches tion for grades 5–8, stu-
problem solving, this ics problems, this collec- students (grades 5–8) into dent teams design the first
videodisc program for mid- tion is designed for use the year 2210 on a quest human habitat for Mars.
dle school students was with cooperative groups. for missing space probes The year is 2043 and the
developed by the Learning Each activity provides six lost in our solar system. teams must study ques-
Technology Center at clue cards, each of which Using clues from a variety tions concerning biological
Vanderbilt University. Each gives a piece of informa- of disciplines including life support, health and
of the six episodes, present- tion that will help solve geology, meteorology, his- recreation, governance,
ed on 3 videodiscs, begins the group problem. tory, and astronomy, geology and meteorology.
with a short movie that Interactive sharing from cooperative teams locate The heart of the boxed kit
sets up a problem and each cardholder is essen- the missing satellite and is the student Mission
poses a challenge. Whether tial to find an answer. The choose one of several sug- Manuals, which provide
stuck, out of gas, in a book covers a variety of gested rescue strategies. A detailed discussion of the
motorboat on a darkening mathematical topics video library of stills and various challenges con-
lake, or plotting the course including numbers and action clips about astro- fronting the designers. The
for a 5-mile race, the kids operations, logic, geome- nomical phenomenon kit’s additional resources
and adults in these engag- try, probability, measure- accompanies the struc- include color posters,
ing scenarios present ment and functions. Each tured activities and greatly activity booklets, and a
believable dilemmas to be topic area includes activi- expands the possibilities glossy magazine-format
solved with mathematical ties of varying difficulty, for extended use. Clips manual on Mars. The
and analytic skill. Content and a handy grid at the range from a still repre- teams come together after
areas include: the relation- back of the book matches sentation of the mass of completing their individual
ship between distance, rate grade levels and topics Jupiter to a computer sim- assignments and the
and time (trip-planning with activities. The book ulation of a moonscape entire class designs the
episodes); the use of proba- also offers advice on using based on data sent back Martian city. The project
bility and statistics (devel- cooperative learning in the by the Voyager probe. The can take from 4 to 9
oping business plans); the classroom. authors estimate the pro- weeks.
use of geometry (map read- Available from: gram can take from 4 to Contact:
ing). The problems are EQUALS Project 12 class periods. Challenger Center for Space
designed for small group Lawrence Hall of Science Available from: Science Education
exploration—they require University of California Tom Snyder Productions 1055 North Fairfax Street
planning, research, collabo- Berkeley, CA 94720 80 Coolidge Hill Road Suite 100,
ration, and problem solv- 1-510-642-1823 Watertown, MA 02172-2817 Alexandria, VA 22314
ing. An accompanying 1-800-342-0236 1-703-683-9740
Cost: $15.00
notebook includes repro-
Available for Mac Cost: $85.
ducible lesson materials,
3 1/2 (2 Megs,
teaching tips and addition-
color) or Windows
al activities to enhance
3 1/2
problem solving.
(256 K)
Available from:
Cost: $299.95 for kit
Optical Data
includes 1 videodisc,
teacher guide and student
30 Technology Drive
report booklets and
Warren, NJ 07059
blackline masters
Available for Mac with
4 MB of RAM and hard
disk drive, running System
6.0.7 or later.
Cost: Six episode set $1,795;
Individual discs (two episodes)


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